Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
caut jumatatea!! De mic copil am à ntà mpinat greutăÈai mau urmărit toÈai aceÈati ani . Dar nu mau doborà t. Am avut taria sa à naintez à n viata. Și cu toate aceste greutăÈai à ncă mai am curajul să o iau de la capăt. Optimismul à nvinge. Cu toÈa placuuuuuut seriozitate
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Draguta I am loyal, responsible, active, responsible, loving, caring, sharing, kindhearted,warm, accommodating,compassionate,tolerant,laid back type,outgoing,welcoming to people generally,I like to sing,write poems,listening to music,swimming,playing Basketball,watching TV Frumos Iubitor,intelegator
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Le admir fara retinere pe frantuzoaice au o mare preocupare de ele,si imbatranesc cu gratie..sunt tonice si elimina o frumusete special !! Imi place gandirea si corectitudinea nemtoaicelor,respectul si cuvantul dat Cred in sufletul romancelor,cald si plin de iubire,glumet si plin de viata !! Aceasta sunt EU...trei in unul !!!!
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
doi ochi tristi si mereu visatori... sunt o fata simpla modesta nus materialista am o complicatie de sanatate ma tratez am epilepsie caut un baiat sincer onest si sa incerce sa ma cunoasca candva sa traga concluzi NU VREAU AVENTURA .VREAU CEVA STABIL BAZAT PE RESPECT !!! sunt o fata serioasa si hotarata.ROG SERIOZITATE CEI CU AVENTURI NU DORESC. nu fii curios... nimic distinct
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
BUNA!SUNT ANTONIA,O TIPA FOARTE COMUNICATIVA,CU SIMTUL UMORULUI BINE DEZVOLTAT,FOARTE DIRECTA.........ETC.......... Sunt singur, grijuliu ?i politicos tan?r?, care este foarte entuziast ?i obiectiv orientate. Am tendin?a de a construi rela?ii bune ?i de durat?, preferand s? canalizeze energiile in ceva pe termen lung ?i merit?. Sunt persoana destul de de ie?ire, comunicativ, u?or merge ?i deschis. Sunt un mare credincios in egalitate ?i dreptate, eu provin mereu placere m? jur, cu bune ?i pozitive oamenii minte. Imi place s? citesc c?r?i, de gatit, cinema, teatru, muzica, animale si socializare. Simultan Imi place s? se bucure de lini?tea de plaja sau la munte ca o prostie ca suna. Prietenii mei spune c? sunt cinstit, inteligent, interesant, amuzant ?i aventuros. Cu toate astea eu sunt altruist, minte pozitiv? fa?? de ceilal?i ?i nu sunt greu de mul?umit .... 1.75........48 KG......ETC.... CAUT UN FAT FRUMOS!EXISTA OARE AICI?
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o fata....cuminte intelegatoare sincera. Imi place sa merg pe jos, pe carari de munte, si strazi din orase,creau sa cunosc locuri noi, persoane interesante cu dialoguri consistente constructive de la care poti invata ce nu stiai si sa nu te dispretuiasca ca nu stii ce stie el. Sunt numeroase de spus .. vreau sa fiu cam de oameni care merita sa-i cunosc Sunt bruneta,ochii caprui,restul las la aprecierea voastra Un baiat/Barbat,intelegator sa ma respecte si ascultator si sincer.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Simpatica,comunicativa,cu simtul umorului iubitoare de calatorii si tot ce este frumos. I am active, cheerful and quite intelligent. I am always kind and well-wishing, I like to help people even with small things. I can say I am rather sociable and curious for new activities; discovering new cities and making new friends is always a huge pleasure. I donat forget about self-development; hope my future partner is not a couch potato. For me it is important to grow together, become a better man or better woman for each other, work on our relationship, help and support each other! Also I do not like fights; I am for compromising, as there is nothing we couldnat talk over. Well, thank you for paying attention to my words and hope we can meet soon! Intelligent, kind-hearted, reliable man. Age and appearance are not as important as a kind heart. Fortune is also not important, Iad even prefer to spend my life with regular man but who would be generous to me in all aspects a attention is the rarest form of generosity nowadays. Placut Mascul simpatic,hotarat,aspect fizic placut,stare finaciara buna,cu simtul umorului dornic sa iubeasca si sa se lase iubit.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
numi place sa ma descriu Daca iti place sa citesti, daca ai simtul umorului , daca iti plac seriale gen MASH sau Friends si le ai vazut de atatea ori incat stii replicile , daca ai imaginatie, ei bine ... pornim de aici. o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
ce pot spune despre mine , nimic palpitant sunt o fiere vesela , deschisa provocarilor, sociabila , plina de umor, detest minciuna si perversitatea apentru a nu ma mai intreba ce caut... caut celalalt fluture cu aripa franta, luna cu jumatate de chip, soarele fara o raza, lumina orbita de dragoste, un gest oprit la jumatate, un cerc imperfect, un zambet pe o margine de vis, un suflet ciobit si adunat intr-o incercare de cantec nou...a hm.... asta nu il pot defini eu , las la aprecierea altora pe cineva cu care sa ma pot distra , simnti bine , relaxa
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o fata pregatita d (aproape) orice, vesela, optimista, si.......dk vrei mai mult..incearca sa ma cunosti :D In my thirties, I am rather sympathetic, calm, sensitive and hard-working. I like to jump into the freshness of the morning, to feel that I exist. I like to take care of my loved ones and share my joy with them. What I am proud of is the education I received from my parents and the fighting Woman character they gave me. I am not looking for the "perfect" man, but I hope to meet this man with 85% sincerity, 90% respect and 95% true love. For the rest come and discover me. inalta, satena, ochii verzi, zambet irezistibil , 81-55-87..... un prieten adevarat, sincer, dar totul trebuie sa fie o distractie fara obligatie....deci..cn incearka??
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Eu ce pot sa spun despre mine...Te las pe tine sa ma descoperi,asa cum sunt Die Beschreibung selbst kann eine Herausforderung sein, aber hier ist ein wenig über mich. Ich bin ein sehr fürsorglich, rücksichtsvoll Person, die eine Menge Respekt für andere Gefühle hat. Ich genieße die Zeit mit meiner Familie, hänge mit meinen Freunden, möchte aber feststellen, dass eine spezielle Person, um mein Leben komplett. Ich glaube, dass die Chemie ist ein Muss in einer Beziehung und Sie haben ein Geben und Nehmen Verpflichtung, einander brauchen. Zu viele Male Beziehungen fallen in einen Trott und vieles ist für uns selbstverständlich! Ich gehe gern aus für ein schönes Abendessen und enden entweder auf einem Spaziergang, settlin sich mit einem guten Flasche Wein oder Champagner oder was auch immer! Ich bin ziemlich spontan und abholen können und werden für ein Wochenende weg zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt fertig! cred ca putzin conteaza aspectul fizic,da promit ca n-o sa fi dezamagit:)) Un suflet pereche...
Daca e putin prea mult spus,atunci caut pe cineva care sa ma inteleaga,sa ma iubeasca,si sa aiba nevoie de dragoste sincera,oferindu-mi in acelasi timp certitudinea ca e numai al meu
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o fata draguta iubitoare vreau sa cunosc masculi satisfacatori si iubareti i love to travel. People are my passion . I am happiest when I am serving your needs and turning your fantasies into reality. Sensuality and eroticism are my key components. I am petite, all natural. I love lingerie, a good conversation, and a sense of humor.I like to go horseback riding in the summertime and skiing in the winter. Hope to make some magic with you soon. Kisses.Please i don't like italians they are fake,i love just english or german people so don't insist.Thx.Clediane. Sunt asa si asa bar Brunet ochii caprui sunt de 1,60 si iubesc barbatii Caut masculi cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
o fata umpluta de viata,fara fite si figuri,o prietena pa care te poti baza mereu,o fire glumeata rau de tot,dar uneori foarte serioasa.
ma atasez foarte repede de oameni,e de ajuns sa privesc o persoana in ochi,ca sa stiu ce fel de om este.........cam atat
va las pe voi sa decideti.......... aaaaaaaa ce pot spune arat binisor,.sunt o zeita:):):) si cam atat......... o persoana draguta,fara fite,si care sa stie cat de cat pe ce lume se afla:)
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o scumpica dak n ma minti I am simple but loving lady who likes to readand watch movies. i believe in this sayings of my grandma Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end eleganta foc un baiat sincer care sa ma iubeasca,s fie d treaba s elegant bineinteles
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
My name is Anna. I live in small city, which name Zvenigovo. I love walks at the moon. I very much like swimming. I well prepare for food and very much I like it to do. I very much love children. It is very interesting to observe as they grow also each day make new opening. I think, that my life is boring also I very much would want to find the man which would love me, respected, and with which I might test even a few adventures. In Russia I have not found such person. To me and life I flies by 29 years past, and I do not have neither the loved person, nor children. And I very much would want it. Therefore I ask. Respond my love!!!!!!! I wait foryou!!!!!
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
cea mai periculoasa posibila:))))) Sotia Rac este cea mai buna dintre toate nativele. E tot ceea ce ti-ai putea dori vreodata de la o femeie: e o sotie iubitoare, o gospodina perfecta,si o mama grijulie. Stie cum sa imbine cu succes toate aceste calitati si pune intotdeauna familia pe initialul plan. E docila, intelegatoare si vesela. Are o mare capacitate de a iubi si cauta la randul ei securitate si fidelitate. placut:P un mascul adevarat nu fraieri
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Furumoasa, nu inseamna neaparat disponibila... Sociabila, doar cu cei la nivel...Pot fi un bun prieten, dar nu tuturor... Pot tolera greseala, dar nu prostia... Caut OAMENI in adevaratul sens al cuvintului... Nu fac discriminare,doar caut exceptie si nu cantitate...Cei care vor distractii virtuale, sa nu deranjati, ci sa cautati in alta parte... Daca nu sunteti pe marime unei comunicari inteligente, mai bine treceti pe alaturi... Sunt bineveniti toti cei care au potential moral destul de bine fondat... Misto-urile apartin secolului trecut, sorry!
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
O vorba inteleapta spune:"Ceea ce stii folosesti, iar ceea ce nu stii te foloseste." Aplicand-o am dobandit o atitudine curajoasa si increzatoare. Intotdeauna sunt optimista, efect a studiilor psihologice, dar si a cursurilor pentru crestere personala, pe care le tin ca trainer. Astfel mi-am insusit dictonul: "Cine crede in zbor, este stapan peste zare."(Lucian Blaga)
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
descopera-ma I smile and laugh, it's just what I do, I have lived on my own for those 9 years so I am quite independent. I like to go on adventures and have fun, and would love to enjoy making memories with someone. I have never been in a relationship. I would like to change that for the right person. Drinking is almost non existent in my world...I don't take myself serious at all, I live to enjoy life and I would like to enjoy life with... agreabil prietenie
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
asa cum e fara modificari...... AR FII AIUREA...SI ASA GUSTURILE DIFERA IMPORTANT SA MA SIMT BINE IN PIELEA MEA CUM SUNT ..RESTUL CONTEAZA MAI PUTIN ......(situatiile complicate, casatoriti, aventuri .exclus..)
buna I'm passionate, cheerful, ambitious and animated. I love being goofy, laughing and being active (down time is not my best friend, although I do enjoy lounging and watching movies or reading), but I also can be serious when needed. I'm looking for someone who can compliment my personality, who has goals and is driven, but also enjoys having fun, can make me laugh and enjoys sports. Having a positive attitude is key -- it just makes the world a better place for everyone. satisfacator prieten
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
prietenii imi spun vrajitoaredar in sensul bun deoarece zic ca simpatia mea se lipeste de oricine ·adevarul ca sunt placuta si nu ma uit la persoane pentru interes sau alte porcarii ci ma uita dupa felul de a fi dupa bunatate sinceritate ce poate avea o persoana nu sunt nici slaba nici garasa sunt cum zic eu bine creata ( ha ha)din cate stiu eu nu imi lipseste nimic caut persoane care stie ce reprezinta prieteni si ce valoare are ea ;sa stie sa se distreze fiindca viata e scura si cel mai important sa fie persoane sincere
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunjt o persoana cu capul pe umeri si intensa in orice momente Va rog nu ma stresati cu mesaje ridicole si nu am eu bun simt?????s-au tu cand scrii cuiva dar nu ai poza de profil pai ce cautati oameni buni pe un site de dating fara poze ?! Eu v-as trimite la pescuit serios dragutzaaa
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Stiu! Am un talent nativ,sa folosesc un zambet fin pe post de sedativ :) ! I can say that I have a very versatile personality. One part of me is an independent, persistent, neat person, and the other is a very loving, caring, sweet and feminine lady. I try to maintain balance in my personality, my life, my work... Placut... "Oameni cu caracter nu Animale "!
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
deschisa I am a cool minded person , I love being straight forward in my activities with people,in fact the reason my folks like me is just cos of my policy of being simple as I believe Greatness Lies In Simplicity how about u don't u think so ? placut doar si eu sa ma aflu in treaba
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Socializare Sunt un necomplicat om cu bune si rele....ceea ce stiu e ca imi place a traiesc din plin....ca-sa nu se mai interpreteze....a trai din plin ,nu reprezinta aventuriera....ci ma bucur de fiecare clipa a vietii...doar eu.............nonconformista si fara prejudecati! Draguta Chat
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt prietenoasa....nu-mi plac barfele.... I can be an angel, a witch, a lady, a crazy girl, a child, a lady, in one word a a WOMAN, this all is me. I donat have much to add to this. I am here not for friends, and not to write mails to a mysterious stranger on another side of the world. Letas leave this romantics to teenagers. I want to get acquainted with a man, and meet with him in real life to continue. If you are not ready for this, or if you want only a pen-pal, letas not waste time. draguta.... vreau sa-mi fac ca-ti mai multi prieteni....
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o prietena normala, locuiesc in Spania de 22 de ani, destul de serioasa, sincera, fidela, generoasa, romantica, muncitoare . Restul te las pe tine sa descoperi, daca esti interesat sa ma cunosti. Caut un mascul serios, fidel, vesel, care stie ce vrea de la viata, romantic, sa-i placa sa calatoreasca. Trebuie numai sa vrei sa iubesti si sa fi iubit.
Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
o nevasta placuta,manierata....... Prietena Rac este cea mai buna dintre toate nativele. E tot ceea ce ti-ai putea dori vreodata de la o femeie: e o sotie iubitoare, o gospodina perfecta,si o mama grijulie. Stie cum sa imbine cu succes toate aceste calitati si pune intotdeauna familia pe intaiul plan. E docila, intelegatoare si vesela. Are o mare capacitate de a iubi si cauta la randul ei securitate si fidelitate. placut,ingrijit... o prsoana serioasa asemeni mie
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
simpatica...si d treaba...;) Normala spre superba (vorbesc despre caracter) si modesta :)) El trebuie sa fie placut, inteligent, sincer, serios dar nu foarte, sa ii placa sa isi rasfete prietena de langa el... Oricat am scrie noi aici, totul este dat peste cap cand intervine chimia. Chimia intervine cand lasam on-line-ul deoparte si iesim sa dam piept cu viata reala... las pozele sa vb un barbat cu extrem multi bani si cu aspect fizic foarte placut,,...;)) glumeam...dar cine stie...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sipatica si cu simtul umorului incomparabila si irepetabila...puternica si in acelasi timp sensibila,echilibrata ,iubesc natura,animalele...,asteptari de la ceilalti nu am,insa am asteptari de la mine,pe oameni nu poti sa'-i schimbi ci doar sa-i accepti(iubesti)asa cum sunt...viata e frumoasa si merita sa te bucuri pentru fiecare clipa...si chiar daca nu-ti gasesti jumatatea,viata poate fi eleganta si asa,alaturi de prieteni,familie,etc. agreabil barbati care sunt dispusi si stiu sa mentina o conversatie
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Cautiously optimistic to find a man who is well grounded, kind, well structured mentally, intelligent, makes time for the relationship, remembers always to be a gentleman and has realistic expectations from his partner. Easy going, good sense of humour with a young heart and mindset would really match my personality. For those who donat have a picture, are under 52 or over 62 there will be no reply. Thank you.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
pai nu prea stiu sa ma descriu asa ca va las pe voi sa ma descrieti 3 sfaturi pt barbatii care intra pe profilul meu: 1) Barbatii care sint cu 8-10-15-20 ani mai mici si cei cu 8-10-15-20 ani mai mari decat mine,faceti bine si nu ma mai deranjati aiurea,pt ca nu sint interesata de categoriile astea de varsta (m-am saturat sa va tot blochez,ca sa nu ma mai deranjati mereu). 2) Masculii insurati sau care au deja o relatie,la fel o sa va blochez, pt ca nu sint interesata sa fiu amanta nimanui,sau sa fiu "salteaua" vreunuia cu intocmai statut. 3) Cand intrati pe profilul unei femei,faceti bine si uitati-va si la ce scrie ea in profil ca isi doreste sau cauta,nu doar la pozele ei,nu toate cautam doar sex,ihhh. Sper ca v-am lamurit pe toti,si nu o sa ma mai deranjati inutil,pt ca oricum va blochez din start,nici nu ma deranjez sa va raspund! vedeti voi
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am well-educated and intelligent woman. I am sincere, kind, open-minded with great sense of humor. In my free time I like to go in city park, resting. For me, my family is important. Happiness, health and welfare of my family. Find a simple woman's happiness - to love and be loved, to understand and respect each other. To me it is important that I can help people and that I like my job. I would like to meet a tender and kind-hearted man if you interested let me know so that i can add you to my list and we can know more about each Other.
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o tipa sociabila si de distractie. Ich bin Single und suche nach meinem Seelenverwandten, der es wert ist, geliebt zu werden. Ich brauche einen Mann, der mich glücklich machen kann und wir können immer mehr voneinander lernen. Jemand, den wir beide zusammen alt werden können. Warum warten? Erzählen Sie mir mehr über sich selbst. Denken Sie daran, dass ich neu in diesem Bereich bin und hier kein bezahltes Mitglied bin.
My character is very nice and positive. My life is really full of great amazing events. And I hope that meeting you will be a new great amazing event in my life. I am very positive person. I am a sophisticated lady. My life is bright. I want to share it with the person I love. I am adventurous. I am open for new events in my life. In general I am fun-loving person and I like doing many things.I want to be happy with a man who knows how to love and I know I will make him a happy person.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am easy-to-deal with. I am sociable and I can find the common language with almost everybody. I am fond of meeting new people and I am faithful to my friends and close people. I would like to meet a kind, caring, loving man to share my life with. I hope we will have some interests and views to life in common.
I am a kind, sentimental, tender, romantic, intelligent, faithful, humorous person and I love life. I like listening to good music, being in nature, reading literature, spending time with friends and interesting people. I love the nature, animals, the sea, a beach and the sun. I am engaged in aerobics and belly dance. At present I am absolutely ready for making a strong family with my loving man and charming children. I want to meet my real other half who I\'ve been lost without. I want to have a strong, loving, friendly marriage and to love and be loved. White man without children or with children. he is a kind, sensitive, fair, devoted, intellectual, romantic person. he is responsible and reliable. he wants to have a strong, friendly, happy, loving family as much as I do.he has a great sense of humor and is a fun loving person.he has not got bad habits. he likes this life in all of its manifestations. he likes listening to music, reading, walking, traveling, enjoying spending time with his family just doing different things together.
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am open and ambitious. My character is a mystery even for myself till this moment. I am purposeful and I believe there is no limit to perfection. I love animals. Its nice to spend my spare time communicating with good people. The most important for me is family
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sint o iubita credincioasa de casa familista restul ramine de descoperit nu vreau sa cunosc masculi mai tineri nici aventurieri as dorii sa cunosc un adevarat barbat daca mai se afla nu-mi plac fumatorii nici cei care consuma alcool rog seriozitate