Ma numesc ana sunt din arad am 22 de ani si am un baiat de 5 ani Sunt curcubeu poarta spre stele,Sunt val inspumat plin de mistere,Sunt focul ce mistuie,apa ce stinge,sunt lacrima ce din ochiul tau se prelinge...Sunt soare,lumina,dans,incantare,sunt pe obrajii tai intaia raza de soare.Sunt dragoste,ura,o floare,un pom.Nu sunt nimic,si sunt totul,sunt doar un OM... Sunt mai plinuta ;) O relatie serioasa si de intinsa perioada
sunt o fire visatoare, romantica in cautare de barbati frumosi,destepti si cuminti Hi... I'm very easy going, someone who like making new friends, I'm jovial, hard working, I'm looking for someone that can make me feel like a woman, someone I can trust, someone who don't care about who I am, I must have someone who is good at talking and listening. I must have a partner who is honest and strong enough to do the right thing.I must have a partner who is gentle and kind. I must have someone who isn't afraid to take a risk and who sees life as an adventure. dragut
Sunt ambitioasa O persoana cu bune si defecte si calitati....vesela si urata si frumoasa.......nimeni nu este perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ''Atunci cand nu ai ce iti vrei si cand iti poftesti este din cand in cand o MARE SANSA!! Foarte placut chiar sexy Diverse
Buna ma numesc iuliana si sunt singura pwp! I like hiking, biking, golfing and traveling. I like spontaneous trips to share and learn. I hope to find an intelligent, interesting and attractive man for a relationship that is beneficial to both of us. Sunt blonda etc O relatie
Sunt florentina Voi ajunge acolo unde nu respira decat marea prin vant... Imi voi apleca urechea inspre o scoica sidefie si iti voi citi dragostea pe buzele rasfrante... O voi culege apoi cu sarutarea mea! Ne-om sparge frica de mal si ne-om strange in brate pana la amiaza! Voi ajunge curand acolo unde amiaza mi te va arunca in suflet cu taria unui val urias... Stii cum te voi primi? Ca pe nemaivazuta picatura de apa in desert... Voi ajunge acolo unde nu se afla maine, il vom denumi noi altfel dupa un joc de cuvinte scris cu degete indragostite pe nisipul fierbinte! Voi ajunge curand la cuvinte..., la marile asteptari, la picaturi de extaz cuminte... Voi ajunge curand..., la tine....oriunde esti!!!! Sunt o persoana calma si plina de viata Un baiat elegant si intelegator
hello to all despre mine.. ce pot sa zic ,, sunt blonda ochi caprui arat bine,imi place sa ma distrez peste tot si in orice moment aaa.. uitasem rad .. mult ...:) Hi everyone, nice of u to visit my profile, im here ocasionaly to have a chat or 2 killing time. Im not in a serch of anything like most of the ppl here r im here for the fun. Im not iterested in giving to any of you my messenger or whatever chats u might use if u have something to say you might just do it in here. Enjoy ur staying in my profile. hum ...aspect fizic.. pai mai bine.. va convingeti singuri;)intr-un cuvant sunt micuta slabuta si cu ochii mari:)))
I am a very sincere, patient and tactful woman. At the same time I have a wonderful sense of humor. I am positive and cheerful in the company of my friends. I do have a positive outlook on life and love. I appreciate kindness and respect. I dream to visit with my beloved man some beautiful and unbelievable places, which will bring us unforgettable emotions and memories. I believe laughter and happiness are good medicine to change any mood. simpatic
I like fishing and camping watching movies and sport's go out for walks in the woods or park an if we had Beach's around here i love to watch the sun go down with my partner besides me hugging and holding each other in our arms
Veti vedea atunci cand ne vom cunoaste. sunt o persoana obisnuita, care a avut parte in viata de delectari si suparari, succese si esecuri, care uraste minciuna, aroganta si oamenii prefacuti, careia ii place sa se distreze, sa calatoreasca.... sympatica, prietenie
dragutza Ce elegant ar fi ca acest virus sa dispara mai iute si odata cu el sa dispara si toata rautatea de pe acest pamint! Ar fi, dar .. Cind totul va reveni la normal sa-ti traiesti viata mai mult, mai intens, mai frumos! Viata nu trebuie irosita, ci traita picatura cu picatura. Cind ai oameni potriviti alaturi, atunii incercarile devin mai frumose, . Cind toate candva de reveni la natural sa-ti traiesti viata mai mult, mai intens, Picatura cu picatura .Ce bine ar fi daca ne-am da seama cu adevarat de sensul cuvintului Viata si de tot ce cuprinde ea ..... a trai, a iubi, a ierta, un fi om mai buna€ž, sa ne putem aminti mai des aminte ca Suntem trecatori prin viata! Putem fi mai buni cu altii, din pacate multi uita, si cind spunem ca nu mai putem, viata ne arata ca mai putem putin. Sa fim intodeauna impacati cu viata, sa invatam din fiecare practica si nimic sa nu ne doboare, ci sa ne intareasca, sunt vremuri grele, dar omenirea nu se va sfirsi.Acum natura respira, iar omul are timp ... Timp sa-si faca ordine in ginduri, in suflet ... In viata pierdem lucruri, pierdem oameni .... important este sa nu ne pierdem pe noi, sa nu ne pierdem zanbetul, speranta si bunatatea ...., Chiar print cite incercari ne supune viata, sa avem doar puterea, spune, "va fi bine"! plcut
What you see is what you get! Schimbam abordarea, pentru ca suntem prea amiabili. Intotdeauna, vor avea prioritate cei ce stiu sa domine. Sunt aici pentru singurul ratiune pentru care cred ca suntem toti. Nu cred in "sentimente". Cred in carne. Ah, sa nu va prind ca ma luati cu "buna". Tare mi-e pofta de un membru strasnic... Everything you dreamed of:));) Tot ce e al meu e pus deoparte!
Here I have only serious intentions. I had a bad experience, but I did not lose hope in better. I am looking for a strong, responsible and reliable, kind and sincere man. I am looking for a one-woman man, who is ready to give all his love only to the one woman. I see a man next to me who does not betray and lie, who values feelings of other people. I want a man, who does not play dirty games with women and who really wants to love and be beloved. If you saw yourself in this description, you are welcome to write me.
Sunt o fire deschisa, romantica, intelegatoare, destul de sociabila, vesela, o romantica incurabila,sincera, serioasa, dasunt in cautarea acelei iubiri miraculoase, divine, ce iti da aripi ..alaturi de mai apoi cu parul arjintiu fiind,sa avem refujiu intro casuta mica umpluta cu miriasma de flori si pomi curgind de ne ducem traiul tihnit si plin de viata...,amintiri...,calatoriii...
I can say in one word about me a€“ I am a joyful person! I believe that all people are created for happiness, and me and you of course , too! I cant understand why we should be sad, while we can be happy instead and enjoy life!!!! As for me, I try to make the best of any situation, and even if I have something sad, it soon passes, and I have good mood again! And I want to meet someone who, like me, treats tis life as a holiday!
Ma numesc anca am 21 de ani si m-am gandit sa intru pe acest site fiindca imi place sa socializez sa cunosc oamenii si in primul rand ma cam plictisesc nu prea Am ce face . vreau sa imi fac prieteni Fosta gimnasta, nu beau si nu fumez. Caut un domn care sa locuiasca la mine( desi eu cred ca,caut acul intr un car cu fin) , sa nu fumeze si sa nu consume alcool decit ocazional sau mai bine de loc. Am trei copii stabiliti la casele lor,deci locuiesc singura. SUNT O PERSOANA DESCHISA,VESELA DAR GREU DE CONVINS!! ...SA FITI IUBITI. Nustiu toti imi zic ca sunt destul de draguta si la propriu si la figurat Nu caut nimic distinct vreau doar sa imi fac prieteni
Hi, I am Veda, living in New Delhi, India. I am a straightforward and honest person. I love travelling, trekking, reading, listening to music and photography. I love nature and history, and also, I'm somewhat spiritually inclined.
Cuminte si in acelasi timp rebela I am pretty simple, nice, respectful ... Always treat others the way I wish to be treated. I love feeling healthy and balance, so I do my best to keep it up through a good lifestyle. I love anything that makes me happy: watching movies, laughing, dancing, shopping, fixing problems, traveling, reading, exercises, learning new things or anything that can bring us an excitement and enjoyable time in two. Thank you for stopping by. va las pe voi sa decideti multa distractie..........-))
destul de dragutza! E extrem greu sa te descri singura ,sint o prietena educata, placuta imi place sa calatoresc .imi `place sportul sa conduc ma relaxeaza acum locuiesc in spania de 19 ani si imi caut jumatate crezi ca esti tu ????????? dragutz pecineva care sa imi fie alaturi!
Pai asa sunt ... nuj dragutza ne dragutza asta voi sa zicetzi .... ;) Here I have only serious intentions. I had a bad experience, but I did not lose hope in better. I am looking for a strong, responsible and reliable, kind and sincere man. I am looking for a one-woman man, who is ready to give all his love only to the one woman. I see a man next to me who does not betray and lie, who values feelings of other people. I want a man, who does not play dirty games with women and who really wants to love and be beloved. If you saw yourself in this description, you are welcome to write me. atletica nu degeaba fac sport :))=))):-j un barbat cu zile putzine si bani multzi :)))=)))=))=))) lool ...
sunt ceea ce-si vrea absolut orice barbat;) Daca ai intrat pe profilul meu si nu esti un om sincer si cu bun simt iesi in liniste si cauta in continuare ceea ce iti doresti ,cine sunt eu? un om natural ranit ptr ca a iertat prea mult, un om care a suportat numeroase nedreptati din pricina bunatatii ,ce imi doresc? o relatie bazata pe respect incredere si iubire atit sexxy... caut distractie...aventura....placere;)
Ma numesc Mocanu Patricia ,sunt o fata ok,prietenoasa cu cine pot..normal,iar daca pot sa ajut in distincte situatii sunt dispusa sa dar in ajutor cu mare drag :) I very emotional and kind during too time the person. I like to dream, as I the romantic person. I do not like to stop before the risen problem on a way because for me there is no nothing achievable. I simply purposeful person. I like to find sufficient time for sports because it to me allows to support the body in the good form. I love a life, as I very cheerful person. I the optimist also think that it speaks about much. To me to like to listen to music, to go to cinemas. I like to find out always something new and for this purpose I go to museums, I read interesting books. Still I like painting as by means of the image it is possible to tell very much much. I like to communicate with interesting people... In general I the versatile person and about myself can tell very much much... But I shall do it when I shall find on this site of the person with which to me it will be interesting. Apai ce as putea sa spun?...:/ sunt blonda,ochii caprui am 1.55 inaltime cam atat :) Pff...As vrea sa gasesc un baiat cu care sa vorbesc,si nu vreau figuri si chestii de genu...vreau doar pur si necomplicat sa socializam!!
cauta si vei afla :P Sunt EU.=I am kind, calm, loving, positive affectionate.. I am intelligence and very feminine... I like the old-fashioned values - words like loyalty, reliability and respect.Ce caut aici?-Se spune ca la inceput de tot barbatul si prietena au fost pasari de padure,care se uneau la primejdie,dar zbuau singure cand aceasta trecea..Noi oamenii de acum ne atingem prin ganduri prin emotii.trebuie sa stim sa ne miscam si chiar sa ne luam zborul ca pasarile, caci atunci reusim sa scapam nemaifiind la bunul plac al imprejurarilor.Pentru a ajunge capabili sa ne depasim greutatile si sa nu ne lasam daramati de nici un necaz de nici o tragedie.-trebuie sa plutim deasupra evenimentelor si pentru asta trebuie sa iubim., Sunt sentimentala si solemna, glumeata, agitata, misteriosa, linistita, expansiva Drepta si demna in mine in fata nedreptatilor ce ma lovesc. Uneori exuberanta si tulburatoare.I ts really nice way to meet people from all the world! make friends with me just like diamonds friends are forever feel free and talk to me let us get to know each other this world is a small place you just need to discover you are not alone m looking for a Trustworthy,Caring,H onest man that`ll Love,Respect and be Faithful to me and he must have a good sense of humour!! I WANNA GET MARRIED palpitant totul si nimic
Sociabila, cu simtul umorului, sufletista, cu multa practica de viata & obosita de cretini. Rog prostii sa nu ma deranjeze. Mie imi plac oamenii cu mult gust pentru viata, modesti, interesanti, educati, respectuosi. Numai bine ;)
vedeti pozele Spirituala, si serioasa !Iubesc oamenii spirituali si cu sufletul tanar ,urasc prostia si minciuna,pretuiesc omenia si frumusetea sufleteasca ! Accept doar cu poza sa vad omul cum se prezinta. Suntem ceea ce Suntem.Pozele sunt vara'19 si '20 recente. Nu raspund la provocari. Va rog ,respectati decizia mea! Va Multumesc! PS.Acesta este profilul actual. o femeie simpla dar cu suflet mare
strange,intelligent...interesting! Sunt o persoana educata, inteligenta, vesela, optimista, draguta, dornica de a cunoaste un om bun la suflet, cu simtul umorului, generos, destept si politicos, un pic romantic... Pentru a petrece ocazii minunate laolalta si a ne bucura de viata...
nu ma pot descrie singura.. ce-ai zice sa ma ajuti tu?.. :D I am a very fun, romantic, kind, loyal, caring, affectionate and bright lady. A woman that doesn t care about what you have, but who you are. I am easy going and get along very well with people. I am easy to get to know and enjoy people very much.
pff....greu d zis....o pers destul d complikta:))cu simtzu umorului;)....shi d treaba...simpatik....da deja ma intind pre amult:)))dak vretzi mai multe sa aflatzi despre mine intr;) Ce imi lipseste mai mult,. este un barbat de incredere impreuna de care sa ma bucur de o plimbare in parc de un film bun sau pur si ridem fim fericiti ca sintem laolalta sa ne facem planuri de viitor........alaturi de un barbat,serios cu simtul umorului....tandru ,placut cu bun mess. baciucornelia doresc sa fiu contactata doar din zona.....ciao..!!! nu pot sa ma exprim:)) o pers cu kre sa ma intzeleg super:)sau makr bine:))
Apreciez sinceritatea, modestia, respectul de sine si fata de ceilalti, precum si flexibilitatea si pofta de a evolua.... Poate impreuna. Sunt onesta, deschisa, vesela, foarte activa, iubesc tot ce este elegant si delicat. Acasa poate fi si in natura, la mare, la munte, inclusiv cu sporturile aferente. Este bine sa stii ca daca nu te identifici cu ale mele cerinte si cu ale mele preocupari, pe alocuri, macar, din pacate, nu cred ca ne vom scrie. Multumesc pentru intelegere :) Intrucat contul a fost conceput mai demult si inchis si apoi redeschis, si nu pot modifica varsta, fac mentiunea ca am 38,6 ani. Rog curiosii si neseriosii (necunoscatori de limba materna) si doritorii de flirt ... sa se abtina.
sunt o tanara mamik I am very cheerful and open woman. I know that my close people appreciate me for my kindness and responsiveness. I believe only in the best, because life is one, and we need to live it happily! I am a loving and very caring woman. My dream is a happy family. I am a simple person and I dream of sincere feelings, wonderful walks, tender kisses, warm embraces and the happiest time together with my man slabuta(arat bn degetu ):)):)) amici doar ,nimik mai mult si persoane cu care sa pot purta o discutie amiabila
INALTUTA,OCHI CAPRUI,BLONDA, I'm tender and sensitive woman who still believes in love and true feelings. I'm here to start new life to meet my second half. I'm purposeful person and never stop to achieve new aims in my life. I like to be close to the nature, like to walk in the park and meet with new people. My weekends I like to spend at home. I think that family is our ground and we should keep the warmth between us always. I look for that special man to build a family together with. INALT,OCHI VERZI,BINE FACUT. CAUT O RELATIE SERIOASA,BAZATA PE INCREDERE SI FARA MINCIUNI PT CA URASC MINCIUNA.AVENTURIERI SA SE ABTINA.
Usor bine 'si te iubesc cu mila si cu groaza, ca un nebun de alb ce captureaza regina neagra pt vesnicie, iubita mea cu f mari probleme' .. momentan ma aflu in Coventry (plecata din Buc). despre mine sunt o combinatie intre un copil si un om matur .. ofer multa atentie si afectiune si asta ma stabilizeaza cel mai mult cand si primesc .. sa zic fara minciuni?! imposibil nu?! dar eu nu o sa te mint .. mi-am dorit mereu un tip calm si pozitiv dar nu prea am avut parte decat de opusul .. rad si imi place sa te fac sa razi, acum nu stiu daca am sa iti nimeresc tipul de umor .. si intr-o lume in care omenirea isi pierde valoarea ma intreb daca o sa mai gasesc o pers decenta alaturi care sa 'imbatranesc' poti sa imi spui de unde porneste increderea? Satisfacator bine Casatorie
imi place sa ma distrez,suntem tineti haiiiiiiiiii sa ne distram............. I am single with no kid. i have black hair and brown eyes, I am 5\'7\" and 139lbs I am someone who caterer and my dream and goal is to find and my soulmate and make him happy and also enjoy this amazing life together. I am romantic, warm, tender and sensual. I love long touching, kisses, heart-to-heart talks. People consider me kind, honest and reliable. I am not perfect, but I have a lot of good qualities such as sincerity, understanding and patience. I really love nature, long walks and just being in the forest or near the water. I enjoy going out and spending my spare time in a company of good friends. nici mare nici mica simpatica,dulce un baiat caruia ii place distractia si sa fie plin de viata
Dragutza From the first look you can think that I am Snow Queen. But ita€™s not true. I am very kind, vulnerable, honest, sensitive, caring, joyful, and optimistic. I believe in Real love and Ia€™m sure that some day I will meet my Destiny. Pozele spun totul!! Distractzie
.a very easy going person .......... EXCLUS FUMATORII!!! Roscatica, vesela si cu mult bun simt al umorului, destul de deschisa la minte,iubitoare de natura, muzica clasica, opera si arta, caut un suflet elegant pentru o relatie de durata, acel zambet care sa ma astepte in prag... Nu ma intereseaza barbatii casatoriti.. I LET OTHERS TO DESCRIBE MYSELF. .....a good guy...
E important ce gust le lasi indivizilor cu care te intersectezi nu cum te vezi tu!
""Viata nu e alcatuita din numarul de respiratii,ci din momentele care iti taie respiratia"" I do not like to sit still; always moving forward. I love to try something new. Very afraid of heights and I want someone to help me overcome this fear.Am God fearing and down to earth lady who like to help others and make other happy 1,67CM,53KG,SATENA, Just talk and have fun!
Sa ma descriu? Ar fi ceva foarte subiectiv... Fiecare vede din celalalt componenta care i se pare ce sa ma chinui?..... I am a fun, out-going, intelligent, open-minded woman who enjoys dancing and having a good time. Some of my hobbies are: photography, dancing, movies, No drama here and not looking for it. I want someone who can just be themselves and that is enough. Ma simt bine in pielea mea.....asta e tot ce conteaza... Caut eu ceva? mai degraba astept sa ma gaseasca persoana care ma cauta pe mine...:P
Usor I\'m normal blonde woman with sports figure. I\'m open-minded person,looking for trust and mutuality. I prefer bitter truth than sweet lie. My heart is open for sincere feelings, I can give tenderness, attention and care. I want to make a warm, cozy world where mutual understanding and mutuality prevails. Placut Prietenie
ASTEPT DESCRIERE DE LA VOI ,PUP I am a honest,respectful, loving, caring, romantic and responsible woman that treat people in the way I want to be treated. I don't lie nor cheat and therefore I don't believe in lies and don't want liars.I have been hurt in the past and its hard to trust in life again I am a warm, kindhearted,and a pleasant woman, very sensitive to the needs of others; with a very keen intellect and a good sense of humor, I love to make people laugh and to make them feel very comfortable and convenient when i am around. My interests are vast: enjoy reading, movies, music, interesting conversations, traveling,sport, dancing and visiting beautiful places. I live life with passion. AGREABIL ZIC EU PRIETENIE DE INDELUNGA DURATA
Buna ma numesc irina sunt o persoana extrem sincera calma si nu imi plac persoanele mincinoase ... Sunt inteligenta,independenta,puternica si sensibila in acelasi timp.Daca esti in cautare de aventuri de o seara sau relatii pasagere ,nu te mai obosi sa ma contactezi ,imi dau seama numaidecat si-ti pierzi momentul .Daca esti cu ceva mai puternic ,mai inteligent si vrei sa ma cunosti,am sa dau o sansa unei prietenii. Doresc si poze de profil.Nu caut un fat-frumos,dar as vrea sa ai o infatisare agreabila. Și nu fi arogant ca nu-mi plac oamenii de genul. Mi-as dori sa fi din zona jud.Alba sau Cluj...Și inca ceva:daca esti casatorit ,te rog ,dar TE ROG,nu ma cauta... Nu ofer intelegere si "relaxare" pentru oameni casatoriti si cu copii. simpatica Caut o persoana sa imi fie alaturi de luga perioada si sa ma iubeasca si sa fie sincer cu mine caci restul vine de la sine...
am an active woman and I like to lucrate fun and happiness around me and I also like to look attractive. I think that it makes others happy when they see a nice person not only on the outer perspective but the inner as well. I would like to give joy and to be an inspiration to my only one. I am a kind, sensitive and sociable person. I easily find common cultures with different people. I prefer a quiet way of life, dona€™t like to make fuss and be in a hurry, easy going and open minded, like to look at life from a very good and brighter side even if the whole world is up on my shoulders.. Life is certainly short so lets make the best of it once we have the chance to explore and share the greater things we have been blessed with from above..I want to see a reliable, intelligent and caring man by my side with whom I would spend every clipa of my life with. I would like to fill our home with harmony and tenderness, to present my beloved with smiles and feel every second that he is happy with me.
I am a quality woman who is confident, honest, kind, smart, fun, trustworthy, supportive, loving, loves kids, outgoing, down to earth, friendly, great sense of humor, sociable, respectful (I would always treat you with respect). I have good morals, traditional values, I`m a lady who is a very good listener and someone that you could talk too about anything. I`m looking for a long term relationship and a life long lover. I also want someone that is honest with me at all times se vede in poze
Tanara bisexuala,deschisa,fara inhibitii si cu mare pofta de viata. Sunt o nevasta serioasa,imi plac oamenii sinceri,nu minciuna,inselati,bautura,fumatul.Stiu ce vor de la viata. DORESC sa-mi gasesc sufletul pereche. Am trecut in viata prin numeroase greutati,dar sper ca de data aceasta voi trece peste ele daca voi gasi perechea care imi lipseste si ma sustine. Imi place sa ascult muzica, sa ma plimb,cumparaturi,la un gratar. Draguta ... cred Barbati care stiu ce isi vor si sunt interesati sa ma cunoasca. Barbatii sunt usor de gasit,in jurul meu. Nu prestez servicii de escort. Nu mai insistati,va rog. Va multumesc pt intelegere.