Beautiful, sociable and well educated. Buna domnilor barbatii,care visitati acest chat,SENTIMENTE ,nu ce frumos suna cuvantul SENTIMENTE ,dar ma intreb si va intreb oare mai exista asa ceva ???? Nuuuu ptr ca aici nu ne intalnim ptr a ne etala sentimentele ci ptr nevoile fiecaruia,adica v-au mancat creierii DOMNILOR cu sex in chat ,Azi nu mai cauta nimeni sentimente,ci aventura dar nu reala ci virtuala,eu una nu as putea intelege asta masturbare pe chat,Domnilor v-am etalat niste poze sa zic ca sa va desfatati privirile si sa face-ti ce dorit voi ,dar nu ma mai priviti ca pe doll Barby care este de privit si de neatins ,sunt o femeie ce vrea o relatie cu SENTIMENTE reciproce nu o aventuriera ,Va multumesc ca ati citit si poate asa va dati si voi seama ca mai se afla si oameni cu SENTIMENTE Beautiful, attractive... Beautiful, warm, mannered and intelligent. I am the perfect choice in case you search for qualitative sex,
sexual massage or just nice company with nice and sexy girl. I'm open mind.
I am simple young girl from Romania with a very complicated nature.I am looking for a nice simple man ,he have to be modest to enjoy simple things in life... Sunt o persoana sensibila, sufletista, f. sincera si deschisa. Detest minciuna si falsitatea. Ma aflu aici in debutantul rand ptr prietenie si socializare. Daca sunteti aici ptr aventuri va rog sa nu ma bagati in seama. I am brunette with curves I am looking for a nice man
Sunt nevasta implinita, realizata,sanatoasa si fericita, iubesc,calatorii, sa ma dezvolt, sa traiesc in armonie cu mine.Nu am nevoie de banii nimanui, nu visez sa traiesc peste hotare cu indiferent ce pret, doresc,sper ca undeva pe pamint este casatoritul cu viziune asemanatoare la viata, si desicur sa apara sentinemnul de dragoste, bazat pe respect, o persoana implinita si realizata, care stie ce vrea de la viata, care traieste in prezent nu in trecut.Nu ma intereseaza masculii casatoriti. Omul ale carui membre iti pot sterge lacrimile si iti pot mangaia zambetele...Omul care are timp sa te iubeasca sa iti vorbeasca si sa te imbratiseze...Omul cu care sa razi,sa plangi si sa taci,Omul care sa te priveasca in ochii si sa iti asculte sufletul.Omul care te invata sa evoluiezi si care are incredere in tine...Omul in ochii caruia sa iti vezi viitorul si linistea,...Omul care sa iti fie prezent si viitor, sexy, long-legged, brown and long hair, very female (I think) Ladies only, SEX, sexual mails, SEX, dates / real dates - I am able to visit you in Romania or where ever you live, but only 1 or 2 times a year (when it's time to make holidays) - or if the distance (Romania - Germany) is too long, we could send us emails, or ... you will visit me in Germany...
I am a woman..... Hi!I'm a very sensitive,soft & tender girl who needs to love & to be loved!!!!!I'm looking for my second half & I'm sure that I'll find the one man for's you,,,dear man?????!!!!!!!!!!!! Prin frectie atingerile mele usoare alaturi de miscarile fine si fierbinti te vor conduce spre locuri adanci si fierbinti.....
I have woman body..... Caut masculii iubitori .....
I need a man....
Cu bun simt Am single never married and have no kids. Well I am down to earth and also very open minded and outgoing type . Am honest and loyal. I will like to meet a man I can call my own and spend the rest of my life with Asa si asa Barbati
Mi-as dori sa-mi gasesc sufletul pereche.Sa ma accepte asa cum sunt si cu calitati si cu defecte.Sa-mi dovedeasca ca ma iubeste cu adevarat si sa-mi fie alaturi si la bine si la greu.Barbatul pe care mi-l doresc as vrea sa fie galant,serios ,cu bun simt si prezentabil.
Self Description:I consider myself to be an honest and kind person who is also friendly and warm-hearted. I have a very tender nature. I accept people in a way they are without trying to change them. I am a very romantic lady who appreciates calm moments with a beloved person. I am open and communicative and believe that sincerity in friendship and relations is vital.i am truthful and i don't lie and I hate liars Comments: My grozav man should keep healthy way of life, be attentive to me, kind,, be intelligent and educated and respectful to the other countries cultures. Sani mari,fund mare
o prietena interesanta Cineva care crede ca pozitiv si care pot executa sarcini dificile. Eu nu sunt o persoana care trebuie sa fie gestionate de micro. Mai degraba, atunci cand se administreaza o sarcina specifica, eu pot da seama cele mai bune metode pentru a rezolva complicatie autonom. destul de sexy stiu ce vreau
o corespondenta pe toate planurile
doresc sa i impartasesc toate fantasmele mele
SaNT O FATA CU UN SIMT DEZVOLTAT AL UMORULUI SI CU O DORINTA IMENSA DE A CUNOASTE NOI LOCURI Onesta,loiala,sufletista.dinamica,echilibrata, vor sa gasesc o persoana compatibila.Doresc "peticul"Sa imi corespunda fizic,intelectual, materialNumai cu calitatile prezentate mai sus..Un om pe care sa ma pot baza O persoana cu lumina mintii si a sufletului.O persoana respectoasa,manierata,sufletista,implicata a.i. sa existe emisie-receptie.Sa impletim utilul cu placutul pana la sfarsitul vietii. Sa fie numai armonie.Iubesc natura,florile,linistea.pacea. ELEGANT LOVELY BOYS I am an honest, sincere, loving woman who is looking for someone to share my never dull life with.I have had a interesting life, but too much alone. I am a loyal,honest,romantic,open minded,down to earth and having a great sense of humor. so much respects of other. I am a social person and prefer meeting people in-person, however given the evolution of technology, I think that it is interesting to try something new like this. I am a happy person with a positive outlook on life, laid-back yet energetic, drama free, and easy to talk to
Sunt o persoana ambiÈa€ºioasă, pasionala, cu bun simt, cu umor ,altruista ,Èa„¢i aÈa„¢tept sa intre à ®n viaÈa€ºa mea o persoana potrivită mie. Nu sunt perfectă .Nu caut un mascul perfect. Urasc minciuna Èa„¢i oameni falÈa„¢i.
Salut, caut un prieten care sa ma faca sa rad... pe cineva satul de monotonia vietii care are nevoie de recreere si distratie. Nu ma deranjeaza daca e casatorit, nu doresc o relatie de lunga durata... vreau doar sa traim mare momentul... Se vede in poze... model Pe tine ... un mascul adevarat care stie ce isi ravneste o femeie!
O fire foarte jucausa Nu-mi plac masculi falsi.. minciunile, tatuajele, tigarile, alcoolul. Imi place sinceritatea. Oare mai sunt, acesti barbati, din tot ce doresc eu, de la eii(el) !!! Hmmm. Aici ce vad.. Ff rar ii vezi ca scriu pe profilul lor.. Casatorie sau prietenie. Majoritatea.. Mai multi spun in profilul lor.. Flirt. Este ff elegant sa ai o relatie de prietenie. Dar sa fie ff seriosi. Sa stie, ce vor din tot restul vieti, lor. Doamne ajuta! Multumesc pentru intelegere! Usor Un partener
Frumoassa , desteapta Indiferent de descrierea pe care as putea s o fac eu, ceea ce cred ca va conta deosebit mult, este acea potrivire pe care o cautam toti, completarea reciproca. P.S. Nu voi accepta sa conversez decat cu persoanele destul de serioase si interesate de o relatie serioasa . Multumesc! Eleganta Masculi
I love life and everyone in it.I like nature very much, it inspires me. I like to grow flowers, they create beauty and coziness, I like to cook and I often experiment. I am ready to learn, I lead a healthy lifestyle.Attentive reliable man who is purposeful, who leads an active lifestyle, who loves animals and nature.
destul de sociabila, fara inhibitii I am generally an optimistic person with a sense of humor, fairly easy-going,not easily tempered or upset, and I don't think that I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a relationship to make it work, it needs hardworking,understanding,Loving,caring,truthfulness,faithfulness,God fearing. Royalty,no cheating and most importantly being there to help each other in terms of need,help,etc... you have to be there for each other in every situation no matter what and you should help and if you even dont have you should do all you can to help even risk your life for the sake of Love that you have for each other in this way,there is going to be an endless LOVE nesperat de "simpatik"
I am romantic and life-loving person, I enjoy every second of life and I am looking for a man who would share with me happiness of living in this beautiful world. I am very faithful and reliable and I am dreaming to love and to be loved, to give all the passion and tenderness for my one and only person. Do you think it can be you?
Buna rau
Sexy You have to be prepared to meet the most passionate and adventurous girl. Why be prepared? Because not every man can handle this. I will not pretend to be as everybody, because I am not, and I want to show this at once. But you won't be bored. Par satean-negru ochi caprui sexy Sa vb cu cineva bun
Sunt o nevasta simpla sunt divortata recent am 2 baietei frumosi!!! nu doresc aventuri,eu sunt o fire vesela ,optimista,si putin rebela,.eu caut un mascul adevarat pt mine,si un tata bun pt copii mei!!!! 10+ relatie, casatorie
sunt ice, deci spun totul prin asta, dar.... sunt si baby, deci alege ce vrei sa fiu si am sa fiu exact contrariul.. I am a very positive, loving, caring and giving lady that loves spending a time close to the ocean. I love grilling under the sun on the beach and swimming in the sea or the ocean. I have a positive mindset and try to smile and laugh as often as I can. I believe that every cloud has a silver lining. numai buna de lins in talpa... ba nu, urma de la talpa... nimic special, doar o raza calduta, pentru a ma face sa ma topesc..
I am a very kind and intelligent lady. I can say that I am talented and a lady who is self-confident and knows what she wants in her life! I am loving and caring. My heart is open for serious relationships filled with big and sincere love! My dreams are all about being happy and making happy my only one man!
FOTOMODEL Das erste, was Sie über mich wissen sollte, ist, dass ich ein sehr ruhiger und schüchterner Mensch bin und es dauert einige Zeit, aber wenn die Chance gegeben Ich weiß schließlich beginnen zu öffnen mehr. Aber ich kann ehrlich sagen, dass ich ein lustiger Mensch bin und auf jeden Fall kennen zu lernen .. Ich Einfach und Classy bin. Ich habe einen guten Sinn für Humor, was loyal, fürsorglich, fleißig, intelligent, hübsch, romantisch, fürsorglich, sexy, Götter, brillant, talentiert, lustig und bin Ziele setzen für mich und mein Bestes tun, um diese Ziele zu erreichen, ist sehr wichtig, me .. ich bin liebevoll und zuvorkommend. Ich genieße zu Fuß am Strand, sind Singen und Dancing.My Interessen Musik, Lesen, Natur, Fotografieren, Lesen und verbringt viel Zeit zu Hause mit meinen Hunden. Ich liebe, zu lächeln und ich suche jemanden, der mich glücklich machen und lächeln immer. Ich bin sehr romantisch und leidenschaftlich und ich genieße Kochen. Ich bin ein einmal im Leben einmaliges Angebot, jeder Mann und jede Frau den Traum. Ich bin bereit, auf ein sicheres Fundament zu verlegen eine feste Beziehung und die Bedingungen zu erfüllen .. weil meine Karriere ist der wichtigste Teil meines Lebens verfolgen. "Der Himmel ist die Grenze. PLACUT BARBAT BINE
vezi tu........... So true life is what you make of It, usually people at the new Year eve are busy with revaluating their life, remembering which consiquences were caused by what actions or decisions, trying to make a new prospective and make a plan for tomorrow and a life after, but for me this turning point is today, so what I made of my life so far: made my choice for education- now have even two jobs that help me to discover all sides of my personality- I use my thirst for knowledge working as a teacher in college, and let my creativity out at the performance agency, have an active life, my days are longer than 24 hours, still have time for my favourite books, reazlied my home is where my heart is, know the real meaning of a family, open to life, to new horizonsa€¦ still singlea€¦ still a dreamera€¦ still perfectionist obisnuit pe cineva adecvat mie
Sunt extrovertita, sincera Èa„¢i extrem de mandra.Iert uÈa„¢or dar nu uit nu sunt materialista Èa„¢i à ®mi place frumosul. ÃŽmi plac spectacolele de teatru, concertele Èa„¢i filmele, parfumurile bune Èa„¢i bijuteriile. Asta nu à ®nseamnă ca trebuie sa mi le cumpere partenerul. ÃŽmi place mà ¢ncarea buna. ÃŽmi plac oamenii sinceri. Nu iert minciuna.,
I'm caring, faithful, Loyal, truthful, loving, generous, goals achiever, honest, Spiritual oriented, future driven, Confidential, Understands the ups and downs of life, Committed to relationship, reader, visionary, Conservative, Passionate, romantic, sexy and loving.I love to be fun and spontaneous and enjoy each day finding something joyful to smile about? Satisfacator
Sunt o iubita intensa ,curajoasa ,increzatoare ,entuziasta ,cu sperante mari si mai am de realizat multiple obiective .Sunt inteligenta ,competenta ,perseverenta si creatoare .Stiu sa daruiesc ,sa iert ,sa fiu apropiata de ceilalti si vreau langa mine o persoana cu aceleasi caractere ca mine .Pot sa daruiesc multa iubire ,pretuire si respect si vreau sa primesc la fel .
Cu alta ocazie :D Let me start by saying I have a great life and Iaa‚¬a„¢m just a nice natural lady looking for another nice normal man, Connect with me via rosetrott12 at ya hoo i cant read msg on here cause i am not a s'bscriber I'm single lady I'm new at this online dating stuff, i will need someone that is patient to get along with. I am a person who looks beyond what may be the obvious. Character is worth more than flashiness. I am a person who appreciates honesty and a great sense of humor. I love to laugh and to enjoy the simple things in life....I am a genuine person who tries to see life and people through honest eyes.second one ..I am intelligent, inquisitive and passionate. Simpatica :\">
Furumoasa, nu inseamna neaparat disponibila... Sociabila, doar cu cei la nivel...Pot fi un bun prieten, dar nu tuturor... Pot tolera greseala, dar nu prostia... Caut OAMENI in adevaratul sens al cuvintului... Nu fac discriminare,doar caut calitate si nu cantitate...Cei care vor distractii virtuale, sa nu deranjati, ci sa cautati in alta parte... Daca nu sunteti pe masura unei comunicari inteligente, mai bine treceti pe alaturi... Sunt bineveniti toti cei care au potential moral destul de bine fondat... Misto-urile apartin secolului trecut, sorry!
discover me... I think that the way people attract each other has nothing to do with their character or appearance. We can spend many years dreaming of some ideal but then out of a sudden fall in love with complet antipode and realise that this is whom we waited for all our life. Love is a beautiful feeling and we should tresure it once we find it. By nature I am amiable and kind person. I try to see the good side of everything. sunt ok...inca nu am spart oglinda:D:D:D am trecut de etapa de aventuri , nebunii si etc...caut un barbat cu coloana vertebrala care sa stie ce vrea de la viata...
sexy Sa iubesti constituie sa-ti asumi cel mai mare risc, inseamna sa-ti pui viitorul si fericirea in membrele altuia. Iubirea este cea mai mare dintre tristetile umane, deoarece este efortul suprem pe care omul il incearca pentru a iesi din singuratatea fiintei sale launtrice. Sa-ti traiesti viata fara sa te astepti la ceva, fara nevoia de a avea efecte specifice - aceasta este libertatea. placuta un barbat sincer , tandru , cu simtul umorului dezvoltat
I am just an ordinary girl who has a lot to share and a lot of good qualitys , such as a good heart and a good character. Sunt o persoana singura ( vaduva) linistita ,imi place sa ma ocup de gradina mea ,sa privesc la TV sa merg la cumparaturi .Imi ocup timpul cu confectionarea de obiecte din materiale reciclabile. I think I don't look bad, maybe interesting... I look for quality men who know what they want from life, not just young and selfish kids.I need a man who can be there for me and stand up for me, caring, loving, honest and serious.Or maybe I am asking too much??
"Suntem cu totii putin ciudati. Și viata este putin ciudata. Iar cand intalnim pe cineva a carui ciudatenie este compatibila cu a noastra, creem cu el o conexiune si o ciudatenie mutual satisfacatoare pe care o numim dragoste. Dragoste adevarata". a€“ Robert Fulghum
I am active, cheerful and quite intelligent. I am always kind and well-wishing, I like to help people even with small things. I can say I am rather sociable and curious for new activities; discovering new cities and making new friends is always a huge pleasure. I dona€™t forget about self-development; hope my future partner is not a couch potato. For me it is important to grow together, become a better man or better woman for each other, work on our relationship, help and support each other! Also I do not like fights; I am for compromising, as there is nothing we couldna€™t talk over. Well, thank you for paying attention to my words and hope we can meet soon! Intelligent, kind-hearted, reliable man. Age and appearance are not as important as a kind heart. Fortune is also not important, Ia€™d even prefer to spend my life with regular man but who would be generous to me in all aspects a€“ attention is the rarest form of generosity nowadays. sa ma iubeasca,romantic si in acelasi tip pervers
Sunt o persoana sensibila, sufletista, f. sincera si deschisa. Detest minciuna si falsitatea. Ma aflu aici in intaiul rand ptr prietenie si socializare. Daca sunteti aici ptr aventuri va rog sa nu ma bagati in seama. SEXXXY BOYS......AND SMART!!!
frumoasa What can I tell about myself, I\'m very open-minded and easy-going person! I like to spend time with my relatives and cloth friends!I like old films and I still look cartoons! I like warm rain in summer and fluffy snow in winter! I want to be happy and to make happy the man who will be near me! numai buna prietenii de intinsa durata
Iubesc viata, iubesc oamenii, natura. Vor sa devin mai buna in fiecare zi, sa-mi ajut semenii la nevoie, sa aduc zambete si placere in sufletul oamenilor care ma inconjoara. Celebrez viata in fiecare zi, pentru ca este un dar pe care l-am primit de la Univers. Vreau sa imi traiesc viata si nu ea pe mine. "Zambeste si te bucura de fiecare zi!" e sloganul meu.