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Fete Singure Tecuci

Cele mai sexy fete singure in cautare de barbati din Tecuci sunt pe Intra si tu!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

.:) I'm wise and understanding. I love and value close people, I try to look at any conflict situation from all sides, to understand and to accept somebody else's point of view. I know that people who match us perfectly don't exist, but those with who it's good even simply to keep silence exist. I respect men. For my beloved man I'll become an interesting interlocutor, a reliable partner and a loving caring wife. I'll share my zest for live with him, an interest to new things, I'll create the warmth and a coziness in our house, I'll be a source of the strength and inspiration, of passion and tenderness.
extra mega slaba:D
L O V E:))
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

frumoasa am 20 d3 ani,imi place sa am o sotia de viata eleganta cu corp f.f.f.f.excitant si sexy,imi place cu femele care stiu ce seamna sex intre ele nu conteaza varasta dar prefer care au intre 15 si 22,si sa practic sexul tot momentul mie imi spune sint vulcan de sex,mai mie imi place sex in grup si care mai de care linga una pe alta ,nu imi place masculi mie sile de ei asa vreau sa am cel mai mult relatii cu ce imi place sex cu sotii formidabile la corp si la sex.
numai buna
prietenii de indelunga perioada
fete singure tecuci
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Simpatica...:D About me My name is Pat ,i am 32 years Old,I am Single (five years ago), Black, dark black hair, brown eyes, 5' 9", 141 lbs.,Long Hair and a healthy Lady. I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure
va las sa apreciati voi
un barbat
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Die Beschreibung selbst kann eine Herausforderung sein, aber hier ist ein wenig über mich. Ich bin ein sehr fürsorglich, rücksichtsvoll Person, die eine Menge Respekt für andere Gefühle hat. Ich genieße die Zeit mit meiner Familie, hänge mit meinen Freunden, möchte aber feststellen, dass eine spezielle Person, um mein Leben komplett. Ich glaube, dass die Chemie ist ein Muss in einer Beziehung und Sie haben ein Geben und Nehmen Verpflichtung, einander brauchen. Zu viele Male Beziehungen fallen in einen Trott und vieles ist für uns selbstverständlich! Ich gehe gern aus für ein schönes Abendessen und enden entweder auf einem Spaziergang, settlin sich mit einem guten Flasche Wein oder Champagner oder was auch immer! Ich bin ziemlich spontan und abholen können und werden für ein Wochenende weg zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt fertig!
fete singure tecuci
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

hello friends, my name is elleny I expect you to know us in bigger numbers. If you want a perfect company and enjoy a corect body looking for me. With my intelligence and idilic shapes I can be an unforgettable company kiss all
55kg .1.70 and breast 75cc
I'm looking for serious men for a perfect relationship
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

im optimist, honest I'm an Italian country girl looking for a long term relationship I'm loving caring passionate honest.i live in West Virginia I love the outdoors and camping boating fourwheeling cookouts with my family and friends I love horseback riding going for drives in the country I like classic rock oldies country music bluegrass looking for my soulmate someone who likes and wants the same
ONe man mature ,seriouse honest
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bianca maria
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

asa cum trebuie sa fiu. Sunt o persoana sensibila, sufletista, f. sincera si deschisa. Detest minciuna si falsitatea. Ma aflu aici in debutantul rand ptr prietenie si socializare. Daca sunteti aici ptr aventuri va rog sa nu ma bagati in seama.
oglinda mea nu reflecta realitatea...sorry
ceea ce nu am avut...
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Sunt o iubita deschisa la nou si provocarilor vietii in limita bunului simt. Sunt de intocmai o femeie ambitioasa, increzatoare in fortele proprii, capabila de sacrificiu si de daruire pentru cei apropiati. Sunt o fiinta comunicativa, de incredere care ascunde adevarul uneori dar o face spre folosul inlocuitorului sau.
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Sunt o persoana educata, inteligenta, vesela, optimista, draguta, dornica de a cunoaste un om bun la suflet, cu simtul umorului, generos, destept si politicos, un pic romantic... Pentru a petrece clipe minunate laolalta si a ne bucura de viata...
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

I'm caring, faithful, Loyal, truthful, loving, generous, goals achiever, honest, Spiritual oriented, future driven, Confidential, Understands the ups and downs of life, Committed to relationship, reader, visionary, Conservative, Passionate, romantic, sexy and loving.I love to be fun and spontaneous and enjoy each day finding something joyful to smile about?
fete singure tecuci
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

O fata normala.....mai mult sau mai putin Sunt o persoana agreabila , mi plac aventurile zic eu o buna un suflet mare pt a darui toata dragostea celui care o merita.Am luptat mult ca sa-mi pastrez familia dar am obosit.sunt exacta imi place stabilitatea sunt o fire romantica.iubesc natura si tot ce ne inconjoara ofer ce primesc.sunt mereu zambitosre. urasc cearta.Prefer un adevar amar decat o minciuns dulce.Mi e dor sa merg cu cinevs de mana sa ma plimb. de o imbratisare si sa am cui sa i spun Buna dimineata sau bine ai venit.
Placut...spun eu
Un barbat intelegator
fete singure tecuci
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

sociabila Sa iubesti constituie sa-ti asumi cel mai mare risc, inseamna sa-ti pui viitorul si fericirea in mainile altuia. Iubirea este cea mai mare dintre tristetile umane, caci este efortul suprem pe care omul il incearca pentru a iesi din singuratatea fiintei sale launtrice. Sa-ti traiesti viata fara sa te astepti la ceva, fara nevoia de a avea efecte specifice - aceasta este libertatea.
fete singure tecuci
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Sunt o fata sincera,indreaneata,linistita,pentru mine sinceritatea si increderea este nucleul unei relatii. Sunt o doamna destul de simpatica, fidela, de incredere, cinstita si comunicativa, sunt o persoana ambitioasa si uimitoare care poate fi descrisa ca perfectionista .. Sunt extrem optimista cu un simt al umorului.
Imi place destul de mult sa fac sport deci pot spune ca am un fizic atletic.
Caut un barbat adevarat cu practica de la care sa am ce sa invat..Vreau sa ma iubeasca si in acelasi timp sa ma respecte.
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

te las pe tine sa ma descoperi.. About me My name is Pat ,i am 32 years Old,I am Single (five years ago), Black, dark inchis la culoare hair, brown eyes, 5' 9", 141 lbs.,Long Hair and a healthy Lady. I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure
asa si asa
o relatie..prieteni
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Sunt sexi I am Tabitha by name,a native of Sudan reside over here in Benin Republic,i am very friendly kind and easy going,am undergraduate due to some things fall out my way unexpectedly,i am here just to know life could be meaningful again,i wish i could be someone best friend here
Arat bine
Un barbat bun
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

I am a person who is positive about every infatisare of life. There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience. If you are interested in knowing more, read my articles or take a look at my pictures. Do not expect too much, and keep your sense of humor.
i`m a brunette with two gorgeous eyes. I`m not a Barbie girl i`m a natural women with normal character.
i`m looking for a special guy, understanding and loving me.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Sunt o persoana sociabila si prietenoasa. I would say I am passionate, caring easy to get along with (at least most of the time), optimist, and a goal setter. I am not ireprosabil but Iaa‚¬a„¢m always looking to improve my self. The glass is always half full with me, if I get lemons I will turn them into lemonade. I wear my personality; I have nothing to hide so what you see is who I am. I consider my self to be a well balance and spiritual person that knows what I want. I'm honest, trust worthy, responsible, dependable, intelligent, intellectual, friendly, family oriented, romantic, fun loving person. I would best describe my lifestyle as conservative, very involved in my church and with a stable job. I travel a lot and enjoy doing community voluntary service. Family are a very important part of my life; I look forward to build a happy family with a man of my dream and enjoy spending time together for eternity. My friends describe me as an honest, responsible and sincere person who they can rely on. I am very open, hard working person and very sensitive to other peopleaa‚¬a„¢s needs. I enjoy life's simple pleasures as well as a little excitement.
Caut un prieten pentru a putea socializa si a ma putea intelege.
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

ii las pe altii s-o faca...;) Buna, sunt de loc din Bihor, am trait, studiat, lucrat ca si consultant independent in ultimii ani preponderent in strainatate. Sunt numeroase lucruri care imi plac, ador natura, aerul liber, calatoriile, serile in intimitatea celor dragi sau impartasind un pahar de vin si povesti in compania prietenilor. Mi-as dori sa intalnesc pe cineva compatibil, curios, pe picioarele lui atat financiar cat si caracterial, cu drag de a face lucruri, a se bucura de viata si poate a construi ceva rezistent impreuna.
satisfacator zic eu..
nu caut nimic....
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

I'ma naturally shy, I like to be more natural .. So true life is what you make of It, usually people at the new Year eve are busy with revaluating their life, remembering which consiquences were caused by what actions or decisions, trying to make a new prospective and make a plan for tomorrow and a life after, but for me this turning point is today, so what I made of my life so far: made my choice for education- now have even two jobs that help me to discover all sides of my personality- I use my thirst for knowledge working as a teacher in college, and let my creativity out at the performance agency, have an active life, my days are longer than 24 hours, still have time for my favourite books, reazlied my home is where my heart is, know the real meaning of a family, open to life, to new horizonsa€¦ still singlea€¦ still a dreamera€¦ still perfectionist
I think it is quite pleasant to look physically .. the will you say?
man looking for a mature relationship for a long, exclude violent people .. I want to be loved
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Barbatul ideal...femeia ideala...Idealul, in sensul strict al cuvantului, este imposibil de atins, sau, daca nu imposibil, foarte rar. Poate individul ideal, barbat/femeie, se afla doar in povesti si in cer. A fi mereu nemultumit(a) de cel de alaturi tine doar pentru ca nu intruneste condtile idealului, inseamna sa fii mereu trist(a), "ceva" va lipsi mereu. Eu nu sunt ideala, sunt mai pamanteana, cu bune si mai putin bune, dar nu-mi este rusine sa privesc in oglinda sufletului meu. Asa fiind, nu caut un barbat ideala, ci unul pe marime felului meu de a fi, cu speranta ca unul il poate perfecta pe celalalt. Imi cer scuze, varsta mea reala este, este mult mai mica. Dintr-o eroare a aparut asa. Ceea ce spun, este adevarat !
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Hello, i am one serious woman and i searh one man same me becase hate liers...i suffered of love and i dont want to do once more time same mistake.. i am simple woman and lovely.... contact me I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together.
Hair: Black Eyes: Negru
I search one man who know love love in real and i dont want to lie me.i hope i can find one this man here
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

respect cine ma respecta... Sunt o persoana optimista ,onesta ,demna,,vesela care iubeste natura ,oamenii ,frumosul in general -arta ,film ,muzica buna .Urasc minciuna ,lasitatea si tradarea . Deoarece sunt o femeie libera si fara obligatii ,caut un om"ADEVARAT ,"" SERIOS (liber ,exclus barbatii casatoriti), cu care sa am o mare compatibilitate spirituala si care sa ma aprecieze si sa ma iubeasca pentru ceea ce sunt eu- ca OM !!! Am invatat ca in viata tot ce se obtine prin munca si dragoste , "tine "! -ca tot ce nu te omoara ,te face mai rezistent ! -ca increderea se castiga in timp si se pierde intr-o moment . - ca oamenii te tradeaza ,dar DUMNEZEU nicidata !!! Vreau o relatie de lunga perioada bazata pe dragoste,respect,incredere,loialitate,comunicare. In DRAGOSTE vreau totul sau nimic ! EXCLUS AVENTURILE ! Nu-mi plac oamenii falsi!
ex tip
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

My friends describe me as funny, forthright, honest (sometimes brutally) and very loyal. I believe that I'm a fairly normal person; I work hard and I am goal-oriented. When I look in the mirror like what I see; I'm not perfect, but I'm satisfied and others tell me that I'm attractive.
I consider myself to be good looking..more to be appreciated by you kIsS
Fun, Adventure, Love, Traveling...isn`t this what we all are looking for?
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

I am simple young girl from Romania with a very complicated nature.I am looking for a nice simple man ,he have to be modest to enjoy simple things in life... I am family-oriented, friendly and very communicative person by nature, warm-hearted, faithful, honest and trustworthy, intelligent, loving and caring by nature. I love children and appreciate a good sense of humor, genuine in my wish to meet a man for life with whom I feel easy and who will let me be myself when we are together.
I am brunette with curves
I am looking for a nice man
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

iubesc viata asa cum e ea si cu ce ne ofera ea. optimista, vesela,un bun interlocutor I am interested in a serious relationship. I want to find a strong shoulder on which I can rely, a man who will love me as much as I do him. I want to take care of my loved one and feel the feedback. I just want true honest love without lies. I will try to find it here in someone. Maybe in you I will find this love?
barbati cu practica de viata, iubitori, veseli si protectivi
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Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

I am positive,kind,athletic,loyal,affectionate (all the goods stuffs)and i try to see the humor in everything.I am the type of woman that will remember things that you like and then do it for you-use your imagination.My friends tell me that i am generous and charming and have a big heart,i am 100% real with proof to the right man because i am not here to play with anyone heart because life is too short for that and not here for dirty talk or sharing of dirty pictures because that is for immature men and kids..I am here for a man that can talk maturely like a christian and that knows how to treat a woman with true love and respect and that knows communication is very important to build a friendship that will lead to a relationship that will last forever.You have passions and interests that make you unique and you are inspiring in your own unusual way.You have things to teach me and things you want to learn from me.You are a man who believe in the woman you are in love with and generous.You are affectionate, kind,passionate,easy going,curious and open minded and have a big heart...So please i need a serious person only..Keep safe and protected always from the deadly virus..
barbat simpatic, destept, cu simt al umorului......
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

I'm very serious about this online dating,because I hope I will find the right man for my Heart through this online dating that's why I'm Here..And i want you to know that I'm not the Types of women who usually come online Just for Playing Games or Breaking Heart..I do respect myself very well,So I will not introduces myself In doing such things like that..I will never do such harmful thing to you when we have much feelings for each other,and I will never do nothing to Hurt your feelings that you have for me,I will never do nothing to hurt you too..Never Would I, If i do something to hurt you I will also Gain It some I will Never Attempt to Do that..
sexy si frumoasa
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Oana Rosee
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

I am very cheerful and cheerful girl. I like to prepare very much, especially Russian delicacies, all my native and friends simply in delight from my dishes. I like to walk also on fresh air and to read. I like to spend time with the friends. I like to listen music - classical and Russian the priest music, to go to cinema on films about love. I go in for sports: tennis, I like this game very much, and also I go to fitness-hall.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

What to tell if I am the best?! The best devil with pretty face :-) or maybe I am an angel? Who knows?!;-) I am an ordinary girl or a princess a€¦ I am a tender lady or a tomboya€¦I am or I am not ))) Well, somebody has a unique chance to learn who I am!!
sa socializez....relatii bazate pe dragoste si sinceritate
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

how could i describe myself when i look in the mirror and i don t know who is that reflecting back :) Voi ajunge acolo unde nu respira decat marea prin vant... Imi voi apleca urechea inspre o scoica sidefie si iti voi citi dragostea pe buzele rasfrante... O voi culege apoi cu sarutarea mea! Ne-om sparge frica de mal si ne-om strange in brate pana la amiaza! Voi ajunge curand acolo unde amiaza mi te va arunca in suflet cu forta unui val urias... Stii cum te voi primi? Ca pe unica picatura de apa in desert... Voi ajunge acolo unde nu se afla maine, il vom denumi noi altfel dupa un joc de cuvinte scris cu degete indragostite pe nisipul fierbinte! Voi ajunge curand la cuvinte..., la marile asteptari, la picaturi de extaz cuminte... Voi ajunge curand..., la tine....oriunde esti!!!!
nice i guess...
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

placuta ,pasionala .... I am a very woman and I am single and looking.I am kind, but strict, beautiful, but faithful, tender and caring. I believe that life is a gift and we should appreciate every moment. I have strong values in life and want to create a strong family. I easily make friends and trust people. I am a devoted friend, always ready to help.
tipic mediteraniana
un gentelmen,,,,,
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you\'ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more.You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can\'t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you unic and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it\'s like being young again. Colors seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn\'t exist at all.
placuta,sexy provocatoare ,dulce
o relatie
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Te las pe tine sa vb! Selectiva, pragmatica, empatica. Apreciez sinceritatea, bunul simt si oamenii de calitate. Imi dispac integral persoanele superficiale si cele neserioase. Nu sunt interesata de masculi mai tineri decat mine si de cei cu numeroase kg in plus. P. S. Nu raspund mesajelor primite de la barbati care habar n-au sa scrie corect... nu cred ca e o pretentie exagerata si nici celor care au peste 58 ani ! Multumesc!
Ceva foarte provocator , stii sa provoci?
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania fapt...perfecta! I am a fun, out-going, intelligent, open-minded woman who enjoys dancing and having a good time. Some of my hobbies are: photography, dancing, movies, No drama here and not looking for it. I want someone who can just be themselves and that is enough.
desavarsit cautare de distractie
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

sunt o fire sociabila,simpatica... the absolut woman does not exist, but I try to get closer to it !!!!!!!!!! as all women will say. It is said of me that I am a "beautiful person". Of course I have defects but I try to assume them. I am neither lying nor wrong. I like sincerity and I am looking for a beautiful and true story. I like to laugh, sociable, classy and sporty as grueling but not resentful. However, I have personality, character. In short, I am sincere and myself ..... and I wish to meet someone who will accept me as I am.
sunt pe aici sa ma relaxez,si cine stie ...poate am sa gasesc si pe cineva drag
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Hi :) I am a simple girl, sociable, fun to be with, I always manage to steal a little laugh from you ;). I am a good listener and my heart is always opened towards people. My name is Tracy 43 years, single with son. I'm someone who always try to live a simple life and enjoy life's simple pleasures. I like coming home from work to get myself refreshed and my sanity back after a long 10 hours at work. I like outdoors, walking in the park and along the beach barefooted in the wet sand to feel the sea breeze, traveling etc. and sometimes staying at home and cooking something new. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I hate disrespect, unfaithfulness, dishonest, cheating, unfairness, injustice, selfishness etc. I had a wonderful life but I think there is somebody in the world to discover a new wonderful life with. People can say many good things about themselves so I think if you are real and serious then we should get in touch, talk and know each other, take it from there and see how it goes. I hope to have a serious relationship with a real man who is drama free, not into games and knows what he need. Not anyone with false pretense, games, lies ...... No SCAMMER please.
I'm little, my heart it's as big as my ass and that is a good thing :)), flat stomach, tiny titties but they are nice thoe :D aand.. The rest will come as you'll meet me :)
I'm looking for meeting new people and.. Why not a good and strong relationship based on trust, love and understanding :)
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

simpla placuta celelalte mistere ascunse las sa le descoperiti Cine sunt? Va pot spune doar atat: cred cu tarie ca nu se afla ceva mai usor decat sa cunosti un om cu care sa stai de vorba ca si cum ai sta cu tine insuti..... Ce caut aici? Iubirea din nou....e ca o ploaie calda si comoda de vara . Ea vine dupa o perioada de seceta,dupa perioade in care ochii sunt reci,poate chiar atunci cand ai ajuns la concluzia ca iubirea vine o singura data. Iubirea din nou vine cand recunosti ca ai trebuinta de iubire,cand ai inteles povestea despre cum ar necesita sa fie o iubire reala,pamanteana cand esti dispus sa o lasi sa vina,chiar daca vine altfel decat te-ai asteptat.... Iubirea vine cand esti dispus sa iesi din carapace cand esti dispus sa nu mai apelezi la amintiri si sa vrei sa creezi altele.Vicleana ,apare cand vezi din nou speranta in jurul tau si poti sa zambesti pentru nimicuri.De aceea unii o numesc si incredere,renastere,rasarit...
relatie' prietenie
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Am 1m 63cm, 63 kg. Sunt educatoare de profesie si locuiesc in Olanda de 10 ani.Deasemenea am o companie de import export cu sediul la Rotterdam.Imi place sa fiu vesela,binevoitoare,dar si serioasa cand e cazul.
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

« Once, somewhere, life will surprise you so beautiful that you will forget how much it hurt you ... It will send you next to a man who will know how to heal everything that ever made you suffer, a man who, at those moments in which you would like to give up everything, will be able to help you find in your soul the power to move on »
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

I am divorced ,i know what i want and know when i meet the right person for me. do not like game players ,man that cheat,lie,and put a women down ,,Not interested in married man or separated ,,,,,i am clean ,caring,loyal,and looking for a man that is ready to settle down ,IF YOU ARE WIDOWER ,SINGLE DAD,ONLY ONE PICTURE ON YOUR PROFILE ,,,,,KEEP LOOKING DO NOT BOTHER TO MESSAGE ME ,YOU ARE WAISTING YOUR TIME AND MINE .
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Sunt o persoana foarte prietenoasa si sociabila I am honest, kind, family-oriented, faithful, sweet, affectionate, romantic one man woman. And I hope to find someone who is kind, sweet, god-fearing, serious about love and marriage to develop a strong love relationship which eventually lead into a happy marriage life together. I'm not perfect, and I promise to be your best friend, your partner in crime and your lover. Forever.
Inalta, slaba, ochii caprui , bruneta
Caut pe cineva cu care am ce vorbi
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Viata... m-a ingenuncheat. Dar am luptat de fiecare data si am reusit sa ma ridic. Fiecare pas candva caut sa-l fac cu atentie si-ntelepciune. Detest singuratatea. Insa acesta nu este un ratiune pentru care sa inchid ochii si sa accept ,,orice" sau pe ,,oricine" , desi pretuiesc nespus oamenii. Spun asta in ideea ca doresc compatibilitate... la grad de suflet, in primul rand. Iar lucrul acesta se va observa in timp si va fi un factor decisiv in continuarea sau stoparea a ceea ce se poate incepe. Apreciez sinceritatea, deschiderea si transparenta unui om. Pun pret pe caracter, pe ceea ce este, nu pe ce are. Desi sunt necesare si celelalte, pentru a duce un trai decent, nu sunt prioritare. Imi vor o viata linistita, armonioasa, aproape un mascul care pretuieste aceste lucruri si care, la nevoie, va lupta pentru ele, atunci cand viata ne va aduce si incercari.
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catalina puff
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

just ask me ...;) Peaceful yet playful. Good sense of humor. I am creative and I enjoy learning for a better balance in life. I appreciate giving and receiving without keeping scores. Honesty is a must. Like beauty in life and people. Like my life full of "spices". Like people who know to listen. Like meaningful content. Spontaneity and being genuine. More at a different time and place.
you have pictures...
all the best for my soul..;)
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

Sexy Imi vor atat de mult Sa te ating, Incat uneori ... Palmele mele iau foc Cautandu-te, Incercand sa te gaseasca. Imi doresc atat de mult Sa te sarut,Incat adeseori... Simt sarutul tau nestiut Pe buzele mele Care te asteapta. Imi doresc atat de mult Sa te ascult, Incat uneori... Imi Inchipui Dragostea noastra... Neanceputa . Si-mi doresc atat de mult Toate acestea Incat te strig Si simt ca peste tot ai fi Tu ma cunosti, Tu ma auzi, Tu ma doresti, Tu ma iubesti.
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Maya Allessya
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

nu pot descrie nimnic I am a creative person, I love everything new and interesting. In life, I look for stability in relationships. I think that I can find a person with whom we will have a lot in common and we will be happy together,I am sincere, cheerful, attentive, kind, sexy, elegant, energetic, hardworking, optimistic, intelligent, sociable, reliable, creative, active, emotional, and purposeful.
nu caut nimic vreau doar sa ma distrez
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Tecuci, Galati Romania

sunt comunicativa si asta cred eu k e cel mai important,ma integrez repede intr-un grup si sunt deschisa la relatii noi I would describe me as easy-going, responsible, confident, family oriented, affectionate, and I have a positive outlook on life. I have a great job, but it doesna€™t define me. Ia€™m always up for anythinga€¦traveling, concerts, movies, relaxing at home, hanging out with friends. If it sounds like fun, leta€™s do it! Ia€™m patient and I dona€™t sweat the small stuff. Communication is a must. Love to laugh and enjoy what life has to offer. I have a daughter and she is my treassure, I believe you really get to know a person by spending time talking to if you think we have that mutual interest, I'd love to hear from you. Have a great day
eu una consider ca arat bine,oricum mai am de lucrat la corpul meu.sunt placuta
caut o persoana blanda,calda si care sa ma inteleaga si sa fie impreuna de mn
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