dragutza de treaba curioasa sa imi fac mai multi prieteni I like to Tease in a Respectful and Caring way, Playful, I am a Giver , I love surprises.Impulsive and Adventurous, willing to try different things, I love to laugh, I am Strong with a Caring Heart. Relaxed , and Humble. sexy si rea persoane dragute de treaba si dornice sa imi fie prieteni( cupluri si fete bi) sunt o tipa bi curioasa astept mesaje pupici
Hmm intra pe chat si mai vb :* I can say that I have a very versatile personality. One part of me is an independent, persistent, neat person, and the other is a very loving, caring, sweet and feminine lady. I try to maintain balance in my personality, my life, my work... Sexual Chat.
Sunt o persoana sensibila , imi place sa calatoresc , imi plac masinile imi place sa conduc ... si totul vom afla pe chat ! I am loyal, honest, loving, understanding and caring. I am petite with attractive looks. I believe that I have the knowledge and the skills to fight despite the adversity of life. I am sincere in terms of love, and I am only a one-man-woman. To make someone happy is what I want to see always and inspires them in my own little ways. I am faithful and know how to care for a relationship. Intocmai ca in poze Chat Galati. Orice
sunt genul de persoana care nu regreta cand face ceva.. imi place sa simt distractia , desfatarea , sa am cati mai multi prietenii sa ne distram toti sa tinem legatura .. cam atat I am an outgoing, grounded, independent and active woman. I enjoy being with the people I love. My family and good friendships are important to me. I can be very serious and passionate about the things I care about but I also enjoy the lighter side of life, having fun and a good laugh. I enjoy the work I do and in my spare time I enjoy reading a good book, watching a good movie, swimming or walking. I\'d like to share my life with a man who is happy, mature, intelligent, has a sense of humor and is generous at heart. arat bine cred la varsta pe care o am si sper ca si peste 20 de ani sa ma mentin caut prieteni baieti si fete care vor sa ne intanlim deosebite activitati sa mergem in calatori etc ..
Enigmatica, evaziva, irationala si impredictibila,
\"Functioneaz\" numai pe baza de emotii, perceptii, impresii si intuitii.Sunt atinsa de \"sidromul relativitatii\".Stiu ca realitatea nu e nicicand una singura, ci ca are foarte multe fatete. Sunt maestra in \"arta aburirii\":D.
Am fixurile mele legate de omenirea misticului, fantasticului, superstitiei si magiei.Cu toate astea, sunt o persoana maleabila, compasiva si ingaduitoare, care mai degraba incearca sa-i inteleaga pe ceilalti, decat sa-i judece.Chiar daca sufar, sunt gata sa iert si am o imensa capacitate de iubire si devotament.
Cand fac urat?
Avand o viziune global-intuitiva a lucrurilor, ma enerveaz sau ma inchid in me cand mi se cer explicatii si argumente logice. pe scurt:..am 1,70m,ochi caprui,par saten.. Chat Oline. cati mai multi prieteni...baietzi si fete fara fitze....:)
Sunt inteligenta,independenta,puternica si sensibila in acelasi timp.Daca esti in cautare de aventuri de o seara sau relatii pasagere ,nu te mai obosi sa ma contactezi ,imi dau seama neintarziat si-ti pierzi momentul .Daca esti cu ceva mai dominant ,mai inteligent si vrei sa ma cunosti,am sa dau o sansa unei prietenii. Vor si poze de profil.Nu caut un fat-frumos,dar as vrea sa ai o aspect agreabila. Și nu fi arogant ca nu-mi plac oamenii de genul. Mi-as dori sa fi din zona jud.Alba sau Cluj...Și inca ceva:daca esti casatorit ,te rog ,dar TE ROG,nu ma cauta... Nu ofer intelegere si "relaxare" pentru oameni casatoriti si cu copii. nimik incitant sa imi fac prieteni care oreste aici ma gaseste si fete si baieti:*:*:P:P:D:D
sunt o fire normala nu sunt fitoasa imi place sa ma distrez sa ma simt bine Hello!!! I am very glad that have found your profile, you have seemed to me Very interesting also has decided to write to you. Probably we shall find much in common Also we become good friends. My name is Olga and me of 29 years. If you will write to me that You can learn about me much more. Therefore I wait from you the letter in mine mailbox. Write to me, I think we shall make friends. cred ca arat bine sa pierd tinpul pe chat si prietenii
Nu caut niciu baiat Sint o persoana extrem simpla si umpluta de viata romantica grijulie imi place viata necomplicata , viata in suburbie ......nu-mi place cluburile bautura sau fumatul .Apreciezi natura si ce are de oferit imi petrec momentul la piscina la un tenis la gradini botanice si zoologice in gradinuta la picnic sau la o plimbare cu catelusul meu ......imi caut jumatatea... pina in prezent nu am gasit o persoana sa aibe aceleasi placeri de la viata ca mine ......nu ma intereseaza fiintele din alte tarii eu locuiesc aici si de accea asi dori o persoana din aceasi zona .....nu sunt interesata in persoane care nu au statutul legal in aceasta tara daca doresti alte informati ma poti contacta ......iar daca dupa ce ai citit scurta mea descriere si crezi ca nu avem nimic in comun sau nu esti mai inalt ca mine te rog sa treci cu vedere profileul meu nu are rost sa ne pierdem timpul Sunt frumusica ca asta am zis tot Nu caut nici o relatie aici sunt doar pentru socializare prietenie chat si nimic mai mult
I'm perfect in my imperfections, happy in my pain, strong in my weaknesses and beautiful in my own way cause I'm ME.
Nu sunt Miss, sunt iubitoare de elegant si nu-mi plac agramatii! Aspectul fizic conteaza dar nu e definitoriu. Incercati sa depasiti bariera "ambalajului"!!! Fara chat domnilor! I'm a very active person who loves the outdoors. Happy with the way my life has turned out and feel that I have learned from my mistakes and chalk everything up to experience. I am looking for an educated man...
Stau si ma gandesc ca poate acel MASCUL desprins parca dintr-o iarna nucleara , BRUNET si TEMPERAMENTAL, plin de pofta si emanand viata in jur este doar in visul meu si nu il voi intalni niciodata...dar SPER...ESTE ACOLO.
design to love....
NU VB CU CEI CARE NU AU POZA !!!NU MI MERGE CHAT UL si nu pot sa citesc nici comentariile!!!..ASA CA CINEVA DACA DORESTE SA MI ZICA CEVA...PLEASE MESAJ... Sunt fata iubitoare, cinstita si ingrijitoare, cu un bun simt al umorului. Imi place sa intalnesc oameni noi si modul lor de viata. Imi plac acele parti ale lumii, calmul marii, frumusetea muntilor si tot ceea ce viata are de oferit. Flirt Chat.
hello my name its mariana i am new here on this site i will like to know some nice persone who know what will be ,all i can say its that i am not onw girl young but i will like to finde some one with who to start someting nice .i whait you one chat here write tome one mesage i am nice oversome persone Sexy Chat. loocking for sex
nu s au inventat cuvinte care sa poata descrie persoana mea exact asa cum este.............(PS- disperatii si obsedatii sa si caute de treaba in alta parte. !!!!!!!) It is not a lot of about itself: my name Olga, I live to Russia, my city Kirov, it not big, but very beautiful, At me light hair which you can see in a photo, I have not big growth, I have finished University, and work now in library, I love books, and very strongly I like to read, I could not find the love, here, in the homeland, to the poet I have decided to visit this site of acquaintances, To try to find love, about a bark I so a long time dream, I am very strong the lonely girl, I have not enough friends, I live with my parents, I work much to help them. I love reading books, novels, a fantezie detectives, still I love navigation, but on it at me not so It is a lot of time, still I like to walk in the street, easier to sit in park, and to read books, I have got used To loneliness, and now I want that my life has changed, I have no children, but I very strongly love them, and very strongly I wish to have the children. I search for the kind, fair person, only not mere words, Which is capable for me of the big step in the life which can understand me, and can can grow fond, for me the age does not matter, we in Russia have a saying that I love all age are obedient. Therefore I search for love, I do not smoke and I do not drink, I have no bad habits, and consequently At me good health. It is not a lot of walks along the street, and you the happiest)) if I are interesting to you, That I shall be happy to read your message. Only any games and to not offer sex. I not the girl Easy character, that dont sent to you senzual photos. At me they are not present, can not ask at all. I think that it is only small part about me if you wish to know about me more write to me. iar pt masculii care cauta relatii extraconjugale, eu propun sa insiste la fete de profil si de specialitate!!!!!!!!!!! apropo....nu mi plac masculii care se posteaza in imagine pe langa vreo masina "bengoasa". ca asa puteam sa pun si eu *** de foto, dar ce folos? chiar am ajuns sa mi fac reclama cu o bucata de tabla cu volan? ha ha probabil ca genul acesta de barbati nu au cu ce iesi in evidenta decat cu tablaria
Sant pe chat doar pentru converdatie ..rafinata,distinsa,eleganta,cu simtul umorului,...... ....Femeile sunt precum merele neculese. Cele mai bune sunt in varful pomului. Majoritatea barbatilor nu vor sa se intinda dupa cele bune fiindca se tem sa nu cada si sa se raneasca. Prefera, in schimb, merele cazute pe jos, care nu sunt la fel de bune, dar usor de luat. Merele din varful pomului se gandesc ca este ceva in neregula cu ele, cand, de fapt, sunt extraordinare. Trebuie numai sa astepte sa apara barbatul potrivit, care sa fie suficient de curajos sa urce pana in varful pomului. " Sant blonda cu ochi albastri si sant plinta 90 kg Chat Sexual. Doar converdatie
Caut doar fete lesbi sau bi.. Ich bin Single und suche nach meinem Seelenverwandten, der es wert ist, geliebt zu werden. Ich brauche einen Mann, der mich glücklich machen kann und wir können immer mehr voneinander lernen. Jemand, den wir beide zusammen alt werden können. Warum warten? Erzählen Sie mir mehr über sich selbst. Denken Sie daran, dass ich neu in diesem Bereich bin und hier kein bezahltes Mitglied bin. Par cret castaniu, ochii verzi 1,75 70kg Caut femeie pentru un raport lesbi sau in trei cu sotul meu
Imi plac oamenii sinceri, hotarati,inteligenti,independenti si care-si respecta semenii.Daca ai aceste calitati contacteaza-ma.Daca esti in cautare de scurte aventuri nu ai ce cauta impreuna mine.Și nu experimenta sa minti ca imi dau seama si-ti pierzi momentul si al tau si al meu. Hello,
Only looking to chat with people.
Ps:i have a boyfriend, i'm just looking to chat with people, please keep that in mind when you send me a message.
Probabil normala si comuna ca multe alte fete de aici sau de pe alte site-uri... Sint o persoana optimista imi place sa lupt si sa obtin ceia ce vreau respecto si vreau sa fiu respectata imi plac calatorile si cercu de prieteni nu suport fiintele bolnave de gelozie toate au o limita.
Buna ma numesc Ionela am 22 de ani sunt din Bacau am 2 fete si vreau sami gasesc o relatie stabila legata de iubire sinceritate si comunicare sunt divortata My life is like a merry-go-round: lots of people and events happening around me, I can say that I never feel dull, there are lots of interesting things for me, I have wide range of hobbies, but a€¦. but I need to find the centre for my lifea€¦.. and I want this centre to be my love, my relationship with beloved man!! Sunt bruneta am ochi caprui am inaltimea 1.73 si kilograme Vreau sami gasesc o relatie stabila sau poate si casatorie daca se poate
sunt o fata d treaba j nu aj putea sa stau in ksa makr un pic..j o sa ne cun intre timp:) I am looking for the Right Person, a relationship that leads to marriage. My parents had a great marriage. Someone that will take your breath away by a touch or a glance. The person that can knock your socks off that knows you inside is called falling in love am not here to play games or send nude pictures am here to find loved life is to shot. arat destul de bine..nu pot sa ma vait:) caut fete j baietsi pt prietenie...:)
Ca toata omenirea cu defecte si calitati Prietenia si respectul stau la baza unei relatii durabile si trainice. Esti tu schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in jurul tau sau o astepti doar de la ceilalti? Teme de interes-implicare: educatia, justitia sociala, antreprenoriatul social, participarea civica, mediul si dezvoltarea durabila, frumosul din natura si cel din creatia omului..Imi place lemnul, nu plasticul. Imi plac copacii vii, cele mai minunate si valoroase creaturi vegetale. Si Diana Krall.. Nici slaba nici grasa muultumita de mine M-am saturat de oameni falsi cu doua fete vreau om care sa stie ce vrea de la viata
mult prea fina,intre fete sunt regina.se opreste,te ameteste,iti zambeste,ma omoara,ma priveste,se lasa pe spate doar de la jumate,va intrece pe toate Sensibilă , iubitoare de călătorii, shopping si gătit :))) Rog seriozitate !!! Nu răspund celor care nu à ®ndeplinesc "cerinÈa€ºele" ! Limba germana e un plus punct ;) Kannst du deutsch , dann schreib mir auf deutsch ! fara Lycra si solar,asta e bronzul natural,Si special pentru tine,DA TU,cea care te uiti la mine ,Sunt mUlt MaI BuNA sI MUlT maI FrUmOaSa cA TINe
I am a single, decent and down to earth professional looking to meet an attractive and a classy man for a potential long term relationship. I am liberal, tolerant, open minded and ready for a long term friendship and love with a special, kind, understanding and smart man. I do not like arrogant and mean people, as well as stupidity accompanied by an over-inflated ego. I believe in character, principles and moral values in life and I still trust people. My desired match would be an educated man with a good sense of humor and, probably, some European sophistication, who takes care of himself in spirit, body and mind. Ideally, we should communicate very well, share our feelings and emotions, make sure we understand each other, be respectful and honest, as well as smart and creative in developing singular connections and bonds...leading to love. I understand that love is not only chemistry, click or sex-appeal. It requires hard work, patience, passion and openness, and time to develop and nurture. Caut fata sau fete lesby
Sunt o fata de treaba serioasa si sincera. , and who is employed.special to capture my heart and knows how to handle it with care, one who will cherish me and be willing to share life's greatest joys and sorrows. Someone who's willing to spoil, pamper and love me unconditionally, whom is kind, sincere, honest, passionate, loyal, sense of humor, loving and wants a lifetime of passion.and also knows how to have fun but can be serious when needed., so only serious inquiries will be accepted...I'm looking for a soul-mate...a best friend for life! Someone I could talk to about anything....A good listener, smart and funny! I'd give the same to the ONE !! Who knows - may be you are my twin-soul------ Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol or do drugs? I'm a nonsmoker/nondrinker, not into drugs (don't need them; I live in a natural high).I want to live a normal living always with my partner.i don't care if he drinks or smoke.i'll always have him deep in my heart My favorite movies are romantic movies, eating habits: just about anything.Horror, thrillers, comedy. End of the world themes (I don't know why). I like independent films to a point (experimental films are unwatchable so why watch). I do get a kick out of bad movies. I admire the attempt when there is no budget but hate it when there is and it's a mess.Musics are Pretty much everything except grunge. My favorite music's are Gospel,Jazz,Country,Rock&roll,High life,Co Sunt blonda cu ochi albastri ,inaltime potrivita si slabuta. as cauta sa am multi prieteni din toata lumea.Si atat fete cat si baieti.Sa aiba simtul umorului,sa nu fie cu fitze.In concluzie sa fie de treaba.
sunt simpatica si prietenoasa as vrea sa imi fac prieteni aproape din toata tara Pentru unii frumoasa, pentru altii urata.... pentru unii dulce, pentru altii copilaroasa...de unii iubita, pentru altii nesuferita...De unii apreciata iar de altii criticata...Asa va fi tot timpul...Mereu se va gasi cineva care sa puna o eticheta ,mereu se va gasi cineva care sa faca rau....Dar asta nu reprezinta ca am sa ma schimb! Chiar de cate lupte am sa duc in viata, indiferent de ce dificultati am sa intampin sau clipe frumoase am sa raman aceasi femeie, acelasi om, acelasi suflet frumos!! sunt asa si asa
parul castaniu
ochii caprui... sa imi fac prieteni noi pe simpatie...
in cautare de baieti si fete in exceptie de prieteni...
Buna .. sunt o tipa lesbi deci nu va prea agitati sa ma agatati. Vreau doar sa cunosc oameni pentru ca ma consider o tipa deosebit de sociabila.. I am well-educated and intelligent woman. I am sincere, kind, open-minded with great sense of humor. In my free time I like to go in city park, resting. For me, my family is important. Happiness, health and welfare of my family. Find a simple woman's happiness - to love and be loved, to understand and respect each other. To me it is important that I can help people and that I like my job. I would like to meet a tender and kind-hearted man if you interested let me know so that i can add you to my list and we can know more about each Other. Nici mica dar nici mare.. inceput serios de muschi abdominali(pachetele)... deoarece am facut sport de reusita cred ca sunt ok din punct de vedere gizic Caut fete pentru discutii si satisfactia comunicarii.
Caut iubire,si numai iubire!Sunt pe punctul de a ma intoarce in Romania.Caut un mascul distins,elegant,manierat cu care sa pornesc o relatzie serioasa,chiar si casatorie!Amatorii sunt rugatzi sa lase un mesaj dulce! In cautare de masculi in varsta care vor trairi de memorat dar si fete bi ce doresc sa intretina relatii intime!
sunt o tipa plina de viata si foarte vesela I like to be happy and give everybody the chance to be happy , Ia€™m the shy type , I took a while to consider the fact to come online here now , because I have had a bad relationship before and dona€™t wish for it to happen again, if you text me because of some selfish reasons like just sex , I aina€™t gonna reply you , I need someone who will love me and be with me and make a family , thata€™s all I want You can message me , remember Ia€™m here for a long term relationship, I lost my boyfriend in a car accident about some years ago , now I live alone , no kids , just some friends who come over sometimes , I sell watches , bags , shoes , sometimes part time make over artist , thata€™s what I do , you can mail me if you think we gonna be good to each other , and as for the man I prefer , age is no barrier for me , age is just a number , I dona€™t know where my happiness lies , could be younger or older than me , all I want is a family and be happy, Ia€™m open to all persista sa descoperiti voi ... caut o fata cu care sa ma imprietenesc. Fetelor va astept !!!
Rog barbatii sa se abtina si le multumesc pentru intelegere.
SaNT O FATA CU UN SIMT DEZVOLTAT AL UMORULUI SI CU O DORINTA IMENSA DE A CUNOASTE NOI LOCURI My equal will be honest, warm, self-aware, a good conversationalist and trusted companion. A good sense of humour never goes astray, though I'd settle for someone who laughs at my jokes :) Most importantly I need a man with an open heart, who knows how to truly value and connect with others. A man who makes me feel like I just got home. Does that sound like you? Don't just sail on by. Drop me a line. As Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "My big fish must be somewhere." - The Old Man and the Sea FRUMOS LOVELY BOYS
O fata simpla I am ready to accept my future partner with all his traits and drawbacks if our souls match. His age does not matter to me anything, but his inner world does! I am sure that there is a men on this planet who wants to get acquainted with me, who is awaiting my love and who is just like me willing to have a nice and complete family. I am sure that the man I need is loving, decent, tender, mature and stable and reliable so if interested in what you read on my profile ,You can add this all this line together to get me because that is the easiest way too get intouch with me.. 5.....Time is nothing. The desire to love is everything. 2.....A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. 0......I want to find someone who can make me laugh and smile on my worst day. 4......I believe everything can be worked out if the two people love each other enough. 2......I believe a strong relationship is built on a solid foundation, without a foundation you have nothing to grow upon. 8......I want someone who is willing to give 100% of himself to me and our relationship . 7...... I believe it doesn't take very long in wondering whether two people are compatible. 2......Life in abundance comes only through great love. 3.......Love is nothing but the purest connection between two hearts. 1.......You'll be surprised to know how far you can go from the point where you thought it was the end. Get me through the line and you are going to hear from me ASAPthanks for taken your time to ready this far....I hope to hear from you soonest Atletic Tot ce e bun
sunt o fata frumoasa My name is vanessa evan i am a sensitive, caring, God fearing woman I am a faithful and committed person, who is very considerate of other people's feelings am retiring soon and really cannot spend the rest of my life alone because time wait for no one and we have a little time in this world for us not to enjoy and live......I will be glad if u can kindly tell me more about you as I would love to know you more..In Addition Distance doesn't matters,cos i believe people meet by a reason and not by Chance..LOVE,TRUST AND HONESTY MATTERS,as long as this exist everything will work out for good,and with LOVE anything can happen.Feel free to write me and lets get to know each other and see where it will end inalta slaba eleganta sexy etc eu caut un mascul care vrea ca si mine
O fata normala.....mai mult sau mai putin I very emotional and kind during too time the person. I like to dream, as I the romantic person. I do not like to stop before the risen problem on a way because for me there is no nothing achievable. I simply purposeful person. I like to find sufficient time for sports because it to me allows to support the body in the good form. I love a life, as I very cheerful person. I the optimist also think that it speaks about much. To me to like to listen to music, to go to cinemas. I like to find out always something new and for this purpose I go to museums, I read interesting books. Still I like painting as by means of the image it is possible to tell very much much. I like to communicate with interesting people... In general I the versatile person and about myself can tell very much much... But I shall do it when I shall find on this site of the person with which to me it will be interesting. Placut...spun eu Un mascul intelegator
Sunt o fata draguta About me: I guess I am best described as contradictory and diverse. Adventurous yet stable. Fun yet reliable. Hard worker yet not a workaholic. Funny with a serious side. Active yet relaxed. In shape, but up for staying in. Communicative yet thoughtful. And chivalry is not dead.And of course romantic! I am comfortable with who I am and am established in a good career.I like to stay reasonably active by going to the gym, swimming, tennis, basketball, hiking, walking, or bicycling. Sexy si rea Masculi
O fata speciala cu simtzul umorului dezvoltat peste masurile asteptarilor tale... Femeia este simbolul frumusetii si a puritatii, ce sprijina inima unui mascul sa fie ireprosabila si laolalta cu omul sa calauzeasca tainele iubirii spre infinit. Sotia este cea care da nastere la vise, iluzii, gelozii, drame gasite in cele mai mici lucruri, este cea care adora sa fie ascultata, sa fie iubita, sa ii poarte cineva de grija. Agreabil din spusele multor persoane Ceva la care visez de mult timp
o fata umpluta de pasiune si nesatisfacuta ...inca Buna. Eu ma numesc..Valerica . Am 39 de ani sii locuesc in tulcea. Am un usor handicap la picioare...am o fata de 15 ani. Sunt o fire vesela sii deschisa pre tot ce inseamna frumosul sii placerea.vietii. mega ....zic eu...va astept sa va dati si voi cu parerea
Sunt o fata fidela,pudica si interesata de un baiat iubitor si ambitios fara relatie santajoasa,si profitoare Caut o persoana speciala care sa-mi fie, in initialul rand, prieten, in care sa am incredere si pe care sa ma pot baza... sa fie sufletul meu pereche si, apoi, iubit... ...o persoana care sa ma iubeasca pentru ceea ce sunt si asa cum sunt... care sa ma accepte cu toate calitatile si defectele mele! Imi vor o relatie bazata pe intelegere, incredere, devotament, respect reciproc, sinceritate, onestitate, loialitate, tandrete, grija unuia fata de celalalt, o buna comunicare si deschidere... Daca si TU apreciezi aceleasi lucruri si crezi ca putem fi pe analogica lungime de unda, te astept sa-mi scrii! I am seeking someone, a deosebit person, someone who can be a friend and confidant, soul mate and later a lover... Someone to share the good times and, when necessary, the not so good times... who likes simplicity, admiring sunsets together, walking in the park, hiking in the mountains, watching films, talking about books, traveling together... I'd like someone to like me as I am and for what I am... to accept all my qualities and imperfections... The relationship must be based on understanding, trust, devotion, mutual respect, sincerity, honesty, loyalty, tenderness, care, good communication... But as a first step.. you need to atingere me! :) Arat binisor par saten inaltime 1,65,forme bunisoare un baiat respectos cu bune moduri si sa ma iubeasca asa cum sunt
sunt o fata foarte curata...simpla .. si delicata Peaceful yet playful. Good sense of humor. I am creative and I enjoy learning for a better balance in life. I appreciate giving and receiving without keeping scores. Honesty is a must. Like beauty in life and people. Like my life full of "spices". Like people who know to listen. Like meaningful content. Spontaneity and being genuine. More at a different time and place. cu variante frumoase barbat care ma poate ajuta financiar ..in schimb poate primi ce doreste de la mine
Sunt o fata sincera,indreaneata,linistita,pentru mine sinceritatea si increderea este nucleul unei relatii. I'm a humorous, caring girl who always has a lot of laughs and does not pull me to make fun comments when opportunity is given. I have a great interest in sports of all kinds and exercise myself both at the gym and go walking several times a week. To get out and breathe fresh air, maybe grilling something or just feeling calm rests warmly at my heart. The guy I'm looking for should be a caring person who knows what he wants with his life, who appreciates sports life as well as cozy home evening or a restaurant visit where you can treat yourself to really good food either by hand or in company of friends. Imi place extrem mult sa fac sport deci pot spune ca am un fizic atletic. Caut un barbat adevarat cu experienta de la care sa am ce sa invat..Vreau sa ma iubeasca si in acelasi timp sa ma respecte.
Sunt o fata OK! Am inceput sa-i inteleg pe barbati, in sensul ca nu le cer ceea ce nu pot sa dea (..renuntare la prieteni, fotbal, masini, flirt in cluburi, etc.). Mai stiu ca nu esti ceea ce crezi tu ca esti, ci ceea ce cred altii despre tine. Cunostintele mele zic ca-s o fata eleganta si in regula din toate punctele de vedere.
Ma intereseaza si alte pareri! Pe scurt,... frumoasa, ingrijita, bronzata, frecventez sala de fitnes de 5 ori pe saptamana,...! Relatii de prietenie cu masculi care au si altceva decat instincte!
sunt o fata linistita dar imi place distractia Hi... I'm very easy going, someone who like making new friends, I'm jovial, hard working, I'm looking for someone that can make me feel like a woman, someone I can trust, someone who don't care about who I am, I must have someone who is good at talking and listening. I must have a partner who is honest and strong enough to do the right thing.I must have a partner who is gentle and kind. I must have someone who isn't afraid to take a risk and who sees life as an adventure. am 1,73 54 kg si arat bn asa cred eu un mascul intelegator si sa-i placa distractia
ciao sunt fata tinerica dornica de trairi noi.... I can be a strong woman, but want to be weak and protected near my man. I can struggle, but I want better to smile. I can make my way through life, but I better want the life to be a clear way for me. I believe that I can do the best of my life, and I am trying to do this every moment of my existence! pozele cred ca spun tot.... ,,,nu caut ceva anume ceva ,,,un tip tinar si dragut....rog seriozitate
fata buna, cuminte si devreme acasa... I am a professional Christian singer and songwriter/religious leader that travels internationally spreading love through song and speaking. I enjoy surrounding myself with positive energy. I am a unique man that sees the world in a unique way. blonda, nu-i de ajuns?? caut un baiat simpatic, plin de viata si de fitze....necasatorit...:)) si nefumator!!!
buna ma numesc ioana am 25 de ani sunt studenta anu 2 la facultatea de finante din valcea la spiru haret....sunt roscata am ochii verzi...am 1.65m....am 50 kg nu sunt nici grasa nici slaba imiplace sa arat bine din toate punctele de vedere mai ales cand sunt in prezenta iubitului deci?cine ma vrea? sunt o fata simpla....cu bun simt....imi place sa ascult la partenerul meu perfect indiferent ce arepe suflet....sunt intelegatoare,comunicativa,respectoasa,fidela,urascminciuna si infidelitatea....imi place sa spun lucrurile pe fata chiar de situatie sunt directa si la subiect numi place sa ma ascund. mias dori un iubit...sa fie iubitor,grijuliu vigilent sa ma inteleaga sa fie aproape mine meereu cand am anevoie maxima sa fia aklo cand simt nevoia chiar ca cu vb sau k un sfat dar conteaza ....orice gest al lui....sa ma alinte si sa ma resfetela fel va fi si elkum va fi el cu mine asa voi fi si eu
simpatica, prietenoasa, inteligents.... I work with the red cross team ,i am a clinic Doctor i specialize on traumatic injuries from bombs and missile am looking for a sincere man to spend the rest of my life with,,who can laugh one who ia motivated and ambitious ,and willing to learn new things... o fata naturala nu sunt in cautare de aventuri
Sunt o fata rasfatata,sunt dornica de Nou,nu imi plac barbatii fitosi.Sunt o fata dornica de orice Acea persoana care stie sa ofere:linistea, armonia, dragostea si intelegerea intr-o relatie, are un atuu.Plus,sa stie sa fie responsabil ,familist, calm,sa aibe simtul umorului ,sa fie tandru,sa existe chimie si ,comunicare intre noi,atunci,e iubitul pe care-l caut sa mi fie alaturi. Sa fie acel mascul pe care abia astept sa -l vad cand vin acasa . Cum spune toata lumea-superba- Incerc sa cunosc barbati care imi pot darui orice! Sunt deschisa la orice tip de relatie
timida si rasfatata Utilizatoare inversunata de cratima si virgula cu IQ de ceapa degerata cauta dialog spumos pentru practica ludica pe durata nedeterminata. Sau manechin intelectual pentru fineturi si voluptati sufletesti. Pastrati cea mai tare intrebare ("Deranjez ?") pentru Ileana Cosanzeana. las la aprecierea voastra un tip destept, cu simtul umorului , manierat, respectos.
O fata care are cate putin din toate.....:))) I am open minded,friendly,caring, lovely,honest, considerate,faithful and have real good sense of humor. My favorite hobbies would contine the outdoors,and all kinds of sporting activities,hiking,day trips,movies, cooking,and most anything that makes both partners happy Profilul fizik se regaseste in profil Caut ceva ce nu mai exista printre care si stabilitatea intr-o relatie..........PERSOANELE CARE NU SUNT DIN BUCURESTI SI CARE SUNT AVENTURIERI SA SE ABTINA