Cu bun simt I am a very simple and easy going young lady ,I am honest, fun, affectionate, supportive. I like jogging at the park, reading, going to movies, museums, and festivals. I enjoy cooking with that special man in my life and spending quiet times together. I'm hoping to find a great guy who is looking for a real relationship that will turn into long-term. Asa si asa Masculi
Sunt o persoana naturala modesta, toleranta, emaptica, generoasa. Urasc minciuna, aroganta , ignoranta si prostia. Valorile adevarate sunt familia, candva de toate , respectul fata de tine insuti si fata de cei din jurul tau , sa dai si sa primesti sentimente de dragoste, sa te valorezi si sa valorezi pe cei dragi si sa fii valorat. Nu are importanta fractiune materiala ci uniunea cu persoana de aproape tine. Sa iti fie (si sa fii alaturi)la bine si la greu . placut prieten
ce sa zic...imi place distractia.hihihi Via?a este f?cut? sa fie tr?it? in ,,doi" , dar nu cu orisicine! Ur?sc aventurile si aventurierii! Domnilor, nu privi?i o rela?ie ca pe un sport de intre? oricum nu v-a dura!! Incerca?i pe cat posibil sa fi?i persoane loiale si devotate, nu aduce?i din start minciuna! INTR-o rela?ie daca nu se afla respect si incredere, nu exista nimic!! Multa lume....OAMENI putini!! las la aprecierea voastra. poate ...poate...ceva mai mult...
te las pe tine sa ma descrii :* Ce pot sa spun despre mine? Nu sunt genul sa ma laud... Tot ce pot spune este ca sunt o fire glumeata, romantica, iubitoare si sufletista. Am trecut prin multe-n viata si singuratatea si-a produs culcus in inima si sufletul meu. Ma participa cineva sa depasesc momentul?! ce caut? cred ca e o intrebare grea,deoarece de cind m-am nascut caut ceva anume, dar cu siguranta acel ceva ,nu stiu daca gasesc. In rest, caut prieteni cu care sa mai pot schimba doua vorbe la necaz sau bucurie.NU MA INTERESEAZA AVENTURA SI NICI RELATIA SUPERFICIALA SAU CEA IN CARE SA AM LOCUL DOIa€¦ Incerc doar sa caut acel OM, alaturi de care sa pot construi o relatie in care iubirea reciproca sa depaseasca nevoile fiecaruia si in care sa functioneze armonios, comunicarea si respectul; iubirea si sinceritatea; siguranta si incredereaa€¦ Inca mai sper sa-l gasesc pe acela care stie ca nu poate cere si darui dragoste fara ca ea sa existe mai intai sadita in suflet si ca scopul unei relatii nu este acela de a avea alaturi o persoana care sa te desavarseasca, ci de a avea alaturi pe cineva cu care sa impartasesti si sa imparti desavarsirea ta ... VA ROG SA NU MA CONTACTATI DACA NU AVETI POZA .... cu securitate ma vei vedea si pe mine.. NU-MI PLACE SA DISCUT CU UMBRELE.... IAR PE CEI: SUB 47 DE ANI, DORNICI DE AVENTURI, CASATORITI SI PE CEI CARE AU CONTRACT CU ALCOOLUL, II ROG SA MA IGNORE....VA MULTUMESC! Cei singuri sunt pasari, cu o singura aripa ..... Daca iti cauti cealalta aripa si vrei sa vezi daca e la mine, daca iti ravnesti sa descoperim laolalta cat de compatibile ne sunt aripile, daca vrei sa-mi arati si sa vezi ce este dincolo de chip si aspect fizica, daca vrei sa ne bucuram impreuna de fiecare etapa si sa lasam fiecare pas firesc sa-si puna amprenta in sufletele noastre, atunci hai sa vedem daca imbratisandu-ne putem zbura .... Nu stim ce o sa fie, dar putem incerca daca si numai daca ne dorim amandoi acelasi fapt si daca sinceritatea ne ghideaza spre aceiasi destinatie..... CHIAR CAT CONTUR TINE UN DIALOG VIRTUAL, UN GRAM DE TIMP PETRECUT FATA IN FATA, CANTARESTE CAT O TONA DE CUVINTE SPUSE SAU SCRISEa€¦Cred in compatibilitate,in pofta de a comunica,de a-l intelege pe celalalt cu bune si cu rele,in echilibru , in armonie. Cred in intalnirile providentiale pur si simplu:adica doi oameni se intalnesc si daca intre ei functioneaza acea "chimie" a atractiei in toate planurile, nu numai carnal,atunci ei se simt bine impreuna.E simplu- nu e marketing sentimental. Mai frumoasa decat fosta ta :* Distractie si de toate :*
sunt fierbinte Utilizatoare inversunata de cratima si virgula cu IQ de ceapa degerata cauta dialog spumos pentru practica ludica pe perioada nedeterminata. Sau manechin intelectual pentru fineturi si voluptati sufletesti. Pastrati cea mai tare intrebare ("Deranjez ?") pentru Ileana Cosanzeana. las la alegerea dvs. un tip tandru,sincer,cu bun simt
Sunt o iubita simpatica si plina de vaiata dornica sa descopar diamantele neslefuite ale lumii! Sunt o fire vesele si pusa pe glume cam tot timpul,dar am si momente cand trebuie sa fiu singura in natura sa ma relaxez si sa meditez! INALTA 1 73,creola ,draguta ,bruneta cu ochi caprui ! sunt slabuta,dar nu foarte exagerat! UN barbat simpatic care sa ma inteleaga sa avem aceliasi opinii de viata, care sa fie o fire vesela sI care stie sa se descurce in absolut orice situatie!sa stie ce vrea de la viata!
I am a kind and open person. I have a curious mind and a great sense of humor. I easily find a common language with new people. I am an interesting interlocutor. I'm an optimist. I like to laugh and give smiles to my close people. I am a purposeful and responsible lady. I always achieve my goals and do not stop on a half way. I know what I want from life. I am a versatile person. I lead a healthy lifestyle. I am a creative person. I am a musician. I play the violin. I love animals. I have two cute rabbits in my apartment. I have a kind heart, and I take good care of them.
sunt prea complexa incat sa ma descriu in cateva randuri... lady with great hopes to find a person who wants to live by my side, who also hopes to find in me a friend for life, in all his worries and in all sincerity. I like to live carefully, happily and comfortably, friendship should be the ground for a common life, without limiting the other, without hindering anything, but so that everyone can be encouraged and strengthened. I would be very happy to receive your reply. Sincerely placut nu vad in primul rand despre ce este vorba, in general oamnei seriosi cu care pot lega o conversatie naturala
just me! O viata in care nu ai sarit in sus de bucurie, o viata in care nu te-ai poticnit in lacrimi de durere ca apoi sa plangi de fericire, e doar un drum intre nastere si moarte. Dar o viata in care ai spus cel putin o data "voiam sa inteleg omenirea cu inima meaa€ , in care ai simtit emotia de a castiga si dezamagirea de a pierde, e mai mult decat un rudimentar drum, e o aventura, e o cale presarata cu zambete si lacrimi, e emotie, iubire si pasiune a€¦e viata.
asa cum vrei...asa cum vrei TU! Anche se sono sincera , simpatica dolce posso diventare cattiva e fredda se ho da fare con le bugie e bugiardi. Odio ingiustizia e fumo. Per i delusioni adesso mi sento molto sola e vorrei un amico che mi accetta il mio carattere che mi da la felicita . Non tengo di conoscere una persona sposata o grande di età . Spero che arriverà ..... anche per me---- la mia anima gemella!!!! . .... comunicare cu o persoana deosebita...
Buna , sunt Mihaela ... @Nu am nici un fel de abonament deci acele persoane care nu au Mangaiere + nu ma pot contacta@ Sunt o persoana sincera,fidela si cred inca in valorile morale ,nu caut aventuri...mi-ar placea sa cunosc un BARBAT ADEVARAT serios,sincer,responsabil,fara raspund la barbatii sub 54 de ani .....Essiste ancora un UOMO serio,sincero,responsabile,e LIBERO in questo mondo ? Mi piacerebbe conoscere una persona cosi .... Am 1.71 m . Sunt slabuta , cu parul saten . de treaba , amuzant care as stie de simtul umorului sa stie de gluma etc ..
Sunt o persoana placuta , cu un spirit tanar de viata , calda , deschisa spre noi oportunitati de a cunoaste si a descoperi placerile vietii ! Sunt o persoana destul de sigura pe sine, responsabila si independenta.Principiul dupa care imi guvernez intreaga viata este a€œFac cum stiu eu.a€. Stiu exceptional clar ceea ce vreau si nu imi este teama sa-mi urmaresc propriile scopuri in viata. Singurul fapt pe care-l cer de la cei din jurul meu este onestitatea. Sunt indeajuns de puternica pentru a accepta adevaru Aspectul se poate deduce din fotografii ! Caut sa ma redefinesc , sa descopar lucruri si persoane cu care as putea fi compatibila pentru a imparti impreuna experientele vietii .
Am single never married and have no kids. Well I am down to earth and also very open minded and outgoing type . Am honest and loyal. I will like to meet a man I can call my own and spend the rest of my life with
la aprecierea voastra i am looking for a real perason who is interested in going out and love to have some who know how love and to treat a man i wish i wish you all the best and ..... to you all ... ask me what everthing you want to know and dont contact me if you know you are not serious byeee atletic nimik
e aiurea sa completezi acest camp... complet nepotrivit... si nu stiu cine reuseste sa ramana obiectiv vis-a-vis de el/ea insusi/ insasi... I'm not perfect, as any person, but as any person I want to be happy. I have many advantages which can be attractive to those men who are looking for their soul mates. I am a real woman and I like everything that is connected with it. I know that life is hard but I always try to stay optimistic. Family is what we should live for and I am ready to do everything to complete it. I feel that I was created to keep the family fire, I want to use a chance that I will be given. I feel myself 100% ready to marry , but only if I am sure that my marriage will last forever.I am a kind, easy-going, energetic and sociable woman. But at the same time I am calm and tolerant in relations with all people. And yes, I am also a loving, passionate, caring, positive minded and optimistic person. normala ceva nemaigasit
inimaginabil, special ... :)
cine vrea sa ma cunoasca stie ce are de facut... I am here only with serious intentions.I want a real meeting and not a virtual relationship. I am active, attractive, sociable and interesting lady who is always smiling and who is always ready to discover the world. I can be spontaneous, adventurous and risky but all the time I remain honest, reliable and trustful. I am definitely a one-man-woman and I am looking for sincerity in a relationship. Cheating is taboo for me. I am not a teenager and I am looking for serious attitude and not for flirting. If I see and feel that you really love me, I will show you heaven number nine and make you stay there forever! I like laughing and having fun with my friends. I like creating something new and enjoying life. I am a goal-oriented wowoman knowing what she wants so I also like reaching new levels and developing my abilities 1.65,48 kg,o bruneta draguta cu ochii cautare de noi prieteni caut noi prieteni...doar atat....
Buna sunt emy si caut persoana potrivita imimii mele va pup !! Sincera, spontana, cu simtul umorului ,dar si cu bun simt, cateodata ,insa ,acida si ironica.Ador sa calatoresc, sa descopar oameni si cultulrinoi , orase ,mai ales ,centrele vechi , dar si peisaje inedite.Calatoresc destul de des.... Imi plac lectura, muzica buna, plimbarile in natura , miscarea . Caut o relatie serioasa alaturi de cineva si laolalta sa construim ceva frumos! Pozele spun tot O persoana care sa ma respect la fel de mult ca eu pe el !
hotarata cu simtul umorului , atenta la detalii, glumeata dar uneori destul de atenta in decizile vietii mele. inca mai cred in iubirea vesnica si cred ca intr.o zi va aparea si persoana potrivita in viata mea si cu bun simt si iubitoare. simpatic un tip care stie ce vrea
sexy I am easy-to-deal with. I am sociable and I can find the common language with almost everybody. I am fond of meeting new people and I am faithful to my friends and close people. I would like to meet a kind, caring, loving man to share my life with. I hope we will have some interests and views to life in common.
Hi! I'm mixie from Philippines !! I am a very loving, caring, friendly,im single, sincere lady seeking nothing but happiness and a man to complete me in a way no one has. I am very hardworking, passionate and very down to earth. i am fun to be with and a family oriented lady. if you feel you want to learn about me, then drop me a note and where you could be reached via Email,skype, whatsapp or viber.. Well i also love cooking, hiking, sports, shopping, photography and traveling around the world "how I wish".. I want a serious relationship but I am not in a rush to get what I want. I want to love and be loved, I want true happiness and laughter, I want to settle down for what perfect for me and understands me, cos no one is perfect, but you've got to be perfect for someone and understand someone to be in a relationship . I value commitment a lot and love to have fun. Life's too short and beautiful , I want to spend it with someone beautiful at heart and knows what they want.. A Open minded and knows what true committment is (for better or worse) they will always be there for me .. "I hate cheater & scammer please" 90-60-90
sunt o fire ff serioasa si de incredere Persoana spirituala, sociabila, dar si f directa. Sunt pe site pentru socializare, vor conversatii de calitate, nu vreau sa ma intalnesc cu nimeni, sau sa sch numere de telefon, id-uri de mes, vreau pur si modest sa mai stau de vb cu cineva din cand in cand. Pentru moment muncesc in Arabia Saudita. ochi caprui,1.68m.58 de kg,paru lung ,bruneta va las sa ma descoperiti voi
Nu sunt inabordabila sau mofturoasa! Doar ca vreau alaturi de mine un barbat matur si responsabil, mai ales cand vine vorba de iubire, un mascul care sa stie sa aprecieze sentimentele sincere, nu unul care sa aiba impresia ca iubirea ti-o poate darui oricine. Asa ca pentru restul voi spune ,,Nu, multumesc!a€ si imi voi asuma faptul ca nu stiu sa accepte un refuz.
I am very simple, work hard, and love to laugh. I am looking for serious relationship. Haven't been in a relationship for almost 10 month . And I'm here 504 .If you want to talk to me, I'd love to hear from you. rushasbrownatyahuudotcome is for me 475 read between the lines to find me to chat.I am looking for someone who wants to be 89 loved and married for the rest of their life and has a great family as well 22 If you are smart enough you will know how to mangaiere me via the contents in my profile message.Family and friends will always come first for me
sunt o sotie normala Buna sunt Andrada ! O fata draguta ,simpatica , distractiva ,educata cu bun simt si stilata . Am durata cand sunt blonda sau roscata depinde de preferintele barbatului meu Daca esti doritor sa ma cunosti scrie-mi in privat te pupaces
cine e interesat ....o sa ma descopere I am a cool minded person , I love being straight forward in my activities with people,infact the reason my folks like me is just cos of my policy of being simple as I believe Greatness Lies In Simplicity how about u dont u think so ? frumos modest si cu care sa se poata duce o conversatzie :) ;)
I am a kind and open person. I have a curious mind and a great sense of humor. I easily find a common language with new people. I am an interesting interlocutor. I'm an optimist. I like to laugh and give smiles to my close people. I am a purposeful and responsible lady. I always achieve my goals and do not stop on a half way. I know what I want from life. I am a versatile person. I lead a healthy lifestyle. I am a creative person. I am a musician. I play the violin. I love animals. I have two cute rabbits in my apartment. I have a kind heart, and I take good care of them.
I'm a humorous, caring girl who always has a lot of laughs and does not pull me to make fun comments when opportunity is given. I have a great interest in sports of all kinds and exercise myself both at the gym and go walking several times a week. To get out and breathe fresh air, maybe grilling something or just feeling calm rests warmly at my heart. The guy I'm looking for should be a caring person who knows what he wants with his life, who appreciates sports life as well as cozy home evening or a restaurant visit where you can treat yourself to really good food either by hand or in company of friends.
glumeata sincera increzatoare ambitioasa incapatanata orgoliaoasa prietenoasa deschisa Soy morena, ojos verdess, remántica, respetuosa, risueña, culta,sociable, solidaria, alegre, me gusta viajar,caminar por el lcampo, el contacto con la naturaleza. No me gusta la soledad, por eso busco un compañero para compartir lo bueno y malo de la vida. blonda ochii caprui spre verde 1 57 si 50kg creola un mascul sincer dragut amuzant deschis inspre absolut orice e nou
Imi place sa las pe altii sa isi dea cu presupusu I can say that I have a very versatile personality. One part of me is an independent, persistent, neat person, and the other is a very loving, caring, sweet and feminine lady. I try to maintain balance in my personality, my life, my work... foarte,foarte o prietenie p;e termen lung
Buna, sunt Gabriela, am 27 de ani, locuiesc in Romania, sunt calma, iubitoare si destul de ambitioasa. Imi plac sportul, muzica si plimbarile in aer liber. Pentru unii frumoasa, pentru altii urata.... pentru unii dulce, pentru altii unii iubita, pentru altii nesuferita...De unii apreciata iar de altii criticata...Asa va fi tot timpul...Mereu se va gasi cineva care sa puna o eticheta ,mereu se va gasi cineva care sa faca rau....Dar asta nu constituie ca am sa ma schimb! Indiferent de cate lupte am sa duc in viata, chiar de ce dificultati am sa intampin sau clipe frumoase am sa raman aceasi femeie, acelasi om, acelasi suflet frumos!! Atletic/placut Imi vor sa cunosc un barbat cinstit care isi doreste o relatie serioasa.
Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it wona€™t last forever. And if things are going bad, dona€™t worry. It cana€™t last forever either. ...cei fara chip care va ascundeti de voi insiva...nici la dialog nu ma apelati...e pierdere de vreme...
ok You have to be prepared to meet the most passionate and adventurous girl. Why be prepared? Because not every man can handle this. I will not pretend to be as everybody, because I am not, and I want to show this at once. But you won't be bored. ...ceva deosebit :-)
i hate this... I am a quality woman who is confident, honest, kind, smart, fun, trustworthy, supportive, loving, loves kids, outgoing, down to earth, friendly, great sense of humor, sociable, respectful (I would always treat you with respect). I have good morals, clasic values, I`m a lady who is a very good listener and someone that you could talk too about anything. I`m looking for a long term relationship and a life long lover. I also want someone that is honest with me at all times mmmm...good looking u...
I like this life, I like this world, I like to take only positive things from this life! I am very responsible and active person, life is too short and empty without emotions! I enjoy discovering new things and I like to learn more about other people and places. So many things I would like to share with someone very special. I'm a person who leads an active way of life.
sincera,simpatica.... I am a woman who is full of life, honest, romantic, loving, caring, understanding, easy going, neat, hardworking, with a big heart and God Fearing.. My hobbies are, Swimming, shopping, playing chess, watching movies and reading. I am smart, charming, and sociable by nature, with good sense of humor I am a kind , decent and faithful person, I'm also tender and caring who i want to meet. I am looking for a good friend and soul mate whom is ready for a serious relationship. I poza my future life time partner as honest, sincere, responsible, interesting and share some of my interest... I want to find a good, reliable, honest man, a good company that i can be with and will never get bored. I hope he will be caring and loving... I want my angelic partner to be handsome and intelligent, caring and loving, I really aim to find a man who'd be calm and understanding, who'd be ready to fulfill my sometimes crazy ideas, be ready to get involved in their embodiment and to take me as I am... I'd like to meet a kind, purposeful, serious, affectionate, self-confident man, who wants to meet his real love Trebuie sa mananc mai multe salate:D o persoana de incredere,sincera si fara pretentii de la viata...
Sunt o tipa ok,urasc minciuna si incompetenta... Am a female nurse by profession with a good job and all that comes am independent, but in some ways am pretty traditional. I have one son who i look after, After the dead of my late sister . Am outgoing so i have many friends and like to get out on the weekends to enjoy music, dancing, karaoke, , comedy shows, movies, dinner, walks, drives, picnics, BBQs and sightseeing, etc. I would like to get back into hiking, camping, canoeing, and kayaking. I like to stay home, eat in , and watch a movie by the fire when it's cold though. Caut un om ca mine...sincer
I am a very open person. I am very sunny girl. Glad to meet you I am Ellen. I am very happy to be here. I like to spend time in nature, with friends, with my family. I am a very versatile person..Well, I am looking for my soul-mate. I am looking for a man who will share this life with me. Will support me in joy and sorrow, as well as I him. And for me, these are not just empty words, but words that really correspond to reality.