dulcica foc Hello, let me introduce myself. I come from China. I am working and living in Beijing, China. I'm looking for a serious relationship, so I hope we share same roots and beliefs. Also, I'm hoping you have college degree, speak English, and accept me sincerely. I hope to start as friends and perhaps I need some time to get to know you before it is official. I wish we could be very happy together. Grazie!! voi ce spuneti un tip sufletist nimic mai mult
Ador plimbarile si distractia I am a very cheerful person, I always believe in the best and that is why I am very happy about my life. I am very kind and reliable and Iaa¬a¢m kind and responsible woman, seeking for good relationship, someone I can fabricate a strong family with. I am a calm, life-loving, never lose my temper and I was brought up to respect men in every forma I am looking for a solid mature man with whom to build a future. He will be a nice ordinary man who wants me and only me if that is not too much to ask. Sunt o fata sexi fund bombat si te las sa ma descoperi
placuta cu mare chef de distractie I like hiking, biking, golfing and traveling. I like spontaneous trips to share and learn. I hope to find an intelligent, interesting and attractive man for a relationship that is beneficial to both of us. inalta de suspensii,pusa bine pe roti si cu mare motor la spate
nu-mi ajung cuvintele I the beautiful young girl who wishes to begin serious relations. About myself I can tell, that I very sociable and positive person. It seems to me that the nature generously has awarded me with such qualities as mind, beauty and good nature. I very kind person, at least so my friends respond about me. But I am very easy for offending. I was disappointed in men a little and I live with hope that I will sometime meet the love. I love cooking, to listen to music, very much I love children. In my opinion it is impossible to seize all merits, it seems to me that I own many of them. And in more details I will tell about myself in the letter. se vede nu..? daca fat-frumos se ascunde pe aici as vrea sa-l cunosc...
Disabled with one traffic accident when 16 years old. Cane in my hand has been along with me from Winter to Summer; from Autumn to Spring, for studying in the university; for working in the indifferent society. When you are not sure for relationship, don't atingere me. And don't exagurate your desire with so called priority, don't indulge yourself too much with others caring. Be responsible, be warm-hearted, be smart, then be cherished, be thankful, please!
I am open minded, honest, direct, loving and faithful. I am intellectually curious, like to read and am really keen on personal development in all areas of my life. I am very active but I also enjoy relaxing time...watching good documentaries and biographies, reading, listening to music, enjoying the gorgeous fall colors, fresh snow or the blossoming trees in spring. My hobbies este format din travelling, spending time in nature, dancing, skiing, skating, yoga, swimming, biking, hiking, cooking, photography,organizing and creating a loving home, socializing with friends, singing in the shower, watching good comedies and inspirational movies. I take courses for personal development (eg. Anthony Robins, Landmark Education). I am also interested in psychology, life coaching and relationship coaching. I like to have fun, laugh, travel together with my partner, explore new things. I love walking hand in hand, hugs, kisses, romance. I see challenges as adventures and opportunities to unleash my inner strength and power. I enjoy lively conversations on mostly any topic. I like to start the relationship with a warm friendship and then take it to a higher level of intimacy.
o persona simpla Sunt o persoana singura ( vaduva) linistita ,imi place sa ma ocup de gradina mea ,sa privesc la TV sa merg la cumparaturi .Imi ocup timpul cu confectionarea de obiecte din materiale reciclabile. placut nu va spun este secret
de vis :D 10 reguli simple pentru o viata fericita 1: Nu trebuie sa fii lipsit de frica a pur si modest fii curios 2: Impaca-te cu propriile frici 3: Inceteaza sa mai cauti justificari 4: Fii rabdator cu tine insuti. 5: Nu astepta o garantie 6: aA refuzaa si aA renuntaa a nu sunt unul si acelasi fapt 7: Fii mai degraba creatorul vietii tale, decat observatorul 8: Gaseste-ti atribula 9: Adreseaza intrebarile corecte 10: Continua sa traiesti eu zic k arat ok ma uit
I would say I am passionate, caring easy to get along with (at least most of the time), optimist, and a goal setter. I am not complet but Iaa¬a¢m always looking to improve my self. The glass is always half full with me, if I get lemons I will turn them into lemonade. I wear my personality; I have nothing to hide so what you see is who I am. I consider my self to be a well balance and spiritual person that knows what I want. I'm honest, trust worthy, responsible, dependable, intelligent, intellectual, friendly, family oriented, romantic, fun loving person. I would best describe my lifestyle as conservative, very involved in my church and with a stable job. I travel a lot and enjoy doing community voluntary service. Family are a very important part of my life; I look forward to build a happy family with a man of my dream and enjoy spending time together for eternity. My friends describe me as an honest, responsible and sincere person who they can rely on. I am very open, hard working person and very sensitive to other peopleaa¬a¢s needs. I enjoy life's simple pleasures as well as a little excitement.
nu prea imi place sa ma descriu asa ca las pe altii:P:P ....Viata asta e un lung sir de pasi,de treceri de la ceva spre mereu altceva,de undeva inspre altundeva,de la ceva ce stii catre necunoscut!Či cu fiecare pas facut fiecare aeuaal tau se transforma si devine mai atent,mai curios,mai plin de intrebari,mai matur!Či il duci pe fiecare catre necunoscut,catre maturitate,catre raspunsuri ce par pierdute in eternitate!Faci un pas mic si fiecare atua vine dupa tine cu increderea ca mergi pe drumul bun si ca viata nu te va pocni in fata sau din spate!Treci prin frig,prin indiferentele unora construindu-ti poduri,construindu-ti pasii catre propria si necunoscuta destinatie!Oare destinatia asta reprezinta o parte din infinit?! destul de bine...zic eu...:):) sa ma placa asa cum sunt:):)
EXCLUS FUMATORII!!! Roscatica, vesela si cu mult bun simt al umorului, extraordinar deschisa la minte,iubitoare de natura, muzica clasica, opera si arta, caut un suflet elegant pentru o relatie de durata, acel zambet care sa ma astepte in prag... Nu ma intereseaza barbatii casatoriti..
Am open to possibilities. I am kind, honest and loving. I works to become a better person every day. Am a smart, ambitious person who knows what is important in life. Am a person who loves to learn and experience new things. An open-minded and adventurous person.
sunt nebunatik...:P I am a kind, open-hearted, communicative, humorous, loyal, reliable and responsible woman who is ready for love. I want my family to have a warm, cozy and joyful atmosphere. I want to inspire my man and warm him with tenderness and love. I appreciate respecting, sincerity and understanding. hmmm...zik io bun...:P mai multi prieteni....distractie;)
romantica, sociabila, placuta, comunicativa... rog fiintele tinere sa se abtina de la a ma contacta! Imi vor o persoana matura, sensibila, independenta financiar, cu studii pentru o prietenie eleganta si adevarata!
just me..you will see:D I am patient,generous, kind, and loving. I am always upbeat, have a positive attitude about most things and I like to have fun. I enjoy music, theatre, movies and art. I love to travel, and to go sightseeing. I love musemus, romantic dinners, seaside resorts and sunsets. agreabil sa cunosc diverse persoane si sa stabilesc relatii de amicitie
sociabila,cu simt al umorului etc I think that I am very reliable and serious woman, but I am also very feminine and very sensitive. I think that women in my age already know what they want from this life and they have certain experience and goals which they want to reach. Of course, I am not the person who gives up easily. las pe ceilalti sa ma descopere etc prietenie.....
Nu-mi place sa ma descriu, dar de data asta o voi face. Sunt un mascul bine, de o virilitate iesita din comun, hiperactiv sexual, un bun si loyal prestator de servicii. Nu gresesc, nu cer, ba ofer, nu vorbesc neintrebat, nu astept raspunsuri, nu pun intrebari. Cuminte, cu bun simt, atent, manierat, calm si generos.
Sunt o fata iubitoare intelegatoare.. daca ai gresit pentru mine esti uitat pentru totdeauna.. I'm loving, caring and an understanding person. Most of all, I'm honest and loyal as well. I'm a hardworking and responsible woman. I'm true and simple by nature. I'm loyal, romantic, faithful, idealistic and trustworthy person. I love being myself always who loves traveling, outdoors and adventures. I'm not a corect lady, but I'll be a good wife and a good mother to my future children. Parul lung brunet.. ochii caprui si mari .. o fata zambitoare mai mereu .. Caut un baiat cu suflet care sa ma iubeasca ..sa fie intelegere intre noi .. :)
sunt o tipa extrem ambitioasa si incapatanata,si asta din cauza zodiei mele adik,capricorn,distractiva,si o buna prietena - Ce relatie frumoasa poate fi intr-un barbat care se simte barbat, si o nevasta care se simte femeie! Cand fiecare isi traieste vigoarea specifica, relatia nu poate fi decat un dans minunat, in care fiecare valseaza cu gratie si incredere in propria energie... (citat cules) ochii caprui,1.60 inaltime bruneta,23 ani barbat distractiv
sunt o persoana sincera si directa care uraste minciuna,imi plac lucrurile trasnite si iesite din tipar,dar pot fi si foarte timida. De retinut!!! Inocenta, dar nu si usor de pacalit. I am kind and gentle person. I like to help others, but I don`t forget about myself. I am honest and I don`t like when other people lie to me. I am sociable and funny; I like to spend my time with my friends or meeting new people. But I am not all about fun. I enjoy simple things in my life, like watching good movie, reading a book, spending time with my friends. I like nature, animals, hiking and all kinds of sport. When I was young I played volleyball for sometime, right now I mostly do some cardio and running.... nici prea,dar nici foarte,foarte friends & fun
distractiva Thank you for paying attention to my profile. I am easy-going, like to joke, but serious when it is needed. I would be better alone then with just somebody. I want to get married once and for the whole life. I am am friendly, kind, family-oriented, I never complicate things and prefer to enjoy life. nu-mi dau cu parerea baieti frumosi
Mereu alerg dupa ceva.......e un drum lung si plin de suferinta asa ca ...incerc sa zambesc mereu sa fiu unicata si sa descopar ce altii nu au reusit pana acum; FERICIREA I am a single lady with a good sense of humor, loving, honest and very down to earth, i am easygoing who enjoys all the simple things in life cause i really love to live a simple lifestyle. I am outdoor person and i enjoy all the things outside, talk about, beaching, gardening, shopping,camping,fishing,jogging and biking. I am honest and sincere and i always have a smile on my face which keeps me going and really helps me meet nice and lovely people daily. Cooking,house work,reading and laundry are my hobbies and i really enjoy doing my hobbies anytime.I am Deborah and i look forward to meeting that singular man for an everlasting commitment. Astept comentariile :)! Sa imi fac prieten
persoana sociabila ..simpatica si mereu sincera...fara vrajeala Daca aveam acum 20 de ani mintea de acum,cu certitudine altfel s-ar fi aranjat viata mea. Sunt un om cu bune si rele,poate prea sincera pentru lumea in care traim. Cred ca am ajuns in acel moment al vietii mele,in care sa imi recunosc macar mie insami ca viata inseamna mult mai mult,decat:compromisuri,renuntari si suferinta. forma cool:P...o tipa cu de toate!! caut prietenie si distractie...:)
Iata cateva lucruri despre mine,poate mai multe decat ati vrea sa stiti!Ma numesc Marina,prietenii ma mai striga si Alina.Sunt o fire visatoare,dar si destul de ambitioasa.Cand vreau sa fac ceva de cele mai numeroase ori reusesc.Imi place sa-mi fac cat mai multi prieteni...acum va pup dulce.Ciao!
Sunt sexy si apetisanta. Draguta si sociabila Sint o persoana foarte simpla si umpluta de viata romantica grijulie imi place viata necomplicata , viata in suburbie ......nu-mi place cluburile bautura sau fumatul .Apreciezi natura si ce are de oferit imi petrec momentul la piscina la un tenis la gradini botanice si zoologice in gradinuta la picnic sau la o plimbare cu catelusul meu ......imi caut jumatatea... pina in prezent nu am gasit o persoana sa aibe aceleasi desfatari de la viata ca mine ......nu ma intereseaza fiintele din alte tarii eu locuiesc aici si de accea asi dori o persoana din aceasi zona .....nu sunt interesata in persoane care nu au statutul legal in aceasta tara daca poftesti alte informati ma poti contacta ......iar daca dupa ce ai citit scurta mea descriere si crezi ca nu avem nimic in comun sau nu esti mai inalt ca mine te rog sa treci cu vedere profileul meu nu are rost sa ne pierdem timpul Inalta,par lung,ochi mari si frumosi Distractie si nebunii si multa curiozitate
sunt eu, asa cum imi plce sa fiu, asa cum voi ramane Sunt in cautarea unei relatii serioase, in vederea casatoriei, fara relatii superficiale, nefumatoare, necasatorita, singura. Ma caracterizeaza seriozitatea, sunt o persoana cu principii bine definite, deschisa, sociabila, romantica, empatica, intuitiva cu abilitati telepatice. Defecte: intampina dificultati la capitolul pragmatism
imprevizibila.... Ik ben een vrolijke vrouw, sociaal en rustig, niet gecompliceerd en..ah een tikkeltje romantisch. Leuke jurkjes, schoenen met hakken, parfums, parels zijn mijn favoriete dingen. "Vrouwelijk" is een woord, die bij mij past. Ik houd van reizen, warme landen, zee, muziek, lekker eten en dansen. Ik ben best ontwikkeld en gesprekken met een bepaald niveau stel ik zeer op prijs. Ik zoek net als iedereen een bepaalde warmte en eerlijkheid, een matje met wie ik leuke of minder leuke dingen kan delen. Ik woon in Nederland maar ik ben Roemeens van oorsprong.Vandaar dat ik een Nederlander zoek, die ook een bepaalde band met mijn eigen land heeft. las la aprecierea ta greu de spus...ceva nou...care sa ma surprinda...
I am a very positive, loving, caring and giving lady that loves spending a time close to the ocean. I love grilling under the sun on the beach and swimming in the sea or the ocean. I have a positive mindset and try to smile and laugh as often as I can. I believe that every cloud has a silver lining.
am si poze..... Sunt o iubita normala trecuta prin multe in viata , cu speranta in mai bine si plina de umor .Imi caut jumatatea pe care am pierduto . Caut seriozitate .Cine ravneste ma poate gasi pe mes . Am idiul aurica.ifrim si vor bun simpt si seriozitate . Multumesc .Doresc un mascul serios , de ani apropiati si o inaltime peste 180 . Va astept ...Doresc o persoana draguta si cu suflet mare asa cum sunt si eu . Sa ne intelegem sa ne respectam si sa ne iubim pina la adincii batrinete !!! .
"tiganca cu ochi negri",inalta,desteapta,frumoasa si devreme acasa si mai ales modesta:p Selectiva, pragmatica, empatica. Apreciez sinceritatea, bunul simt si oamenii de calitate. Imi dispac complet fiintele superficiale si cele neserioase. Nu sunt interesata de masculi mai tineri decat mine si de cei cu numeroase kg in plus. P. S. Nu raspund mesajelor primite de la barbati care habar n-au sa scrie corect... nu cred ca e o pretentie exagerata si nici celor care au peste 58 ani ! Multumesc! vizionati pozele:p barbatul ideal:25ani,fidel,frumos,destept,cu bani...aaa am uitat sa precizez in descrierea proprie k sunt glumeata:D
Languages spoken: English My personality traits are:Cheerful. Very positive. Optimistic. Charming. Very creative mind. Always thinking. Quick thinking. Thoughtful & considerate of others feelings. I like these kinds of music: Jazz, pop, classical, Caribbean, country, bluegrass, everything but rap. I usually read: Business books & magazines, history, psychology, self-improvement I like to go out ... Theater, movies, dinner, travel to places..
Draguta,cu simtul umorului si iubesc mult animalele I am a very many sided person, I can be very different. My mood changes lots of times a day, that means you will never feel bored with me. I can be tender and a bit aggressive, I can laugh and then burst into tears. I never loose my hope for the best, I believe that if I was given this life and the obstacles on it's way then I should overcome them with honour and pride. I am used to go till the end and not to leave the deal on the half of it's way. Prietenii imi spun mereu ca arat bine,dar eu sunt de parere k ar necesita sa mai dau putin jos din burtik :) Prieteni adevarati
Sunt o persoana modesta si prietenoasa. O romantica incurabila,sincera,curajoasa,in tot ce fac imi place sa fie cat mai perfect si complet.Iubesc natura,flori,animale si binenteles admir omul inteligent ,sincer,generos si harnic !Traiesc in Milano cand o sa ma reintorc acasa definitiv o sa va anunt ! Un ultimele doua luni am luat 2 Kg in plus . Caut o relatie de intinsa durata
sunt o fata simpla deca vrei sa ma descoperi mai mult ast sa ma contactezi Sunt o persoana cu prea mult bun simt, sincera, loiala, un prieten la bine si la rau fara asteptari, o romantica invechita, cu prejudecati, care nu-si gaseste locul intr-o lume fara principii; daca vrei sa ajungi la inima mea trebuie da fii un om de calitate ;fb.nicoleta graur bacau sunt micuta dar draguta
sunt plinuta dar buna
deci mai mult de atata te las e tine sa decizi un barbat cu care sa imi fac viata
bruneta ochii caprui parul lung 1.65cm distractiva iubitoare Ich bin nicht auf der Suche nach dem charmanten Prinzen oder dem Ritter, wie wir es oft in den Filmen sehen, aber ich suche jemanden, der zuerst auf der Erde ist und Kopf an den Schultern ist, der eine ziemlich groĆe Anschaffung von Reife und eine ziemlich groĆe Vorstellung vom Leben, ein ernsthafter aufrichtiger Mann, der weiĆ, was er will und was er von einer Frau erwartet, einem einfachen Mann, der ehrlich und treu fĆ¼r eine ernsthafte und dauerhafte Beziehung ist ... angenehm s absehen. glumeata un barbat cu care sa imi impart viata
O persoana cu bune si rele.....cu defecte si calitati....vesela si trista....si urata si frumoasa.......nimeni nu este perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''Atunci cand nu ai ce iti ravnesti si cand iti poftesti este din cand in cand o MARE SANSA!!
I'm very open minded,understanding,passionate,God fearing,religious,responsible,caring,honest,loving and friendly,i like to put smile on other peoples face.I don't imitate,underrate,impersonate and disrespect.I believe God created us all equal.
I am a very outgoing, warm, and caring person; yet can be extremely laid back when necessary. I love to laugh! In fact I believe it is one of my main traits which has kept people believing that I am in my late 30s. I enjoy great humor and have been told that I have a good sense of humor! I am also a keen observer and very good listener. I listen to what a person is saying as well as not saying. I can be shy at times if I feel that the situation will allow too much revelation of my true self. However, when it is appropriate for me to speak, I do so with diplomacy. I have very strong Christian, spiritual and moral values. It is the core basis of my faith that has kept me during trying times, and I will forever be thankful for the foundation I was given as a child. My parents were and are still Ministers. In fact the were the President and Dean of the Bible College I attended as well. I am at a point in my life where the Lord is certainly unfolding His plans in and for my life. I am actively involved with the youth and children's ministry and I do have a passion for working with the youths. After all, they are the foundation of the future. My goal is to travel the world and make a difference in the life of everyone with whom I come in contact. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart.
I am honest and sincere woman who dreams to produse strong family relationship based on love,understanding,respect and honesty! I am kind and tender lady who wants to love and to be loved! I appreciate honesty and sincerity very much.I want you to be the only man in my life.I want to give you all my tenderness and care.I will love you until the end of time! Just be yourself and never tell lies to me! Be sure,I will do the same for you! I want you to be active and positive.May God Bless you.
Fara Separate nu ma intereseaza relatile pasajere caut Un Mascul Cu Capul pe Umeri care stie ce frea de la Viata Preferabil de Varsta Mea sau 6 ani maxim mai mare fara Supararare Domnilor de pe Acest Saite.
As dori sa fiu contactata doar de persoane cu bun simt..INTERZIS insilor care doresc senzatii tari..pt asta sunt alte site-uri care sa va satisfaca poftele..in rest..va vor ceea ce meritati.. Decenta este o haina prea distinsa pe care nu o poate purta oricine... Ramai calm in chiar ce situatie, fiindca linistea ta reprezinta putere....!!
I am a person who is very real when it comes to life and its' issues. Am honest,kind caring,affectionate,good sense of humor,easy going,free thinker,trustworthy and respect the lives of other people...
Schimbam abordarea, pentru ca suntem prea amiabili. Intotdeauna, vor avea prioritate cei ce stiu sa domine. Sunt aici pentru singurul ratiune pentru care cred ca suntem toti. Nu cred in "sentimente". Cred in carne. Ah, sa nu va prind ca ma luati cu "buna". Tare mi-e pofta de un membru strasnic...
Sant o persoana cinstita,onesta, o buna gospodina ,tind mai spre ideal desii nu sunt perfecta,sunt o luptatoare a vietii nu ma las batuta de problemele vietii,pana la urma totul are o rezolvare(optimista). Urasc minciuna din tot sufletul meu. Mi as dori un partener responsabil, calm , un om bun sa fie si tata pt baietelul meu de 11 ani.
Just to introduce myself..... I am very honest, have a great sense of Humor(be prepared to laugh so hard), loves to cook, explore the world(travel) or just drive to somewhere that I have never been(adventurous and crazy)), stable as far as I know, have awesome cute kids that I love so much and, passion for cooking(excellent chef), Dance to crazy music(looking for a salsa partner...if you love to shake it then you better hurry up), charming smile(yeah) finally sport fanatic( If you love Tennis, basketball, volleyball and etc...then you are are on the right track). Just looking for friends to spend time and do stuff with. Just moved here and would love to meet new people that share the same interests.