Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
I'm the one your mother warned you about! :) Casatoritul ideal pentru mine trebuie : S? fie b?rbat, nu c??elu? orfan; S? ?tie ce vrea, ce poate ?i ce-i place; S? m? fac? s? m? simt singura iubita din lume; S? ?tie r?spunsul la milionul de chestii care-mi sunt mie necunoscute; S? ?in? pasul cu planurile mele; S? nu se simt? in competi?ie cu mine, ci in echip?; S? nu considere c? treaba lui e s? se uite la meci ?i a mea s? m? oglindesc in smal?ul crati?elor.... the rest on private :)
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Buna ma numesc Laura si din pricina pluctiseli m-am à ®nscris aici :)) ... Sunt nevita de puÈa€ºin timp à ®n Barcelona si vreau sa cunosc mai numeroase persoane să à ®mi fac prieteni,prietene urăsc singurătatea
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Candva ca altii sa-mi fie vinovati, sunt vinovata eu, fata de mine. Noi, cei care vrem altceva de la viata, suntem obligati de toate legile sperantei sa marturisim propriile noastre adevaruri.Altfel, tribunalele dragostei ne vor declara complici la inalta tradare de sine. Vom fi condamnati pe vecie la irevocabile tristeti, la insingurari fara drept de apel.DRAGOSTEA e o mare nebunie si trebuie luata in serios. Iar romanele indragostitilor si cantecele de amor arata ca iubirea e un fapt rar, extraordinar, nu-i pe toate drumurile! Dar noi, nu stiu de ce, suntem educati sa credem ca e la-ndemana oricui... Cine sunt eu? Vibrez la frumusete, caut perfectiunea in tot ceea ce fac si sunt, poate, cam prea sensibila pentru vremurile acestea. Si aleg sa ma bucur de tot ce-mi transmite viata, in fiecare zi. Pentru ca frumusetea e peste tot. Ma simt dichisita cand ma simt impacata cu mine. Mi se pare obositor si plictisitor sa tii cont mereu de regulile unui cod social. E important sa poti sa provoci socialul cu imaginea individualitatii tale asumate, relaxate. E ca un joc. " Eu ma accept.Voi?"
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
sociabila...intelegatoare...sincera sunt un om normal,cu calitati si defecte,complimentele nu ma ridica,criticile nu ma doboara,sunt ceea ce sunt nu ceea ce vor altii sa fiu!Stiu sa te respect,daca ma respecti,ma iei cu vrajeala,te iau cu vrajeala!Ma ataci,ma apar!Ma urasti,nu te urasc!De ce?Pentru ca,pe tine ce te caracterizeaza pe mine nu ma defineste!Nu ma judeca candva sa ma cunosti pentru ca de stiut ma stiu multi,dar putini sunt cei care ma cunosc!
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
satena,fire credincioasa si vesela I consider myself a kind and cheerful person. I am very sociable, and I have many friends. I have a very good sense of humor. I am very optimistic person. I love animals and nature. I'm very active and energetic. I am very family-oriented and loving. I'm a good housewife. agreabil baiat credincios
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Sunt o persoana sensibila , imi place sa calatoresc , imi plac masinile imi place sa conduc ... si totul vom afla pe chat ! Nimic mai elegant decit o asteptare,care stii ca se va implini.O sa te astept!Si tu vei veni.Pe carari imbalsamate cu flori.Si florile nu vor simti pasii tai usori ca o fulguire din basmele bunicii.O sa te astept.Ieri.Azi.Miine.Intotdeauna! Intocmai ca in poze Absolut orice
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
I am a kind, cheerful, sincere and faithful woman. I had disappointments in my life, but that was in the past. I always look forward and enjoy my life as it is. I am a family-oriented woman. I value openness, honesty, and faithfulness. I am a good friend, listener and take things positively.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Sunt o fata simpla,educata,silitoare si dornica pentru a-mi cauta mare iubire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Satisfacator Un barbat cu a buna educatie si cat se poate de serios.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
comunicativa deschisa neincrezatoare eu sa vorbesc despre mine insami?glumiti..stiu ca noi muritorii ne pierdem deseori in propria reflexie si uitam deseori de spirit,deci.;nu ma contactati scriind tot felul de banalitati;totusi ,accept un dialog decent! satisfacator o relatie
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
pai...desteapta, frumoasa:D:D....mai nebuna un picut....imi place la nebunie sa ma distrez...unde e lume multa si muzica...e multimea mea:D:D:D Sunt o persoana responsabila si hotarata si imi vor acelasi fapt de la celalalt, din pacate nu sunt disponibila (am un baietel de 5 ani) pentru relatii "de incercare" ca sa nu zic altfel pentru ca nu am timp, cei care cauta asta sa nu ma caute. Multumesc! numa BUN ce sa caut.....caut ceea ce nu gasesc.......se ofera cineva sa ma ajute?
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
cea mai tare!!!!!!!! "Life is too short to drink a bad wine!" ...so..it's the same with men and women...life is too short to spend it with the wrong person. I am here only for the aparte one...if there is any men like this on this site...About me...someone said this better in a famous movie : "I have a head for business and a body for pleasure" :))...I hate stupid people and lazy men. Be smart if you want to impress me!!!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
zambet,rosu, galben, nabokov,simpatie, van gogh, apa, tz.todorov, heidegger, dimineata, nisip... I was born and has grown in Russia. My girlfriends speak, that I very cheerful and interesting and that with me am very interesting to spend time. I the very sociable and simple girl. I like a nature and very much I like to be found with children. To me to like to spend time with the friends. And I very much want to find my love. I do not know why I have decided to search for my love in the Internet, it is simple at me as that could not be found my love at itself and the girlfriends have advised me to try to find her in the Internet and I has decided. Who knows as all to develop and that from this will leave, but I hope only for best. And I search only for serious relations.
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
sunt o fire sociabila si placuta. I am a happy, easy and positive person. I work as an engineer in the sea. I like to listen to music in my spare time, go to the beach and the museum, I like being outside, going for a walk, swimming, sailing and traveling. I'm looking for a long term relationship caut barbat bine
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Admir masculii inteligenti,culti, puternici, transanti, profunzi,cu spiritul tanar, dar in acelasi timp, romantici si sensibili...Rog barbatii casatoriti, sa se abtina in demersurile lor penibile de a ma contacta;nu am veleitati de amanta !!! sunt in zodia scorpion...mi se cam potriveste...si imi convine de minune.. Bruneta
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Simpatica, dolce, sensibile... testarda Sunt o persoana decenta ,civilizata si nu doresc relatii de compromis! La drum... Azi i-am spus tristetii: nu te mai intoarce! Am inchis fereastra, nu poate intra, Am stins si lumina, nu ma vede-n noapte, Usa-i ferecata, lacat e pe ea! Mi-am produs bagajul, plin e cu de toate, Pun intai iubirea, e pe initialul loc, Mai asez speranta, dorul, bunatatea, Gingasia, visul, pacea, dragostea. Pun si frumusetea...dar, Am luat si mandria, De a nu permite, Un alt ieri ... sono fatta per bene.. non ci vuole niente in piu un uomo maturo, serio, bello e alto...
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
sincera si iubitoare I am loyal, modest, cheerful and honest woman. I had enough sad moments in my life, including loss of my parents, divorce and others but there were also many happy days and the most happiest was when my son was born. I am a good mother and very caring person. I appreciate trust in relations and do not like lie and meanness. In childhood I dreamed about being a designer of fashion clothes. But I became a manager in the real estate agency. We never know where life will bring us to. As well as we do not know when and where we will meet our love.I dream about going to Paris, the city of love. I am easy-going and down-to-earth woman. I am hardworking and economic. I am always ready to help others because I know how important to have someone close when you are in a bad situation. I will give all my support and care to my future husband. If you look for loving and faithful wife, I wait for you. I miss tenderness, love, care and attention in my life. I look for the man who will want to give all that to me. He should be sincere and kind. I will never accept rudeness and cruelness in my family. I am very soft and look for the man who will appreciate and cherish me, who will make me feel a lady, who will treat me with love and be generous. My future husband should also love children and put our family first. I want us to share each other's interests and spend a lot of time together t foarte sexi caut ce nu am gasit
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
sunt o fire sensibila optimista curajoasa glumeata Sunt o persoana agreabila ,familista.nu mi plac aventurile zic eu o buna gospodina.am un suflet mare pt a oferi toata dragostea celui care o merita.Am luptat mult ca sa-mi pastrez familia dar am obosit.sunt exacta imi place stabilitatea sunt o fire romantica.iubesc natura si tot ce ne inconjoara ofer ce primesc.sunt mereu zambitosre. urasc cearta.Prefer un adevar amar decat o minciuns dulce.Mi e dor sa merg cu cinevs de mana sa ma plimb. de o imbratisare si sa am cui sa i spun Buna dimineata sau bine ai venit. placut socializare
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
micutza,dragutza si rea I am young, energetic, serious and attractive girl. I am easy-going and that's why i can easily get new acquaintances and keep good friendly relations for years. I think that the best features of my character are faithfulness, kindness, sense of humor and ability to love! I don't have any bad habits and i like sport. placut ...parerea mea:P
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Sa incep q inceputul...sunt o fire vesela,ce iubeste distractzia...sunt un capricorn fff gelos... I am optimistic and active, kind and honest person with good sense of humor. I live with smile. Somebody told me that a smile cost nothing but gives a lot. I think that life is cool stuff and I prefer to enjoy each day of my life. caut distractzie,..si caut ceva serios
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Sensibila,cu bun simt,devotata in dragoste.Principala mea misiune este de a face fericit pe cel de alaturi mine.Ma simt implinita doar intr-o relatie serioasa care sa-mi prezinte stabilitate.Nu cer masina,case mari sau bogatie.Vreau dragoste,una umpluta de lucruri frumoase ,care sa te faca sa zambesti la orice pas.In viata fiecaruia dintre noi va fi un ''om''care te va invata cel mai elegant lucru:sa uiti tot ce a fost pana la el. ceva ce nu intalnesc zi de zi:))
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Intelegatoare,implicata 100 %
imi plac prostioarele I am single with no kid. i have black hair and brown eyes, I am 5\'7\" and 139lbs I am someone who caterer and my dream and goal is to find and my soulmate and make him happy and also enjoy this amazing life together. I am romantic, warm, tender and sensual. I love long touching, kisses, heart-to-heart talks. People consider me kind, honest and reliable. I am not perfect, but I have a lot of good qualities such as sincerity, understanding and patience. I really love nature, long walks and just being in the forest or near the water. I enjoy going out and spending my spare time in a company of good friends. arat bine,sanii frumosi caut sa marit, sau sa gasesc domni generosi
Femeie, 33, Casatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
...sono il tipo di donna che non deve spogliarsi per essere bella. I am kind, caring, loving. I am in school for my Bachelors Degree for Organizational Management. I have no children and never married. I am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan and New York Yankees fan. Also, I do use a walker and wheelchair for mobility. Alta, nn troppo magra . L uomo che mi riempie l anima ...
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
O persoana aproximativ normala,,comunicativa, dar
capricioasa, mandra si foarte de orgolioasa,daca te incumeti, o faci asumandu-ti un risc! My name is Tracy 43 years, single with son. I'm someone who always try to live a simple life and enjoy life's simple pleasures. I like coming home from work to get myself refreshed and my sanity back after a long 10 hours at work. I like outdoors, walking in the park and along the beach barefooted in the wet sand to feel the sea breeze, traveling etc. and sometimes staying at home and cooking something new. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I hate disrespect, unfaithfulness, dishonest, cheating, unfairness, injustice, selfishness etc. I had a wonderful life but I think there is somebody in the world to discover a new wonderful life with. People can say many good things about themselves so I think if you are real and serious then we should get in touch, talk and know each other, take it from there and see how it goes. I hope to have a serious relationship with a real man who is drama free, not into games and knows what he need. Not anyone with false pretense, games, lies ...... No SCAMMER please. Eu zic ca sunt OK, dar noi femeile, nu suntem niciodata multumite, chiar de modul in
care aratam! Aici e mai greu, poate pentru-ca ceea ce caut eu, e o utopie, te caut pe tine:un suflet
cald,uneori copil, alteori barbat,dar la final sa fi doar TU!Cred ca undeva departe
existi,e imposibil ca intr-o lume aflata intr-o continua miscare, drumurile noastre sa nu
se intersecteze!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
draguta,sincera si cu simtu umorului I'm down to earth, intelligent, loving, generous, supportive, playful and adventurous.I am honest, sincere and very loyal.I am looking for someone to start a new Chapter in my life. I am ready to set out on a new journey, and lucrate some awesome memories along the way. I am looking for a aparte one to spend the rest of my life with. placut prietenie de lnga durata bazata pe incredere si respect
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Sunt o persoana calma in general,am defecte ca indiferent ce om..sufletista,ghinionista in dragoste... If you are looking for a skinny, ditzy blonde then you may as well look at the next profile. But if you want someone with more to offer, then look no further! I am a tall and curvaceous blonde with personality to boot, a wicked sense of humour and, to complete the package, I even have smarts! My new life has begun and I am looking forward to the many adventures that lie ahead Eu cred ca sunt ok...nu sunt femela perfecta,dar ma consider cat de cat draguta...Ochi caprui,1.62 inaltime 54 kg As vrea o persoana cu care sa am ce discuta,care sa ma poata asculta...chiar am nevie de asa ceva in momentele astea...cineva care ma poate asculta fara sa ma judece...pana la urma se afla doar un singur Dumnezeu...
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
My equal will be honest, warm, self-aware, a good conversationalist and trusted companion. A good sense of humour never goes astray, though I'd settle for someone who laughs at my jokes :) Most importantly I need a man with an open heart, who knows how to truly value and connect with others. A man who makes me feel like I just got home. Does that sound like you? Don't just sail on by. Drop me a line. As Ernest Hemingway once wrote, "My big fish must be somewhere." - The Old Man and the Sea
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
sunt o persoana sincera , directa , i am Mavis age of 32 very sex,romantic and always smile on my face , study vocational skills in a collage i am the only daughter in my family and i am staying with my mother in a family house now ,i am very honest ,faithful and God fearing .i like reading,playing with kids ,pets,watching movies,listing to music, watching American football,soccer and i like going out with friend . par brunet ochii albastri , o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Eu...caut,dar sunt sigura ca nu mai exista.Dupa ce am impartit 12 ani bune si rele,am devenit "Babaciune zbarcita"si "Pensionara".Cred ca toti barbatii ,dupa ce se folosesc mare de femei,le arunca intr-o debara,le tin ascunse,iar viata lor continua cu o relatie paralela,cu vreo Bunaciune in loc de Babaciune.Niciodata nu am visat la vreun print superb si bogat,dat fiind faptul ca nici eu nu sunt vreo Madona.Imi doresc un om cu bun simt,care sa stie ce este acela RESPECT,si care intr-adevar sa isi doreasca o relatie cuminte,bazata macar pe respect reciproc,daca A IUBI oricum nu mai reprezinta nimic in zilele noastre.Eu sunt o iubita normala,spun eu...,vesela ,glumeata,inca dornica de o forma sau alta de distractie.Sunt si nenorocita daca este cazul,imi scot si eu ghearele ,daca este nevoie.Dar deja sunt scarbita de gheare,colti si pumni,rautati si jigniri.DOAR daca te regasesti in caracteristicile pe care le caut,cauta-ma.Daca esti obsedat sexual,cumpara in alta regiune.Aici e inchis. numa buna:D caut ....un printz:P
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
5'4", Hzl-greenish eyes,116 lb.I only want nice guys that know how to treat a lady.Make sure you have a recent picture in your profile...(cei care nu au poza la profile,nu ma contactatzi ca nu va raspund...)
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
sunt asa cum sunt ;) I am a very woman and I am single and looking.I am kind, but strict, beautiful, but faithful, tender and caring. I believe that life is a gift and we should appreciate every moment. I have strong values in life and want to create a strong family. I easily make friends and trust people. I am a devoted friend, always ready to help. pe mine...... uitati-va la poze:D inca nu stiu....
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
sunt un om normal,care se bucura de fiecare clipa traita,de
fiecare mm cub de aer respirat,cu necazuri cu bucurii,emotii
si sentimente,vise si dorinte etc...mai mult nu pot sa spun..prefer sa aud parerea celorlalti Extrem agreabil :P
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Iube?te-te a?a cum e?tia€¦ Iube?te-te intocmai a?a cum e?ti ?i las? dracului la o parte perfec?iunea pentru c? vrei s? ?tii ceva, femeie? Tu e?ti perfect? in toat? splendoarea imperfec?iunilor tale, iar cine nu e in stare s? le iubeasc?, p?i atunci e liber, domne, s? plece ?i s?-?i g?seasc? perfec?iunea. Cine-l opre?te? Nu sunt perfect?, dar sunt mandr? de min
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
sunt nebuna.....toti prieteni imi cer sfaturi pt ca stiu ca nu le spun secretele si ca pot sa-i ajut....restul aflati singuri. I'm fair, honest, calm and cheerful. I do not like lies and impudent people. I do not like people who are looking only for the benefits of communication. I want to find a man with whom I will have one dream that we will achieve together.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Ce pot sa spun.... Persista la aprecierea voastra!!!! Nu sunt figuranta ... deci nu suport fiintele care sufera de figuri , o tipa ok compatibila cu care se poate discuta orice ... nu sunt de conceptu k sunt perfecta ptr k nimeni nu e impecabil :P:P in rest intreaba shi vei afla :P Sunt ok Caut un mascul care sa a-si doreasca o relatie serioasa. Dece nu o familie... Nu vreau aventuri.... Asa ca va rog frumos nu a-mi scrieti cei interesati de aventuri...
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
calitati:...sunt o persoana sincera,deaceea urasc minciuna si ipocrizia,stiu sa fiu o prietena adevarata,deschisa,sociabila,de viata si mai ales sufletista...defecte:ma enervez foarte rapid atunci cand stiu ca am dreptate si nu mi se acorda,orgolioasa si uneori prea impulsiva... nu-mi place sa ma laud...las la aprecierea voastra... caut baietzi care nu se gandesc numai la sex...care stiu sa asculte si sa inteleaga o femeie,baietzi care stiu ce vor de la viata si mai ales baietii sinceri carora nu le este teama sa infrunte viata pentru a obtine ceea ce isi doresc...
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Sunt iubita si caut barbat pentru o relative de indelunga perioada etc. Un barbat care stie cum sa se comporte cu o femeie. Care sa aiba grija, respect,. I am a mature, confident, positive, fun-loving, independent, young at heart, lovely, caring, woman.I Love the outdoors, life, laughing, travelling, fine dining, beach, movies, going out. I'm supportive, spontaneous ,sexy and sincere. Sunt bruneta cu inaltime de 1,55cm, 21 ani, sunt potrivita nici grass nici slaba ochii caprui... Etc Caut un barbat serios
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Ma numesc Cristina am 1,67 inaltime sunt sociabila prietenoasa Sunt o persoana singura a-mi caut jumatatea. As dori o persoana di Ardeal sincer prudent curat sai placa plimbarile excursiile. Sa de tina auto sa nu consume alcool de cat ocazional.Eu a-mi vor ca el sa poata sa a-mi ofereatentia utila sa nu-mi lipseasca nimic daca crezi ca poti sa-mi darui atunci cauta-ma. Sunt inalta cu ochii caprui corp elegant frumoasa desteapta o buna gospodina Sa socializez prietenie oamenii deschisi spre socializare
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
sant o fata placuta si de veata daca vreti ma descoperiti I am looking for a responsible,Godfearing, honest, trustworthy man for long-term happy loving relationship someone who will be my best friend my equal partner in life the king of my heart and hopefully someday my handsome loving husband. I'm a woman to believe my husband should be my best friend nu ma plang un barbat dragutz si de viata simpatie cu care sa ma inteleg
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania
Cuddled, spoiled and naughty sometimes I am extremely romantic, loving and passionate woman. I am hard working and stubborn when I want to achieve my goals and dreams. I am family-oriented.. Seeking a serious true heart who is trustworthy and understanding, who is ready to have his own family. That one man i can share my thoughts and explore the world of love with.. Not bad at all Loyal, serious and smart man