Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Caut un mascul analt, dragut,bun la suflet cu un simt al umorului extrem dezvoltat, si o situatie financiara destul de buna, care a-si ravneste sa se insoare, Daca nu va ancadrati, va rog sa nu ma deranjati. Nu voi raspunde. Agreabil
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
sunt o fire distractiva,zambareata si iubareata. I am looking for a man who is mature enough. I am not young anymore. I wish I can look for a man who is eager to establish a family with me. What are you looking for? Are you looking for a long term relationship like me. persista sa ne cunoastem ca sa vezi cum arat caut distractie si prietenie
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o nevasta serioasa,imi plac oamenii sinceri,nu minciuna,inselati,bautura,fumatul.Stiu ce doresc de la viata. VOR sa-mi gasesc sufletul pereche. Am trecut in viata prin multiple greutati,dar sper ca de data aceasta voi trece peste ele daca voi gasi perechea care imi lipseste si ma sustine. Imi place sa ascult muzica, sa ma plimb,cumparaturi,la un gratar.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
I am a very soft and warm-hearted woman. In any hard situation, I try to see positive sides. I like enjoying the sun and long walks along the beach. Also I am an avid reader and I am open to new people and communications. I like letting my hair down in the wind and feeling water around me when I am swimming. I am a very loyal and honest woman, who will never be able to hurt your heart or betray you.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
timida si rasfatata I live and enjoy m life, I believe we need to appreciate even the small pleasant things that we have in our life a€“ our friendsa€™ smiles, family evenings, the flowers, the spring rain a€¦ I like nature, I like my friends, I like to travel, but still I have something missing in my life a€“ and I think it is my ideal halfa€¦ I still havena€™t met my deplin man, but I believe that ne day we will meet and be together! So now I am trying to make a step towards him!! las la aprecierea voastra un tip destept, cu simtul umorului , manierat, respectos.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
looking for that special person is not an easy task. it takes time and patience to realize what you want and once you get it, you are assure of a lifetime happiness. well i am single lonely seeking a companion, one with whom i will ride on life wings with and possibly make a family with. i am endowed with many qualities with which i am ready to help improve my new found love with. i am good with cooking, taking care of my man and his needs. i love to camp, fish and boating. i am a genuine person who seek nothing but true pure love and in return will give back love abundantly like e the father in heaven gives us Grace. If you feel a connection between us please do not hesitates to write, i will do my very best and be very open to you and most importantly honest with you, because it will be the basis of your relationship. i will end here and wish you all good Luck. A pleasant day to you all. nush deocamdata .... vedem pe parcurs...... poate pe tine....
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
o sa va convingeti singuri daca imi scrieti!!! Sint o persoana optimista imi place sa lupt si sa obtin ceia ce vreau respecto si vreau sa fiu respectata imi plac calatorile si cercu de prieteni nu suport fiintele bolnave de gelozie toate au o limita. veryyy sexy!! un barbat bunut,dragut si sa stie sa asculte!!!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
nu va spun nimic.. I am a woman who enjoys the simple things of life and does not like to show off no matter how much success I make. If I have to show off, then it would be showing off with my man. I take my time to get involved in a relationship and when I finally do, I love with my all never to say goodbye. I am healthy, caring, honest, loyal, energetic and most of all trustworthy and I seek a man who would love me for who I am and not what I am. A man that put the lord first , who would correct me when I go wrong. Someone to be my equal in all things. Someone I can easily communicate with .. sunt extrem buna...la tot ce exista un barbat nici prost dar nici rau...daca se poate putin cu tupeu
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o secunda pe care o pierzi fara sa sti,sunt persoana ce stie sa iubeasca,sa inteleaga,sa asculte,sa respecte,sa planga si sa zambeasca chiar daca sufletul ii plange...
Sunt simpatica,intuitiva...cu toate ca nu am o varsta foarte mare fac fata cu succes obstacolelor ce imi ies in cale... "Viata nu inseamna sa supravietuiesti unei furtuni ci sa sti sa dansezi in ploaie" Noi prieteni!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
... Buna sunt din alexandria si imi caut o relatie bazata pe sinceritate adevar si respect, imi caut jumatatea inimi mele pentru a imparti si bune si rele, vreau ca barbatul care vrea sa imi fie alaturi sa fie un suflet bun intelegator respectabil si manierat ,nu imi plac fiintele care vorbesc vulgar jignitor, eu imi caut jumatatea , omul pe care il caut vreau sa fie intre varstele 30 -40 de ani. Sunt o fata de treaba respectabila imi caut o iubire calda si sufletista nu imi caut frumusete exterioara eu imi caut frumusete interioara caci daca sufletul e bun iubitor si cald totul se realizaza de la sine va multumesc pentru antelegere cu mare stima si respect va urez tuturor numai bine va pwp dulce cei ce ma vor respecta va urez un mare succes in viata .iarasi persoanele care sunt castoriti va rog nu ma contactati iar cei ce vb vulgar si urit va doresc sa va cautati pe altcineva eu apreciezi persoanele cele care sint sincere si intelegatoare va urez un sucess va multumesc pt intelegere . Va urez un mare sucess va sarut dulce cu stima pt persoanele care au mare serozitate maxima va multumesc elegant pentru intelegere Bruneta ochii verzi inaltime 1:70 O persoana cu o inima buna si iubitoare
Femeie, 39, Casatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
o sa va las pe voi.....care vreti? am mirian. am here looking for my soulmate for marriage. i am an emotional person. although i like sex but this isnt why am here. if ur not ready for me or ur interested in for sex chat, pls look for another person. i love faithfulness in everyth. i want a man who is neat, faithful,sensitive, romantic and God fearing. skin colour doesnt matter. pls dnt tell me lies bci hate lies. am from nigeria. eu cred ca placut......voi ce parere aveti? caut baieti/fete pentru discutii/prietenii.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
pai ...............cum pot sa ma descriu, eu as zice numai lucruri bune despre mine ...............sunt simpatica,glumeata....si vreu sa fiu alintata. daca persoana care e cu mine merita, sunt foarete romantica dar am si eu caracteru meu.......va astept pai........uitativa in poza.dar acum sunt blonda nu roscata. caut multi prieteni
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
sunt simpatica foc si restu te las pe tine sa ma descoperi caci d-zeu mi-a dat sa scriu\"aceste \" rinduri.Credeam.Numai sa privesc la public,Si poate,Din umbra unei terase, intr-o dupa amiaza Tacuta,cu soare,va trece o pasare,departe... Ca printr-un parc.. Gindeste-te atunci La fastuosul basm. bomba un barbat sa stie sa iubeasca si sa stie sa aprecieze ce are alaturi
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
ce nu ma omoara ma face mai putermica I myself is a fun loving lady,sweet and romantic, easy to get along with,am fairly smart and witty and i want a man that will share with me the good life and made me a woman and at night time express the most wonderful feelings that every one needs and be expressive about many things simpatic barbatul ideal
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
pot spune decat atat placuta Incerc sa fiu o persoana cat mai responsabila, sa ma gandesc cat mai mult la viitor. Vor sa imi duc viata linistita in concordanta cu cu modul meu de a fi si cu preferintele mele. Ma staduiesc sa fiu amabila si intelegatoare cu toata lumea, insa nu sunt persoana sociabila. Imi plac grupurile restranse, daca se poate de doar 2 persoane. Sper ca o sa reusesc imi ating telurile pe care mi le-am propus in viata, macar pe cele care chiar conteaza. placut prietenii
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Rock-erita cu chief de viata Sint o persoana onesta care apreciaza distinsa in toate formele ei , cred ca in fiecare fiinta de om se afla un inger si un demon, Natura si toate creaturile sint religia mea , prefer sa stau departe de cei care le stiu pe toate , realitatea e ca nimeni nu stie nimic , posedand indoieli esti dispus sa inveti mereu; rasistii , patriotii exagerati , inchipuitii please dona€™t disturb. asa cum ma vezi rock-eri
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
I'm open and kind girl. I prefer to be sincere with all people and don't like when there are misunderstandings between people. I respect other people opinion and always try to find compromise. I work as a lawyer assistant. My job is my hobby and it takes all my free time. I like when everybody is happy and always try to help to everyone who needs it. In addition, I am interested in sport, because sport is my past. It is entertaining to remember things I have done in the past. I am fond of dancing, especially if the music is fast. I can even say that most of my life I spend with dances. I am looking for a man who will always put or love and our relationship on a first place. I am ready to give all my love to a reliable, kind, open, smart and faithful man.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Ich bin eine leidenschaftliche und sanfte Frau, die sich ohne einen besonderen Mann in der Nähe sehr allein fühlt. Ich werde immer ehrlich und treu sein, weil es meine Essenz ist. Meine Seele ist zart, aber mein Herz kann nicht lügen. Wenn ich meine Liebe treffe, werde ich darauf vorbereitet sein Nimic in mod special.Just looking
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Nu va mai deranjati sa ma abordati pentru dialoguri de complezenta!Timpul este prea pretios! Celor care ma abordeaza, le voi raspunde doar daca voi considera ca este necesar! NU CRED IN DISTANTE! Va rog, nu va obositi sa ma convingeti ca e altfel! Si inca un amanunt destul de important, din motive de sanatate, nu agreez fumatul, pentru ca sunt astmatica, deci antifumat.... Multumesc pentru intelegere! "Toate visele noastre pot deveni realitate, daca avem curajul de a le urma." Walter Disney "Iubirea este cea mai inalta fericire la care poate ajunge omul, caci numai prin ea cunoaste ca el e mai mult decat el insusi, ca e una cu totul." Rabindranath Tagore "Increderea este cea mai mare si cea mai sublima calitate, dar sa stii cui s-o dai si cui sa o acorzi" G. Ibraileanu
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
simpa,cred ca simplitatea este ce-a mai de pret comoara a omului..degeaba esti frumos,bogat ,bine imbracat daca nu esti tu ca om si esti doar o carcasa!! I am a mature, confident, positive, fun-loving, independent, young at heart, lovely, caring, woman.I Love the outdoors, life, laughing, travelling, fine dining, beach, movies, going out. I'm supportive, spontaneous ,sexy and sincere. placuta!!nici urata nici frumoasa,intre ele prietenii,socializare si distractie si daca iese si ceva frumos cu atat mai bine..
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
veti vedea...:P Sunt o persoana normala, dornica sa umple golul din viata ei, vreau sa renunt la singuratate intr-un cuvant vreau sa traiesc cu adevarat! Nu stiu daca am sa gasesc aici jumatatea dar macar incerc.....! placut..zic eu prietenii..
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
nu-mi place sa vb despre mine... i am a good and a nice person who always believe in love .money or no money love is the answer. i lost my parents a long time ago. since then i have been alone trying to put things in other to live a perfect live. since everything is now well placed. i need a good and honest man to love and cherish me. prefer sa raman modesta... nu sunt in cautarea lui fat-frumos...
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
fire energica Sunt aici pentru a gasi o relatie serioasa pe care mi-o doresc. Sunt o persoana onesta si directa si caut un mascul serios asemeni mie care sa isi doreasca o relatie bazata pe respect, dragoste si onoare. placut o prsoana sincera cu care sa pot discuta orice.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
va las pe voi sa ma cunoasteti:-* a young girl of love care and a young girl of love care and understanding searching for a soul mate.understanding a young girl of love care and understanding searching for a soul mate.searching for a soul mate. poi am ochii verzi sunt roscat 1,73 inaltimea 63 kg etc
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
sunt o tipa ok a te indragostii e cand ea adoarme in bratele tale si se trezeste in visele tale!! Cand vezi c-apare luna si stelele lucesc... sa stii ca-ntotdeauna eu am sa te iubesc... iar daca noaptea-i aspra si nu e nici o stea... n-ai sa stii niciodata ca esti dragostea mea... tu pt mine esti viata, chiar de suntem departe.. As frange timpul, spatiul si tot ce ne desparte.. Dar asteptand lumina in seara ma scufund.. si ma ridic iar ziua doar cu tine-n gand!!! Life is greater than death.. but love is bigger than both!!!! ok un baiat sincer,cuminte frumos si sa nu fie plictisitor:D
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
f sociabila,deschisa inspre nou,distractiva,vorbareata,vesela...:) Sunt o persoana normala,romantica si corecta;imi place arta, natura, muzica, dansul, calatoriile si citesc extraordinar mult (acum ca sunt pensionara)..am simtul umorului si imi place sa rad . Hello ,welcome all subscribers to the site ! nu imi place sa-mi spun parerea despre aspectul fizic,pt k nu asta conteaza,dar nici nu cred k arat chiar asa rau:)
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o fata simpatica,placuta,comunicativa,isteata... 5ft 10 height large build Big fem 26 plus size clothes Very attractive looking Very short dyed hair Glasses I am only big due to farmaceutic conditions that put the weight on me under active thyroid and on steroids for my asthma Inflowmation I am physically disabled mobility and other I use a mobility Walker I was in a car accident when I was younger Miniona Un barbat care sa aibe facultate terminata,serviciu,sa fie serios,care sa ma faca sa rad,grijuliu,responsabil...
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
sunt o fire vesela,comunicativa si foarte sociabila.imi place sa ma distrez dar cu limite.nu imi place minciuna! Hello to you, I am a simple and young person who embraces life despite all the hazards that life can bring us. I am young at heart and a cheerful, fulfilled and honest person. Living the present ocazie is my motto no matter where I am because this is how we value life. Always smiling even in the morning at 5 o'clock. I am someone positive, caring, sweet, always having the heart on the hand when I like a person But that's not all .... I'm faithful, honest, with a very good sense of humor. In addition, I am someone very active and open to new activities or sport I am looking for a natural man ....... for me. I'm looking for an accomplice, a best friend, a confidante, but also and especially, a lover for long-term projects and not 'one night' The man who will fulfill my expectations will have this spark that will make me vibrate, a good sense of humor because laughter is a remedy that can be taken with excess without getting sick. What love life walks with a couple and smile on the lip just like me and honest, which is essential. Let's start with exchanges and who knows what the future holds. Looking forward contacteaza-ma si poate vei afla:) un barbat sincer care sa ma accepte si cu defecte si cu calitati. nu imi plac aventurierii!!!!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Tanara frumoasa . caut pe cineva sa imi inteleaga problemele si sa ma ajute sa trec peste ele I am a very positive, loving, caring and giving lady that loves spending a time close to the ocean. I love grilling under the sun on the beach and swimming in the sea or the ocean. I have a positive mindset and try to smile and laugh as often as I can. I believe that every cloud has a silver lining. Foarte agreabil Barbat
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Sunt curcubeu poarta spre stele,Sunt val inspumat plin de mistere,Sunt focul ce mistuie,apa ce stinge,sunt lacrima ce din ochiul tau se prelinge...Sunt soare,lumina,dans,incantare,sunt pe obrajii tai intaia raza de soare.Sunt dragoste,ura,o floare,un pom.Nu sunt nimic,si sunt totul,sunt doar un OM...
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Inteligenta, descurcareata, ascultatoare, mereu zambitoare! I am kind, romantic, sociable , And I am very dynamic. I am quite happy, but I realize that I need a strong and friendly family to make my life complete. As any person, I need love for happiness. I am curious in good sense and like discovering everything new. I am a very active and sociable woman, I cannot stand sitting in one and the same place. I like dancing, and I like walking around the city, I like socializing and meeting with my friends. I am an easy-going person , I love nature and I also love art. That is why I often visit museums and art exhibitions. I listen to a lot of music, it is something that I cannot live a single day without.. am looking forward to meet decent man with a good sense of humor that is generous, enjoys life, sport and traveling who is ready to share the whole life with me and appreciate my love, care and attention. I love children and want to have my own in our happy family.I respect deeply family values and hope to have a happy and healthy family filled with love and mutual understanding Te las pe tine sa decizi! Un barbat stabil atat sentimental cat si profesional, destept si sa fie el insusi.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o fire sociabila, deschisa experientelor noi, sunt genul de persoana impreuna care poti face tot ce iti doresti, fara a avea retineri. Astept oferte! Iti promit ca nu vei regreta ca m-ai cunoscut!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
prietenii zic despre mine ca sunt o fira draguta,prietenoasa,
fata de gasca,........nu stiu ce sa mai zic haideti sa ma cunoasteti, si veti spune pararile .........v-am pupat Am a girl of 24yrs loving, caring obedient and humble still searching for the love of my life, no matter how rich, poor, color or religion all i need is a man of dignity that\\\'s all thanks and God bless paiiiiiiiiii.............. un baiat dragut,si ce sa zic sa ne intelegem bine,restul mai vb noi...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
numeroase nu sunt de spus..as prefera ca altii sa ma aprecieze...sau nu :P the perfect woman does not exist, but I try to get closer to it !!!!!!!!!! as all women will say. It is said of me that I am a "beautiful person". Of course I have defects but I try to assume them. I am neither lying nor wrong. I like sincerity and I am looking for a beautiful and true story. I like to laugh, sociable, classy and sporty as grueling but not resentful. However, I have personality, character. In short, I am sincere and myself ..... and I wish to meet someone who will accept me as I am.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
hmmmmmmmm...sunt o fata plina de viata,sociabila,imi place sa ma distrez.un solitar fapt urasc cel mai mult:minciuna!!! Ce confera dragostea? Ofera batai de inima si dureri de cap!!! Important este sa stii sa te ridici dupe ce viata te-a doborat.Dar viata uneori nu lupta perfect si te loveste cu ce are mai puternic,atunci revenirea este tare grea,dar nu imposibila.Trebuie sa ai un aliat puternic.."SPERANTA" las la aprecierea ta:P nici nu stiu:)