Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Femeie. Mama. Visatoare. Fac minuni si vrajesc inimi :) Imi extind singura baietelul de 9 ani si fiecare zi e o aventura pentru noi, cu picioarele bine infipte in pamant dar cu aripile intinse ... Daca esti SINGUR si tanjesti dupa viata de FAMILIE, esti descurcaret, un pic visator dar suficient de pragmatic si pasional cat trebuie ... atunci hai sa ne cunoastem! O inima suficient de incapatoare pentru doi ar fi o conditie esentiala, la fel ca si o educatie solida si o situatie sociala si materiala stabila, ca sa fim siguri ca ne potrivim la start! Si rog sa nu pierdem momentul daca nu ne dorim aceleasi lucruri, iar anonimii (fara poze) sa se abtina din a ma deranja! Multumesc ... Woman. Mom. Dreamer. Magic maker and soul shaker :) Ia€™m raising alone my 9 year old wonderful little boy and every given day is a new adventure for us, with feet on the ground but wide open wings ... Looking for my partner, friend and lover to share my life with. I am not here for cheap games, so please move on if thata€™s what youa€™re looking for! Also, if youa€™re undercover (no profile photo) please dona€™t bother! Thanks!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Afli singur Sunt o fiinta normala, agreabila cand e posibil, antipatica cand e necesar. Cred ca pacea in sufletul fiecaruia, ceea ce inseamna sa nu porti ranchiuna nimanui, sa ierti si sa accepti defectele ca de exemplu calitatile la o alta persoana, este cea mai importanta pentru viata de zi cu zi. Salutari la toata lumea
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Deschisa, hotarata, intelegatoare, realista, capabila de sacrificii si multa dragoste, romantica, visatoare uneori, tandra, dar si un mic diavol cand sunt inselata!Apreciez siceritatea, fidelitatea, onestitatea, si mai ales bunul simt. Multumitor! Cineva care ma poate face sa ma simt iubita, fericita.Un mascul in adevaratul sens al cuvantului!Seducator, charismatic,impunator, cu bun simt, sofisticat, romantic, erotic, rafinat, stilat, dur&tandru in acelasi timp, cineva dupa care sa oftez, visez!Si daca nu exista...
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
independenta,nu le am cu sentimentalismele,nu imi plac oamenii slabi si fara atitudine dar mai ales nu suport sa ma plictisesc si sa nu am libertate the one with huge heart, mammothlike plans for the future, great hopes that everything will be ok and and exceeding desire to be happy. if you will be able to find the key to my heart I promise you won't regret, I am told to be very kind, reliable, honest and responsible, you see the real angel:)) but very lonely one, please join me and let's fly through the clouds together!!:)) judge for yourself un tip puternic,flexibil in gandire,absolut deloc gelos sau posesiv,muncitor,fun to be with si mai ales un tip care sa ma faca sa rad.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Un mister ce asteapta sa fie descoperit ;;) I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent woman, and have a great sense of humor. Text me on: eight five zero seven four five four one five five, I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I have held on tightly to the hope that this blessing will be bestowed upon me to find that one aparte man or i should say beloved partner in life with whom I can share everything unite my heart, body and soul Vedeti pozele ;) ;)) Un mascul capabil sa ma aprecieze din toate punctele de vedere
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
draguta Have you ever heard that the beauty will save our world?!I have enough inner and outer beauty to save the whole universe:)But my mission is to make you happy!I was born for love:to love and to be loved!I am friendly and easy going. Cheerful and quick-moving. Generous and kind....I can be everything for you....If you are ready, i am yours! va las pe voi sa decideti caut un tip bine
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Buna ...ma numesc Maria si as vrea sa petrecem ocazii frumoase impreuna ! Ich bin eine echte Frau, die einen echten Mann sucht. Ich liebe es, mit meinen Lieben ganz allein zu sein und für den Rest meines Lebens mit ihm zusammen zu sein. Ich liebe es, mit Freunden unterwegs zu sein und manchmal ganz allein zu sein, und ich werde dazu bereit sein Sicheres Fundament und liebender Mann für den Rest meines Lebens, Alter ist nichts für mich, ich möchte einen Mann, der liebevoll, fürsorglich und aufgeschlossen ist
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sexy prietenoasa gata in orice moment de o conversatie I'm someone who has a lot to offer to the right partner. I'm happy with my life, alone but not lonely. I miss sharing it all with someone special. I enjoy long conversations, experiences, and romance. I want a best friend and companion first..and let nature take its course, if it is mutual and we want to marry that's a decision to be made later.I am at a point in my life where I want to spend some quality time with a mate that will share all life has to offer. I'm independant and self reliant but would love the opportunity to have a partner again. Life is so wonderful and I know I am not meant to spend it alone. I'm easy going, never moody, open minded, witty, and intelligent. I laugh a lot and enjoy life. I think mutual respect and mutual admiration for each other is important.For me a down to earth type... someone compassionate, with good empathy; a romantic person who still believes true love to be possible; someone who is loyal and will stick by their partner no matter what. If you're after games lies and other things from me then i think i am not ready to to get on with all that . I'm quietly confident, love traveling and finding about new things. I love the country, less so the city and prefer a good restaurant,.I am a simply looking lady, easy going and caring woman. I am 5;7ft.am caring, commitment, honest, humble like a child abed well educated lady, Satisfacator
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt sociabila, de treaba , imibplac distractiile , iesirile cu prietenii. Nimeni nu poate accepta o realitate . Traim intr-o bula imaginara si personalizata, in functie de visurile pe care nu ni le-am implinit. Fiti realisti in alegerile pe care faceti. Daca iti doresti o fata de papusa, un temperament docil, masuri 90/60/90, atunci clar nu te afli pe pagina care trebuie. Continua sa cauti. Am 1,55 cm ,ochii verzi, satena, nu foarte slaba nu destul de grasa Caut sa imi fac prieteni sibsacunosc cat mai numeroase persoane
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Enigmatica, evaziva, irationala si impredictibila,
\"Functioneaz\" numai pe baza de emotii, perceptii, impresii si intuitii.Sunt atinsa de \"sidromul relativitatii\".Stiu ca realitatea nu e nicicand una singura, ci ca are foarte numeroase fatete. Sunt maestra in \"arta aburirii\":D.
Am fixurile mele legate de omenirea misticului, fantasticului, superstitiei si magiei.Cu toate astea, sunt o persoana maleabila, compasiva si ingaduitoare, care mai degraba incearca sa-i inteleaga pe ceilalti, decat sa-i judece.Chiar daca sufar, sunt gata sa iert si am o imensa capacitate de iubire si devotament.
Cand fac urat?
Avand o viziune global-intuitiva a lucrurilor, ma enerveaz sau ma inchid in me cand mi se cer explicatii si argumente logice. pe scurt:..am 1,70m,ochi caprui,par saten.. cati mai multi prieteni...baietzi si fete fara fitze....:)
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
pentru toti care nu stiu sunt aici pentru a socializa,vreau sa cunosc persoane din toata lumea,atat.sunt studenta. I am really wondering how you are doing! Hello, dear gentleman, who is reading my profile right now. I want to be direct from the very beginning. I do not want to lose time in writing millions of messages. My goal is very simple and clear. I want to find soulmate and husband as soon as possible. I am busty, sexy, passionate, serious and very honest woman. Do you see me as your possible future wife? I think I can be wonderful wife in future! bruneta momentan,1.62,52 de kg
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
eu si numai eu :P I am real and very serious and also sincere about my search. I am a very energetic and purposeful lady. I have a great sense of humor and I am fun-loving. But at the same time, I am well-educated, intelligent, well-mannered, reliable and serious about important things. I am a one man woman. In relationships I cherish mutual understanding and shearing. dragutza... prietenie...
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sunt o fire romantica si sensibila, gata de orice pentru a-l intalni pe cel cu care sa-mi petrec restul vietii I am a lady that have seen enough of deceits and now wants something real with someone honest.I am not here for Jokes and Games on here.And plz don't contact me when you are not serious about a relationship. fiecare trage propria concluzie barbatul visurilor mele, romantic, sensibil si pus pe fapte
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sunt distractiva, mereu bine dispusa, Past relationships have made me realize how important sincerity, loyalty, honesty, adoration, and respect are. The most important thing is to let your faith lead the relationship - I believe Ia€™m ready for equally yoked relationship for the long haul. I am fully prepared and ready to enter into a serious relationship. I want to share everything I have and enjoy each day to its fullest in the quest we choose to embark together. So sent be shy dear one. ma vezi in poza!!! caut ceva placut
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Oamenii simpli insa educati , ma atrag; viata simpla si cit mai circa de natura are importanta pentru mine; sint vegetariana (pentru ca suferinta animalelor ma intristeaza insa respect alegerile celorlalti oameni. Religia nu ma intereseaza pentru ca separa oamenii. Celor interesati doar de reusite financiare sau materiale , le recomand sa nu ma contacteze. Traiesc modest si sint multumita. Nu ma intereseaza acumularea materiala decit in limita celor necesare in mod decent. Blonda cu sani mari :)) Sugardaddy
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
va lasi pe voi sa va facetzi o parere despre mine =)) Hello to you, I am a simple and young person who embraces life despite all the hazards that life can bring us. I am young at heart and a cheerful, fulfilled and honest person. Living the present ocazie is my motto no matter where I am because this is how we value life. Always smiling even in the morning at 5 o'clock. I am someone positive, caring, sweet, always having the heart on the hand when I like a person But that's not all .... I'm faithful, honest, with a very good sense of humor. In addition, I am someone very active and open to new activities or sport I am looking for a natural man ....... for me. I'm looking for an accomplice, a best friend, a confidante, but also and especially, a lover for long-term projects and not 'one night' The man who will fulfill my expectations will have this spark that will make me vibrate, a good sense of humor because laughter is a remedy that can be taken with excess without getting sick. What love life walks with a couple and smile on the lip just like me and honest, which is essential. Let's start with exchanges and who knows what the future holds. Looking forward cet de cat bine ... nimic =))
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt o persoana simpla,sincera si cu simtul umorului. Nu imi place minciuna... have come to terms with the simple fact that those right and deosebit ones we seek and desire are most times not as close as we want them to be and till we are willing to accept that fact and look beyond our search region we might never find that soul mate and live that happy and desired life.I am new to this online thing and here in search of my lover and best friend, Recently came across an old friend that wants me to give this a try cos she met her husband via this online world, which she relocated to his home country and have been happily married for years.I am slightly impaired but fortunately i hear clearly at a close range and use the help of a hearing aid from a distance.I am originally from England and here on more study on my field of work "Special Kids & There Communication".I do not have a problem with what ever region, city, state or country i find him as i know that together we both can make it work.If you out there leave me a note and we will start off as friends. 1.70cm ochi albastrii bruneta,sunt mai plinuta Caut un mascul sincer sa nu minta si care isi doreste o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Adevar, bucurie, curaj, dragoste, dans, Dumnezeu, fericire, grija, iubire, loialitate, maturitate emotionala, prietenie, pasiune, romantism, respect, tandrete, zambet... Masculii casatoriti, cei implicati in alte relatii i rog sa ma ignore!!!! Nu doresc aventuri!!!!!Multumesc pentru intelegere. Sa fiti iubiti. Uitati-va la poze,nu are rost sa-mi mai fac si eu o descriere:P ... Caut un tip dragut,cu mult simt al umorului,plin de viata,imprevizibil...sincer...atent...si bineinteles inteligent...despre restul...mai incolo...:)
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
eu si atat ce imi vor ? o familie o inima un suflet aproximativ de mine Serioasa, moderata, calma.Sunt copil si adult totodata,prietena candva de toate,curioasa atat cat imi ingaduie bunul simt!Imi doresc un suflet pereche alaturi de care sa ma simt implinita,fericita si caruia sa-i pot fi impreuna la bine si la greu! Sunt o familista convinsa . eu asa cum sunt un barbat sincer hotarat decis
O persoana vesela si foarte geloasa si care isi iubeste extrem mult sotul I am a kind, sentimental, tender, romantic, intelligent, faithful, humorous person and I love life. I like listening to good music, being in nature, reading literature, spending time with friends and interesting people. I love the nature, animals, the sea, a beach and the sun. I am engaged in aerobics and belly dance. At present I am absolutely ready for making a strong family with my loving man and charming children. I want to meet my real other half who I\'ve been lost without. I want to have a strong, loving, friendly marriage and to love and be loved. White man without children or with children. he is a kind, sensitive, fair, devoted, intellectual, romantic person. he is responsible and reliable. he wants to have a strong, friendly, happy, loving family as much as I do.he has a great sense of humor and is a fun loving person.he has not got bad habits. he likes this life in all of its manifestations. he likes listening to music, reading, walking, traveling, enjoying spending time with his family just doing different things together. nu cred ca aveti ce sa comentati???? distractie
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt o femeie care a suferit mult si acuma vrea sasi caute jumatatea Small angel with wild soul and kind heart! Enough? No? Well, i am just an ordinary girl with pretty face and sunny smile!! I am an optimists and active girl, fond of music and communication, i would like to have a lot of friends, but most of all i want to find my love! I am family-oriented and honest, loving and caring, good-looking and....too self-confident, right?:-))) I am not a boaster, but if it is normal for me, why should i hide my real face!!! Va las pe voi sal descoperiti
Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
cand te gandesti la viitor vezi tot ce-ti convine! Azi ma vezi pe mine, asa cum sunt eu in realitate. Nu am nimic de ascuns, nu-mi place sa-mi pierd vremea cu tampenii. Greu de vorbit cand e vorba de mine... Sunt optimista pana in ultima instanta sociala mai tot timpul. Nu-mi place nicicand rezolvarea de mijloc,tind mereu spre o extrema sau alta.M-a ghidez mereu dupa motto-ul"Totul sau nimic". Ar mai fi atatea de spus...dar ca sa inchei intr-un mod dragut, zic asa in mare parte ,i-mi place asa cum sunt , nu sunt frustrata , am incredere in mine . Desi am fost dezamagita de multiple ori in viata , inca mai am resurse . Acum sa vad optiunea ta ,tu cel care citesti descrierea . daca ma uit in oglinda vad ceva frumos, daca ma uit in gand vad ceva normal! In initialul rand vreau sinceritate. Nu conteaza cat stam de vorba, despre ce, dar vreau ca oamenii pe care-i cunosc sa nu fie nesinceri sau pur si modest plictisiti! ma scuzati, nu sunt mofturoasa dar daca nu ai fotografie, te rog nu ma cauta! mc f!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Hello,Im Jenilyn.Im single mother for 8yrs.I never been married.I want to find a serious relationship that can lead into marriage..To Love my daugther as his own.Im Loving,caring,trustworthy and GOD Fearing.
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Buna, sunt Crys, o fire calda si prietenoasa,deschisa si cu capul pe umeri. If you need someone, with whom you can discus any topics, who will be with you in happiness and in ailment, who won't tell a lie to you and will be honest with you, who will support you in any difficult situation, who won't leave you whatever will happened with you...... so, I can be this someone for you. Satisfacator Doresc sa cunosc un baiat asemeni mie,25-35 ani, intelegator, calm si serios. Profilul fizic este mai putin relevant. Kiss
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
ma simt bine cu mine. Buna sunt Andrada ! O fata draguta ,simpatica , distractiva ,educata cu bun simt si stilata . Am durata cand sunt blonda sau roscata depinde de preferintele sotului meu Daca esti doritor sa ma cunosti scrie-mi in privat te pupaces asa si asa te caut pe tine
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
i am just a simple woman yet very true and genuine,age and looks doesn't matter for me at all so long as he has that golden heart,values and attitudes which is very important to a person. One of the most valuable lessons we can learn from LIFE is this. That,try as we might,we will never have all the answers.We can wonder for the rest of our days whether we are doing the right things continuing in the best paths towards tomorrow,but no one is ever going to answer those questions for us.We have wondering of what to do and curiosities of whats to come.
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
draguta I am a respectful, kind, sweet, caring, and loving person. I am the eldest among seven siblings. As the eldest, I have a lot of responsibilities as my father already passed away. My family is very important to me and I'm willing to do whatever I can to love and support them. usor un baiat cu suflet bun
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
EU? Sunt o persoana obisnuita, cu defecte si calitati, cu dorinte si vise, cu idealuri marete, cu speranta ca mai exista masculi care sa apecieze "Femeia" de alaturi ei, dar si dezamagirea mare ca nu mai se afla barbati care sa-ti prezinte o floare. Ar mai fi multe de spus.....am o viata la dispozitie sa impartasesc cuiva toate ....Ah, uitam: momentan ma aflu pe acest site cu un scop precis...caut o persoana speciala sa ma insoteasca la un eveniment aparte in data de 15 septembrie. Ar mai fi de specificat ca nu va pot raspunde la mesajele instant. Uzati mesageria clasica. Multumesc.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
I am very cheerful and cheerful girl. I like to prepare very much, especially Russian delicacies, all my native and friends simply in delight from my dishes. I like to walk also on fresh air and to read. I like to spend time with the friends. I like to listen music - classical and Russian the priest music, to go to cinema on films about love. I go in for sports: tennis, I like this game very much, and also I go to fitness-hall.
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt in cautarea unei relatii serioase, si non monotona Am intelligent, athletic, warm,sensuous woman at heart. I love the outdoors, the ocean and the change of seasons. Am a romantic to the core...finding that deosebit man to get to know and share life with is what I truly seek. I'm adventurous and enjoy weekend getaways. But I also love spending time at home, relaxing by the pool, reading, cooking and listening to classical music. Am easy going, and straight forward about my feelings for the exceptional person. A fun-loving woman who cherishes friends and family. Usoara la vedere Barbat atragator, sincer si cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
e de ajuns sa stiti ca nu-mi pasa ce cred altii ..sunt asa cum sunt...:P:P:P Sint o persoana destul de simpla si umpluta de viata romantica grijulie imi place viata necomplicata , viata in suburbie ......nu-mi place cluburile bautura sau fumatul .Apreciezi natura si ce are de oferit imi petrec momentul la piscina la un tenis la gradini botanice si zoologice in gradinuta la picnic sau la o plimbare cu catelusul meu ......imi caut jumatatea... pina in prezent nu am gasit o persoana sa aibe aceleasi satisfactii de la viata ca mine ......nu ma intereseaza persoanele din alte tarii eu locuiesc aici si de accea asi dori o persoana din aceasi zona .....nu sunt interesata in persoane care nu au statutul legal in aceasta tara daca doresti alte informati ma poti contacta ......iar daca dupa ce ai citit scurta mea descriere si crezi ca nu avem nimic in comun sau nu esti mai inalt ca mine te rog sa treci cu vedere profileul meu nu are rost sa ne pierdem timpul am ochi verzi ..cu gri...si cu albastru...par lung...castaniu....la profilul fizik...niciodata nu ejti multumit de tine insati...:D:D:D mie imi place sa cunosc multi oameni noi si as vrea sa-mi fac multi prieteni :):):)
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sunt o fire duala,adica sensibila pe dinauntru si uneori dura pe dinafara.imi place sa calatoresc si vreau sa realizez ceva in viata.am avut multe deceptii dar consider ca fiecare sut in fund e un pas in fata. caut o persoana care sa ma inteleaga si cu care pot sa ma gandesc la un viitor,sa ii placa sa incerce lucruri noi sa fie responsabil
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
........kam dificila:))) Ich bin nicht auf der Suche nach dem charmanten Prinzen oder dem Ritter, wie wir es oft in den Filmen sehen, aber ich suche jemanden, der zuerst auf der Erde ist und Kopf an den Schultern ist, der eine ziemlich groĂźe Anschaffung von Reife und eine ziemlich groĂźe Vorstellung vom Leben, ein ernsthafter aufrichtiger Mann, der weiĂź, was er will und was er von einer Frau erwartet, einem einfachen Mann, der ehrlich und treu fĂĽr eine ernsthafte und dauerhafte Beziehung ist ... angenehm s absehen. sunt mumusika:D ......nush
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sunt doar eu ...restu se afla pe parcurs :) I am Hawwa Originally from Ukraine Iaa‚¬a„˘ve been living in Ukraine all my life interested in for a long time relationship . I love to learn about new places, people and cultures. Iaa‚¬a„˘m single never been married . I like to be in harmony with the world around me. but Iaa‚¬a„˘m very down to earth I like to read a lot and keep up with many thingsaa‚¬a€śpolitics, social issues, culture, travels, people. I especially value humor, being able to laugh at yourself, being able to communicate, culture in general, social issues, staying healthy, and the freedom to think out of the box. I also like Woody Allen films, swimming, hearing peopleaa‚¬a„˘s stories, and simply talking with people. Iaa‚¬a„˘m looking for a companionaa‚¬a€śsomone with his own life, with a strong personality, yet also able to make the compromises that life sometimes requires. Someone who isnaa‚¬a„˘t too thick and who is able to laugh at himself. No smokers, please.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Dragutaz, simpatik, sexy "Viata este scurta, asa ca iubeste viata. Fii fericit si zambeste intotdeauna. Traieste frumos si aminteste-ti: Candva sa vorbesti, asculta! Inainte sa scrii, gandeste! Inainte sa ranesti, simte! Inainte sa urasti, iubeste! Inainte sa renunti, incearca! Inainte sa mori, traieste!a€ť - (William Shakespeare ....Dragostea e ca un joc de sah...se joaca cu mintea se castiga cu inima...si uneori te obliga la sacrificii...Dar intotdeauna trebuie sa protejezi Regina...si sa nu lasi Regele in sah....pentru ca-n viata sunt mai multi Nebuni ca pe tabla...si ar fi pacat, ca partida sa devina doar...Remiza... sexy muzik
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
sunt o fire de om cool daca sti cum sa te comporti :P I'm a hardworking person, loving, caring, humble and simple. I'm the kind of woman who will care for someone who will be part of my life and the woman who knows where to put myself in the right way. I am who I am and I love being the woman who is true to myself always. dragutza nascuta la cererea baietzilor dragutzi hai poop u nu caut ceva anume
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
I am intelligent pretty girl with good sense humor. I love a life in all its displays. I appreciate each moment, and I admire in each afternoon. Very much I like to travel . To me to be pleasant to communicate with interesting people, in general I very positive and romantic person, therefore in people appreciate an openness and sincerity. I romantic and gentle in relations, I know as it is necessary to love how to give happiness, warmth and care to the beloved. Also I facute in the house a harmony.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
M-asi descrie....ca fiind o nevasta cu bun simt,moderna,rafinata,iubitoare.....fff.romantica,dar simpla in acelasi timp.Iubesc disciplina in viata mea de zi cu zi....si mai presus de toate in relatie d.p.m.d.v increderea si respectul e baza solida a unei relatii.Imi place sa fiu iubita! Din poze puteti observa ca am un corp suplu...bine definit....proportionat..ceea ce dovedeste ca imi place sa am preocupare de mine.......... si ma respect cu strictete. Cred ca va suna putin diferit ceea ce caut eu!Un barbat matur,cu simtul responsabiliatii ff.dezvoltat,educat,atent cu mine,iubitor,romantic,generos....si dornic de a ma face fericita!Nu caut aventuri sau tineri amorezi.......!Doresc sa cunosc barbatul cu atu-urile de mai sus dar si cu defectele sale
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
nu imi place sa ma descriu singura...mai bine va las pe voi..:) I am a woman who is full of life, honest, romantic, loving, caring, understanding, easy going, neat, hardworking, with a big heart and God Fearing.. My hobbies are, Swimming, shopping, playing chess, watching movies and reading. I am smart, charming, and sociable by nature, with good sense of humor I am a kind , decent and faithful person, I'm also tender and caring who i want to meet. I am looking for a good friend and soul mate whom is ready for a serious relationship. I poza my future life time partner as honest, sincere, responsible, interesting and share some of my interest... I want to find a good, reliable, honest man, a good company that i can be with and will never get bored. I hope he will be caring and loving... I want my excelent partner to be handsome and intelligent, caring and loving, I really aim to find a man who'd be calm and understanding, who'd be ready to fulfill my sometimes crazy ideas, be ready to get involved in their embodiment and to take me as I am... I'd like to meet a kind, purposeful, serious, affectionate, self-confident man, who wants to meet his real love normal
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Radauti, Suceava Romania
Sunt o fata draguta, nu caut interese.incearca si cunoastema cum sunt. I what usual girl very much. I search not for prince and not riches. Try to find the simple present the man. And to find with him happiness. To realizate good family and to give birth from him to children. And to live in peace. Eu zic ca frumusrtea nu conteaza intr.o relatie. Conteaza sufletul si sinceritatea. Caut prietenii si daca vom avea in comun planuri.ajungem la o relatie .caut un baiat sincer sa ma iubeasca si sa stie ce vrea de la viata.