Femeie, 26, Casatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
nu imi place sa ma descriu Sunt persoana careia ii place si se simte extraordinar atunci cand rade. Sunt persoana care e mereu acolo atunci cand cazi, ca sa te ridice. Sunt persoana care spune "Imi pare rau" chiar si atunci cand nu e vina ei. Sunt persoana care a pierdut numeroase pe drum, dar nu s-a dat nicicand batuta. Sunt omul care a inteles ca pentru a trece peste o iubire care a durut si s-a pierdut, trebuie sa inveti sa iubesti din nou. Doar asa te poti vindeca! Si am mai inteles un lucru... ca oricat de dezamagit ai fi la un clipa dat, viata iti va scoate in cale si lucruri bune pentru a compensa! ~ satisfacator amici,amice pentru socializare,prietenie
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
sunt o pisicutza dulce careia ii place sa fie alintata si mangaiata... I do not like to sit still; always moving forward. I love to try something new. Very afraid of heights and I want someone to help me overcome this fear.Am God fearing and down to earth lady who like to help others and make other happy numai pentru cunoscatori!!!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
sunt o fata cu simtul umorului,imi place sa ma distrez si sa cunosc persoane noi...daca vrei sa ne cunoastem da-mi un mesaj...nu ai nimik de pierdut As dori sa fiu contactata doar de persoane cu bun simt..INTERZIS persoanelor care doresc trairi tari..pt asta sunt alte site-uri care sa va satisfaca poftele..in rest..va doresc ceea ce meritati.. Decenta este o haina prea eleganta pe care nu o poate purta oricine... Ramai calm in chiar ce situatie, pentru ca linistea ta inseamna putere....!! ochi caprui,ten creol,1,65,47 kg...pe scurt draguta caut un mascul dragut,care sa ma respecte,sa-mi prezinte un gram de fericire si cu o situatie materiala buna(NU sunt pe interes)banii nu aduc fericirea dar o intretin...daca ti s-a parut ca sunt o pers. interesanta lasa-mi un mesaj...kiss
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
draguta:) Sunt ceea ce sunt,iar ceea ce sunt e ceea ce sunt.Vreau sa fiu ceea ce sunt si ceea ce voi fi e doar ceea ce sunt.Si daca am pofta de a fi, nu voi mai fi mai mult decat am fost. Chiar daca am fost ceea ce s-a dorit sa fiu, vor continua mereu sa se intrebe ce anume sunt sau ce am fost vreodata. Sunt ceea ce sunt si ceea ce sunt e ceea ce vei vedea.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Imi place sa fac ce imi trece prin cap...fara regrete fara alte sentimente...bine sau rau o fac in felul meu!Am confectionat greseli,nu vreau sa le repet...ce-am castigat am castigat prin ce sunt...nu vreau sa pierd,nu sunt un model si nici nu vreau sa fiu!
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Sunt o fata placuta , cu ochii caprui si par saten. Imi plac aventuriile I am focused on a serious relationship and creating a family. I need love. I am sure that I will have the opportunity to meet a decent person and it is here. I have a light character and it's easy to find a common language with me. I am ready to compromise for the sake of peace in a relationships and family. I hope that my family will be happy and filled with happiness. Sunt o bomba sexy.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Tot ceea ce-ti doresti! Sono fatta di cicatrici a forma di mondo di pensieri di troppo di colpi di fulmini cuori non capiti e fiducie andate a fuoco sono fatta di scelte improvvisate di amori cadenti e stelle fisse, di fiati trattenuti sogni mancati per un pelo e musica malinconica spinta fino all'alba ho nostalgie immotivate sbalzi di umore ho lacrime dedicate a chi non ha ssputo leggere i miei occhi ho un cuore formidabile testa forte, e non smetterò mai di credere che questa è una vita meravigliosa. Simpatica, draguta, o prezenta placuta cu care nu te poti plictisi Un tip cu simtul umorului, care stie ce vrea si care are multe de oferit. Esti tentat sa ma cunosti?
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
I am a happy, easy and positive person. I work as an engineer in the sea. I like to listen to music in my spare time, go to the beach and the museum, I like being outside, going for a walk, swimming, sailing and traveling. I'm looking for a long term relationship
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Self Description:I consider myself to be an honest and kind person who is also friendly and warm-hearted. I have a very tender nature. I accept people in a way they are without trying to change them. I am a very romantic lady who appreciates calm moments with a beloved person. I am open and communicative and believe that sincerity in friendship and relations is vital.i am truthful and i don't lie and I hate liars Comments: My perfect man should keep healthy way of life, be attentive to me, kind,, be intelligent and educated and respectful to the other countries cultures. arat destul de bine ....daca moare toata omenirea dupa mine reprezinta ca is bunoca ;) :D:))
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Dragutza:D Am single never married and have no kids. Well I am down to earth and also very open minded and outgoing type . Am honest and loyal. I will like to meet a man I can call my own and spend the rest of my life with Cineva cu care sa ma pot distra non stop :))
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
NU VREAU SA MA DESCRIU EU,ASTEPT CRITICILE VOASTRE.... Vor sa cunosc un mascul din Brasov , Covasna , Predeal, Sinaia fizic placut ,serios , curat , frumos , gospodar de casa , distractiv . Sai placa drumetiile , plinbari in natura ,excursii un om cu suflet bun pentru o prietenie sincera . depinde de ceea ce intalnesc....
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Eu sunt o prietena care isi ravneste masculi de varsta mea Sunt o sotie deschisa la nou si provocarilor vietii in limita bunului simt. Sunt de intocmai o iubita ambitioasa, increzatoare in fortele proprii, capabila de sacrificiu si de daruire pentru cei apropiati. Sunt o fiinta comunicativa, de incredere care ascunde adevarul uneori dar o face spre folosul inlocuitorului sau. Am ochii albastri parul blond am un metru75 De preferinta barbat cu ochi albastri slabut
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Zambetul tau imi lumineaza viata, ma face sa traiesc, sa sper ca ziua de maine o voi petrece impreuna de tine...In concluzie fara zambetul tau nu as putea trai....puup dulce all Buna!!!! .Cei care urmariti flirt si aventura.... slabe sperante....!!! As vrea sa cred ca mai exista si barbati care stiu ce vor cu adevarat... o familie!! Sunt o sotie simpla, modesta, frumoasa si fara interes. Nu mi place ca sunt pe aici, dar uneori soarta e nedreapta.Conversatiile fara rost, dar cu alt interes, ma obosesc si nu le accept!! nu imi place sa spun cum cred ca as fii,prefer sa las la aprecierea altora un barbat dulce care sa fie mereu alaturi de mine cand am nevoie
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
skumpik:D:*:*:* I am a very many sided person, I can be very different. My mood changes lots of times a day, that means you will never feel bored with me. I can be tender and a bit aggressive, I can laugh and then burst into tears. I never loose my hope for the best, I believe that if I was given this life and the obstacles on it's way then I should overcome them with honour and pride. I am used to go till the end and not to leave the deal on the half of it's way. frumusik foc:D:D:D:d prieteni
Femeie, 32, Casatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
o persoana simpla, foarte comunicativa si deschisa Ia€™m Leticia, Im 32 years old, I live in Hadensville Virginia, I work as an partea interioara decorator for a firm, Ia€™m single never married looking for serious and I can call my souls mate... if you are interested in knowing me better you can buzz me simpatic dupa parerea mea nimik in mod particular
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
I like the Men With money I am well-educated and intelligent woman. I am sincere, kind, open-minded with great sense of humor. In my free time I like to go in city park, resting. For me, my family is important. Happiness, health and welfare of my family. Find a simple woman's happiness - to love and be loved, to understand and respect each other. To me it is important that I can help people and that I like my job. I would like to meet a tender and kind-hearted man if you interested let me know so that i can add you to my list and we can know more about each Other. I give you me hart I like the Man With money
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
draguta Sunt o persoana singura am 50 de ani dar sunt umpluta de viata si vreau sa imi impart restul anilor cu cineva drag. Locuiesc in Olanda de 29 de ani si am o viata distinsa si vreau sa imi caut perechea . usoara un barbat bun la toate
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Ma numesc Mogovan Lavinia, sunt o persoana extrem prietenoasa, sociabila , draguta , slaba cel putin arat bine :)) . Sunt o persoana destul de nebuna, copilaroasa, ori unde ma duc imi place sa arat bine. Imi place sa am un stil vestimentar elegant , lejer. Imi place sa fac sport sa dansez... !! In primul rand sunt inalta.. arat bine , sunt slaba , sunt bruneta.. am ochii caprui.. cam atat ! :))) Ceea ce caut este .. distractia !!
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
pai sunt o fata ca ori care alta ami place viata distractiá imi plae sa imi traiesc fiecare clipa la mare .Ami place sa calatoresc sa ascult muica a dansez si multe altele....sunt dornica de noi aventurii si descoperiri viata e facuta ca sa o traiesti si sa o disfruti ca trece rapid si nu mai poti sa te intorci in tinp cam atat dspre mine stul va las sa descoperitii cat mai multi amici!!!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
sunt o persoana simpla si dragutza Voi ajunge acolo unde nu respira decat marea prin vant... Imi voi apleca urechea spre o scoica sidefie si iti voi citi dragostea pe buzele rasfrante... O voi culege apoi cu sarutarea mea! Ne-om sparge frica de mal si ne-om strange in brate pana la amiaza! Voi ajunge curand acolo unde amiaza mi te va arunca in suflet cu forta unui val urias... Stii cum te voi primi? Ca pe unica picatura de apa in desert... Voi ajunge acolo unde nu exista maine, il vom denumi noi altfel dupa un joc de cuvinte scris cu degete indragostite pe nisipul fierbinte! Voi ajunge curand la cuvinte..., la marile asteptari, la picaturi de extaz cuminte... Voi ajunge curand..., la tine....oriunde esti!!!! consider ca sunt nici prea slaba nici prea grasa
parerea mea caut un tanar care sa fie sincer si care sa accepte o prietenie curata si sincera. vor pe cineva care sa nu se gandeasca numai la pat, poate fi si asta dar cu timpul.
caut sinceritate, adevar, blandete si tot ce tine de elegant pe cat posibil
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
cu simtul umorului,descurcareatza,romantica si putin incapatanata Sunt o persoana simpla si credinciosa LUI DUMNEZEU , Crestina Penticostala ,la profil .. am cu 4 ani mai mult.... iubitoare de viata,romantica, Iubesc natura , muntii, lacuri , pescuit...calatoriile ..sunt foarte flexibila, intelegatoare, comica, i-mi place sa rid, sa glumesc... sa ma rog, , sa postim impreuna, sa merg la Biserica de 1-2 ori pe saptamina, ..doresc o persoana cu aceleasi calitati si hobby .@ 48 ani, peste 175 cm . Va destul de multumesc !! ** Daca esti betiv, , fumezi , curvesti sau i-ti place sa minti nu-ti pierde vremea si treci TE ROG mai departe.Nu-mi irosesc viata ..este PREA SCURTA ..si vreau sa iubesc cu adevarat pe CINE merita . nu-s in Ro ci in States va las pe voi sa decideti.:)
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
MAI MULT DECAT SOCIABILA I love life and everyone in it.I like nature very much, it inspires me. I like to grow flowers, they facute beauty and coziness, I like to cook and I often experiment. I am ready to learn, I lead a healthy lifestyle.Attentive reliable man who is purposeful, who leads an active lifestyle, who loves animals and nature. FFF DRAGUTA...MODESTA:)) UN TIP PLACUT
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
sincera o fire vesela caut o relatie de indelunga durata posibil si casatorie dar cu cineva sincer si cu bunul simt neseriosi sa se aptina. Hello,Im Jenilyn.Im single mother for 8yrs.I never been married.I want to find a serious relationship that can lead into marriage..To Love my daugther as his own.Im Loving,caring,trustworthy and GOD Fearing. usor serios sincer care stie ce vrea de la viata
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
sunt o fire de viata,imi place distractia,tot timpul trebuie sa fiu in centrul atentiei...daca nu reusesc tip sar...si tot reusesc...ma am bine cu toata lumea single 33 years no kids actually new on here and was giving it a real trial to see how it goes on here as I seek a matured loving man with a loving heart cos life is too short not to be in the arms of a precious aparte loving man that desire me and my true love . And Ia€™m ready to build a home and family with that serious man of love... bruneta.caprui, 173 cm 55 kg.draguta zic..:D un tip ca mine...de viatza...
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
am facut 2 ani modeling I'm sociable and kind by nature, it is very important for me to be surrounded by people who will support and develop my worldview. My profession helps me to make women beautiful, but I think that a woman becomes beautiful when she is loved. I hope that on this site I can find a man who will make me beautiful! I dream to create strong relationship with deep family values. bruneta ochi verzi deschisi 1,68 kg 49 83,60,90 prieten
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
I am joyful woman, like life and enjoy it every moment. I am sincere and friendly person. I speak openly about my feelings and if I can help the other person I always try to do it. I consider myself to be happy person.My dream is to find my soulmate who would understand and support me. I promise to do the same for him. I dream about children and happy family. sunt o felina .....multe..........
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
daca nu ai poze naturale cu tine nu ma cauta!!! I am a kind, tender, romantic lady, who desires to meet her exceptional someone and build a happy and strong family. My friends tell me that I can become a very good wife and mother, because I value family relations so much. I adore children! To me an active and eventful life means that I live! Also I enjoy meeting people and making friends. Communication with interesting people opens a lot of new and interesting in my life. I am a creative and intelligent person, which is very pleasant to talk to. I have a great sense of humor, but I know when to laugh and when to be serious. Ia€™m willing to meet a man, who wants to build a serious relationship based on honesty and faithfulness. I would like my man to be strong and protective; I would like him to have a great sense of humor, so we can have fun together! I would like to live life to the fullest with my one and only! I am not interested in a mana€™s appearance. For me, the most important thing is the soul of a person. Also, I believe in understanding between my man and me.i want to meet a man who is kind-hearted, broad-minded, serious, who is determined, knows what he wants to receive from life and succeeds in his life. I want my man to like animals and children.believe in love!! Do you feel the same?
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
sunt o fire sensibila,rabdatoare I am very understanding person and I can easily forgive other people even if they offended me. I am very kind and tender woman. And I usually treat other people in the same way as I want them to treat me. I am purposeful woman and try to achieve those things I wish. I am also very open. So, you can read me like an open book. Sometimes it is hard to talk about those things I like. I cannot say that I have many interests. I just lead rather simple life and of course I like having my free time and enjoying it. I spend time with my family, my friends. And we like to do just usual activities people do, talk, walk, sit in the cafe and so on. So, I am looking for man who is like me. I want him to be kind and tender with me. I want him to achieve his aims and be strong. I want a man who knows what he wants from this life. I like when he is responsible for things he does. UN MASCUL SIMPATIC,SA STIE SA SE COMPORTE SI DE TREABA
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
eu ... lady Di I think I need to recruit one of my friends to write this. I am down to earth, open-minded, creative and fun. I care very much about the people in my life and try to make sure that they know that. I like entertaining, and spending time with good friends. I also love to get dressed up and go to the theater, or just sit at home and snuggle in front of a good movie. I am looking for someone who is willing to be my partner and best friend. Honest communication is really important. I feel it is what binds two people as one. usor In cautare de in nici un caz printul Charles care e .............mai bine nu zik nika ca poate ma si vede :))
sa zicem ca mai degraba in cautarea lui dody alpha ed...care sa imi steie alaturi pana la final de viata si kare sa stie sa ma respecte si sa ma iubeasca, sa ma faca fericita in asa fel inkat sa simt asta si prin aerul respirat lana el.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
sunt o fire spontana intelegatoare glumeata . I am a calm person, I am kind, understanding and honest. I think I am a good friend and a good listener. I'm proud of my family because it's so strong and peaceful, but now I want to articole my own family and to have a woman's happiness. I am a woman who likes to look good, I wear high heels and I have style. I think that a woman should be feminine and sexy to her man always. I want to feel real and hot love once and for all. I try to be positive, honest and look at life with a smile. My goal here is to find a man who will accept and love me for who I am. I am an independent, hardworking, caring, smart, honest, sincere, and intelligent lady. With me it is never boring, because I am a woman of mystery and I always have something to surprise you with. placuta .....zic alti, dar sunt si f.... frumoasa. daca vrei sa ma cunosti cauta ma. nu sti ce pierzi!!! o pers. intelegatoare cu suflet mare si si placa vita. ca doar una avem!
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Foarte scumpa :* I am very cheerful and cheerful girl. I like to prepare very much, especially Russian delicacies, all my native and friends simply in delight from my dishes. I like to walk also on fresh air and to read. I like to spend time with the friends. I like to listen music - classical and Russian the priest music, to go to cinema on films about love. I go in for sports: tennis, I like this game very much, and also I go to fitness-hall. Hmmm..Nu ma plang !! Un mascul bun :*
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Sunt o persoana sociabila,loiala,cocheta ,bine intentionata,sensibila si corecta.Daca esti un om serios,cu un caracter puternic, un om care stie sa pretueasca si sa aprecieze prietena de alaturi el,bine intentionat,loial,onest si fara numeroase vicii,cauta-ma! un baiat care sa stie sa respecte o fata si sa ii zica omului pe fata tot ce are pe suflet"URASC MINCIUNILE SI INSELACIUNEAA"si vreau un baita de viata care sa stie de glume ::))))
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
I am a woman; feminine, loving, refined, charming, but not self-centered, the one who is very caring and knows how to treat her man, surrounding him with affection which results in intimacy, satisfaction, anticipation, and joy all wrapped into one package . I have a sympathetic and exceptionally kind, gentle nature, I understand and respect others, able to listen and support. I am very good at solving other people's conflicts and easily find a compromise in any situation. I am active and hardworking, I am able to put tremendous amounts of energy into doing the task which is important to fulfilling a goal which is mutual for my partner and me. I am joyful, charged with optimism and positive energy, and it is never boring with me.I can be very creative, smart and spontaneous in order to make my soul mate happy. I enjoy spending my free time in the countryside having rest after the city fuss. I feel comfortable when I can see the open sky. I adore spending romantic evenings with my partner. Caut fata sau fete lesby
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Simpatica`aa :x Cu simtul umorului ;;) Urasc fitele si fitoshii :) increzutii sh` maretii :) ! Sunt o fata cu bun simt, respect sa fiu respectata, apreciez oamenii cu suflet si caracter, iubesc apa, florile, animalele, sunt miloasa de fel, responsabila in tot ceea ce fac, ador calatoriile in are liber, ador iesirile la iarba verde, ador sa ascult sovaitul raului alaturi padurice, sunt mai retrasa de fel, ador locurile incarcate de verdeata, ciripit de pasarele, liniste si armonie, dar in zilele noastre, uitam de tot ce e frumos, din pricina grijilor si stresului in care traim cu totii. Toti, care cititi aceste cuvinte, scrise din suflet, va vor sanatate, sa priviti cu, chipul sus azi, maine si ce va fi,,,,!!!! Doamne participa pe toata lumea, peste tot va aflati. Suplu :)
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
sunt cum sunt si doar asa pot fi I am kind, honest, sincere, I do not like to be bored and always find any business for myself. I'm active, I don't like being sad, I'm always cheerful. I like to travel. I like going to the movies, I like going to the gym. I love theatre. my favorite music is pop, jazz, classical. I hope that there will be a man who will be interested in me. mmmm...........sunt ..........voi ce parere aveti? nimic plictiseala vreau sa o inlatur:)
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
frumsica nu ma laud It's my first time here, I will define my personality as conscientiousness, humble and agreeableness. I'm new to this whole experience. I'm a very young looking, attractive and young-in-spirit woman. However, I'm also very intelligent, intuitive, discerning, articulate and successful. I enjoy the finer things in life and enjoy the fruits of my labor, but I'm also very down-to-earth and grounded. I enjoy a variety of activities ranging from trips to anywhere, dining out, movies, long drives, going to the pool, taking walks and just hanging out. I'm romantic and have a desire to be with a man who is both down to earth but has an edge of excitement. I like to try new things, I enjoy spending quality time, I love a growth mindset and working out. I would like to meet someone who is kind, humble, funny, honest, and most of all a man that knows what he wants. I'm a great cook and love to share the kitchen with my partner. It's possible if you had a long day, I will ask you to take a long bath and relax while I fix dinner and it's possible I prepare a bubble bath with a chilled glass of champagne or wine for you. I love being out in nature. I love to dance , travel and working out I want a man that likes to kiss and cuddle. I'm looking for someone that is a healer and into holistic lifestyle to retire with. va las pe voi sa decideti masculi frumosi dar nu prosti
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
draguta, spontana, rabdatoare, sincera, amabila, pasionala, cu simtul umorului.... si modesta, bineinteles. I am a pretty, smart and asured in myself girl!!!! I can become the perfect partner, I can love and take people as they are without wanting something from their side!!!! I think that it is not right when a person lives alone, everybody of us has to find the second half!!! I am a very optimistic person I always belive in something better and it will happen for sure!!!! I think you need to belive in something good and we will have a happy life then!!!:))))))) Would you like?????? persista la aprecierea altora caracterizarea mea.... nimic deosebit. o conversatie, poate o intalnire. nimic mai mult, deocamdata.
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
descopera-ma...... vor prietenie de mesenger companie .s?nt casatorita,am 3 copii ,2fete ?i un baiat .s?nt plecata de pe meleagurile rom?ne?ti,?i simti nevoia de a conversa cu cineva dar sa fie ca ?i mine sincera .va pup ?i a?tept raspuns cute.. a real men..
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
intr-un cuvant "Vedeta din Baia Mare" I'm very serious about this online dating,because I hope I will find the right man for my Heart through this online dating that's why I'm Here..And i want you to know that I'm not the Types of women who usually come online Just for Playing Games or Breaking Heart..I do respect myself very well,So I will not introduces myself In doing such things like that..I will never do such harmful thing to you when we have much feelings for each other,and I will never do nothing to Hurt your feelings that you have for me,I will never do nothing to hurt you too..Never Would I, If i do something to hurt you I will also Gain It some day..so I will Never Attempt to Do that.. simpatic barbat care sa stie sa iubeasca o femeie pasionala ca mine...si sa ma stranga in brate...macar pana dimineata
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
sunt o fire cam rebela,imi place sa ma disstrez sa ma simpt bine,sunt foarte optimista si foarte prietenoasa. have come to terms with the simple fact that those right and deosebit ones we seek and desire are most times not as close as we want them to be and till we are willing to accept that fact and look beyond our search region we might never find that soul mate and live that happy and desired life.I am new to this online thing and here in search of my lover and best friend, Recently came across an old friend that wants me to give this a try cos she met her husband via this online world, which she relocated to his home country and have been happily married for years.I am slightly impaired but fortunately i hear clearly at a close range and use the help of a hearing aid from a distance.I am originally from England and here on more study on my field of work "Special Kids & There Communication".I do not have a problem with what ever region, city, state or country i find him as i know that together we both can make it work.If you out there leave me a note and we will start off as friends. va las pe voi sa ma descoperiti...... un baiat serios pt o relatie de lunga perioada
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Ma descriu spunand ce vreau. Vreau imperfectiunea. Vreau
, ca atunci, cand "cantecul" se va opri,
sa dansez un "dans" pe care nu-l cunosc.
Vreau sa te incrunti cand nu te bag in seama.
Vreau sa te fac sa plangi.Vreau sa te superi,
sa ma certi si sa ma ierti. Vreau sa spun prostii si sa ma saruti zambind.
Vreau ca duminica dimineata sa ne certam, iar noaptea sa ne impacam,
pentru ca altfel nu se poate. Vreau, ca atunci, cand nu ma mai suporti si pleci
, sa intorc capul dupa tine si sa tip in gandul meu sa te intorci.
Vreau sa-mi fie dor de mirosul pielii tale. Vreau sa ma necajesti,
sa ma tachinezi, sa te joci cu mine, vreau sa fim copii, vreau sa fim adulti.
Vreau sa-mi descoperi senzualitatea, salbaticia, vreau sa ne exploram simturile,
trupurile, dorintele. Sunt o rasfatata si nu trebuie sa imi lipseasca asta de la tine.
Sunt un amalgam de dorinte si cerinte. Vreau mult. Vreau...Tu? Si inca ceva. Cu extrem multi ani in urma,
cand eram intrebat ce vreau sa ma fac cand voi fi mare, eu raspundeam: vreau sa fiu printesa. Acum sunt mare.
Trebuie sa fiu regina.pai sunt nebun zic unii...in sensul bun al cuvantului ...iubesc cluburile,imi iubesc prietenii. bruneta..caprui...160...59kg
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
Sunt o persoana pozitiva si responsabila! Incerc in fiecare zi , sa devin ceea mai buna versiune a mea! Iubesc natura si oamenii! Il iubesc pe Dumnezeu si ma simt Binecuvantata!!! Ador mancarea de caliatate si calatoriile! Imi iubesc ,familia si prietenii!!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Viseu de Sus, Maramures Romania
am ochi albastri par blond 1.69 Sunt simpla. .urasc minciuna, si respectul e mai sus decit orice...iubesc natura....ador sa ascult muzica anilor 70,80,90...Și alte intrebari astept sa imi trimiteti voi cei care vor cu adevarat sa ma cunoasca atat va spun 54 kg