I am a kind and open person. I have a curious mind and a great sense of humor. I easily find a common language with new people. I am an interesting interlocutor. I'm an optimist. I like to laugh and give smiles to my close people. I am a purposeful and responsible lady. I always achieve my goals and do not stop on a half way. I know what I want from life. I am a versatile person. I lead a healthy lifestyle. I am a creative person. I am a musician. I play the violin. I love animals. I have two cute rabbits in my apartment. I have a kind heart, and I take good care of them. atletic cum spuneam...barbati :)
Sunt eu asa cum sunt..:) NU minciunii, NU ipocriziei si mult simt al umorului! Pana la urma. ...Viata e mult prea scurta incat sa nu o traim cum se cuvine si mut prea eleganta incat sa nu.i acordam ,cel putin, un zambet zilnic! Sa aprecieze altii....... Pe cineva sa ma intaleaga cu toate nascocirile mele....
am par saten ochi albastri 165cm corp atletic I think of myself as a hard-working person but at the same time I like to enjoy the life for example going to the cinema, walking around with friends, doing sportsaŠ Therefore, I think that I am also active and sociable. I consider myself ambitious with the work; I always have a new goal to achieve. To some ... draguta masculi cu intentii serioase
I'm a woman who has a pure heart who's loyal and only one man. I'm the woman who believes that everything happens for a reason and everything happens for life's growth. I'm the kind of woman who's matured enough in continuing life to the fullest. A simple woman who always look life colorful as a rainbow in after a pouring rain.
sunt foarte directa,imi place sa dansez si sa fac de toate I am a woman with a big heart. But I will open my heart for one man who will find sparkle in it. I want to live a happy life with our family and make each other happy. I dream to have a good and friendly family. I have calm character and I will always care for my man. I will support and live soul-in-soul with my soul mate. I want to be married with my man whom I will give my heart. I have many interests and I like to be developed in many spheres and I am interested in everything. I want to achieve life goals together with my man. extrem sexi barbati sexosi
I am a cheerful woman with an active lifestyle. I love myself that's why I'm always trying to look beautiful and to take care of myself. The most important thing in life for me is a family and a loving man next to me. I will never betray my loved one and I want to start my life from scratch. By nature, I am very patient, but I'm not going to tolerate if I get offended often. I am looking for my like-minded friend and lover all in one person.
Descopera solitar Sunt o nevasta normala din punct de vedere fizic si psihic, echilibrata,romantica, o fire vesela, gospodina zic eu, deschisa spre explorarea de noi orizonturi, cu defecte si calitati , cu pofta de a cunoaste o persoana serioasa si cu un caracter elegant , pentru a petrece restul vietii in dragoste, siguranta, respect si armonie. Agreabil Mascul pentru prietenie casatorie
Pentru inceput nu e necesitate sa ma intalnesti, ma poti cunoaste din cuvinte... Imi vor un suflet care sa-mi alunge cu o clipire si o mangaiere orice indoiala care mi-ar apasa gandul...care sa ma tina de mana pe parcursul vietii. Dragostea merge mana-n mana cu respectul si increderea in viata de cuplu si nu numai, in viata de zi cu zi in general. Sa iubesti din suflet constituie sa-ti gasesti casa in aceasta lume, sa-ti gasesti locul in aceasta viata...sa te simti la locul potrivit, sa fii acolo unde trebuie sa fii si sa nu mai cauti nimic. Nicicand nu este prea tarziu pentru un nou inceputaŠ.
Seriozitate punctualitatea si respectul sunt cartile mele de vizita...pooop I'm funny, interesting) I love walks under the moon) I love romance, because, I'm a big romantic myself) I like cooking, and I like cleanliness in the house. If you're interested, write! Be sure i will answer u! ) have a good day)) Placut ingrijit si apetisant. Un mascul cu simtul. Umorului calm discret manierat si cu bun simt.
I have no desire to see or swap dirty pics - really not that kind of woman. also if you haven't got a face pic, haven't filled your details in and haven't said what you are looking for - then ask me if I want to connect - expect sarcasm as a reply! In a nutshell I'm a down to earth young woman with both old school and new school values. I still believe in courting, picnics in the park, long conversations and gentlemen opening doors.
iubesc sinceritatea si imi place respectuul.....sunt iubareata si vreau numai iubire M-am nascut in Arad. Sint in Statele Unite de extrem mult timp si pot sa spun ca am tot ce imi vor cu exceptia unui partener de viata. Am doi copi casatoriti care au familia lor si nu locuiesc cu mine. Sint alergica la animale si nu am fumat nici odata deci nu pot sa fiu cu nimeni care are animale acasa sau cu cineva care fumeaza. Iubesc viata si imi place sa o traiesc din plin. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa dansez, sa merg la restaurant si sa incerc tot felul de mincaruri. Nu sint intersata sa gasesc pe cinva pentru distractie, placere sau pentru o noapte. Vreao sa gasesc un om serios de familie, o persoana inteligenta cu intenti cinstite si serioase. Ma intereseaza sa gasesc un mascul care apreciaza si respecta femeia. Sint o "optimista" si imi doresc sa gasesc un "optimist" nu un "realist" care sa insiste in a-mi spune ce este rau cu mine pentruca nu poate minti. Eu prefer sa aud si sa vad lucrurile bune si sa incerc sa uit de realitati. sunt asa cum ma creat..... caut prieten cu suflet cald, sincer, care sa ma iubeasca cu o iubire adevarata
sunt o pers simpatica,bla bla bla,dak vrei sa ma cunosti ai sa afli mai multe Ce imi lipseste mai mult,. este un mascul de incredere alaturi de care sa ma bucur de o plimbare in parc de un film bun sau pur si simplu.sa ridem ..sa fim fericiti ca sintem laolalta sa ne facem planuri de viitor........alaturi de un barbat,serios cu simtul umorului....tandru ,placut cu bun simt....id. mess. baciucornelia vor sa fiu contactata doar din zona.....ciao..!!! prieteni
sunt o fata sensibila,iubitoare,fermecatoare,comunicativa,inteligenta,imi place sa calatoresc,imi place sa fiu rasfatata,respectata si am o singura rugaminte nu imi trimiteti mesaje care contin cuvinte triviale,sunt pe acest site pt a cunoaste cat mai numeroase persoane cu bun simt si caracter motivat. din punctul meu de vedere placut...veti vedea in poze.... caut mascul respectos ,inteligent,destept, cu capul pe umeri,glumet.ce anupe poate cauta o femeie?respect ,dragoste,siguranta,etc!!!nu caut ce credeti voi!
Intr-o scurta prezentare, sunt o persoana simpatica, sociabila, sensibila si educata. Doresc sa intalnesc de asemenea, o persoana cu aceleasi trasaturi, in vederea unei prietenii sincere, si de ce nu, a unei relatii stabile.
sunt zapauca......handilie.....etc....k nu mai am inventii proprii:))....ador sportul:X:X:X:X si muzik:X:X:X:X.....si acadelele=p~=p~=p~ si ciocolata:X:X:X=p~=p~=p~....sunt dusa...stiu....ciudatenia in persoana...
Sunt EU caut pe cineva sa fie capabil in a asociaza placutul cu utilul...nu sunt adepta discutiilor seci si interminabile tip virtual...vreau obiectivitate! Despre partener: Prietenos,sociabil si de ce nu inimos ptr o iesire din cotidian in lumea reala...exclus povestitorii virtuali care nu se regasesc in expunerea mea!
Sunt o fire destul de energica in cautare de o relatie privita din mai multe puncte de vedere, iar restul vine de la sine. Sunt o nevasta puternica ,curajoasa ,increzatoare ,entuziasta ,cu sperante mari si mai am de realizat multiple obiective .Sunt inteligenta ,competenta ,perseverenta si creatoare .Stiu sa daruiesc ,sa iert ,sa fiu apropiata de ceilalti si vreau langa mine o persoana cu aceleasi caractere ca mine .Pot sa daruiesc multa iubire ,pretuire si respect si vreau sa primesc la fel . Sunt inalta, contructie fizica: asa si asa, picioare lungi , preferate par lung ondulat si negru, ochi mari caprui destul de inchis si buze pline. afla mai multe!
I am sincere and honest person.am caring,kind,friendly very easy to get along with am social romantic passionate smart intelligent cool headed adaptive have a big heart and i do believe in the truth and honesty.. prieteni
Ai gasit persoana potrivita? Toata societatea se confrunta cu urmatoarea intrebare: cum imi dau seama ca am gasit persoana potrivita alaturi de care sa imi pot petrece restul vietii? Haideti sa incercam sa gasim laolalta un raspuns. In loc sa te intrebi "Este el/ea persoana potrivita?" When you love someone you will feel it deep inside. And nothing else can ever change your mind... La Vie Est Pleine De Surprises!!!
Sunt o fata sociabila,nebunatica, dornica de a-si face noi prieteni.:* Well, I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come across as being too cynical, harsh, or meansounding. I will give you the benefit of the doubt (we're all human, we all make mistakes), but I also don't like being taken advantage of. caut prieteni
I am someone of simple to discover I would like to meet sincere respectful people having the head on the shoulders and to be here for a familiar objective to mine the one of research the soulmate or to be friends
apreciati-ma voi!!!!!! I am looking for a man loyal, loving, honest and romantic. I am not looking for a magistral man I just want a man that together we can make our world perfect. if you are a simple man, you are what I am looking for, I do not get carried away by the physicist, if not by the feelings, for me a man is attractive if he knows what true love is.I just hope you are the man that I have looked for so much in my short life.Would you give me the opportunity to have a real life relationship with you? if yes leave your number as you send me a message. thank you placut....k sa fiu modesta!!!! caut tot ce se poate gasi
mai bn nu... Sunt o persoana extrem sigura pe sine, responsabila si independenta.Principiul dupa care imi guvernez intreaga viata este aFac cum stiu eu.a. Stiu foarte clar ceea ce vreau si nu imi este teama sa-mi urmaresc propriile scopuri in viata. Singurul lucru pe care-l cer de la cei din jurul meu este onestitatea. Sunt indeajuns de intensa pentru a accepta adevaru doar vedeti si voi! poi..sa vedem!nush dak caut cv anume...depinde d propuneri!
sunt o tipa cu,capul in nori...dar ating si pamantul. Daca aveam acum 20 de ani mintea de acum,cu certitudine altfel s-ar fi aranjat viata mea. Sunt un om cu bune si rele,poate prea sincera pentru omenirea in care traim. Cred ca am ajuns in acel moment al vietii mele,in care sa imi recunosc macar mie insami ca viata reprezinta mult mai mult,decat:compromisuri,renuntari si suferinta. sexy seniorita
Nu am copii Da imi doresc sa am un copii pe viitor Sunt pitica Sunt rea si periculoasa Tip teribil tare Fac curat in casa Sa spal Calc hainele Fac focul Fac mancare Am preocupare de animale Fac curat in curte Sunt cuminte Sunt timida Nu sunt fitioasa Nu sunt aroganta Imi place sa citesc carti Imi place sa ascult muzica Sa ma uit la seriale de dragoste Imi place sa fiu in centrul atentiei Sa fiu bagat in seama de toata societatea Sa ma machez de cate ori plec undeva Sa fiu mereu imbracata frumos Nu ies afara ruj si fara sa nu fiu imparfumata
Imi caut jumatatea vreau pe cineva langa mine sa ne intelegem si sa facem o casnicie frumoasa. Am intelligent, athletic, warm,sensuous woman at heart. I love the outdoors, the ocean and the change of seasons. Am a romantic to the core...finding that aparte man to get to know and share life with is what I truly seek. I'm adventurous and enjoy weekend getaways. But I also love spending time at home, relaxing by the pool, reading, cooking and listening to classical music. Am easy going, and straight forward about my feelings for the unic person. A fun-loving woman who cherishes friends and family. Sunt o fata simpla fara obligati adoca fara copiii sunt singura. Caut o relaatie serioasa. Chiar si casatotie daca se poate.
Normala, draguta.......se spune Sunt o fire calda si iubitoare,sensibila, tandra si romantica, gospodina imi plac florile si animalele de companie....imi vor un suflet asemanator mie ...sa ma iubeasca si sa ma respecte ca partenera sa-mi fie aproximativ la bine si la greu sa impartim viata la doi....urasc violenta atit verbala cit si fizica...daca iti ravnesti o viata armonioasa bazata pe iubire respect intelegere si loialitate. ..abia astept sa te cunosc. Obisnuita Un tip cu care sa socializez...
I\'m a well rounded young lady that is looking for a fulfilling relationship. I\'m looking for a devoted friendship that can lead to something special. I\'m very family oriented, and love having fun with my love ones, and dear friends. I desire a mate who is willing to give of themselves, and knows how to communicate without having reservations. I\'m very in tune with myself, and know what I want out of life, and my mate. I communicate very effectively about matters that concern me. I do not participate in mind games, and I\'m looking for the same behaviour in return. I\'m only interested in mature seekers, whom will know how to step up when there time has come. I have the type of spirit that will work hard, commit myself, and endure the task, to ensure that my dreams are fulfilled, along with a partner who exemplify the same example. I believe that \"when two agree\" there is nothing that is impossible. You never know what will happen, God is in control
ma consider o persoana de incredere, stiu sa ii ascult pe cei care ma inconjoara.....cateodata tacuta, depinde de situatie, urasc minciuna si prostia I am active, cheerful and quite intelligent. I am always kind and well-wishing, I like to help people even with small things. I can say I am rather sociable and curious for new activities; discovering new cities and making new friends is always a huge pleasure. I donat forget about self-development; hope my future partner is not a couch potato. For me it is important to grow together, become a better man or better woman for each other, work on our relationship, help and support each other! Also I do not like fights; I am for compromising, as there is nothing we couldnat talk over. Well, thank you for paying attention to my words and hope we can meet soon! Intelligent, kind-hearted, reliable man. Age and appearance are not as important as a kind heart. Fortune is also not important, Iad even prefer to spend my life with regular man but who would be generous to me in all aspects a attention is the rarest form of generosity nowadays. atletica si unii spun ca sunt atragatoare caut o persoana onesta, care nu are obiceiul sa minta si cel mai important sa ma inteleaga la greu
TE LAS PE TINE SA DESCOPERI MAI MULTE!!! :) I do my best to keep it real. People are people .we all have flaws. I am strong and independent. I am not materialistic, but I will work hard to get something that I really want. I have a strong family bond and think that family is very important. I also think that friendship is very important. Honesty is a MUST in all relationships. Without honesty and trust, you have nothing. I like to talk, but not too much on the phone. Communicaiton is important, but silence can be good sometimes. I am a thinker. I am laid back, but don't like to be bored. Most people are immediately comfortable with me (if not immediately, then usually never). I am honest, trustworthy, caring and giving. I don't put myself in the category of "most women" as I feel I don't always think like most women If you want to know more (there's lots more to learn about) all you have to do is ask. I AM NOT FULL MEMEBER YET, JUST TRYING IF IT YIELD B4 I WILL REGISTER SO WHEN CONTACTIN ME PLEASE ADD UR EMAIL
I am lonely single female, I am marriage minded, family orientate and i like to do care at al time as i don't have time for game and am not here for friendship or internet games. I am fun, honest, easy going, Romantic, Godly, light hearted, caring, loyal, obedient, and i love to be sincere and honest about my words as i am caring ,kind ,friendly very easy to get along with and social ,romantic, passionate ,smart ,intelligent, cool headed, adaptive with a big heart of caring and loving and i do believe in the truth and honesty because honesty is the only key to human success and with honesty, i believe in myself and my life is based on truth and its all about who i really am and am ready to have long term relationship and i don't really care to get relocate to any where. caut prieteni si multa,multa distractie
vreau sa ma marit fratilor.....daca e vreun mos pe-aici, tare-n carduri si relatii,promit ca ii fac cadou loc de veci, si coliva buna...efectuez sporturi extreme, in special sticlism , bungee jumping, parasutism, si sarituri in adancime...sunt cea mai ideala (ca toate nevestele de pe-aici),fara noroc, dar inteligenta...de frumusete ce sa mai zic?...ravisanta....stati la rand, nu va ingramaditi....imi pun proteza-n gura si ma dau pe web, ca sa va "ucid" cu zambetul meu....o "la revedere placuta"!
Persoana destul de sociabila. Sunt aici pentru cunostinte simpatice si interesante. Sunt maritata si nu vreau sa mi se reproseze (cum se intampla uneori), pagina aceasta trebuie sa fie pentru toata lumea, fara discriminare.
sunt o fire dinamica plina de potenta tot timpu sa caut ceva nou imi place sa ascult muzica si rock putin imi place sa scriu poezii sunt sensibila restu persista sa descoperiti voi I'm a woman with beautiful brown eyes like lakes. if to speak about me, i am tender, kind, enthusiastic, creative, sincere young Lady, I am romantic soft soul who will be very passionate to my beloved. I also have a wonderful dauther, she is 2 years old, and as she doesn't have father I really would like to find a man who can be a real father for her) sunt inalta fur ochi oricui
Versatila. ;) Singuratica,tacuta,rezervata,directa. Nu agreez excesele,ce-i "la moda", apucaturile si mentalitatile conationalilor. Chiar daca lucrez intr-o corporatie, nu ma imbrac distins si nici nu ma machiez, asa ca nu ne potrivim daca porti tinuta sau iti vrei o nevasta fancy. In linii mari, caut rocker/ascultator de muzici rock,blues, oldies linistit si serios a mi s-a tot spus ca nu exista aceasta combinatie, dar inca mai sper:), partener de petrecut seri tihnite acasa, dar si de o piesa de teatru, o plimbare intr-un parc sau o excursie la munte. PS - da, sunt ingamfata, nesuferita,inabordabila, ciudata, o sa raman singura etc. Stiu si imi asum! Irelevant. Inteligenta.
te las pe tine sa m-a descoperi!!!! sunt o nevasta sincera, poate putin demodata in sensul ca inca mai cred ca bogatia unei prietene e sufletul. iubesc poezia, muntele si marea, minunea unui rasarit sau apus de soare... sunt romantica, putin deceptionata de oameni si viata dar inca mai stiu visa frumos... vreau sa-mi spui tu cum sunt!!!!! ............... pe tine!!!
inalta sexi sexuala si dornica de o relatie cu un mascul I consider myself a kind and cheerful person. I am very sociable, and I have many friends. I have a very good sense of humor. I am very optimistic person. I love animals and nature. I'm very active and energetic. I am very family-oriented and loving. I'm a good housewife. par
blond ochi albastri si analta un barbat cu potential si cu situatie materiara bunisoara si dornic de o relatie
i\'m a shining star in your darkest dreams... Sunt o fire ambitioasa, putin orgolioasa, tenace, perseverenta. Ma caracterizeaza veselia si optimismul, dar sunt o persoana rationala. De asemenea, sunt foarte comunicativa, familista si am un stil de viata activ. n am timp liber cuprinzand preocupari de afaceri /caut un gentleman serios sincer si sensibil caut liniste sufleteasca . crezi ca poti fi barbatul adresat mie ?????.imi vor un barbat de care sa mi fie dor tot timpul id meu jana_iv@yahoo.ca as normal as i try to be... a boy that can make me shiver...
las la aprecierea celorlalti Hello my dear,my name is Patricia and I will write something about me,with hope that you will reply me.I have been thinking about this site,and about whether I should do my profile here,and finally I decided to do that.Now,I am here and I will try to find a real man to start a good communication.I am placid woman,loyal and serious,divorced and for that I wish I can find real man to atingere him.I am looking for love here and looking for a man who will accept me and love me as I am.If you are the one,please write to me,I will respond you for sure.I hope you will look at my profile and write to me,dear. I really hope to know you better!! What are you looking for here dear? What are your goals? Are you happy person?See you soon,Your Patricia la fel ca mai sus caut prieteni buni in care sa ma pot baza
Bruneta ochii verzi ....caut un domn pentru prietenie....sa treaca timpul,.. O esenta puternica si sufcient de masculina va recunoaste degraba un complex de inferioritate, dar rareori ca fiind si al lui. -In ciuda lui Minulescu- De ziua mea, de ziua ta, Voi sustine fluturi la perdea Iar tu ma vei certa nervos, Ca ti-am intors viata pe dos. Èi eu voi da un acatist Citit d-un popa securist Vreo 6 saptamani la rand, Sa nu mai stau cu tine-n gand Apoi ma plimb prin magazine Tu, cu amantele depline.. De ziua mea, de ziua ta, Taci, naibii! Pune de-o cafea ! n.b. Promit sa dau acatiste de viata lunga, domnilor, indiferent de varsta, cu mintea ciuruita, care pun panglici la descriere despre " seriozitate, sinceritate, bla, bla dar care imi lasa mesaje de fatalai atinsi de oftica Damei. Buey, Adame, buey, fartate, ridica-te din cazatura ! Treci de capitolul ala din Biblie ! Cuvintele de la descriere imi apartin, cand voi vrea sa dau citate, pun " " , clar. foto de la profil, la fel imi apartine (unii, in ciuda altora, chiar imbatranesc dichisit ) Nu-mi mai repetati ca este doar un site de dating si va incurc asteptarile si vietisoara! Nu-mi lasati mesaje daca va cautati sotia civila, penala, contencioasa, amoroasa, euroatlantica, asiatica etc.. sau casatorie binara, plenara, universala..cu atat mai mult aventura considerand ca, daca stiti sa dati din dos, e suficient ! Retineti ca nimeni nu e obligat sa raspunda mesajelor pe care exp. le crede wow! Placut... Domn pentru prietenie