Its me wynes,am 31years old,from knowle in bristol uk,I want u to know tht it will be ma greatest placere to meet you and know you better,because i know that..\"The purity and trueness of love through an Internet relationship far passes that of one based on physical contact,and I am glad that i have come across u ..but I have always wanted the love of my life to be understanding, loving, caring, faithful and most of all someone who would accept me for who I am..I\'m a touchy-feely type of woman...I like to kiss and hug, and cuddle, but I won\'t smother you. I\'m an honest, thoughtful, caring, clean, independant, fun, one man woman. Full of energy I like dancing to the oldies or country music, walking on the beach & boardwalk, going to the theatre, traveling, roller coasters, horseback riding, dining in or out, or just working around the house. I enjoy spending time with the man in my life but also allow him free time for himself. I\'m in a position to go anywhere, so distance is no problem. soreel me in so I don\'t get away. You\'ll have a good catch if you do.The key to my heart will be the man who wants to be close to me, holding hands, hugging, spending OUR time together doing the things we both like to do, like seeing a good movie, working out, or just sitting at home nestled in front of a tv on a cold winter nite..A man with some energy, not a couch potato. He needs to be a well groomed, thoughtful, caring, a happy with himself man, that likes to talk as well as listen, who wants a friend that leads to love, that accepts as well as gives. One who wants only one woman in his arms. I\'ll be faithfull to you, and will be there when you need an ear that listens. Kissing you when you least expect it, that kiss goodnite and another when you wake, and the big hug when needed most.
I'm wise and understanding. I love and value close people, I try to look at any conflict situation from all sides, to understand and to accept somebody else's point of view. I know that people who match us perfectly don't exist, but those with who it's good even simply to keep silence exist. I respect men. For my beloved man I'll become an interesting interlocutor, a reliable partner and a loving caring wife. I'll share my zest for live with him, an interest to new things, I'll confectionate the warmth and a coziness in our house, I'll be a source of the strength and inspiration, of passion and tenderness.
Locuiesc in sudul Londrei de 5 ani; calatoresc cat pot de mult. Fac tracking cat pot de des. Imi place sa gatesc si sa experimentez in domeniul gastronomic. Sunt fotograf amator. Citesc, scriu poezii si jurnal de calatorie, joc sah la indice mediu. Sunt o fire joviala si sociabila. Urasc minciuna si situatiile penibile.
sexy si atat Nu am ,din pacate pentru voi,nici una dintre urmatoarele"calitati":proasta,pitipoanca.umila".Daca exista cineva caruia sa-i placa antiteza acestor "calitati" as vrea sa-l cunosc,daca si el vrea aceasta. In rest:desteapta,culta ,cu umor si mai ales "modesta." :))
sunt o
dragalasha. I am just a simple girl and have an extremely good sense of humor. I like living life on the edge. I find that this makes life more exciting. This is why I always go for the things I want! I am not very picky, when I feel right about the person I open myself to blana un barbat care sa merite ce ofer eu
Un suflet curat I want to find a good man, who will love me and will want to share with me everything - joy of life and happiness of having family. I am an optimist and I think that everything will work out if you make efforts and believe in your success. I am smiling and merry and it is not difficult to make me laugh. I do not need many things for happiness as even really sincere smile and several nice words can make me happy! I am serious about having a family with a man that possesses traditional family values. I have a lot of dreams but the biggest dream of mine is to meet really big love. The word "Love" means a lot to me. I am a girl with clasic family values and I think the highest values in a relationship are true love and respect. I am an educated, kind and tolerant. My heart is full of love to nature and music. Frumusica. Un suflet bun
Dulce si sexy :) Ich bin eine echte Frau, die einen echten Mann sucht. Ich liebe es, mit meinen Lieben ganz allein zu sein und für den Rest meines Lebens mit ihm zusammen zu sein. Ich liebe es, mit Freunden unterwegs zu sein und manchmal ganz allein zu sein, und ich werde dazu bereit sein Sicheres Fundament und liebender Mann für den Rest meines Lebens, Alter ist nichts für mich, ich möchte einen Mann, der liebevoll, fürsorglich und aufgeschlossen ist
sunt o fata absolut normala,incerc sa ma apar de prosti... sensibile.romantica,vedova,il cancro e il mio segno -la famiglia e la casa sono il mio regno-,altre informazioni vi dico in privato,,vorrei incontrare un gentil uomo libero,affidabbile,onesto, sincero ,che vuole veramente amare e di essere amato ,per continuare insieme il cammino nella vita ,,, cum se vede.astept critici!!!! e ceva de gasit pe aici?
veti descoperi singuri .I am a sunshine, intelligent, patient, confident lady. I love sports, especially yoga, Taichi, jogging, climbing mountain, bowling and swimming. I also love traveling, reading, cooking, watching movies. I am hard working woman..I am a woman with a big heart. I am very caring, loving, respect. I like hugs and kisses very romantic. Like to walk and holding hands. I also like gardening, planting flowers, watching movies, I love also cooking and listening to music. I am open to new ideas as well
ce pot sa spun .sunt o persoana deschisa la orice cu simtul umorului,care este in cautarea jumatatii sale ...maimulte le puteti afla direct de la mine Ich bin eine echte Frau, die einen echten Mann sucht. Ich liebe es, mit meinen Lieben ganz allein zu sein und für den Rest meines Lebens mit ihm zusammen zu sein. Ich liebe es, mit Freunden unterwegs zu sein und manchmal ganz allein zu sein, und ich werde dazu bereit sein Sicheres Fundament und liebender Mann für den Rest meines Lebens, Alter ist nichts für mich, ich möchte einen Mann, der liebevoll, fürsorglich und aufgeschlossen ist ramane de vazut ce parere va faceti voi. imi caut jumatatea si as vrea sa o gasesc pe acest site
Someone unique, someone complex, someone accomplished. I've taken risks, worked hard and grown and prospered accordingly. I am an attractive woman who is both physical and spiritual. I have the means and ability to enjoy what I`ve accomplished and the life I desire.
sunt o fata simpla modesta fara vici si cu bun simt! I'm down to earth, open minded loving and caring with a good sense of humor, I'm also honest and sincere hard working down to earth and God-fearing decent faithful simple and very positive and passionate aici va las pe voi eu nu ma pot descrie pai ... caut distractie desfatare si ... sa fim aman2 multumiti
poy despre mn c pot s zik...imi place s asc ies prin vb l ma uit l filme...sunt o fire destul d complikta dupa parerea mea...shi nu am prea multa incredere in oameni...mai ales in cei p kre nu`i cun f multzi prieteni dar putzini in kre intr`adevar am sufar d mn dekat knd e kzu` :))=)) rest sunt o persoana kre s enerveaza destul d ushor shi cu kre tre sa ai mare mare rabdare...dar in acelashi timp...sunt destul d sociabila(cel putzin I think so :|...) o mare pasiune pt bratzari shi parfumuri :d...asta nu reprezinta k imi petrek majoritatea timpului in fatza oglinzii...shi sunt obsedata d felu` in kre ma imbrak..(sa ma simt eu bn)...shi ar fi ink numeroase de spus...dak ar fi dupa mn ash scrie un roman da` va las k [,] cred k deja am inceput sa va plictisesk ;)) zik blonda...deshi paru` meu...e shuvitzat d nu mai poate saracu` in app toate culorile..;))...ce sa faci..pasiune :P
vreo 52 d kg,1 73
ochi verzi-albastri just...normal ppl ;))
Ich bin eine Frau Nett, ehrlich, aufrichtig, aufmerksam, treu, ich möchte echte Gefühle teilen, wendet sich an die positive, die gute Laune und die Empathie. Mit Werten des Respekts, gerechten Teilens und menschlicher Wärme. Ich möchte Menschen mit den gleichen Qualitäten kennenlernen, nicht egoistisch oder skurril, die ihre Vergangenheit gegraben haben und bereit für die Adventszeit sind Gibt es die große Liebe noch? Ich suche immer noch nach der Antwort auf diese Frage, die jeder fragt, aber ich fange an, es leider zu bezweifeln. Wie du wahrscheinlich schon verstanden hast, suche ich nach einer ernsthaften Beziehung und vor allem stabilen ... Wenn für dich Frauen Sammlerstücke sind, danke für das Unterlassen, wie jeder
So often when we realize that all of our existence is longing to be in a couple, to meet the right person and just enjoy the happiness we all long for, i realize that we often think of what this relationship or this person will bring into our life- passion, tenderness, a reason to wake up, yet now i believe that first you have to feel the need not to take but to give, and only now i came to the stateb in my life when i know for sure what i have to offer, i am not searching anyone to complete me, to make my life fuller, I am not looking for my other half, as i believe we all separately already whole, already complete, and relationship is a solid U of two worlds that cherish the power of interaction
I am really wondering how you are doing! Hello, dear gentleman, who is reading my profile right now. I want to be direct from the very beginning. I do not want to lose time in writing millions of messages. My goal is very simple and clear. I want to find soulmate and husband as soon as possible. I am busty, sexy, passionate, serious and very honest woman. Do you see me as your possible future wife? I think I can be wonderful wife in future! ce vreau
dulce ca lamaia si acra ca mierea Cel mai greu lucru este sa te descri pe tine insuti in cateva cuvinte... Sa incerc! Sunt o romantica, insa nu cu capul in nori ci cu "picioarele pe pamint" multumita cu viata dar care porneste sa simta lipsa unui partener/prieten cu care sa impart idei, trairi si de ce nu viata. Detest superficialitatea si meschinaria. Iubesc cartile, marea, calatoriile. Am un copil care este darul cel mai de pret pe societatea aceasta. Pare interesanta descriera? Mai numeroase amanunte mai tarziu. feminina daca vrei RESPECT RESPECTA-MA si TU.
Toata lumea are perioade bune si proaste.Trebuie sa te obisnuiesti sa traiesti cu asta. In loc sa ma simt deprimata si doborata, traiesc dupa o formula...cea a cunoasterii!!! De o folosesc, invat din toate perioadele..bune,rele! Is in zona de confort! In viata reala...exista anumite lucruri pe care,pur si simplu nu le poti face!Oamenii care spun copiilor ca pot face ce vor,nu sunt realisti; cateva lucruri pur si modest nu sunt posibile. Cu toate astea,nu vrei sa-i descurajezi! Ramai sceptic,optimist si...alegeti batalia!!! Cand crezi ca poti castiga, ia-o inainte cu toata forta...insa, da-ti seama care-ti sunt limitarile!
Sunt o persoana simpla cu simtu umorului si umpluta de viata. Sunt o nevasta normala, locuiesc in Spania de 22 de ani, destul de serioasa, sincera, fidela, generoasa, romantica, muncitoare . Restul te las pe tine sa descoperi, daca esti interesat sa ma cunosti. Caut un barbat serios, fidel, vesel, care stie ce vrea de la viata, romantic, sa-i placa sa calatoreasca. Trebuie numai sa vrei sa iubesti si sa fi iubit. Din puinctul meu de vedere am un aspect destul de placut. Opersoana inteligenta cu simtu umorului si devreme acasa.
...:* cand ma vei cunoaste iti ei da seama.. I enjoy going places, but it doesn't have to be expensive. Some of the best dates I have had has been casual and inexpensive. I do enjoy formal affairs as well, but not necessary. I am open to most places to meet as long as it is some place we could talk without screaming and where we both feel comfortable. fac fitness de 3 ani ador sportul si peste 3 ani voi devenii viitoare antrenoare de mine fitness ul inseamna visul sper sa l indeplinesc .prieten
sunt o persoana vesela care stie sa intretina o atmosfera..inteligenta ... restu las ca sa ma descoperiti Nu am copii Da imi vor sa am un copii pe viitor Sunt pitica Sunt rea si periculoasa Tip destul de tare Fac curat in casa Sa spal Calc hainele Fac focul Fac mancare Am vigilenta de animale Fac curat in curte Sunt cuminte Sunt timida Nu sunt fitioasa Nu sunt aroganta Imi place sa citesc carti Imi place sa ascult muzica Sa ma uit la seriale de dragoste Imi place sa fiu in centrul atentiei Sa fiu bagat in seama de toata multimea Sa ma machez de cate ori plec undeva Sa fiu mereu imbracata frumos Nu ies afara ruj si fara sa nu fiu imparfumata ARAT BINE ... un mascul calm, plin de umor si inteligent
eu... a nice man for a good stay . I am honest, good looking, very respectful, forgiving, shot to be process I do like going to the sea side likes movies. I am a very happy person and all that I want is to have a good relationship with any good man who loves me for who I am but not what I am and also to make my man happy and if possible meet to marriage and I dona€™t care if you we dona€™t have anything in common all that I need is love nothing else.
neee nu iti spun nimic descopera I am caring, loving sincere, honest and down to earth woman with good work ethics. I have a great sense of humor, intelligent, loyal, fun loving, love to make friends since am a very social person. I would also consider myself to be confident and passionate in what I believe in. I am emotionally available and have no games to play as am new to this internet dating and am sure to meet the man of my dreams since i have known a few people who met their love ones through this system. Other interests of mine contine candle light dinners, stimulating conversation, laughter, movies, comedy, sightseeing, taking in events that are going from a street fair to an occasional show or concert, weekend getaways, picnics in a park, long walks by the ocean I am looking for a kind-hearted and cheerful man. I want him to be responsible and family-oriented. I want him to be romantic and tender, caring and attentive to everything..... Everyone is looking for King or prince , but I need that one who is meant to make my life complete. I am simple and need a simple man, whose heart is open for love, a man who will be the only one for me in this world, a man who will share this life and will be happy only because he sees me each day, waking up in the morning, a man who will be my support, my passion, my love. Be sure a€“ life will become better, if you share it with me.. vezi tu ce gasesc:)
vesela tacuta nu suport fitosii si aventurierii, imi place tot ce e frumos I am kind and gentle person. I like to help others, but I don`t forget about myself. I am honest and I don`t like when other people lie to me. I am sociable and funny; I like to spend my time with my friends or meeting new people. But I am not all about fun. I enjoy simple things in my life, like watching good movie, reading a book, spending time with my friends. I like nature, animals, hiking and all kinds of sport. When I was young I played volleyball for sometime, right now I mostly do some cardio and running.... draguta nici inalta nici scunda
nici grasa
o persoana foarte funny Pt a simplifica lucrurile 1,sunt casatorita 2 ,din motive mai greu sau mai usor de inteles ,deocamdata nu imi pot face ordine in viata ,3 ,am trebuinta de afectiunea unui mascul , ;;stiu ca sunt multiicei care inteleg ,putini cei care aproba si deosebit putinii care accepta asta ,Eu ma adresez celor putini 4,cei care vor sa ma certe ai rog sa ma ignore ,Inainte de a judeca viata mea sau caracterul meu pune-te in locul meu ,parcurge calea pe care am mers eu ,traieste durerea mea ,indoielile mele plinsul meu ,Parcurge anii pe care i-am parcurs eu si impedica-te unde m-am impiedicat eu ,apoi ridica-te cum am facuto eu ,Ma mai poti judeca? placut o persoana cu care sa pot dicuta
cu simtul umorului Well what can I say, I\'m just a woman who loves to just relax and enjoy life. I love to laugh and just enjoy goodtimes.I don\'t do drama or negativity. Living life to the fullest is a new habit that I\'m trying to develope and continue to maintain. Life is to short to think about what you should\'ve done in the past.It\'s all about focusing on your future and letting go of your past!! I am an ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Sorority Woman My favorite music:Smooth, romantic R&B, Soul music Heather Headley, Tamia, Jennifer Hudson, Vivian Green, Chrisette Michele, Angie Stone, Anthony Hamilton, and Sunshine Anderson. Favorite TV shows:Cold Case Files, Deosebit Victim Unit, Sex in the City, People\'s Court, Judge Mathis, and 48 Hours Mystery My favorite movies:Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Waiting to Exhale (greatest movie) sportiva un barbat cu caracter
dak te intereseaza ma vei cunoaste I'm outgoing and love to spend time with friends and family. I am very easy going, I tend to love every little things of life! Well here I am to my surprise looking for someone to spend the rest of my life with and share all the great things in life. cateva kg in plus nu strica niciodata prietenie si distractie
sunt o fata d treaba j nu aj putea sa stau in ksa makr un pic..j o sa ne cun intre timp:) Vor sa cunosc un partener cu suflet bun si credincios sotiei si familiei ... pe care vrea sa o intemeieze, impreuna de care sa ramana pentru tot restul vietii. Moto - ul meu este sa ne gasim unul pe altul ... iar cei care sunt interesati doar de aventuri si nu o de o relatie serioasa, sa isi vada mai departe de drum. Fac precizarea ca sunt stabilita in America... asa ca doresc pe cineva care este deja stabilit in SUA ... nu sunt dispusa sa aduc pe nimeni din Romania. Pentu cei care nu se incadreaza varstei intre 56 - 67 ani, sa se abtina, pentru ca nu le raspund si ii blochez. Multumesc pt efortul si rabdarea de a citi profilul meu. Nu am platit pt acest site, asa ca nu pot citi mesajele celor care nu au platit nici ei. I didn't pay for this site , so I can not see the messages of those who are not De lux members. Thanks. arat destul de pot sa ma vait:) caut fete j baietsi pt prietenie...:)
eu Nimic nu are sa-ti multumeasca intr-atita sufletul dec?t o prietenie sincer? ?i credincioas? . E bine chind iti po?i gasi o inima sincera careia sa-i po?i incredin?a in liniste toate tainele tale, care sa fie mai ingaduitor cu tine decat tu insuti, care sa-ti aline grijile prin vorba placuta ,al caraui sfat sa te lamuriasca , a carui zimbet sa-ti alunge mihniria. din punct de vedere fizic sunt o persoana comuna, cel putin asa cred eu... persoana care sa ma completeze
o leoaica incapatanata,romantica si sensibila... I am a God fearing woman with a open heart. I am kind, caring, honest and straight forward. I don't hide my feelings or thoughts on issues. I love the outdoors very much and I also love cooking. I am just myself. distractie, prieteni
va las pe voi sa ma descoperiti I am here only with serious intentions. I want a real meeting and not a virtual relationship. I am active, optimistic, sexy, seductive, attractive, sociable and interesting lady who is always smiling and who is always ready to discover the world. I can be spontaneous, adventurous and risky but all the time I remain honest, reliable and trustful. I am definitely a one-man-woman and I am looking for sincerity in a relationship. 1.60,50 de kg,ochi verzi un mascul care sa stie ce vrea de la viata
tot asa zapacita ma va schimba nimeni si nimic...imi place sa-mi traiesc viata la maxim...doar o viata avem Nu am nimic de pierdut, as fi scris odata...Acum stiu ca am ceva de pierdut.Timpul.Intr-o dispozitie de libertate si speranta,m-am gandit ca se afla ceva,pe societatea asta ,care sa ma ajute sa-mi raspund la intrebarea,, ce-mi place?,, . . . Imi doresc sa vorbesc cu cineva care are destul de putin timp liber mie una nu-mi place de mine tot timpul am momente...rar cand ma cred frumoasa un tip frumos...inteligent adika macar sa avem ce comunica si sa ne intelegem...stare materiala buna...
cuminte! E foarte greu sa te descri singura ,sint o sotie educata, desfatatoare imi place sa calatoresc .imi `place sportul sa conduc ma relaxeaza acum locuiesc in spania de 19 ani si imi caut jumatate crezi ca esti tu ????????? placut..
Sunt o fire linistita , calma , prietenoasa . Atunci cand iti dai seama cat de parsivi pot fi oamenii, incepi sa intelegi ca pe unii dintre ei chiar trebuia sa ii dai afara din sufletul tau mult mai devreme. NU SANT AICI PENTRU RELATII PASAGERE. CAUT UN SUFLET SINCER CURAT. UN OM CE ȘTIE SA APRECIEZE PRIETENA PENTRU CE REPREZINTA EA. Bruneta , ochi caprui , ten creol Prietenie de indelunga perioada eventual casatorie
I am an honest and good christian who loves being surrounded by family, friends and holidays. I am ready for a serious relationship and I really look forward to starting that with the right person. I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual
..Hello my name is Adrianne,looking for a nice ,serious man to have a serious relationship for long term...maybe marriage..:) I am intelligent pretty girl with good sense humor. I love a life in all its displays. I appreciate each moment, and I admire in each afternoon. Very much I like to travel . To me to be pleasant to communicate with interesting people, in general I very positive and romantic person, therefore in people appreciate an openness and sincerity. I romantic and gentle in relations, I know as it is necessary to love how to give happiness, warmth and care to the beloved. Also I confectionate in the house a harmony. a sweet brunette ,tall ,slim and cute in good shape.. ...IM looking for the man of my dreams ..are u the 1?
eleganta I do my best to keep it real. People are people .we all have flaws. I am strong and independent. I am not materialistic, but I will work hard to get something that I really want. I have a strong family bond and think that family is very important. I also think that friendship is very important. Honesty is a MUST in all relationships. Without honesty and trust, you have nothing. I like to talk, but not too much on the phone. Communicaiton is important, but silence can be good sometimes. I am a thinker. I am laid back, but don't like to be bored. Most people are immediately comfortable with me (if not immediately, then usually never). I am honest, trustworthy, caring and giving. I don't put myself in the category of "most women" as I feel I don't always think like most women If you want to know more (there's lots more to learn about) all you have to do is ask. I AM NOT FULL MEMEBER YET, JUST TRYING IF IT YIELD B4 I WILL REGISTER SO WHEN CONTACTIN ME PLEASE ADD UR EMAIL sexy mascul frumos,pasional si nu mai stiu.... pot considera o fata timida, melancolica, somnorici si lenea e gagica mea , iar dupa cum ma cracterizeaza prietenii, sunt vioaie, haioasa, energica, dragutza, isteatza, eleganta ( :O ), unica, deosebita si stiu daca sunt adevarate chestiile astea, dar stiu sigur un lucru: sunt insami o fata dulce-acrisoara si un pui de drac innascut! he-he! Fizic...consider ca arat cat de cat bine...las la aprecierea altora. In debutantul rand amici buni, sinceri...daca se poate chiar dragutzi...iar in caz de fie cu intentii nu se gandeasca numai la sex...deja e o atat..restul...vb p mess:P
sunt zodia consider o persoana simpatica,cu simtul umorului si intotdeauna reusesc sa.i fac pe cei din jurul meu sa zambeasca.... De ce nu-mi vii,de ce? VINO LA MINE !!! Pe Soare sau pe Luna, Pe vreme rea sau vreme buna, Te chem mereu,mi-e dor de tine, Vino la mine! Si daca te iubesc Inseamna pentru tine ca gresesc, Ma iarta,nu pot fara tine, Vino la mine! Si de-ai gresit,nu-i vina ta, Pe toate eu le pot ierta Si le-am uitat si stii prea bine, Vino la mine! De n-ai curaj,tu indrazneste, Cin^ ¨te iubeste,nu te dojeneste. Incearca,o sa fie bine, Vino la mine! Si-as da orice sa te intorci la mine, Ah,Doamne,doar un ceas cu tine, VINO LA MINE !!!!!!! sunt o pers inalta 1.75,greutate 60 si mi se pare ceva natural la inaltimea mea,am ochii albastri si parul brunet. imi doresc langa mine o persoana romantica,cu un aspect placut care sa stie ce vrea de la viata....personal imi plac plimbarile in aer liber si mai ales in parcuri,acolo ma regasesc cel mai bn....vreau ceva serios...