Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
I am Ruth by name, I am easy going lady never been married, Am very humble, trustworthy faithful and honest looking for the right man of my life in which we are going to spend all the rest of our life together in peace.. I hope to find the right one on here
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Afli solitar I am good looking young girl, full of romantic dreams and thoughts, passion and ready for everlasting love. I believe in god and in good people. I am quite optimistic and enjoy good people around me and merry companies. I donaa‚¬a„˘t like noisy parties and prefer to stay with my friends at home and to cook something exceptional and tasty for them. Yes, I like cooking very much especially for the people I care. I work as a teacher of dances, but I donaa‚¬a„˘t dream about career, but for the happy friendly family and cosy house.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Deschisa, hotarata, intelegatoare, realista, capabila de sacrificii si multa dragoste, romantica, visatoare uneori, tandra, dar si un mic diavol cand sunt inselata!Apreciez siceritatea, fidelitatea, onestitatea, si mai ales bunul simt. Multumitor! Cineva care ma poate face sa ma simt iubita, fericita.Un mascul in adevaratul sens al cuvantului!Seducator, charismatic,impunator, cu bun simt, sofisticat, romantic, erotic, rafinat, stilat, dur&tandru in acelasi timp, cineva dupa care sa oftez, visez!Si daca nu exista...
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
independenta,nu le am cu sentimentalismele,nu imi plac oamenii slabi si fara atitudine dar mai ales nu suport sa ma plictisesc si sa nu am libertate I am here looking to find someone for a mutually enriching relationship in which we can enjoy life together and bring more to each other than we have alone. I want to co-create a relationship in which we both feel inspired, supported and enriched. Creating an environment that allows us to share our passions, stimulate each others brains and allows us to be there to support each othera€™s growth. judge for yourself un tip puternic,flexibil in gandire,absolut deloc gelos sau posesiv,muncitor,fun to be with si mai ales un tip care sa ma faca sa rad.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Un mister ce asteapta sa fie descoperit ;;) Well, I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or mean sounding.. I will give anybody the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also don't like being taken advantage of. Vedeti pozele ;) ;)) Un barbat capabil sa ma aprecieze din toate punctele de vedere
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Buna ...ma numesc Maria si as vrea sa petrecem momente frumoase impreuna ! aaaaaaaa,nu stiu cu ce sa incep,incercand sa scriu ceva inteligent despre mine,mi-am dat seama ca nimanui nu-i pasa de ce scriu eu pe aici asa ca am sa bat campii sa zic ca sunt atat de inteligenta ,educata si eleganta si cum mai vreti voi,intr-un cuvant "perfecta".In fine o sa zic ceva despre mine,IUBESC oamenii simpli care stiu sa-ti fie impreuna chiar ce se intampla,muzica buna,iubesc fulgii de zapada,stropii de ploaie,iubesc aburul de cafea,fluturii,traiesc sa iubesc,iubesc viata asa cum e,pentru ca e doar una.Am o multime de defecte sunt superficiala,aroganta,egoista,narcisista,incapatanata,posesiva,lenesa,ironica,geloasa,cicalitoare,orgolioasa,dezordonata,,,,ajunge?Si acum ar necesita sa spun ca urasc aia si cealalta dar nu am s-o fac pentru ca URA este cel mai josnic sentiment pe care-l poate avea un om.ura te face sa fii un om bolnav pe dinauntru.Detest MINCIUNA mai mult decat orice.Daca ati avut rabdare sa cititi tot ce am scris eu pe aici VA MULTUMESC si cam atat.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sexy prietenoasa gata oricand de o conversatie nu vor decat sa cunosc un mascul sincer care sa stie sa iubeasca. celor care nu stiu ce-i dragostea si cauta doar sex sa sune la 089.... In cazul in care au disparut barbatii seriosi cred ca voi recurge la relatii cu o iubita Usor
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt sociabila, de treaba , imibplac distractiile , iesirile cu prietenii. My name is Tracy 43 years, single with son. I'm someone who always try to live a simple life and enjoy life's simple pleasures. I like coming home from work to get myself refreshed and my sanity back after a long 10 hours at work. I like outdoors, walking in the park and along the beach barefooted in the wet sand to feel the sea breeze, traveling etc. and sometimes staying at home and cooking something new. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I hate disrespect, unfaithfulness, dishonest, cheating, unfairness, injustice, selfishness etc. I had a wonderful life but I think there is somebody in the world to discover a new wonderful life with. People can say many good things about themselves so I think if you are real and serious then we should get in touch, talk and know each other, take it from there and see how it goes. I hope to have a serious relationship with a real man who is drama free, not into games and knows what he need. Not anyone with false pretense, games, lies ...... No SCAMMER please. Am 1,55 cm ,ochii verzi, satena, nu extrem slaba nu foarte grasa Caut sa imi fac prieteni sibsacunosc cat mai numeroase persoane
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Enigmatica, evaziva, irationala si impredictibila,
\"Functioneaz\" numai pe baza de emotii, perceptii, impresii si intuitii.Sunt atinsa de \"sidromul relativitatii\".Stiu ca realitatea nu e niciodata una singura, ci ca are foarte multe fatete. Sunt maestra in \"arta aburirii\":D.
Am fixurile mele legate de lumea misticului, fantasticului, superstitiei si magiei.Cu toate astea, sunt o persoana maleabila, compasiva si ingaduitoare, care mai degraba incearca sa-i inteleaga pe ceilalti, decat sa-i judece.Chiar daca sufar, sunt gata sa iert si am o imensa capacitate de iubire si devotament.
Cand fac urat?
Avand o viziune global-intuitiva a lucrurilor, ma enerveaz sau ma inchid in me cand mi se cer explicatii si argumente logice. pe scurt:..am 1,70m,ochi caprui,par saten.. cati mai multi prieteni...baietzi si fete fara fitze....:)
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
eu si numai eu :P what i am looking for is someone who is sweet caring and honest. someone who will speak his mind and not be affraid of the consequences but still take peoples feelings into account. family oriented and likes animals. other than that you will have to mangaiere me to find out. dragutza... prietenie...
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
pentru toti care nu stiu sunt aici pentru a socializa,vreau sa cunosc persoane din toata lumea,atat.sunt studenta. aaaaaaaa,nu stiu cu ce sa incep,incercand sa scriu ceva inteligent despre mine,mi-am dat seama ca nimanui nu-i pasa de ce scriu eu pe aici asa ca am sa bat campii sa zic ca sunt atat de inteligenta ,educata si eleganta si cum mai vreti voi,intr-un cuvant "perfecta".In fine o sa zic ceva despre mine,IUBESC oamenii simpli care stiu sa-ti fie impreuna chiar ce se intampla,muzica buna,iubesc fulgii de zapada,stropii de ploaie,iubesc aburul de cafea,fluturii,traiesc sa iubesc,iubesc viata asa cum e,pentru ca e doar una.Am o multime de defecte sunt superficiala,aroganta,egoista,narcisista,incapatanata,posesiva,lenesa,ironica,geloasa,cicalitoare,orgolioasa,dezordonata,,,,ajunge?Si acum ar necesita sa spun ca urasc aia si cealalta dar nu am s-o fac pentru ca URA este cel mai josnic sentiment pe care-l poate avea un om.ura te face sa fii un om bolnav pe dinauntru.Detest MINCIUNA mai mult decat orice.Daca ati avut rabdare sa cititi tot ce am scris eu pe aici VA MULTUMESC si cam atat. bruneta momentan,1.62,52 de kg
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sunt o fire romantica si sensibila, gata de absolut orice pentru a-l intalni pe cel cu care sa-mi petrec restul vietii Speranta si rabdarea sunt doua calitati grozav de importante in viata muritorilor. Cauta si vei gasi....speranta moare ultima... Iubirea nu are varsta.....mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata. Sunt numai niscaiva citate destul de cunoscute, dar al caror continut persista actual. Daca ai citit pana aici poate ti-am atras atentia si vei fi interesat sa purtam un dialog placut in scopul descoperirii unei eventuale compatibilitati....never say never. fiecare trage propria concluzie barbatul visurilor mele, romantic, sensibil si pus pe fapte
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Hi, I hope you have some time for me, even if you don't have much of it. I am here because I really believe that I will find my love here. I had a very hard history in the past and I will never be the same. I want to start my happy life with someone who can help me be happy with him and who is willing to take care of me. You should know that I am good at cooking doing sports and working Let me know if I am good for you. Blonda cu sani mari :)) Sugardaddy
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
eu si atat ce imi vor ? o familie o inima un suflet aproape de mine I do not like to sit still; always moving forward. I love to try something new. Very afraid of heights and I want someone to help me overcome this fear.Am God fearing and down to earth lady who like to help others and make other happy eu asa cum sunt un barbat sincer hotarat decis
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt o persoana simpla,sincera si cu simtul umorului. Nu imi place minciuna... I am a cheerful, life-loving and purposeful young woman, open-minded and loyal, reliable and honest. I am here not for fleeting or temporary relations, but i am looking for a man to give my love to. I am a very sensual and tender woman and my dream is to spend all my spare time with a loving husband, caring about him, just kissing and cuddling, doing something together. So, i need only a tender man who loves to be pampered sensually and give the same to his woman, who needs a lot of attention from beloved woman and has a lot of love to give. 1.70cm ochi albastrii bruneta,sunt mai plinuta Caut un barbat sincer sa nu minta si care isi vrea o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
va lasi pe voi sa va facetzi o parere despre mine =)) I am a cool minded person , I love being straight forward in my activities with people,in fact the reason my folks like me is just cos of my policy of being simple as I believe Greatness Lies In Simplicity how about u don't u think so ? cet de cat bine ... nimic =))
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
I am patient,generous, kind, and loving. I am always upbeat, have a positive attitude about most things and I like to have fun. I enjoy music, theatre, movies and art. I love to travel, and to go sightseeing. I love musemus, romantic dinners, seaside resorts and sunsets.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt o nevasta care a suferit mult si acuma vrea sasi caute jumatatea I enjoy exercising daily which either involves training or aerobics. I think it is important to exercise and eating very healthy meals. I love to go out dancing, to nice romatic dinners and shopping at large malls like the Mall of America. I enjoy romantic music and slow dancing as well an fast dancing. I prefer romantic, attractive, affectionate men. I believe that romance is a very important part of the relationship. I enjoy men who are confident with themselves and are not afraid to express themselves in a diplomatic way Va las pe voi sal descoperiti
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
ma simt bine cu mine. I am a single-minded girl. I love to achieve my goals. Friends consider me kind and cosmic since I look at life not like everyone else. I am feminine and so I like domestic chores like cooking delicious food, decorating the house. I fotografie my partner as a charismatic, making decisions person, smart, strong, caring. The main thing for me is support and trust. I want to meet a man ready to love and be loved. asa si asa te caut pe tine
O persoana vesela si foarte geloasa si care isi iubeste extrem mult sotul I am a very simple and honest lady.My nature is very peaceful been romantic at heart l wanna share it with a very simple and honest man.I careless about distance and want a man who has a very good sense of humor towards a long term relationship leading to marriage. nu cred ca detineti ce sa comentati???? distractie
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Buna, sunt Crys, o fire calda si prietenoasa,deschisa si cu capul pe umeri. Fire deschisa ,destul de vesela ,altruista de moda veche ,romantica ,iubitoare ,,sincera ,frumoasa ,zvelta,familista caut un mascul solitar educat manierat un barbat hotarat sa ma faca fericita din toate punctele de vedere.....daca intelegeti stimati barbati !!! Sunt o femeie foarte singura de extrem multi ani,fara relatii sau aventuri, om sincer,comunicativ,singur si dornic de o familie.Sunt parinte si mama singura cu un copil.Cine ma vrea pe mine o mamica serioasa trebuie sa imi accepte si copilul un adolescent educat titrat cu foarte mult bun simt si dornic si el sa fim o familie buna unita si cu inalte si de cel mai inalt bun simt calitati umane si de familie.Astept si sunt convinsa caci voi gasi barbatul singur educat moral iubitor care poate darui dar v-a si primi tot ceea ce isi ravneste si merita mai bun pe pamant. INCERCAM SI REUSIM !!! Placut Vor sa cunosc un baiat asemeni mie,25-35 ani, intelegator, calm si serios. Aspectul fizic este mai putin relevant. Kiss
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
I'm very down to Earth, honest and have an easily amused personality. I could have a good time doing almost anything as long as its with someone I like. I'm too big hearted for my own good, honesty is a standard with me. I have love in my heart for ALL people, except those that take advantage of others
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
I love to laugh until my belly aches. I'm appropiate almost all of the time, but once in a while the silly rebellious side can sneak out and do the unexpected. So, don't be surprised, just go with it and it'll be a lot of fun. I'm a mix between the East and the West, motion and rest, impulsive and reflective. I'm sincere and true to myself and try to do the right thing and be a good person. So, if you like the versatility and the range and not afraid to be a bit outside of the box, we should talk.I know that my soulmate and Prince Charming is out there, he's just a little "directionally challenged" and hasn't found me yet. He is in touch with his feelings and not afraid to communicate them. He welcomes changes but his integrity does not falter. He communicates with an intent to understand rather than dissect and analyze. Etc..
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sensibila, draguta, cu picioarele pe pamant si mai ales care sta pe propriile picioare... Caut o relatie cu o persoana serioasa, care locuieste in Germania sau in apropiere si ravneste o prietenie sincera. Uitati-va la poze,nu are rost sa-mi mai fac si eu o descriere:P ... Caut un tip dragut,cu mult simt al umorului,plin de viata,imprevizibil...sincer...atent...si bineinteles inteligent...despre restul...mai incolo...:)
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
........kam dificila:))) I dream to meet a man, who is looking for a mutual love and respect. I just want to full our hearts of happiness and romantic atmosphere! I dream to confectionate relationships, where we can be honest with each other and should be able to rely on each other when it is needed. sunt mumusika:D ......nush
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sunt o fire duala,adica sensibila pe dinauntru si uneori dura pe dinafara.imi place sa calatoresc si vreau sa realizez ceva in viata.am avut numeroase deceptii dar consider ca fiecare sut in fund e un pas in fata. caut o persoana care sa ma inteleaga si cu care pot sa ma gandesc la un viitor,sa ii placa sa incerce lucruri noi sa fie responsabil
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Dragutaz, simpatik, sexy I am a very kind, romantic and creative girl! I lead an active lifestyle because I believe that sport is life! I am still very energetic, it can be understood because of my way of life, I try to be everywhere and always, and I manage everything thanks to my enthusiasm! Here I want to find a man to confectionate a family! My cherished dream is to lucrate a big and happy family in a house that we will build ourselves! But unfortunately, I have never met only my beautiful man with whom I can facute a beautiful family. sexy muzik
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sunt o fire de om cool daca sti cum sa te comporti :P Caut un mascul analt, dragut,bun la suflet cu un simt al umorului extraordinar dezvoltat, si o situatie financiara destul de buna, care a-si ravneste sa se insoare, Daca nu va ancadrati, va rog sa nu ma deranjati. Nu voi raspunde. dragutza nascuta la cererea baietzilor dragutzi hai poop u nu caut ceva anume
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
M-asi descrie....ca fiind o femeie cu bun simt,moderna,rafinata,iubitoare.....fff.romantica,dar simpla in acelasi timp.Iubesc disciplina in viata mea de zi cu zi....si mai presus de toate in relatie d.p.m.d.v increderea si respectul e baza solida a unei relatii.Imi place sa fiu iubita! Din poze puteti observa ca am un corp suplu...bine definit....proportionat..ceea ce dovedeste ca imi place sa am grija de mine.......... si ma respect cu strictete. Cred ca va suna putin diferit ceea ce caut eu!Un mascul matur,cu simtul responsabiliatii ff.dezvoltat,educat,atent cu mine,iubitor,romantic,generos....si dornic de a ma face fericita!Nu caut aventuri sau tineri amorezi.......!Doresc sa cunosc barbatul cu atu-urile de mai sus dar si cu defectele sale
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
nu imi place sa ma descriu singura...mai bine va las pe voi..:) « Once, somewhere, life will surprise you so beautiful that you will forget how much it hurt you ... It will send you next to a man who will know how to heal everything that ever made you suffer, a man who, at those moments in which you would like to give up everything, will be able to help you find in your soul the power to move on » natural
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt o pers destul de de treaba cu inima buna I'm a mature woman, it is very important for me that a new heat center appears in my life - a beloved man. It is for this purpose that I came to this site. I am open to new feelings and emotions, I want to discover the world of love and hope, tenderness and frankness. I have a very economic nature. I love to lead an active life, but it is empty without love. Usor Caut relati de intinsa perioada
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
I'm a woman with beautiful brown eyes like lakes. if to speak about me, i am tender, kind, enthusiastic, creative, sincere young Lady, I am romantic soft soul who will be very passionate to my beloved. I also have a wonderful dauther, she is 3 years old, and as she doesn't have father I really would like to find a man who can be a real father for her)
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sunt doar eu ...restu se afla pe parcurs :) Ma plimb pe aici in speranta sa gasesc un mascul destept si cu bun simt si care sa vrea o singura relatie - stabila. ...................................................... "Daca zambesc inseamna ca ma bucur; Daca te caut reprezinta ca mi-e dor; Daca te ajut inseamna ca imi pasa; Daca intreb inseamna ca ma intereseaza; Daca ofer inseamna ca meriti; Daca cer inseamna ca am nevoie; Daca spun inseamna ca vreau sa stii."
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt o persoana sociabila, ambitioasa si... Locuiesc in sudul Londrei de 5 ani; calatoresc cat pot de mult. Fac tracking cat pot de des. Imi place sa gatesc si sa experimentez in domeniul gastronomic. Sunt fotograf amator. Citesc, scriu poezii si jurnal de calatorie, joc sah la grad mediu. Sunt o fire joviala si sociabila. Urasc minciuna si situatiile penibile. Placut... persoane care stiu ce vor de la viata, distractive, cu simtul masurii, prezenta placuta...
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
I am honest and sincere woman who dreams to fabricate strong family relationship based on love,understanding,respect and honesty! I am kind and tender lady who wants to love and to be loved! I appreciate honesty and sincerity very much.I want you to be the only man in my life.I want to give you all my tenderness and care.I will love you until the end of time! Just be yourself and never tell lies to me! Be sure,I will do the same for you! I want you to be active and positive.May God Bless you.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
SUNT O FATA DRAGUTZA PLACUTA FOARRTE DE TREABA CARE ISI DORESTE SA SI FACA PRIETENI CATY MAI MULTI SI PRIETEN DAR SA FIE CEVA SERIOS NU AVENTURI AVENTURI AM AVUT DESTULE SI AM SUFERIT I am serious, balanced, open, romantic, caring and feminine, intelligent woman with good manners. I am cheerful and romantic as a child, typical family woman who likes making home coziness and heart-warmed atmosphere very much. I'm also a woman with great sense of humor and family-oriented. I can be very witty and humorous on occasions. would you want to get to know who am i? O FATA CU OCHII CA SI CIOCOLATA CU PAR SATEN BLOND MICUTA DE STATURA INALTIMEA 1 42 SAU 1 50 M IMI PLAKE DISTRACTYA DANSUL MUZICA FOARTE MULT SUNT PASIUNILE MELE CAUT CEVA SERIOS CARE SA MA ACCEPTE INTOCMAI ASA CUM SUNT CAUT SA MI FAC PRIETEN SI PRIETENI CATI MAI MULTI
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt o fata draguta, nu caut interese.incearca si cunoastema cum sunt. pai despre mn ce pot sa zic,in 2 cuvinte nu reusesc sa ma descriu....in fraza e prea mult....scurt si la obiect poate reusesc:vorbareata,vesela , optimista;cuvinte cheie care deschid o parere. asa sunt eu!nu ma pot schimba....si nici nu as face-o! vrei sa te respect?respecta-ma pt ceea ce sunt nu pt ceea ce ai vrea sa fiu... Eu zic ca frumusrtea nu conteaza intr.o relatie. Conteaza sufletul si sinceritatea. Caut prietenii si daca vom avea in comun planuri.ajungem la o relatie .caut un baiat sincer sa ma iubeasca si sa stie ce vrea de la viata.
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sunt o fata simpla,care stie ce vrea de la viata! Sunt o persoana sensibila,serioasa ,vesela .Urasc oamenii infideli ,falsi si mincinosi . Calitatile pe care le consider pietrele de temelie ale unei relatii serioase,de intinsa durata sunt..afectiunea ,,respectul comunicarea si increderea. nu ma consider o femeie eleganta ,ci merg pe conceptia ca in viata conteaza sufletul dupa care aspectul! caut o relatie serioasa,eventual casatorie!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Imi place mult sa rad sa ma distrez dar sunt si femeir de casa daca imi gasesc iubirea I'm in a happy place in my life and I'm ready to find a partner. I'm hoping to find someone expressive and affectionate. If people have referred to you as funny or as kind of a character then that would be a great start too! I keep in shape by running and lifting weights. I did finish a half-marathon, but I was really slow. At least I did it! :) Overall, my lifestyle is very healthy while still leaving room for fun. It's fun to get decked out for a fancy night, but you'll find that I'm down to earth and have a silly sense of humor once you get to know me. If I sound like someone you'd be interested in, then say hi! Asa si asa Un mascul sa imi faca pe plac
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sincera , prietenoasa.....etc Sint o sotie fireasca si duc o viata la fel de normala. Dupa patru ani de la divort cred totusi ca merita sa mai incerc inca o data. Aventurile de o noapte nu sint ceea ce caut asa ca nu-mi solicitati ID ul de la Yahoo sau telefonul daca asta cautati. Ce fara imagine sa nu-mi scrie caci nu vor primi raspuns. 87,65,90..... doresc sa-mi fac multi prieteni din toata lumea...
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Eu? fata care nu da id-ul la oricine
vesela, sociabila, comunicativa, loiala, onesta, detest inselatoria si minciuna, cu simtul umorului,aspect fizic atragator, iubesc florile si animaele,imi place sa calatoresc, atunci cind situatia fianciara imi permite! Exclusa comunicarea cu domnii fara fotografii...consider ca e o lipsa de consideratie fata de toti care ne prezentam,cu tot cu infatisare... Odata ce mi-a intrat o persoana in suflet nu va iesi niciodata de acolo - Imi pasa de putine lucruri dar de cele care imi pasa ,imi pasa cu adevarat
- Nu imi place sa fiu criticata, da-mi mai bine un sfat
- Vreau sa primesc intodeauna TOT
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
I am a funny young girl from the western part of Ukraine. I like active style of life very much. I like sports and animals. One day I want to have family, where there are love, trust, support and happiness! I like to spend my free time outdoor and I dream to travel in another country to see new people and may be find something interesting and useful for me?. I am always in good mood and my friends say that I like a sun in the sky? frumusica un mascul care sa ma iubeasca...
Sunt o tipa simpla.......ambitioasa,sufletista Soy una persona alegre, leal, me gusta compartir con mis familiares y amigos, me gusta ir de camping, el mar, amanecer bajo la luz de la luna, pescar, hacer deporte, bailar,descubrir cosas nuevas, me gusta el cine,ir al teatro soy cariñosa, me gusta el arte, visitar museos lugares historicos simpatica cineva care sa ma placa asa cum sunt,insa inclin sa cred ca am gasit deja...multa fericire tuturor!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
seriozitatea si o impresie matura e tot ceea ce ma caracterizeaza...consider ca am concluzionat... Hi everyone, nice of u to visit my profile, im here ocasionaly to have a chat or 2 killing time. Im not in a serch of anything like most of the ppl here r im here for the fun. Im not iterested in giving to any of you my messenger or whatever chats u might use if u have something to say you might just do it in here. Enjoy ur staying in my profile. satena...verzi...1 65...atragatoare ...totul decurge de la sine ...