Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
I am a kind, open-hearted, communicative, humorous, loyal, reliable and responsible woman who is ready for love. I want my family to have a warm, cozy and joyful atmosphere. I want to inspire my man and warm him with tenderness and love. I appreciate respecting, sincerity and understanding. atletic cum spuneam...barbati :)
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Sunt eu asa cum sunt..:) I want to find a faithful, attentive and most importantly honest man. He is mature and experienced. I want him to share my attraction to art, and I would support him in all his endeavors. I really like smart, well-read men, but this is not critical, because the main thing is the soul. Sa aprecieze altii....... Pe cineva sa ma intaleaga cu toate utopiile mele....
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
am par saten ochi albastri 165cm corp atletic In cautarea unui mascul singur,stabil emotional si nu numai, doar din Bucuresti. Cei cu traume din relatii/casnicii anterioare, sa ma ocoleasca, ca nu sunt mama ranitilor, mergi la psiholog sau psihiatru, dupa caz!In alta ordine de idei,ma doare retina cand vad poze cu ochelari de soare in interior, in oglinda baii.Atat de prosti sunteti sa credeti ca daca va ascundeti sub ochelari, nu va recunosc nevestele?! Nu vreau sa va vad nici in chiloti, rastigniti pe plaja,cu muschii incordati, cu porumbei si inimioare la poze, dar creier lipsa. Nu ma intereseaza nici sa imi trimiti poze cu tine gol pusca, crezand ca esti misto, ca nu esti decat patetic.Daca nu ai poze naturale , nu imi cere o alta modalitate virtuala ca sa vad cum arati . Esti pe un site de socializare si primul pas este sa stim cum aratam.Daca totusi imi scrii, fa-o macar corect, ca nu mai pot cu atata prostie si incultura!Daca nu ma placi,ignora-ma si nu judeca daca nu ai eticheta de print ca sa emiti pretentii! Nu platesc abonament, asa ca nu pot citi sau trimite mesaje celor care nu platiti un abonament, de aceea nu pot raspunde! Asta ca sa nu ma injurati gratuit! draguta barbati cu intentii serioase
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Ma numesc Ileana, am 49 de ani,locuiesc in Mannheim, sant de origine din Arad, Romania, de 4 ani sant din pacate vaduva, am pierdut pe sotul meu din pricina la tumoare pe creier, am trecut prin momente si situatii groaznice, ar fi elegant sa intalnesc aici pe cineva care sa ma inteleaga si sa ne potrivim. Va multumesc.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
sunt foarte directa,imi place sa dansez si sa fac de toate sunt sensibila, comunicativa... sa rad, sa glumesc, sa citesc, sa dansez, sa merg la film, imi place viata in aer liber, sa calatoresc, ...asta ar fii lista a ceeace imi place sa fac in viata. Ce caut: cineva sa ma pot intelege si sa am o relatie de prietenie si sa (re)intemeiez o relatie durabila, o familie. extrem sexi barbati sexosi
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
I am a calm person, I am kind, understanding and honest. I think I am a good friend and a good listener. I'm proud of my family because it's so strong and peaceful, but now I want to create my own family and to have a woman's happiness. I am a woman who likes to look good, I wear high heels and I have style. I think that a woman should be feminine and sexy to her man always. I want to feel real and hot love once and for all. I try to be positive, honest and look at life with a smile. My goal here is to find a man who will accept and love me for who I am. I am an independent, hardworking, caring, smart, honest, sincere, and intelligent lady. With me it is never boring, because I am a woman of mystery and I always have something to surprise you with.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
As dori sa cunosc un domn nefumator Si dusman al paharului. Nu vor sa am atingere cu semibarbatii cu semislujbe sau mini-slujbe, "printi" care cauta sa fie intretinuti Si care isi cauta la 50 de ani o pelerina de vreme rea. Va dati seama ca am scris aceste randuri in urma contactelor avute cu dvs. Dlor Barbati. sunt frumoasa...!!! prietenii,caterink,etc...
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Descopera singur I like this life, I like this world, I like to take only positive things from this life! I am very responsible and active person, life is too short and empty without emotions! I enjoy discovering new things and I like to learn more about other people and places. So many things I would like to share with someone very special. I'm a person who leads an active way of life. Placut Barbat pentru prietenie casatorie
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Am fost pana acum O carte inchisa... Dar cineva A reusit sa deschida Sufletul meu Pagina cu pagina Si a descoperit Ca o poate citi Si ca intelege Chiar ce vorba,orice gand... De-al meu Dar in drumul tau In "trenul vietii" Poate sa apara Altcineva Care sa descopere Ca atunci cand deschizi Sufletul cuiva El infloreste Si trebuie udat In fiecare zi Ca sa poata da Din ce in ce mai multiple Frunze si flori Daca nu e udat Paleste Dar nu de tot Persista cu speranta Ca cineva o sa citeasca iar... si va intelege.... Cuvinte dedicate multor prieteni ce au fost candva, dar care s-au pierdut in negura tacerii,si final dedicat celuia ce va ramane prieten pe viata...
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
I am kind, but strict, beautiful, but faithful, tender and caring. I believe that life is a gift and we should appreciate every moment. I have strong values in life and want to create a strong family. I easily make friends and trust people. I am a devoted friend, always ready to help.
Femeie, 24, Casatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Cu ochii in lacrimi caut sper Cer, si implor alinarea Divina, e ziua in care altarele cad, si nu mai se afla lumina.Prin labirintul noptii merg, dar nu exista scapare, spre lumina firava alerg si totul in calea mea moare....
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
iubesc sinceritatea si imi place respectuul.....sunt iubareata si vreau numai iubire Sunt o persoana sincera, sensibila, modesta, deschisa dialogului, punctuala, fidela, o fire vesela, plina de viata ... mai pe scurt "sunt prea de casa" - ceea ce in ziua de astazi nu prea se mai cauta. sunt asa cum ma creat..... caut prieten cu suflet cald, sincer, care sa ma iubeasca cu o iubire veridica
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Sunt o fire destul de energica in cautare de o relatie privita din mai multe puncte de vedere, iar restul vine de la sine. I am a simple girl on the first sight, but full of passion and love inside. I want to find someone who can enter my world and open my feelings. I want somebody to share everything that has been deep inside my soul for so longaa‚¬ ¦I need to find my soul-mate to understand me and to spend all my life withaa‚¬ ¦ Sunt inalta, contructie fizica: asa si asa, picioare destul de lungi , preferate par lung ondulat si negru, ochi mari caprui extrem inchis si buze pline. afla mai multe!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
sunt zapauca......handilie.....etc....k nu mai am inventii proprii:))....ador sportul:X:X:X:X si muzik:X:X:X:X.....si acadelele=p~=p~=p~ si ciocolata:X:X:X=p~=p~=p~....sunt dusa...stiu....ciudatenia in persoana...
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
I am a tender and romantic woman. I wish to admit that I am a woman who knows exactly what she needs in her life and doesn't want to loose time in vain. I like to care about people who are close to me! I have a lot of love in my heart and I want to give it to someone.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Sunt o fata sociabila,nebunatica, dornica de a-si face noi prieteni.:* I am patient,generous, kind, and loving. I am always upbeat, have a positive attitude about most things and I like to have fun. I enjoy music, theatre, movies and art. I love to travel, and to go sightseeing. I love musemus, romantic dinners, seaside resorts and sunsets. caut prieteni
Femeie, 34, Casatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Love is a nutrient that can never be lost in life. Life is because of love, it becomes colorful; in the family, it is because of love, it becomes happy; in school, because of love, it becomes full of laughter and laughter of children; my life, it will become more exciting because of you. I look for a good man who loves children and wants a family. prieteni
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Mai bine sa fiu singura pentru o vreme si sa invat ca merit mai mult de la viata decat sa stau la picioarele unui mascul care nu ma poate tine in brate. Am demnitatea mea si mult respect de sine.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
sunt o fata sensibila,iubitoare,fermecatoare,comunicativa,inteligenta,imi place sa calatoresc,imi place sa fiu rasfatata,respectata si am o singura rugaminte nu imi trimiteti mesaje care contin cuvinte triviale,sunt pe acest site pt a cunoaste cat mai numeroase persoane cu bun simt si caracter motivat. din punctul meu de vedere placut...veti vedea in poze.... caut barbat respectos ,inteligent,destept, cu capul pe umeri,glumet.ce anupe poate cauta o femeie?respect ,dragoste,siguranta,etc!!!nu caut ce credeti voi!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
apreciati-ma voi!!!!!! I am a fun loving person. I love to try new things and believe that everything happens for a reason. I enjoy photography and learning about new cultures and different walks of life. Snorkeling is a passion, along with swimming. placut....k sa fiu modesta!!!! caut tot ce se poate gasi
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
mai bn nu... The time passes, it flies and the years are running away. Unfortunately the youth cannot be returned. The appearance is changing, the interests and life views as well but soul is not changing at all! When I am awakening every morning I am happy for every day, for each sun ray that comes to me. But my happiness could be fuller if near me could be You. How long I am waiting for you! You are tired of loneness and I am tired as well. Would you like to know me better and closer? The most I value in a man is his ability to make an ordinary woman feel like a queen and I hope I will find such a man in my life. He should be considerate and he should desire to have a family life. doar vedeti si voi! poi..sa vedem!nush dak caut cv anume...depinde d propuneri!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Persoana sensibila ,educata ,ador tot ce e frumos si cu bun simt imi cunosc valentele si drumul catre orizont ,,,sunt loiala iubirii facand diferenta intre trecut si prezent ,,,apreciez eleganta ,modul de a cuceri .nuanta de a duce inspre ,,,,a fi sau a nu fi ,,,,!!!! Mi-e dor de ,,,,,tot ce e firesc si omenesc,,,,,!!!,,,,,,,,DECAT O FEMEIE RANITA ,,,,,,MAI BINE ,,,,,,O NEVASTA INDRAGOSTITA ,,,,CU RESPECT ,,,,,,
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
sunt o tipa cu,capul in nori...dar ating si pamantul. Caut iubire,si numai iubire!Sunt pe punctul de a ma intoarce in Romania.Caut un mascul distins,elegant,manierat cu care sa pornesc o relatzie serioasa,chiar si casatorie!Amatorii sunt rugatzi sa lase un mesaj dulce! sexy seniorita
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
First,I do not smoke,nor drink,never taken drugs in my life.I am very easy going.I have no kids.I like to do just about any thing that makes me happy.I am the kind of girl that is 100% real on all levels.I do not have time for games in the honor of love,feeling good and being happy.I have a college Degree,I do not stress nor argue with a man.I have very strong passion for a man and a lover to the bone of my soul.I believe in our GOD.I do not pass judgement on any body nor do i live in the pass that is not good in a relationship.I keep a clean house,I cook,hunt,fish,dance and enjoy happiness.I am seeking a man that is 100% honest,don't lie,.I do not cheat I am a one woman man to the end.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Imi caut jumatatea vreau pe cineva alaturi mine sa ne intelegem si sa facem o casnicie frumoasa. About me My name is Pat ,i am 32 years Old,I am Single (five years ago), Black, dark black hair, brown eyes, 5' 9", 141 lbs.,Long Hair and a healthy Lady. I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally and financially secure Sunt o fata simpla fara obligati adoca fara copiii sunt singura. Caut o relaatie serioasa. Chiar si casatotie daca se poate.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Normala, draguta.......se spune I'm outgoing and love to spend time with friends and family. I am very easy going, I tend to love every little things of life! Well here I am to my surprise looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with and share all the great things in life. Obisnuita Un tip cu care sa socializez...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
My name is Helene French of origin, living in France, I would like to meet a person of any kind, provided that this person is attentive, loving life and want to invest in a serious relationship. I am a smiling, simple woman who has a lot of love to give to a man who deserves it. I would like to chat with real man, who will not say "" you are too far away "", love has no border is not it? !
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
ma consider o persoana de incredere, stiu sa ii ascult pe cei care ma inconjoara.....cateodata tacuta, depinde de situatie, urasc minciuna si prostia in dragoste nu credeam iar acum cand mam indragostit...mam indragostit de cine nu trebuia...trec prin ocazii grele din veata mea...caut pe cineva k sa ma ajute sa alung tristetia din imima mea...nu k sa-si mai bata iar joc de ia!!!! atletica si unii spun ca sunt atragatoare caut o persoana onesta, care nu are obiceiul sa minta si cel mai important sa ma inteleaga la greu
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
TE LAS PE TINE SA DESCOPERI MAI MULTE!!! :) I am a separated mother, and easy going Chrstian lady who puts God first and family next. I want someone to complete my family with, and also complete his. I am looking out for something that will be permanent.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
Sunt intocmai persoana din profil , am 51 de ani , o fica si 2 nepoti .Din principiu si respect pentru mine , imi vor sa cunosc pe cineva de virsta mea sau apropiat virstei mele . Imi pare rau pentru cei care isi pierd momentul cu mesaje inutile de salut cind nu au nici macar un profil sau o virsta mai mica decit al ficei mele ...
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
simpatik si deschisa la noi experiente Eu...caut,dar sunt sigura ca nu mai exista.Dupa ce am impartit 12 ani bune si rele,am devenit "Babaciune zbarcita"si "Pensionara".Cred ca toti masculii ,dupa ce se folosesc mare de femei,le arunca intr-o debara,le tin ascunse,iar viata lor continua cu o relatie paralela,cu vreo Bunaciune in loc de Babaciune.Niciodata nu am visat la vreun print superb si bogat,dat fiind faptul ca nici eu nu sunt vreo Madona.Imi vor un om cu bun simt,care sa stie ce este acela RESPECT,si care intr-adevar sa isi doreasca o relatie cuminte,bazata macar pe respect reciproc,daca A IUBI oricum nu mai reprezinta nimic in zilele noastre.Eu sunt o femeie normala,spun eu...,vesela ,glumeata,inca dornica de o forma sau alta de distractie.Sunt si nenorocita daca este cazul,imi scot si eu ghearele ,daca este nevoie.Dar deja sunt scarbita de gheare,colti si pumni,rautati si jigniri.DOAR daca te regasesti in caracteristicile pe care le caut,cauta-ma.Daca esti obsedat sexual,cumpara in alta regiune.Aici e inchis. am un alura fizic bun barbat
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
sunt o fire dinamica umpluta de potenta tot timpu sa caut ceva nou imi place sa ascult muzica si rock putin imi place sa scriu poezii sunt sensibila restu persista sa descoperiti voi Romantica, sensibil? cu simtul umorului,Iubesc copii,animalele si viata la tara . In rest sunt cu bune cu rele , o iubita normala , Doresc sa intalnesc un suflet bun ,cald cu bun simt pe um?rul c?ruia sa ma odihnesc cind sunt obosita,sa plang cand sunt trista ,sa ma bucur cand sunt fericita ,sa ne bucur?m laolalta si sa Imb?tranim frumos . Sa iubeasca viata la tara si gradinaritul . sunt inalta fur ochi oricui
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
New late beginning in life Confident , full of life ready for whatever the life brings... loves spending time with family and friends. I am what I am ... not looking to impress anyone. I am widowed and looking for a companion to enjoy life, some one to cuddle up with in front of the fire place on cold winter nights, some one who knows what he wants from life... no bumms please... I'm looking for a man to start a new late beginning in life . I'm looking for a relationship , one that is based on friendship ,honesty, trust , family, and most importantly love... I'm interested in a man who is independent but also needs and wants to fell LOVE Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take...,but by the moments that take our breath away On and relationship need to have a balance of give and take to have a chance. There "is" someone for everyone....go where your hart leads you no matter the distance ,culture, state or country. The only things in life you regret are the risks that you didn't take.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
te las pe tine sa m-a descoperi!!!! I am young and ambitious woman. I think that at personal contact it is possible to learn much about me. I will try to describe myself shortly. I very sociable, kind and romantic woman. Many people say to me, that I very good person. I hate a deceit and lie. I true and loyal, and I always treated very kindly people. I do not look at a material well-being of people, I communicate with different people, I am given by pleasure from dialogue with usual, open people. I too very open woman, and I like to converse in an open and frank manner. I think that at dialogue you will draw conclusions for yourselves, and will understand what I. vreau sa-mi spui tu cum sunt!!!!! ............... pe tine!!!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
inalta sexi sexuala si dornica de o relatie cu un mascul My interest is in a good personality and sense of humor for I need someone to lift my spirits. I generally prefer men that is older than me, because i believe age its just a number, but am open to any depending upon their sharing the intimate side of myself with someone willing to do the same. I hope to find a man that will satisfy my sexual needs and also spend enough time together hanging around and also going to the cinema together as well. par
blond ochi albastri si analta un mascul cu potential si cu situatie materiara bunisoara si dornic de o relatie
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Piatra Neamt, Neamt Romania
i\'m a shining star in your darkest dreams... I am Single, brown hair, blue eyes, My height is 5 feet,7 inches.i weight 58kg.,Long Hair and a healthy Lady. I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally secure I am single woman here and really serious looking for a very man as well to have a relationship with..I am looking for a special, loving relationship with a unique Man who is affectionate, Handsome, with a shapely figure, sincere, easygoing, with interests and characteristics similar to mine someone who wants a meaningful, serious, long-term relationship not just a few dates.I am looking for someone who has a great sense of humor and big heart, is curious about new things that would like to share new experiences or old habits. as natural as i try to be... a boy that can make me shiver...