Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I search only for serious attitudes!!! I search serious for the man clever and which will love me, very strongly is strong. I do not play with feelings and I would ask that I was written only by serious men and which search only for serious attitudes instead of for game
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
am easy going lady and calm.. BUNA SUNT ASA CUM SUNT,NU SUNT IMPECABILA DAR NICI TU NU ESTI TE CAUT, TE ASTEPT SI INCA SPER DAR TREBUIE SA MA CONVINGI CA SE MERITA EFORTUL, ITI PROMIT CA NU VEI FI DEZAMAGIT................SUNT IDEAL DE OPTIMISTA, SINCERA SI DEVREME ACASA ...................................................................................... Totusi, iubirea ............................ Si totusi exista iubire Si totusi exista blestem Dau lumii, dau lumii de stire Iubesc, am curaj si ma tem. Si totusi e dispozitie de veghe Si totusi murim repetat Si totusi mai cred in pereche Si totusi ceva sa-ntamplat. Pretentii nici n-am de la lume Un pat, intuneric si tu Intram in amor fara nume Fiorul ca fulger cazu. Motoarele lumii sunt stinse Retele pe cai au cazut Un mare pustiu pe cuprins e Trezeste-le tu c-un sarut. Acum te declar Dumnezee Eu insumi ma simt Dumnezeu Continua societatea sotie Cu plozi scrisi in numele meu. Afara roiesc intunerici Aici suntem noi luminosi Se cearta-ntre ele biserici Facandu-si acelasi repros. Si tu si iubirea exista Si moartea se afla in ea Imi place mai mult cand esti trista Tristetea, de fapt, e a ta. Genunchii mi-i plec pe podele Cu capul ma sprijin de cer, Tu esti in puterile mele, Desi inchizitii te cer. Ce spun se aude aiurea, Ma-ntorc la silaba dintai, Praval peste tine padurea: Adio, recte ramai. Si totusi exista iubire Si totusi exista blestem Dau lumii, dau lumii de stire Iubesc, am curaj si ma tem. .................................................................................................. Fat-Frumos .............................. Oameni, oameni, fratii mei, Disperatii, fericitii, V-ati spalat de superstitii, De demoni si dumnezei. Insa-i nu-i destul folos Daca peste tot ce este V-ati spalat si de poveste, L-ati pierdut pe Fat-Frumos. Vin la voi acum plangand, Gura-mi sangera ca rana, Unde este Consanzeana, In ce bolti, pe ce pamant? Ma ridic plangand de jos, Ca la un pierdut examen, Unde va e basmul, oameni. Ce-ati fabricat cu Fat-Frumos? Fat-Frumos n-a existat, N-a stat nimanui in cale, Era numai visul delicat Al vreunui trist baiat. Mai visati de vreti sa fiti Fericiti cu capu-n perna, Feriti epoca moderna De rigizi si scofalciti. Din prea mult entuziasm Sa nu spargeti Voronetul, Dati-i voi mai mare pretul, Oameni, mai ravniti la basm. Voi, care stapaniti copii, Nu-i lasati sub gand satanic, Sa respire sterp, mecanic, Ca si cand nu ar fi. Doborati himera jos, Oameni, reveniti in lume, Pe de om noastra culme Regasiti pe Fat-Frumos. Fat-Frumos si toti ai lui, Fiinca unde nu-i poveste Lume nu-i si om nu este Si, de fapt, nimica nu-i. El venea la noi pe jos Si ni l-au rapit piratii, Vamesi vigilenti, redati-i Actele lui Fat-Frumos. Dati-i viata inapoi, Ochii mari, miscarea buzii, Fat-Frumosul din iluzii Si elegant numai prin voi. ========================================= Spune-mi ceva ..................................... Daca-am sa te chem Da-mi macar un semn Fie si-un blestem Din componenta ta. Totusi nu stiu cum Pentru-atata drum Ce-a-nceput acum Spune-mi ceva. In noaptea despartirii dintre noi Copacii cad pe drum din doi in doi, In ochi ma bate viscolul cainesc Si am venit sa-ti spun ca te iubesc. Probabil drumul meu va duce-n iad Ma-mpiedic de o lacrima si cad Si iar adorm si iar mi-e dat un vis Ca biata cifra doi s-a sinucis. Si de atata viscol vestitor Nu ochii mei, ci ochii tai ma dor, Ca tineri am intrat si cu ce rost Si ce batrani iesim din tot ce-a fost. Nici aripile zboruri nu mai pot, E numai despartire peste tot Si se aude ca va fi mai greu Decat vom fi departe tu si eu. Dar nu pentru a-ti spune ca e rau Am dat cu bulgari mari in geamul tau, Ci ca sa stii, in viscolul cainesc, Ca plec si mor si plang si te iubesc. Si vreau sa-ti dau cu acte inapoi Dezastrul impartirilor la doi, Ca sa-ntelegi si tu ce-i cuplul frant Si cum e sa fii solitar pe pamant. am very attractive and looks very beautiful am looking for a man to be with
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I am someone of simple to discover I would like to meet sincere respectful people having the head on the shoulders and to be here for a familiar objective to mine the one of research the soulmate or to be friends un mascul inteligent
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
pai... las la aprecierea celorlalti....nu este trebuinta ca sa ma mai laud si eu :P....pozele.. Sint o persoana optimista imi place sa lupt si sa obtin ceia ce vreau respecto si vreau sa fiu respectata imi plac calatorile si cercu de prieteni nu suport fiintele bolnave de gelozie toate au o limita. ce caut eu?!... hmmmm... .. care stiu sa se distreze si sa fie destepti... (cat de cat :P)..
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I enjoy life and would love to find someone to share adventures with. I love to explore new places, meet new people and experience other cultures. My ideal partner would enjoy these things as well and take life as it comes, without stressing too much. I believe that family is everything and would like to have one of my own someday. I have had a lot of experiences in my life that have made me the person I am today. I aspire to be genuine, honest and sincere at all times and I greatly value those characteristics in others. distractie si prietenie
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Sunt o persoana responsabila si hotarata si imi vor acelasi fapt de la celalalt, din pacate nu sunt disponibila (am un baietel de 5 ani) pentru relatii "de incercare" ca sa nu zic altfel pentru ca nu am timp, cei care cauta asta sa nu ma caute. Multumesc!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
dragutza,optimista,modesta.. Ai incredere ca esti acolo unde e locul tau, unde e trebuinta de tine. Nu uita de posibilitatile infinite care se nasc din credinta in tine si in ceilalti. Te-ai saturat de lipsa banilor? Inca mai platesti datorii si rate? Acum poti sa sacapi fara intarziere de toate problemele cu banii si sa-ti asiguri cu adevarat stabilitate financiara. E adevarat,nu peste noapte,caci asta e posibil doar daca jefuiesti vre-o banca,ceea ce nu-ti recomand,ci prin munca cinstita de promovare,comform planului de marketing. In cazul in care mai ai neclaritati sau intrebari ce nu le-ai gasit raspuns aici ori in site,astept mesajul 1.70 55 kg..caprui.roskata.. barbat,brunet ochi verzi/caprui inalt !
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Sunt atat de modesta incat ma abtin ... oricum nu ma pot descrie intr-un cuvant, o propozitie sau o fraza. Descopera-ma tu! Hi!I'm a very sensitive,soft & tender girl who needs to love & to be loved!!!!!I'm looking for my second half & I'm sure that I'll find the one man for me...Maybe...it's you,,,dear man?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I guess my man is first of all a friend, who knows how to make me happy, how to surprise me and satisfy my desires. I know how to please him. He's attentive, caring, gentle and kind. Are you ready to give me tenderness? Are you ready to give me a lot of attention? Are you really ready for a serious relationship that can grow into a strong family? Then let's get acquainted.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Stefana Sunt o persoana responsabila si hotarata si imi vor acelasi fapt de la celalalt, din pacate nu sunt disponibila (am un baietel de 5 ani) pentru relatii "de incercare" ca sa nu zic altfel pentru ca nu am timp, cei care cauta asta sa nu ma caute. Multumesc! Baiet
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
sunt o persoana destul de dificila . in sensul ca azi vreau ceva maine vreau altceva asta sunt eu....nu ma pot schimba desi mi-as dori enorm. poate gasesc pe cineva care ma va ajuta sa ma schimb I am divorced ,i know what i want and know when i meet the right person for me. do not like game players ,man that cheat,lie,and put a women down ,,Not interested in married man or separated ,,,,,i am clean ,caring,loyal,and looking for a man that is ready to settle down ,IF YOU ARE WIDOWER ,SINGLE DAD,ONLY ONE PICTURE ON YOUR PROFILE ,,,,,KEEP LOOKING DO NOT BOTHER TO MESSAGE ME ,YOU ARE WAISTING YOUR TIME AND MINE . ochii caprui cu un pic de verde, inaltime 1.55m, parul saten sufitat o persoana care sa ma ajute sa ma schimb
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Sorry boys, I have boyfriend (I love him). I DONT want to MEET and SPEAK men (no WASTE time, please). Never READ messages from boys!!Automatically erase them. Im just here ONLY seeking for GIRLS, to have a friendly relationship.
Femeie, 30, Casatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Inception. sunt o entitate simpla, prezentabila, activa,optimista ,sociabila,amatoare de calatorii ,arta,cultura si sport.imi place sa ma inconjor doar de energie pozitiva,iubesc dreptatea, detest minciuna,sunt exigenta si punctuala. astept partener de convietuire pe viata cu aceleasi simple dotari, doar petru o relatie stabila. M. Butterfly. I've just found the eternal sunshine of a spotless mind...in the imaginarium of doctor Parnassus.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
imprevizibila!!!!!! chiar credeti ca descrierea sablon m-a confectionat sa-mi pierd originalitatea sau sa-mi etalez sinceritatea? nici pe departe! asa ca nu va mai obositi citind ca oricum nu-mi plac manelele :-)))) O persoana cu care as putea comunica si vorbi despre indiferent ce
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Felul meu de a fi nu il au multi sunt o persoana sincera carismatica cu cei 7 ani de acasa ! Imi place sa imi petrec momentul liber cu cei dragi mie si imi place sa aduc zambetul pe buze oamenilor care nu il au !asta este Cosmina !
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
daca vrei sa sti mai multe despre mine... scrie-mi :P I am a muse and inspiration for my beloved man. I am a real lady with soft and tender voice, but much passion inside. A diligent and skillful teacher during the day time, but a hot cat at night. When in a relationship, I am absolutely supportive and dedicated, you can rely on me, I will not betray or put a knife in your back. Sometimes I am too open-minded, and usually people are not happy to hear what I really think of them. Well, I have to fight this trait. Flexible and optimistic in life. Like to see good sides in any situations, and stay positive. Will inspire my man for reaching his goals in life. And will stay side by side both in good and bad times. bine :P hmm.. sincer sa spun... nici eu nu stiu :))
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Sunt discreta si doresc si eu acelas fapt nu sunt o fata prea romantica traiesc in realitate Romantica, sensibil? cu simtul umorului,Iubesc copii,animalele si viata la tara . In rest sunt cu bune cu rele , o femeie fireasca , Vor sa intalnesc un suflet bun ,cald cu bun simt pe um?rul c?ruia sa ma odihnesc cind sunt obosita,sa plang cand sunt trista ,sa ma bucur cand sunt fericita ,sa ne bucur?m impreuna si sa Imb?tranim distins . Sa iubeasca viata la tara si gradinaritul . Nu sunt o ciudatenie dar daca ma cunost vei simti diferenta Caut ursuletul meu
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
VIATA=BUMERANG!nu raspund la cei fara foto..!neasumandu-ti varsta,fotografia si cine esti sunteti penibili!!! LUATI alaturi voi omul de la care ai ce invata ,fascineaza vorbind depasindu-si limitele !scriu asemenea cum gandesc eu nu altii!Intelepciunea ta= valoarea vietii tale.comoditatea,alcool,lenea ,impulsivitate sunt dusmanii tai!daca nu stii ce vrei;nu-ti asumi actiunile , nu poti iubii,TRAIEȘTI IN TRECUT ȘI nu faci o prioritate din relatia ta STAI solitar !!educati copilul perfect despre prietene si barbati daca tu nu esti un exemplu de evolutie personala, moral si fidel nu inseamna ca nu exista!azi esti respectat dupa gradul de confort oferit!!nu ma impresioneaza varsta ,banii,functia ci doar cum te comporti!!! PT FETI "FRUMOSI uita profilul!Un sfat poate inalta,dobora depinde ce interes are cine il da.Acasa=sentiment =armonie.Azi gasesti barbati,femei chiar ce calitate.,lasi, Isteti(e)naivi(e) depinde ce vrei sa traiesti., sa decorezi casa? viata?iubesti adevarat cand lupti pt iubirea construimdu-o.Stiu EXACT ce vreau un partener de viata OPEN mind,harnic sincer, (*cu un par frumos) care poate iubii,familist convins ca mine!o femeie capabila sa investeasca iubire ,atentie care si-a invatat lectiile din exp de viata poate in absolut orice timp lua de la inceput!doresc sa locuiesc in Sibiu!plini de virtual,principii risipim timp iar sentimente frumoase zac in noi de parca mostenim pamantul
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I think that I am very reliable and serious woman, but I am also very feminine and very sensitive. I think that women in my age already know what they want from this life and they have certain experience and goals which they want to reach. Of course, I am not the person who gives up easily.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
just...me : I am a very romantic lady. Not only do I look like a princess; I am the same inside and out tender, vulnerable and kind. But I will not give offense and simply delete from life of people who are capable of betrayal and cruelty. I want to find our true love, so that we both live in our own ideal world, where there is only space for care and tenderness, frankness and honesty. While modern women are struggling every day, I just dream of becoming a wife and hiding behind my rarisim man from all the hardships!
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
daca vreti sa ma cunoasteti atunci ,,,,,,,, Nu-mi plac masculi falsi.. minciunile, tatuajele, tigarile, alcoolul. Imi place sinceritatea. Oare mai sunt, acesti barbati, din tot ce doresc eu, de la eii(el) !!! Hmmm. Aici ce vad.. Ff rar ii vezi ca scriu pe profilul lor.. Casatorie sau prietenie. Majoritatea.. Mai multi spun in profilul lor.. Flirt. Este ff elegant sa ai o relatie de prietenie. Dar sa fie ff seriosi. Sa stie, ce vor din tot restul vieti, lor. Doamne ajuta! Multumesc pentru intelegere! eee bine
Femeie, 35, Casatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
LUCRURILE STAU ASA: Daca esti genu BAIATU DE BANI GATA(adik smekeru de la birou
lu`tata),Daca esti genu DESTEPTU(adik ala care vb in italiana sau spaniola ca Romana e
demodata) sau daca esti genu INTALNIRE, TAVALEALA SI FLIT(adik ala care "bifeaza" dupa ce
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I am a very calm woman, but in me, there is a passionate fire! But I try to not show it. I save it for a singular person. I know how to please my man and how to treat him, how to see him smile wide and happy. If you are for a healthy lifestyle, and you dream about a personal trainer, you chose the right woman. Yes, it's me that I can become your personal trainer, and also a loving wife. So, I am here to find a man who will be glad to get placere with me and also give it to me.A nice person who always looks at the bright side. I'm an interesting, kind, communicative, cheerful and active person. I believe that sincerity is the most confident and attractive quality that someone can have.I want to be with an open and sincere man who will be honest with me. I want to find a man with whom I will feel safe. He should be a responsible and strong man. I am seeking a lifetime partner. Someone who is ready for marriage life. He must be a family-oriented, romantic and loving person. I believe that age does not matter. A nice person who always looks at the bright side. I'm an interesting, kind, communicative, cheerful and active person. I believe that sincerity is the most confident and attractive quality that someone can have. I am a kind and responsible woman who is looking for a good relationship. I want a real man who will give me happiness. I am a gentle and kind lady with good heart
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I am outgoing easygoing , down to earth , one of a kind I am loving . Caring , passionate , understanding , great sense of humor , happy , positive , love life enjoy all i do , just looking for my perfect soulmate long term good man who wanting the same has I , if u wanna know more feel free to ask of course ,
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
am Willams 46yrs old from Texas being married before but dicvored with one kid....i am here new to this dating Site and i am here Looking for someone that i can trust and Love for the rest of my heart and Life..i need a woman that will be honest and caring bcos i am here looking someone that will give me happy Family
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Jag är ett öppet hjärta dam, dedikerad dam som behöver en själsfrände, som kan ersätta den glädje som jag har förlorat allt detta samtidigt. Jag är ärlig, pålitlig, trogen och allvarlig i vad jag gör i alla lägen finner jag mig själv. Jag är en dam som älskar vad du är och inte vad du har och jag känner mig avslappnad och gå vidare tillsammans så lätt med människor som jag möter jag har varit i ett förhållande innan som jag har learn't från .. För jag vet inte hur man lita på en människa längre .. Eftersom jag tror att män är alla likadana .. Mitt första förhållande som var min första kärlek någonsin .. . Vi båda fann varandra och även han lovar att gifta sig med mig och han lovar att inte bryta mitt hjärta .. Han berättade för mig så många söta lögner som jag dumt nog tro honom .. Jag litade på honom med mitt hjärta .. Jag visar honom kärlek och även jag begår mitt liv till honom ... Jag var trogen och ärlig mot honom tills en ödesdiger dag jag fångade honom med en annan kvinna på sängen .. Jag var i chock .. Jag kunde inte tro mina ögon .. Eftersom jag inte kunde tro att någon som jag verkligen älskar kommer att sluta bryta mitt hjärta och även förde mig besviken också .. Så från det jag lär mig aldrig att lita på en man .. Eftersom det var så smärtsamt för mitt hjärta att leka med och även för någon att ljugit och berätta att han älskar mig
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I am tall slim blond with burning brown eyes. Kind, sensible, emotional, openminded but girl with character and principles! I welcome the presence of intelligence and the adequacyand sense of humor. I Search warm arms for cold weather because we can not stop the rain
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I'm wise and understanding. I love and value close people, I try to look at any conflict situation from all sides, to understand and to accept somebody else's point of view. I know that people who match us perfectly don't exist, but those with who it's good even simply to keep silence exist. I respect men. For my beloved man I'll become an interesting interlocutor, a reliable partner and a loving caring wife. I'll share my zest for live with him, an interest to new things, I'll fabricate the warmth and a coziness in our house, I'll be a source of the strength and inspiration, of passion and tenderness.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I am sensitive individual, who is caring and honest. I like to treat people with respect and I value friendship greatly. I live by my impulsiveness and can be quite random at times because I like to live by the moment, because every ocazie is precious.I believe that I will meet in my life a serious man, who would like to make a strong and friendly family. My dream is a strong, tender, kind and problem-solving man.
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
si cu calitati si cu defecte ca indiferent ce om Sunt o persoana sincera si modesta. Tind sa fiu corecta, dar nu sunt "perfecta". Sunt loiala si am incredere in oameni, dar nu sunt naiva. Am multa rabdare, dar nu la infinit. Sunt sigura si stapana DOAR pe mine! placut deocamdata prietenie dar nicodata nu se stie unde se poate ajunge
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Plictisita I am a cheerful lady... with a good sense of humor. My smile Smile illuminates this world , my eyes glisten on seeing the stars in the sky , my soul sings hearing the noise of the waves . My heart starts to beat faster with anticipation of something new and unknown . I love photography. It's my hobby and a part of my life . Because you can see parts of your life which you will never forgeta€¦ love couples ... the beauty of our nature.. peoples smilesa€¦ Distractie
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I know exactly what I want and I hope you write to
I consider myself a extra cool and totally real girl,I am very affectionate and skin, but I also have a strong character ..
l am looking for a stable relationship, I want to start a family and l am emotionally ready for that without games or distractions, I would like to meet a nice and respectful man who gives me
stability in EVERY aspect and is MONOGAMOUS . Write me. I am 29 years old and looking for a mature man of 42 years and above who is older than me and can give me happiness and excitement in life, a man who can make me happy all the time. I believe that age is just a number and good looks don't define the heart. I hope we can work on something together. For these reasons, I am looking for someone who can support me. I will give them all my love, attention and company.
I am looking for someone serious and stable. If you're not serious, please avoid information. Only serious people.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I am Romanian and I live in Australia from 2009. I would describe myself as a happy and content person. After years of working in a busy municipal job, I took a leap, went back to study and re-qualified. My work brings me a sense of contribution, intellectual stimulation and creativity. I accept life for what it is...all that it delivers...the awesome and the not so awesome. I have a lively mind - boredom is not an option for me. I have spent many years living in Europe and it's rubbed off on me. I enjoy doing fun adventurous things and trying new restaurants. Always I enjoy kindness to see the positives and get my greatest placere by putting a smile on the face of others. I'm artistic, creative, capable and resourceful.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
de obicei sunt o persoana ff prietenoasa..imi place sa comunic,shi imi place mult distractia in grup.. I like to Tease in a Respectful and Caring way, Playful, I am a Giver , I love surprises.Impulsive and Adventurous, willing to try different things, I love to laugh, I am Strong with a Caring Heart. Relaxed , and Humble. unii spun ca arat ff bine..unii zic doar ca arat bine.. dar eu ma simmt ff bine in derma mea..
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I am generally an optimistic person with a sense of humor, fairly easy-going,not easily tempered or upset, and I don't think that I'm too critical about things, but I also believe that it takes two people contributing to a relationship to make it work, it needs hardworking,understanding,Loving,caring,truthfulness,faithfulness,God fearing. Royalty,no cheating and most importantly being there to help each other in terms of need,help,etc... you have to be there for each other in every situation no matter what and you should help and if you even dont have you should do all you can to help even risk your life for the sake of Love that you have for each other in this way,there is going to be an endless LOVE
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Daca stii ce iti vrei .. putem comunica... Creeaza-ti propriul tau noroc!!! ..(daca nu esti casatorit)... Sunt o prietena practica, nu rece...Nu iubesc minciuna si nu sunt miere..Dar invat originala si invat sa fiu directa .De stiut este ca daca tin la cineva cu adevarat,sunt acolo in carne si oase cu fapte,nu cu vorbe goale.Sunt in inima la putini oameni tocmai din cauza modului meu de gandire, dar pentru cei putini, voi fi mereu...
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I love to laugh until my belly aches. I'm appropiate almost all of the time, but once in a while the silly rebellious side can sneak out and do the unexpected. So, don't be surprised, just go with it and it'll be a lot of fun. I'm a mix between the East and the West, motion and rest, impulsive and reflective. I'm sincere and true to myself and try to do the right thing and be a good person. So, if you like the versatility and the range and not afraid to be a bit outside of the box, we should talk.I know that my soulmate and Prince Charming is out there, he's just a little "directionally challenged" and hasn't found me yet. He is in touch with his feelings and not afraid to communicate them. He welcomes changes but his integrity does not falter. He communicates with an intent to understand rather than dissect and analyze. Etc..
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I am a young and optimistic person. What I like in this life? Just simple thingsaa‚¬ ¦I like good weather, I like when good people are close, I like when my family is healthy, I like when there is no war, I like when baby smilingaa‚¬ ¦There are so many things which can make us happy in this life!!! But the main for everybody is to have love in his heart! I would like to have a person who can show me these bright feelings, who can show me how wonderful this world is!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
Am pierdut dorinta de a-i multumi pe cei care nu ma plac, de a-i iubi pe cei care nu ma iubesc si de a zambi la cei care nu vor sa-mi zambeasca. Si, cel mai important , nu mai am rabdare cu cei care nu merita rabdarea mea. Sa fii sanatos, iubit si fericit , cititorule!!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
I consider myself a kind and cheerful person. I am very sociable, and I have many friends. I have a very good sense of humor. I am very optimistic person. I love animals and nature. I'm very active and energetic. I am very family-oriented and loving. I'm a good housewife.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Secuiesc, Covasna Romania
do you want to be with a girl who is open -hearted, funny and full of dreams and hopes. I am a great optimist, I always hope for the best and believe that life is worth to live. if you want to enjoy your life, be active, than I am ready to help you to change your life for the best. I am very often called the "heart of the company", that means that I am always ready to support you and to make your mood better:)