Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
In initialul rand celor care vor sa ma intrebe daca sunt casatorita sau am iubit,raspunsul este :nu.Si nu pentru ca am pretentii prea mari,doar asta e situatia,si sunt multumita....As dori sa conversez cu oameni deschisi la minte,cu simtul umorului,si care stiu ce inseamna respect.Nu ma impresioneaza nici banii,nici o poza frumoasa,nici vorbe goale....sper sa fie pe aici oameni care gandesc la fel:)...
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Salut, caut un prieten care sa ma faca sa rad... pe cineva satul de monotonia vietii care are necesitate de destindere si distratie. Nu ma deranjeaza daca e casatorit, nu doresc o relatie de lunga durata... vreau doar sa traim mare momentul... Se vede in poze... tip Pe tine ... un barbat adevarat care stie ce isi vrea o femeie!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Zambeste celor care te urasc sa simta ura ta.Zambeste celor care te iubesc sa simta dragostea ta.Iar daca cei care te iubesc te vor trada,zambeste le sa simta indiferenta ta .No busco relaciones, no soy medio corazón, lo tengo bien ocupado. Solo busco amistades. Unos quieren el mundo, otros quieren el sol, pero yo solo quiero a mi corazón. SEXXXY BOYS......AND SMART!!!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
cu alta ocazie... :P I am a very many sided person, I can be very different. My mood changes lots of times a day, that means you will never feel bored with me. I can be tender and a bit aggressive, I can laugh and then burst into tears. I never loose my hope for the best, I believe that if I was given this life and the obstacles on it's way then I should overcome them with honour and pride. I am used to go till the end and not to leave the deal on the half of it's way.
Femeie, 23, Casatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
sunt o femeie normala, intr-o lume anormala My name is Celia Boateng,i am 33 years Old,I am Single,White,dark brown hair,blue eyes,5'8",152 lbs.Long Hair and a healthy Lady.I am self-sufficient,Beautiful,happy,secure,self-confident,psychologically aware,emotionally and financially secure. sunt asa cum se vede prietenii
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
O iubita inca cu zambetul pe buze,iubesc viata,sinceritatea,respectul,comunicarea,romantismul.Urasc minciuna,viciile,infidelitatea.Sunt o nevasta responsabila,sufletista,gospodina,doresc o relatie serioasa,nu aventura.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sunt studenta in ultimu an la finate, imi place sa traiesc fiecare moment din viata I come out as a strong woman with a great sense of humor, loyal, humble, honest, caring, devoted & most of all understanding person. I enjoy reading good books, swimming, fishing, horseback ridding & playing Tennis & Golf most on my weekend gate. I don't seek much in qualities in whom I need to meet but someone who is ready for a long term, devoted, loving, honesty & understanding is a great spark for my search!!! asa si asa, mai mult la va las pe voi
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
intreaba si vei afla I'm in a happy place in my life and I'm ready to find a partner. I'm hoping to find someone expressive and affectionate. If people have referred to you as funny or as kind of a character then that would be a great start too! I keep in shape by running and lifting weights. I did finish a half-marathon, but I was really slow. At least I did it! :) Overall, my lifestyle is very healthy while still leaving room for fun. It's fun to get decked out for a fancy night, but you'll find that I'm down to earth and have a silly sense of humor once you get to know me. If I sound like someone you'd be interested in, then say hi! recreere
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
...My personality type tends toward being I'm outgoing people would most often describe me energetic, loving,caring, extremely emotional, bubbly, understanding, very supportive, very caring and warm, very passionate and loving, easy going and down to earth.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
simpatica. sociabila...de viata I'd say I'm an ambitious, sarcastic, open-minded and I get along with everybody.Someone who can hold a conversation and can express who they truly are and likes to laugh,is something I am very attracted to,love to hang out,don't have to be a romantic date i'm not desperate,lol..just want to live,love,enjoy life ..so there's no harm in chatting.,we all are in here cause its just easier than to walk up to someone in a public place.Anyways just got out of a relationship.so drama and games not something on my wanted future.I'm here cause I lost touch with the world,so I'm taking baby steps..good luck to you all.hope you find what you're looking for. un barbat simpatic... dragut... de viata care stie sa se distreze
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
I always win Ma simt la jumatatea drumului si incep sa dau o alta valoare timpului. Momentul meu, timp pretios. Vreau sa treaca aproximativ de persoanele care ma fac sa ma simt bine. Vreau sa traiesc alaturi persoane pozitive, umane, generoase, gentile. Vreau sa daruiesc si sa primesc dragoste... Sunt o persoana flexibila, deschisa,devotata familiei si prietenilor, o fire analitica, rabdatoare...daca e cazul desigur. In valoare: inteligenta, finetea, rafinament, da si neaparat calitatea!!! FOTO !!! Pentru ca o conversatie (relatie , daca vrei) sa ia contur, trebuie sa existe o conexiune spirituala, care se creaza, se simte, chiar si la intaia vedere, printr-o fotografie... pe tine
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
ciudata dar interesanta:) Imi doresc o relatie care sa duca la intemeierea unei familii. Sunt independenta, incapatanata si caut oameni de calitate, cu valori morale reale si aspect fizic placut, care pot macar intretine o conversatie. Fitosii, printisorii, baietii lu` mama, nu au ce cauta in viata mea. As prefera sa ai studii superioare, dar si mai mult as dori sa nu fii vreun frustrat, indolent sau misogin. Sunt genul de persoana care se descurca sa schimbe un bec, sa unga un lant (de bicicleta, caci e una din pasiunile mele) sa bata un cui si altele, dar ideea e sa nu trebuiasca sa le fac tot eu. Si nu, nu ma omor cu statul la cratita, (pot gati) dar pot si comanda mancarea daca am avut o zi prea plina. S-ar putea sa vreau sa ies la o cafea cu tine dupa 5 minute de conversatie sau nici dupa o saptamana.. depinde de tine. Eu sunt pe aici..:) Pe scurt, caut pe cineva care sa imi suporte defectele, sa imi adore calitatile si pe care sa mi-l vor laolalta chiar si cand ma enerveaza! :)))) cred ca las la latitudinea pretendentilor sa spuna.... un mascul care sa ma inteleaga....
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
A kind hearted, cheeky, independent, articulate guy who is family orientated, appreciates his friends and has a similar sense of humour to mine.Laughter is sexy, so you must be able to make me laugh. I'm hopeful to meet someone who can make me laugh, thoughtful, caring, has the same passion and direction in life, chivalry and a little romantic . Someone whom understands how to treat a lady with respect and honesty. The rest will come.
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
o sa vezi daca o sa ma cunosti:) I believe in the truth and honest of love..i am really a very sincere person when it comes to sharing feelings and emotions with that special person and i really am down to heart honest about the things i say and do cause i don't like hurting peoples feelings,cause everyone has a chance to laugh,so why do i make them sad..i am really very easy to get along with,fun to be with and am very adaptive and communicative when it comes to conversant conversation.and my life is based on the truth and honest of self personality... nu vreau sa ma laud, de vede :) ceva ce nu prea mai se afla
Femeie, 26, Casatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
:d intreaba si vei afla :P Hello to all SINGLE men on this site. Finally, I decided to take up my personal life. Here I am, on this one of the best dating sites. I devote a lot of time in my life to my work. I enjoy my life. Although, lately I have realized that I have a void in my heart. In addition to the work, I dream of having a soul mate. I am a generous, honest, hardworking, mentally mature girl who wants to find love. I am ready to tell more about myself in our communication.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Se spune ca e trebuinta de un minut pentru a-ti da seama ca o persoana e speciala,de o ora pentru a o aprecia, de o zi pentru a te indragosti dar uneori...nu ajunge o viata pentru a o uita......Si dice che ci vuole un minuto per notare una persona speciale,un'ora per apprezzarla,un giorno per volerle bene....ma non basta una vita per cancellarla......
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Buna ma numesc luminita...sunt interesanta,intelegatoare,inteligenta si iubesc viata de aceea vreau ca sa fie cineva in ea aparte ,,,,,,imi vor un mascul linga mine cu care sa construim un viitor comun.. Sexy si restul ai sa vezi mai numeroase ...
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sunt cea mai eleganta din tara!!!!!!!!!!! Este un pamflet
Va las pe voi sa descoperiti............... Sunt o persoana naturala modesta, toleranta, emaptica, generoasa. Urasc minciuna, aroganta , ignoranta si prostia. Valorile adevarate sunt familia, candva de toate , respectul fata de tine insuti si fata de cei din jurul tau , sa dai si sa primesti sentimente de dragoste, sa te valorezi si sa valorezi pe cei dragi si sa fii valorat. Nu are importanta bucata materiala ci uniunea cu persoana de aproape tine. Sa iti fie (si sa fii alaturi)la bine si la greu . Placut Un mascul care sa ma inteleaga si sa ma respecte
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
crazy So true life is what you make of It, usually people at the new Year eve are busy with revaluating their life, remembering which consiquences were caused by what actions or decisions, trying to make a new prospective and make a plan for tomorrow and a life after, but for me this turning point is today, so what I made of my life so far: made my choice for education- now have even two jobs that help me to discover all sides of my personality- I use my thirst for knowledge working as a teacher in college, and let my creativity out at the performance agency, have an active life, my days are longer than 24 hours, still have time for my favourite books, reazlied my home is where my heart is, know the real meaning of a family, open to life, to new horizonsa€¦ still singlea€¦ still a dreamera€¦ still perfectionist sexy girl a strong man !
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
My name is Anna. I live in small city, which name Zvenigovo. I love walks at the moon. I very much like swimming. I well prepare for food and very much I like it to do. I very much love children. It is very interesting to observe as they grow also each day make new opening. I think, that my life is boring also I very much would want to find the man which would love me, respected, and with which I might test even a few adventures. In Russia I have not found such person. To me and life I flies by 29 years past, and I do not have neither the loved person, nor children. And I very much would want it. Therefore I ask. Respond my love!!!!!!! I wait foryou!!!!!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
looking for friends or more To love me is to accept me as I am.. I do not want to be judged for the things I do. I want you to trust me and let me do what I feel is right. We women are always "right" a€” it is a matter of love. When I feel alone, empty, a stranger, I want your eyes to tell me I am the person you love and you want me for what I am. Do not do or say things because you think you are "honest", do them because of your love for me, and trust me even though you think I am wrong. Just as we do not judge our children because they are our children and we love them.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sunt vesela,amabila si cu bun simt,dar si impulsiva.Pot fi "Rea" sau pot fi "Buna"..depinde de u. Vor sa cunosc un domn , de virsta apropiata, din oras sau apropiere, cu inaltimea intrec1,80--1,90. pentru o relatie de durata eventual casatorie. Cine este interesat , astept sa ne cunoastem. Aventurierii va rog sa va abtineti. Ma simt bine in piela mea ! Nu caut nimic anume,dar imi place sa-mi fac cat mai multi prieteni.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
simpatica inteligenta....... Intr-o scurta prezentare, sunt o persoana simpatica, sociabila, sensibila si educata. Doresc sa intalnesc de asemenea, o persoana cu aceleasi trasaturi, in vederea unei prietenii sincere, si de ce nu, a unei relatii stabile. satena ochii caprui un barbat perfect
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
simpatikutza.... I would like to meet somebody who is able to make me happy.More than that, please, have a look in what am I looking for before to atingere me. p.s. I added very recently done pictures with me and my son! las pozele sa vorbeasca distractie si prieteni adevarati
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Buna sunt roxy 20 de ani am Utilizatoare inversunata de cratima si virgula cu IQ de ceapa degerata cauta dialog spumos pentru practica ludica pe durata nedeterminata. Sau manechin intelectual pentru fineturi si voluptati sufletesti. Pastrati cea mai tare intrebare ("Deranjez ?") pentru Ileana Cosanzeana. Roxy ma numesc si 20 de ani am K
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
WOW!!! What a man!!! I got interested in you. As for me,I am Marina)))I'm a lonely Ukrainian girl who want real love. If you want to get to know more about me and see my foto, please give me your e-mail address!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Sa fie de casa , sai placa copii ... as vrea sa fie sarac sa i placa animalele , calatoriile sa i placa cumparaturile sa fie grasut
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Spirituala, si serioasa !Iubesc oamenii spirituali si cu sufletul tanar ,urasc prostia si minciuna,pretuiesc omenia si frumusetea sufleteasca ! Accept doar cu poza sa vad omul cum se prezinta. Suntem ceea ce Suntem.Pozele sunt vara'19 si '20 recente. Nu raspund la provocari. Va rog ,respectati decizia mea! Va Multumesc! PS.Acesta este profilul actual.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
O fire permanent vesela si happy,care stie sa profite de bucuriile viati :* Hi! i'm Kelly and i'm looking for a good and simple man to spend my life with,to love and respect him as my man and you could just be the one to be the love of my life.I'm a fun-loving girl who's new here and looking to meet a nice and good husband. If you want to know more about me you can reply me at my address below. parerea mea ...dragut
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
De mic copil am à ®ntà ¢mpinat greutăÈa€ºi mau urmărit toÈa€ºi aceÈa„¢ti ani . Dar nu mau doborà ¢t. Am avut taria sa à ®naintez à ®n viata. Și cu toate aceste greutăÈa€ºi à ®ncă mai am curajul să o iau de la capăt. Optimismul à ®nvinge. Cu toÈa€º
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
singura, inalta roscata,ochi caprui, sociabila, Ich bin nicht auf der Suche nach dem charmanten Prinzen oder dem Ritter, wie wir es oft in den Filmen sehen, aber ich suche jemanden, der zuerst auf der Erde ist und Kopf an den Schultern ist, der eine ziemlich große Anschaffung von Reife und eine ziemlich große Vorstellung vom Leben, ein ernsthafter aufrichtiger Mann, der weiß, was er will und was er von einer Frau erwartet, einem einfachen Mann, der ehrlich und treu für eine ernsthafte und dauerhafte Beziehung ist ... angenehm s absehen. inalta , slabuta, par lung roscat, ochi albastii... relatie serioasa
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
comunic,stiu sa ascult,sunt convingatoare in sustinerea diferitelor idei,am incredere in mine,fac compromisuri atunci cand merita,imi asum riscuri,sunt organizata,am calitati de lider,cel mai mult imi plac calatoriile si dansul...!! IUBESC VIATA!! ingrijit imi plac barbatii puternici si capabili sa iubeasca!!! ador masculii care au ''MUSCHI PE CREIER'' si sa fie BUNI....
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Pozitiva, echilibrata emotional, open minded, indrazneata, realista, PUNCTUALA:D Ce ofer: Te respect, te sustin, iti ofer fidelitate, iubire si pasiune. Sunt manierata, de incredere, responsabila, optimista si umpluta de viata. Iubesc copiii. Fara vicii. Contacteaza-ma daca: Oferi ce-ti ofer si eu (vezi descrierea personala). Scopul tau este crearea unei familii. O poza face cat 1000 de cuvinte.
Fiecare are o alta viziune cu privire la FRUMOS! Caut sa socializez si sa cunosc noi oameni.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Nu SuNt Ceea Ce CaUti Si NiCi Ceea Ce Iti DoreSti....SuNt doar ceea ce iti lipseste I am Ruth by name, I am easy going lady never been married, Am very humble, trustworthy faithful and honest looking for the right man of my life in which we are going to spend all the rest of our life together in peace.. I hope to find the right one on here spun eu ..placut
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
I'm intelligent and kind, serious, love to travel, looking for serious and sincere relationship, prefer family comfort., I am a person of versatile interests. My character is good, I am kind, loyal and serious in my search. I like to devote time to my man.I am looking for a nice, smart, attentive and caring man.I want to realizate with him our small world full of trust, mutual understanding and of course love. I am ready to tie my life exactly with such man and to give all my love and me to such a man. placut :)
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Vor sa gasesc o prietena o femeie simpla modesta curata cu caracter deosebit cu suflet mare si bun si cu care pot sa-mi impart viata mea intreaga toata cu ea ! O iubita care isi vrea decat o singura relatie de indelunga perioada !
Femeie, 29, Casatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Well what can I say, I\'m just a woman who loves to just relax and enjoy life. I love to laugh and just enjoy goodtimes.I don\'t do drama or negativity. Living life to the fullest is a new habit that I\'m trying to develope and continue to maintain. Life is to short to think about what you should\'ve done in the past.It\'s all about focusing on your future and letting go of your past!! I am an ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Sorority Woman My favorite music:Smooth, romantic R&B, Soul music Heather Headley, Tamia, Jennifer Hudson, Vivian Green, Chrisette Michele, Angie Stone, Anthony Hamilton, and Sunshine Anderson. Favorite TV shows:Cold Case Files, Special Victim Unit, Sex in the City, People\'s Court, Judge Mathis, and 48 Hours Mystery My favorite movies:Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Waiting to Exhale (greatest movie)
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
o persoana aproare normala I am naturally an easygoing,calm,transparent and cheerful Type. I am Single,Black with Long Negru hair,average and healthy Lady. I am a Christian By religion,Non smoker and non drinker.I like gentle and quite lifestyle full of peace and favorable environment. I like gardening,exercising,watching good movies,art works,cooking,traveling and horse back riding. I am Generally a simple type of woman,I adore to meet new people, to discover in each of them something new, particular. I live with the present and try to catch it\'s magic )) For all that, people who enter my life usually remain there for a long time placut.......... destul de agreabil
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
nu inceta nicicand sa zambesti nici chiar atunci cand esti trist pt ca nu se stie niciodata cine se poate indragosti de zambetul tau :) I am a kind, cheerful, sincere and faithful woman. I had disappointments in my life, but that was in the past. I always look forward and enjoy my life as it is. I am a family-oriented woman. I value openness, honesty, and faithfulness. I am a good friend, listener and take things positively. barbat dragut, fara alte interese in afara de prietenie...fara fite
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Hmm...este dificil sa ma autodescriu...dar o sa incerc..sunt o fata..extrem de rebela,guraliva,simpatica,prietenoasa,plina de viata..uneori enervanta,rautaciosa si invidioasa....Cred ca ptr incepun aceste informatii sunt suficiente... Depinde de.....hmm...nu stiu..cateodata ma simt ca un monstru...cateodata sunt ca un ingeras... Ce caut...ce caut...Oare ce caut?!?!? Ah...da..mi-am amintit...prieteni, cu care se poate discuta, oameni cu comportament salbatic, ciudati....
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
Ne proiectam idealurile iubirii dupa modelul cel mai simplu, cel mai aproximativ de inaltul cerului, de piscul fericirii. Visam, cu suflet fraged, la povesti de dragoste in care ne daruim sufletul si ni se raspunde cu marime inmiita. Citind cartile cele mai frumoase ale lumii, crestem cu speranta ca destinele inimii ne vor fi simple. Ca vom intalni din prima iubirea care sa ne tina o viata si o eternitate. Dar, uneori, ne pomenim ca ne traim vietile mai mult in visCe e iluzie si ce e realitate intr-o poveste de dragoste?
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
sunt o fire sensibila,nebuna,s tot momentul pusa...... I am a kind, tender, romantic lady, who desires to meet her aparte someone and build a happy and strong family. My friends tell me that I can become a very good wife and mother, because I value family relations so much. I adore children! To me an active and eventful life means that I live! Also I enjoy meeting people and making friends. Communication with interesting people opens a lot of new and interesting in my life. I am a creative and intelligent person, which is very pleasant to talk to. I have a great sense of humor, but I know when to laugh and when to be serious. Ia€™m willing to meet a man, who wants to build a serious relationship based on honesty and faithfulness. I would like my man to be strong and protective; I would like him to have a great sense of humor, so we can have fun together! I would like to live life to the fullest with my one and only! I am not interested in a mana€™s appearance. For me, the most important thing is the soul of a person. Also, I believe in understanding between my man and me.i want to meet a man who is kind-hearted, broad-minded, serious, who is determined, knows what he wants to receive from life and succeeds in his life. I want my man to like animals and children.believe in love!! Do you feel the same?
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
sunt o persoana foarte serioasa , plina de viata si deschisa la nou ! Am fost si voi persista o romantica incurabila,am gustat suferinta, am gustat si fericirea, am ras plangand, am plans razand...Am avut zile cand viata era o lupta , ma culcam seara cu fata in lacrimi si dimineata ma trezeam crezand din nou in iubire...Nu stiu de ce am fost construita asa , sa ma simt fericita , ingrijita , umpluta de viata , doar atunci cand iubesc...Sunt unul din acei oameni care nu se tem de dragoste , care nu se tem sa-si exprime sentimentele , le pun pe tava pentru cel care le vrea , pentru cel care are nevoie de ele , pentru cel care nu tremura de frica in fata iubirii..Lupt pentru sentimentele mele ca o leoaica , lupt pana raman fara unghii , pana cand sangele imi tasneste din degete ... plec epuizata fara sa ma simt infranta , am dat dragoste , am iubit.. si.. daca am luptat, a meritat.. a fost gura de aer din vartejul ametitor al vietii. Nu ma simt resemnata , iubesc sa iubesc , poate am vrut sa scot absolutul dintr-o iluzie si mi-am confectionat singura rau , poate m-am aflat unde nu trebuia si am cautat unde nu trebuia..Nu am cautat nicicand cu ochii , am cautat cu sufletul , el este cel care si-a ales insula pe care a naufragiat , el a ales malul de care s-a agatat. placut .... caut sinceritate si daca e consideri o peersoana neserioasa nu ma contacta !
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Romania
nu stiu ce sa zic ....de viata hello every one.. i'm new on here in search of my soul mate , i hate games or BS... marie is my name single never married i have been heart broken before but i'm now ready to move on, but i just need only one man who is ready for something serious not after sex hun, i am single, caring, loving, passionate, God fearing,i am an orphan i dont have family of my own but i blive i'm gonna make it in life so i'm not giving up .. if you wanna know you can message me then i'll reply you placut prieteni de viata care sa stie ce inseamna distractia