Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
am an active woman and I like to confectionate fun and happiness around me and I also like to look attractive. I think that it makes others happy when they see a nice person not only on the outer perspective but the inner as well. I would like to give joy and to be an inspiration to my only one. I am a kind, sensitive and sociable person. I easily find common cultures with different people. I prefer a quiet way of life, dona€™t like to make fuss and be in a hurry, easy going and open minded, like to look at life from a very good and brighter side even if the whole world is up on my shoulders.. Life is certainly short so lets make the best of it once we have the chance to explore and share the greater things we have been blessed with from above..I want to see a reliable, intelligent and caring man by my side with whom I would spend every clipa of my life with. I would like to fill our home with harmony and tenderness, to present my beloved with smiles and feel every second that he is happy with me. 10+ relatie, casatorie
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
sunt ice, deci spun totul prin asta, dar.... sunt si baby, deci alege ce vrei sa fiu si am sa fiu intocmai contrariul.. sunt o fata simpla modesta nus materialista am o dificultate de sanatate ma tratez am epilepsie caut un baiat sincer onest si sa incerce sa ma cunoasca candva sa traga concluzi NU VREAU AVENTURA .VREAU CEVA STABIL BAZAT PE RESPECT !!! sunt o fata serioasa si hotarata.ROG SERIOZITATE CEI CU AVENTURI NU DORESC. numai buna de lins in talpa... ba nu, urma de la talpa... nimic special, doar o raza calduta, pentru a ma face sa ma topesc..
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Buna rau
Sexy I am a sweet lady that has a sense of humor, bubbly, adventurous and open-minded person. I really love to explore new things. I like meeting new people. I am currently working. I am efficient in any way. I have a supportive and loving family. I hope this time; I will finally meet the man of my dreams I am searching for a man who will love me with all his heart. I want a man, who will be honest with me, responsible, loving and have a sense of humor. Someone who is willing for a long-term commitment. Age does not matter to me. I am sensitive, fragile, emotional, bright, kind and very optimistic woman. I am live my life on full. I am a woman who achieves a lot in this life but I miss one thing. The great love of my life. If you like adventure then I invite you to my world! I need man who will become my partner, lover, best friend. Who is active, without bad habits. Open to a new experiments! Go ahead! I am waiting Par satean-negru ochi caprui sexy Sa vb cu cineva bun
Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
vezi tu........... Cred ca este evident din pozele mele ca nu sunt genul care sa caute aventuri, va rog nu va deranjati cu propuneri "jucause". Mama a unui baiat de 14 ani. De ce sa insir calitatile mele, nu vad relevanta, din moment ce ar fi doar parerea mea subiectiva. Caut un om bun, integru, cald, cu care sa simt ca se afla acea conexiune. Și sa stie ce vrea si ce iubita cauta, nu din ala care le incearca pe toate fiindca nu se poate hotari. Nu sunt creata pentru a trai singura, am resurse inepuizabile de afectiune de daruit cui se va dovedi ca merita. Atentie: nu raspund celor fara poze sau cu poze doar cu ochelari de soare(adica =0), fiindca masculii adevarati nu au nimic de ascuns! Ai intrat in hora, joaca dupa reguli, adica pune-ti poza, ca asta-i ideea. Suntem pe o platforma online pentru socializare/dating, initial nu avem decat o poza pentru a atrage atentia cuiva. Daca ne ajuta putin si capul (gramatica) mai avem si varianta de a ne face remarcati cu primele fraze pe care le adresam. De exemplu, daca ma abordezi cu "ce faci draga, deranjez? " nu raspund, din motive evidente. Daca motivele nu iti par evidente, reprezinta ca nu suntem pe analogica extindere de unda. Nu-i bai, are balta peste, nu-i asa? Inca ceva: inainte de a-mi cere sa vorbim in alta parte, ar necesita sa ma convingi ca meriti, anume sa avem o interactiune aici din care sa reiasa ca ar putea fi ceva intre noi. traditional pe cineva potrivit mie
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
sociabila,simtul umorului...........restul descoperiti!!! Femeia Varsator este o "electrica": are capacitatea de a "electrocuta" pe oricine vine in contact direct cu ea. In limbaj obisnuit, se poate spune ca socheaza. Are ochi foarte frumosi prietena Varsator, ca ai nimanui altcuiva. Putini sunt cei ce o pot privi mai mult decat cateva fractiuni de secunda. Chiar de culoare lor, acesti ochi au ceva aparte in ei, lumina lor vine din alta galaxie si patrunde in extrem multiple universImaginatia femeii Varsator nu cunoaste limite si rafinamentul ei sexual nu accepta nici o impotrivire. Relatiile ei merg dupa formula "totul sau nimic"! uri. placut
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Sunt o persoana sociabila si vreau sa-mi fac noi prieteni. Ce pot sa spun despre mine? Nu sunt genul sa ma laud... Tot ce pot spune este ca sunt o fire glumeata, romantica, iubitoare si sufletista. Am trecut prin multe-n viata si singuratatea si-a construit culcus in inima si sufletul meu. Ma faciliteaza cineva sa depasesc momentul?! ce caut? cred ca e o intrebare grea,deoarece de cind m-am nascut caut ceva anume, dar cu certitudine acel ceva ,nu stiu daca gasesc. In rest, caut prieteni cu care sa mai pot schimba doua vorbe la necaz sau bucurie.NU MA INTERESEAZA AVENTURA SI NICI RELATIA SUPERFICIALA SAU CEA IN CARE SA AM LOCUL DOIa€¦ Incerc doar sa caut acel OM, alaturi de care sa pot construi o relatie in care iubirea reciproca sa depaseasca nevoile fiecaruia si in care sa functioneze armonios, comunicarea si respectul; iubirea si sinceritatea; securitate si incredereaa€¦ Inca mai sper sa-l gasesc pe acela care stie ca nu poate cere si darui dragoste fara ca ea sa existe mai intai sadita in suflet si ca scopul unei relatii nu este acela de a avea alaturi o persoana care sa te desavarseasca, ci de a avea alaturi pe cineva cu care sa impartasesti si sa imparti desavarsirea ta ... VA ROG SA NU MA CONTACTATI DACA NU DETINETI POZA .... cu siguranta ma vei vedea si pe mine.. NU-MI PLACE SA DISCUT CU UMBRELE.... IAR PE CEI: SUB 47 DE ANI, DORNICI DE AVENTURI, CASATORITI SI PE CEI CARE AU CONTRACT CU ALCOOLUL, II ROG SA MA IGNORE....VA MULTUMESC! Cei singuri sunt pasari, cu o singura aripa ..... Daca iti cauti cealalta aripa si vrei sa vezi daca e la mine, daca iti poftesti sa descoperim impreuna cat de compatibile ne sunt aripile, daca vrei sa-mi arati si sa vezi ce este dincolo de chip si aspect fizica, daca vrei sa ne bucuram laolalta de fiecare etapa si sa lasam fiecare pas firesc sa-si puna amprenta in sufletele noastre, atunci hai sa vedem daca imbratisandu-ne putem zbura .... Nu stim ce o sa fie, dar putem incerca daca si numai daca ne dorim amandoi acelasi fapt si daca sinceritatea ne ghideaza spre aceiasi destinatie..... CHIAR CAT CONTUR PRINDE UN DIALOG VIRTUAL, UN GRAM DE TIMP PETRECUT FATA IN FATA, CANTARESTE CAT O TONA DE CUVINTE SPUSE SAU SCRISEa€¦Cred in compatibilitate,in dorinta de a comunica,de a-l intelege pe celalalt cu bune si cu rele,in echilibru , in armonie. Cred in intalnirile providentiale pur si simplu:adica doi oameni se intalnesc si daca intre ei functioneaza acea "chimie" a atractiei in toate planurile, nu numai carnal,atunci ei se simt bine impreuna.E simplu- nu e marketing sentimental.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
O fata simpla I love to laugh and have fun.. Life is to short, to not enjoy every moment. I love just about all kinds of music...I'm very easy going, and I'm very comfortable in whatever I do . I'm a single woman who is looking for someone who I can share my life with. I am Strong, open and honest woman (sometimes too honest) who is looking for the same in a man....I just want to find that rarisim someone. I've been alone for a while and I've enjoyed it, but I think now it's time to start looking again. I love Spontaneity and Romance. . I would Love to share the experiences with someone special!! I would love to drive around the country, finding little traveled or out of the way places.I am enjoying doing things for me, But I would love to have a lovely man to share it with. weather that be staying home and making dinner together, driving up the coast with, a nice weekend wine tasting in Nap or reading the newspaper curled up together on Sun morning. Well I guess that it for now so if you like what you read email me, I would love to hear from you. Atletic Tot ce e bun
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
i can not complain about me Positive, funny, passionate, loving, affectionate, honest, love children and helping others. Love to conversate, cook, clean, travel and live life to the fullest. Independant, reliable, honest, sensitve, hard worker, energetic, enthusiastic i think not bad man who invites me to travel abroad
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Hmmm....niciodata nu mi-a placut sa ma autocaracterizez,insa..daca tot sunt aici :P Sunt o persoana spontana,imi place sa rad mult si sa fiu mereu in miscare...ador muzica si \"interactiunea interpersonala\" :D Ohh that hurts :P Aici prefer sa nu ma exprim, sa aprecieze altii..uite-asa!! Nu caut nimic,insa accept mai tot :) curiozitatea m-a impins aici...insa nu strica nicicand amici de peste tot, nu?Rock on :D
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
va las pe voi sa ma descoperiti...:P I am 34 years old, live and work in a small town, and I very rarely get out enough to meet anyone. I have been told that I am very unique, unlike anyone you\'ll ever meet. I have never had a drink and don\'t intend to, never had a smoke and don\'t intend to...I believe in doing things God\'s way. I\'m not corect by any means, but I try to do my best. I am looking for a real man who desires to do the same in his life. For anyone who is reading this, I must tell you...having not ever had a drink in my life, I tend to be a little uncomfortable with those who do at first, but please don\'t hold that against me. I just want that to be known up front. I\'m also looking for someone who values family and wouldn\'t mind me taking care of my mother...because that\'s what I do for the most part. She has Alzheimer\'s and pretty much depends on me for...a whole lot. I am looking for someone who will understand that, respect that...and like me anyway. Bottom line is this...I\'m truly looking for God\'s best in my life. I\'ve been yanked around by losers for far too long. I\'m tired of playing games. I want someone who is honest, dependable, trustworthy, loyal, ...a man dedicated to doing it God\'s way. That would be wonderful! Not limited or rationed based on rules, conditions, requirements or criteria. Those things hinder our ability to Love beyond short comings, having vision to see beyond where a person is but where they\'re going; not what they are today; but what they will become tomorrow. Before our conception, Jesus already knew we were going to break His heart yet He still Loved Us, Unconditionally! His Love allowed Him to bear our afflictions, the weight of the cross He would be nailed to & left hanging then Giving His Life that we may Have Life, that\'s real Love.(You feel me)I\'m looking for a God fearing Christian man that lives to worship his Father in heaven... If you can relate and have a true relationship with God please feel free to atingere me. Have a Blessed day. Atletica:) barbatul desavarsit care NU exista!!!!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Sunt o persoana desfatatoare , sociabila si intelegatoare cand e cazul Ori de cate ori iubirea se apropie bataile inimii se opresc Ori de cate ori iubirera se apropie viata devine mai neobisnuita . Fara sa iubesti viata este incompleta si in aceasta lume fara iubire nu merita sa traiesti. Iubirea este cea mai mare tarie din aceasta lume si fara iubire nu suntem nimmic. satisfacator Caut un barbat care sa ma respecte , sa ma iubeasca si sa imi ofere o siguranta din toate punctele de vedere
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
no coment Sentimentala, sincera, corecta si cinstita .NU iubesc infidelitatea , violenta de indiferent ce fel, nu iubesc alcoolismul. IUBESC respectul, increderea si intelegerea. Vorbele frumoase si mangaierile sunt bine venite. Sunt romantica si linistita simpatic just fun
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Sunt o persoana sociabila mereu in cautare de noi prietenii,imi plac glumele de bun simt,am simtul umorului extrem dezvoltat I am a creative person, I love everything new and interesting. In life, I look for stability in relationships. I think that I can find a person with whom we will have a lot in common and we will be happy together,I am sincere, cheerful, attentive, kind, sexy, elegant, energetic, hardworking, optimistic, intelligent, sociable, reliable, creative, active, emotional, and purposeful. bruneta,ochii albastri,fizic satisfacator socializare si de ce nu prietenii
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
"Life is too short to drink a bad wine!" ...so..it's the same with men and women...life is too short to spend it with the wrong person. I am here only for the special one...if there is any men like this on this site...About me...someone said this better in a famous movie : "I have a head for business and a body for pleasure" :))...I hate stupid people and lazy men. Be smart if you want to impress me!!!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
vei vedea I am a very fun, romantic, kind, loyal, caring, affectionate and bright lady. A woman that doesn t care about what you have, but who you are. I am easy going and get along very well with people. I am easy to get to know and enjoy people very much. normal ceea ce imi trebue in functie de moment
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
hmm...nu vrei sa afli singur? You never know what is waiting for you and what does future has for you.I had good and bad experiance in life like every person did.But the main is that i did not loose hope to find my true love.I believe that dreams come true if you really want them to. tu ce ai zice ? persoane educate,interesante,responsabile...care stiu ce vor de la viata..cu care poti sa ai o conversatie,fara fite si figuri...:)
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
I guide myself by honesty, reliability and kindness.Would like to see/find someone to start a friendship with at first. What I'm looking for is someone who is honest, loyal, a great communicator, who trusts me and vice versa, I can trust him. I would like to meet someone who is down to earth, understanding, easy going, loves animals and has a good sense of humor. dupa cum se vede nu conteaza
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
O fire cu simtul umorului... i love to travel. People are my passion . I am happiest when I am serving your needs and turning your fantasies into reality. Sensuality and eroticism are my key components. I am petite, all natural. I love lingerie, a good conversation, and a sense of humor.I like to go horseback riding in the summertime and skiing in the winter. Hope to make some magic with you soon. Kisses.Please i don't like italians they are fake,i love just english or german people so don't insist.Thx.Clediane. Vei vedea.. Baietii cu care am ce vb
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Sunt o persoana originala.Greu de cunoscut... De ce ??? Te rog privesti in adancul sufletului, nu a decolteului meu , si sunt sigura ca nu vei mai pune atatea intrebari! Sensibila... dar categoric declaratiile tale de dragoste facute la 99% din fetele din lista ta nu ma vor impresiona si pe mine!!! Sfat: Incearca sa cunosti omul dincolo de ceea ce pare !!! BINE AI VENIT SAU RAMAS BUN!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
sunt o tipa sociabila...indrasneata, imi place sa fiu tratata ca o printesa...ador sa dansez (in liceu am fost majoreta)! imi pare putin rau ca am terminat... I do my best to keep it real. People are people .we all have flaws. I am strong and independent. I am not materialistic, but I will work hard to get something that I really want. I have a strong family bond and think that family is very important. I also think that friendship is very important. Honesty is a MUST in all relationships. Without honesty and trust, you have nothing. I like to talk, but not too much on the phone. Communicaiton is important, but silence can be good sometimes. I am a thinker. I am laid back, but don't like to be bored. Most people are immediately comfortable with me (if not immediately, then usually never). I am honest, trustworthy, caring and giving. I don't put myself in the category of "most women" as I feel I don't always think like most women If you want to know more (there's lots more to learn about) all you have to do is ask. I AM NOT FULL MEMEBER YET, JUST TRYING IF IT YIELD B4 I WILL REGISTER SO WHEN CONTACTIN ME PLEASE ADD UR EMAIL 167cm, sunt slabuta si obisnuiesc sa ma imbrac in fuste...ador fustele ff scurte...:) caut prieteni...:)
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Sociabila,vesela si onesta.Ce as dorii de la viata ?......o calatorie in jurul lumii de exemplu! Sau..........o viata la tara cu o gospodarie umpluta de animalute..........:) Fidelitatea este importanta pentru mine.Am un miros fin la minciuna :)si daca nu ma accepti asa cum sint nu incerca sa ma schimbi ca te vei lovi de un zid....sfatul meu este sa treci mai departe :)
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
SIMPLA My character is very nice and positive. My life is really full of great amazing events. And I hope that meeting you will be a new great amazing event in my life. I am very positive person. I am a sophisticated lady. My life is bright. I want to share it with the person I love. I am adventurous. I am open for new events in my life. In general I am fun-loving person and I like doing many things.I want to be happy with a man who knows how to love and I know I will make him a happy person. va las pe voi sa decideti relaxare,
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
sunt buna rau.... Sunt o sotie deschisa la nou si provocarilor vietii in limita bunului simt. Sunt de asemenea o iubita ambitioasa, increzatoare in fortele proprii, capabila de sacrificiu si de daruire pentru cei apropiati. Sunt o fiinta comunicativa, de incredere care ascunde adevarul uneori dar o face spre folosul inlocuitorului sau.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
capricioasa, simpatica, echilibrata, iubesc distractiile, dansul, apreciez loialitatea ca o inalta trasatura de caracter(accept o conversatie numai cu cei care au curajul sa-si afiseze chipul-poza pe site)
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
... INCA "vie si desteapta",divortata, activa, educata, malitioasa, rubennsiana, imi doresc impreuna un partener STABIL, NEfumator, LIBER CIVIL, glumet, iubaret !! posta electronica: gina_felix_52 arond...etc. Pe curand !! G. Un mascul care sa ma iubeasca :*
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
mda...sa incerc sa fiu obiectiva...cei apropiati mie ar spune cam asa: sociabila, vesela, inteligenta, spontana, mult prea sincera. eu as sporeste cam tot atatea defecte, dar n-o sa-mi fac acum antireclama, nu?
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
SUNT O FIRE MAI SENSIBILA TRAIESC SINGURA FARA PARINTI SI FARA PRIETEN,IUBIT. Este extrem sa iubesti,dar dragostea unei persoane nu-ti poate umple golul din suflet.Umplerea acestui gol este responsabilitatea ta.Ai necesitate sa iubesti si sa te afirmi pe tine insuti zi de zi,clipa de clipa.Fara iubire de tine insuti,indiferent cat de multa iubire primesti de la masculul tau,nu este de ajuns.A cauta sa obtii iubirea de la o alta persoana reprezinta a te comporta cum ar fi aloolicul care cauta sa obtina fericirea de la o sticla.Cu cat bea mai mult cu atat mai putin satisfacut se simte- si cu atat vrea sa bea mai mult.Toti suntem dependenti de starea de a fi indragostit.Dar,dupa ce am a€žcazuta€œde cateva ori si ne-am rupt cateva oase emotionale,e de asteptat sa devenim putin mai intelepti.Stim ca,mai curand sau mai tarziu,va trebui sa fim autentici unul cu celalalt.Aceasta este deosebirea intre idila si parteneriat.Idila este o incercare de a mentine dependenta.Ea are o viata destul de scurta.Parteneriatul este un dans a doi oameni obisnuiti,care invata sa traiasca impreuna,zi de zi.Este o scoala umpluta de provocari.Adeseori,este mai mult munca decat joaca.Si,cu siguranta,necesita mult mai multa adaptare psihologica,decat pot oferi ani intregi de terapie!Nu absolvim aceasta scoala intr-un an sau doi.Ne trebuie multi ani,poate chiar o viata intreaga,ca sa-i asimilam intreaga programa.Recunosc caci tot ce am scris nu sunt cuvintele mele........insa in profunzimea lor sunt incarcate de mult adevar. PLACUT CAUT O RELATIE ELEGANTA SI SERIOASA INDIFERENT DE VARSTA
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
destul de isteata si cu simtul umorului dezvoltat I am optimistic and active, kind and honest person with good sense of humor. I live with smile. Somebody told me that a smile cost nothing but gives a lot. I think that life is cool stuff and I prefer to enjoy each day of my life. nu ma pot plange....dar daca voi credeti contrariu va puteti plange in alta parte nu la mine nimic special doar o conversatie desfatatoare
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
las la aprecierea voastra I have a curious and analytical mind but I also follow my intuition about situations and people. My thoughts, my words and my actions are in harmony, I am consistent and have integrity. I admire social awareness, a compassionate and kind heart, loyalty, integrity, love to nature, to animals and an interest in global issues I am very romantic and express my feelings in order to achieve good communication. I love being with affectionate,warm people who just love enjoying life at it's fullest! Good manners, kindness and refinement are characteristics I admire in a man. I despise lies, betrayal and emotional manipulation in order to achieve selfish personal interests. creata,ochi caprui,54 kg,1.70 barbat singur,romanic,cu simtul umorului bine dezvoltat,sincer..
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
So often when we realize that all of our existence is longing to be in a couple, to meet the right person and just enjoy the happiness we all long for, i realize that we often think of what this relationship or this person will bring into our life- passion, tenderness, a reason to wake up, yet now i believe that first you have to feel the need not to take but to give, and only now i came to the stateb in my life when i know for sure what i have to offer, i am not searching anyone to complete me, to make my life fuller, I am not looking for my other half, as i believe we all separately already whole, already complete, and relationship is a solid U of two worlds that cherish the power of interaction Blonda sexy,cu simtul umorului f bine dezvoltat,inaltime 1.62 cm cu aspect fizic placut. Caut o femeie bisexuala,sunt novice in domeniu si m ar interesa sa experimentez si aceasta latura.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
persoana placuta.......dar fiecare cu opinia sa I'm loving, caring and an understanding person. Most of all, I'm honest and loyal as well. I'm a hardworking and responsible woman. I'm true and simple by nature. I'm loyal, romantic, faithful, idealistic and trustworthy person. I love being myself always who loves traveling, outdoors and adventures. I'm not a perfect lady, but I'll be a good wife and a good mother to my future children. ok ceva de viata ....o sa vedem,si nu rasp la cei fara poze
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Nu o sa uit ceea ce sunt.../O sa ajung ceea ce visez.../O sa iubesc ce-mi place.../O sa uit ceea ce ma doare.../Nu o sa iert ceea ce mi se greseste.../O sa fiu buna cu cine merita...si rea cu cine trebuie
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Sunt o fata plina de viata doar sa ma cunoasteti Ich bin eine Nette, ehrliche, aufrichtige, aufmerksame, treue Frau, ich möchte echte Gefühle teilen, Wende mich positiv, gute Laune und empathie an. Mit Werten des Respekts, der Gerechten Aufteilung und der menschlichen Wärme. Ich möchte Menschen treffen, die die gleichen Qualitäten haben, nicht egoistisch oder launisch, die Ihre Vergangenheit verdauen und bereit sind, mit der Zukunft zu beginnen. Gibt es noch die große Liebe? ich Suche noch nach der Antwort auf diese Frage, die sich alle stellen, aber ich fange leider an, daran zu zweifeln. Wie Sie vielleicht verstanden haben, Suche ich nach einer ernsthaften und vor allem stabilen Beziehung... Wenn Frauen für Sie Sammlerstücke sind, bitte unterlassen Sie es, wie jeder andere auch. destul de okey un mascul care sa ma satisfaca mai mereu
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
tanara studenta in cautare de trairi noi, orice fantezie este de indeplinit , dorinta ta imi e porunca, detin carnet de sofer deci ma pot deplasa la domiciliu , nu percep niciun fel de taxa o fac din pura satisfactie mica de inaltime , un corp jucaus si un posterior de invidiat mascul solitar dar si nu numai pregatit pentru tot ce am sa ii ofer
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Sunt o persoana mai nebunatica din fire, sunt mereu draguta si simpatica dar daca ceva nu imi comvine...se schimba situatia.. :) Am 25 de ani, sunt o femeie sensibila si pasionala, sexi si deschisa la orice! Apropo este gresita data nasteri la profil 04.04.1995 este data Reala, sunt discreta si atenta la tot Ce misca! Cauta ma si descopera.... Dupa parerea mea..arat ok. La cine nu ii comvine sa nu se bage in seama. Caut ce vreau eu.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
o persoana deosebita I am open minded,friendly,caring, lovely,honest, considerate,faithful and have real good sense of humor. My favorite hobbies would contine the outdoors,and all kinds of sporting activities,hiking,day trips,movies, cooking,and most anything that makes both partners happy dragutza foc prietenii
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Eforie, Constanta Romania
Sunt o fata modesta , fara obligatii in cautarea unei relatii de intinsa durata . Sociabila,optimista, iubesc natura , imi place sa calatoresc desi nu am multe ocazii. Sunt sigura aici si acasa, de acea imi vor un partener cu care sa impartasesc momentele bune si mai putin bune ale vietii, sa putem avea vacante, si un timp de buna calitatate petrecut impreuna. Usor Un barbat care sa iubeasca .