Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
simpatica.iubesc animalele iar restul las la aprecierea voastra I do not smoke or drink, I am christian, Virgo. I like Dining, Outdoor Activities, Reading, Watching Sports. I want a man that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give himself to a woman like to be loved and taken care of in a way that will bring him joy of life and an appreciation he will look forward to every day, to spend the rest of my life with., I am looking for man that is tender hearted, kind, considerate of others needs, one that would appreciate having a woman that would love him in a way that hea€™s not been loved before. asa si asa sa fie sincer,sa fie din bucuresti sau giurgiu cam atat.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
draguta cred eu ...sincer ...si cuminte ;) I am a single wonderful soon to be mother looking to get to know some great gentlemen and kinda see where things go from there! I know Ia€™m pregnant but Ia€™m looking to someone who doesna€™t just measure on that Ia€™m pregnant but will take the time to get to know me and see where things go. bruneta..
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Calm, kind, honest, faithful. I am very homely. I like cooking, baking. I like to sunbathe, swim, travel, shopping, visiting furniture exhibitions at work. I am engaged in textile partea interioara estetica and a complete set of objects in the repair of designer finishing materials.
Sa ma descriu? Hmm...Fizic sunt asa cum arat un poze, din alte puncte de vedere sunt asa cum astrele m-au inzestrat in zodia in care m-am nascut,dar apreciez mult sinceritatea, respectul intre parteneri, stabilitatea in relatie,fidelitatea , nu suport minciuna - prefer sa spun totul in fata, decat sa vorbesc pe cineva pe la spate. Nimeni nu este perfect, ne-am nascut cu parti pozitive, dar si cu defecte, dar astea se descopera pe parcurs si pot fi corectate, doar sa existe intelegere intre parteneri.Imi doresc pe cineva cu care pot sa conversez,care sa lupte pentru perfectiunea mentala, suficient de sensibil,care se poate participa pe sine insusi pentru a ne sprijina raciproc.
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
SUNT CEEA CE ITI DORESTI.... I am open minded,friendly,caring, lovely,honest, considerate,faithful and have real good sense of humor. My favorite hobbies would contine the outdoors,and all kinds of sporting activities,hiking,day trips,movies, cooking,and most anything that makes both partners happy iubirea....:)
Femeie, 21, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Sunt un om simplu in cautare de stabilitate si incredere chiar si amici........ I enjoy fine dining and am always looking for someone to share the appreciation of good food and fine wine. I am just as comfortable with my hair up in old jeans as with my hair down wearing my favorite little pink dress. Un barbat care sa imi fie alturi si care sa ma faca sa ma simt iubita si dorita.
Nu caut aventuri , deci va rog nu imi trimiteti mesaje daca nu vreti o relatie de lunga durata.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
eu sunt o fire foarte deschisa imi place sa fiu directa chiar daca asta cateodata supara persoanele din jurul meu ...dra asta e asa sunt eu : I am very charming and cheerful person and I think that everything that is happening in this life is for the better because you never know where you can find something and where you will lose, do you agree with me? I am very calm and peaceful woman and I think that my heart is full of such big love which I want to share with my loving person and because of this I am also very kind and sweet lady. I don't give up in hard moments and I think that every day is full of different surprises and we need to be ready for them if we want to be happy and if someone calls me a lucky woman, I know that I am hardworking person and everything what I have I got it putting efforts and my desire in it! Ce pot sa spun despre fizicul meu?????????a pai nu tare stiu???prefer sa ma laude alti ,nu eu!!!!!!!! caut un om care sa ma aprecieze!!!!!!!!si sa ma poata face fericita!doar atat..................
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
sunt bruneta ,imi place distractia,mancarea gatita in casa,calculatorul si muzica. Friends & Family Health & Fitness Travel and Holidays. Camping & 5 Star My hope of meeting someone I think is amazing inside and out. Like playful banter and all of the emotional, intellectual and physical side of a relationship. Will never see myself as too old to do anything and looking to live life to its fullest. After you get to know me you will also see me as loyal, loving and strong ethically. Hopefully the above rings true for you and you send me a KISS. am 1.65 si 57 de kg caut distractie,prietenie si de ce nu poate si o relatie!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
asa si pe dincolo, oricum nu isi imagineaza cineva ca e real cum ne descriem noi insine pe site-urile astea Sunt bland, romantic, imi place sa calatoresc, sa vad si sa explorez noi tari si culturi, intalnind oameni noi. In momentul meu liber merg la clubul meu de sport, ma intalnesc cu prietenii si uneori merg la dansuri. Sunt comunicativ, activ, dar uneori vreau sa impartasesc momentele foarte speciale din viata mea cu sotul meu, pe care il caut :) Caut un adult care sa fie pregatit pentru relatii si sa creeze o familie, iubesc romantismul. Principalul fapt este dragostea dintre doua persoane. nici frumoasa, nici urata dar cu simtul realitatii un om, daca asta mai insemana ceva zilele astea
cu ceva calitati, morale si profund umane. cam din alete vremuri, de altfel....recunosc!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
bruneta,ochi caprui,nu exagerat de inalta la 1,69...st cantareatza,st distractiva,de viata,curioasa,,si imi place sa cunosc cati mai multi prieteni...bine aqm sa nu interpretati gresit...ca trebuie sa ma imprietenesc si cu unu mai mare d varsta k mn,apropiati atat!!!Nu cu unu care e de seama cu tataie:)):)):)) am mai spus si mai sus...nu exagerat de inalta;)...stiti voi cum spun astia la masini cand vor sa le vanda:)):):))?MERITA VAZUTA...asa si eu:merita sa ma cunoasteti!!! sa ma iubeasca,sa ma respecte...si nu stiu....pe parcurs mai vedem noi:)):)):))glumeam;)si inca ceva:URASC MINCIUNA;).........
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Sunt o persoana simpla si credinciosa LUI DUMNEZEU , Crestina Penticostala ,la profil .. am cu 4 ani mai mult.... iubitoare de viata,romantica, Iubesc natura , muntii, lacuri , pescuit...calatoriile ..sunt extrem flexibila, intelegatoare, comica, i-mi place sa rid, sa glumesc... sa ma rog, , sa postim impreuna, sa merg la Biserica de 1-2 ori pe saptamina, ..doresc o persoana cu aceleasi calitati si hobby .@ 48 ani, peste 175 cm . Va destul de multumesc !! ** Daca esti betiv, , fumezi , curvesti sau i-ti place sa minti nu-ti pierde vremea si treci TE ROG mai departe.Nu-mi irosesc viata ..este PREA SCURTA ..si vreau sa iubesc cu adevarat pe CINE merita . nu-s in Ro ci in States
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
sunt o persoana dinamica,sociabila extrem prietenoasa vesela, sociabila, comunicativa, loiala, onesta, detest inselatoria si minciuna, cu simtul umorului,aspect fizic atragator, iubesc florile si animaele,imi place sa calatoresc, atunci cind situatia fianciara imi permite! Exclusa comunicarea cu domnii fara fotografii...consider ca e o lipsa de consideratie fata de toti care ne prezentam,cu tot cu infatisare... agreabil
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Sincera cu Tine a€˛Sa nu cumva sa confunzi personalitatea cu atitudinea. Personalitatea e cine sunt... Atitudinea mea depinde de cine esti tu!a€¯ Se afla batalii pe care e bine sa le ocolestia€¦nu de teama ca le-ai putea pierde,ci pentru ca ai ajunge ridicol castigandu-le ! Nu merge premergator mea pentru ca s-ar putea sa nu te pot urma. Nu merge in urma mea pentru ca s-ar putea sa nu te pot ghida. Mergi alaturi de mine si fii prietenul meu! Placut. Oameni capabili sa inteleaga universul feminin.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Nu sunt inabordabila sau mofturoasa! Doar ca vreau impreuna de mine un mascul matur si responsabil, mai ales cand vine vorba de iubire, un barbat care sa stie sa aprecieze sentimentele sincere, nu unul care sa aiba impresia ca iubirea ti-o poate darui oricine. Asa ca pentru restul voi spune ,,Nu, multumesc!a€¯ si imi voi asuma faptul ca nu stiu sa accepte un refuz.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
I'm outgoing and love to spend time with friends and family. I am very easy going, I tend to love every little things of life! Well here I am to my surprise looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with and share all the great things in life.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
I am young, energetic, serious and attractive girl. I am easy-going and that's why i can easily get new acquaintances and keep good friendly relations for years. I think that the best features of my character are faithfulness, kindness, sense of humor and ability to love! I don't have any bad habits and i like sport.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
simpatica I'm an independent, well rounded, outspoken female that loves to laugh and engage in intelligent conversation. I'm pretty girly, but will try new things, even if they're outside of my comfort zone. I love my family more than just about anything, besides God, and one of my main ambitions in life is to one day have a family of my own! I know what I've had and know what I deserve and will not settle for less! I love to shop, go to the beach, club occasionally, travel, and sometimes just lay low and chill. Baggage free and drama free people feel free to hit me up! nice...:))
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Las la aprecierea altora If it is possible to combine passion and tenderness in one person, it is about me! At this moment of my life I feel like a tender and refined flower in a large field. I feel lonely and unprotected, but I believe there is someone who can find me in this large field, between the same beautiful flowers around. I am a very serious and responsible lady who values family values. I like active rest and keeping fit. People say that I am punctual and reliable. I like to take care of my appearance. I am a strong woman with a sensitive soul. Nu pot sa ma pronunt Nimic special
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
sunt o fire vesela,glumeatza.imi place sa ma distrez cu prietenii,sa merg prin cluburi..... My character is complex for those who do not understand, and I'm kind, cheerful, humorous, principle, love to talk, always tell a person what I think, do not like being lied to, I do not cheat, this is necessary. I love my friends very much, always listen to their advice, if they need my advice, never leave them in trouble. I do not smoke, because I do not consider it necessary, and the more beautiful. I drink very rarely. sunt blonda(vopsita),am 1,59(cam asa ceva)inaltime si vreo 59 de kg. nu caut neaparat ceva.vreau sa-mi fac cat mai multi prieteni(amici).
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
I love life and looking for partner to share my life with. Looking for serious relationship and marriage. I'm positive, active, with sence of humor. I love to cook, travel, stay active, accept guests. I'm on this website because my good friend found her husband here and they really really happy together. I'm visiting her from 15 of November and I thought why not to try too :-). So if you believe in luck, active and positive and willing to have a family we might try. Who knows:-) Thank you for visiting my profile and good luck with your research. Best regards, Tatiana
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Numele Pandora spune multe... ;) Sunt o persoana normala, dornica sa umple golul din viata ei, vreau sa renunt la singuratate intr-un cuvant vreau sa traiesc cu adevarat! Nu stiu daca am sa gasesc aici jumatatea dar macar incerc.....! placut... Eh... caut si eu cate ceva...
Femeie, 20, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
va rog elegant ....purtatzi-va ca atare!! Soy una persona alegre, leal, me gusta compartir con mis familiares y amigos, me gusta ir de camping, el mar, amanecer bajo la luz de la luna, pescar, hacer deporte, bailar,descubrir cosas nuevas, me gusta el cine,ir al teatro soy cariƱosa, me gusta el arte, visitar museos lugares historicos
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
buna!! sunt o tipa mega de treaba care ii place f.mult sa ma distrez si sa cunosc lume I'm a very respectful woman and believe every man is best to make a woman complete, so respect is important. I need someone who will always make me laugh and put the smiles on my face most of the time. sunt o tipa frumusik , o tipa super misto ,dar las la aprecierea vostra tot c vreau este sa-mi fac prietni si sa ne distram ok:P
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
I'm looking for a gentleman, because I am a polite woman. We learn to know each other slowly, not in a hurry because I want guy who are together for the rest of my life, not just for fun. I am interested in people aged 35-48 years. I'm in a good mood, kind and confident in myself. I am from Thailand. If you insult Asian people, no need to write to me, because I am proud of the Asian culture. You can talk to me if you are looking for a good relationship, want to take a good care each other. My quote: "Behind every successful man, there is a great woman" "Behind every successful woman, there is a great strong man" Forma fizic placut
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Voi ajunge acolo unde nu respira decat marea prin vant... Imi voi apleca urechea catre o scoica sidefie si iti voi citi dragostea pe buzele rasfrante... O voi culege apoi cu sarutarea mea! Ne-om sparge frica de mal si ne-om strange in brate pana la amiaza! Voi ajunge curand acolo unde amiaza mi te va arunca in suflet cu forta unui val urias... Stii cum te voi primi? Ca pe nemaivazuta picatura de apa in desert... Voi ajunge acolo unde nu exista maine, il vom denumi noi altfel dupa un joc de cuvinte scris cu degete indragostite pe nisipul fierbinte! Voi ajunge curand la cuvinte..., la marile asteptari, la picaturi de extaz cuminte... Voi ajunge curand..., la tine....oriunde esti!!!!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Hello! I'm Lexi, 19, and I have a cat named Ezra hehe. I'm looking to find friends or maybe even more then that. If I give support I would love to have that reciprocated to me. I'd love to get to know you, drop me a message :))
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
I'm a hardworking person, loving, caring, humble and simple. I'm the kind of woman who will care for someone who will be part of my life and the woman who knows where to put myself in the right way. I am who I am and I love being the woman who is true to myself always.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
daca ma cuceresti raman doar a ta. nu cred ca te-ai putea satura de mine. O noapte de sex cu mine te duce in rai I want to see your smile every morning, kiss you everywhere i want, hold your hand and think about you all the time ! Do you see the thruth through all their lies ? And if you want to talk about it anytime - Write! On you it depend! imi ingrijesc foarte mult corpul.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
I am Single, brown hair, blue eyes, My height is 5 feet,7 inches.i weight 58kg.,Long Hair and a healthy Lady. I am self-sufficient, Beautiful, happy, secure, self-confident, psychologically aware, emotionally secure I am single woman here and really serious looking for a very man as well to have a relationship with..I am looking for a special, loving relationship with a unique Man who is affectionate, Handsome, with a shapely figure, sincere, easygoing, with interests and characteristics similar to mine someone who wants a meaningful, serious, long-term relationship not just a few dates.I am looking for someone who has a great sense of humor and big heart, is curious about new things that would like to share new experiences or old habits.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
I am a kind, tender, romantic lady, who desires to meet her singular someone and build a happy and strong family. My friends tell me that I can become a very good wife and mother, because I value family relations so much. I adore children! To me an active and eventful life means that I live! Also I enjoy meeting people and making friends. Communication with interesting people opens a lot of new and interesting in my life. I am a creative and intelligent person, which is very pleasant to talk to. I have a great sense of humor, but I know when to laugh and when to be serious. Ia€™m willing to meet a man, who wants to build a serious relationship based on honesty and faithfulness. I would like my man to be strong and protective; I would like him to have a great sense of humor, so we can have fun together! I would like to live life to the fullest with my one and only! I am not interested in a mana€™s appearance. For me, the most important thing is the soul of a person. Also, I believe in understanding between my man and me.i want to meet a man who is kind-hearted, broad-minded, serious, who is determined, knows what he wants to receive from life and succeeds in his life. I want my man to like animals and children.believe in love!! Do you feel the same?
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Descopera-ma ! I am a big believer in physical attraction/chemistry as the starting point of a potential relationship. Without chemistry, there is no point in going any further. I believe there has to be a balance of give and take in a relationship.
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
Sunt o persoana vesela, cu mult orizont, artista,muncitoare, imi plac plimbarile cu bicicleta, pe jos, joc badminton, fac sky,sunt bine in pielea mea. Caut un mascul care sa ma reprezinte, pentru ca imi place sa spun te iubesc si sa iubesc. De fapt caut un barbat de care sa ma instragostesc ca la 20 ani, nefumator si care este bine incadrat in societate. Atletica sani,fund Un mascul care sa mi satisfaca poftele
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
I'm a girl which perfectly blends beauty, nature and the creative feminine coquetry. You can experience with me pleasant moments and joy of communicating and being. For my beloved will not be barriers in the knowledge of my essence.
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
I'm passionate, cheerful, ambitious and animated. I love being goofy, laughing and being active (down time is not my best friend, although I do enjoy lounging and watching movies or reading), but I also can be serious when needed. I'm looking for someone who can compliment my personality, who has goals and is driven, but also enjoys having fun, can make me laugh and enjoys sports. Having a positive attitude is key -- it just makes the world a better place for everyone. sa am cat mai multi prietenii sa vbm mai mult nu
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
sunt o fata slabuta,blonda,ochi caprui Buna! Este o durere sa-ti chinui viata pana la sfarsit. Am avut trebuinta de mult curaj sa ma inscriu aici, viata mi-a fost contra mereu. Sunt o persoana normala, calma, meticuloasa, credincioasa si cu toate astea numai cred intr-o alta sansa prieteni
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Giurgiu, Giurgiu Romania
I am a very simple and honest lady.My nature is very peaceful been romantic at heart l wanna share it with a very simple and honest man.I careless about distance and want a man who has a very good sense of humor towards a long term relationship leading to marriage. Sexy Sunt in Cautare de domnii potentii financiar varsa nu conteaza , specific ca am si o fetita dintr-o aventura.