Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Am a down to earth single and Looking Lady..Who loves to cook,dance,listen to music and also the most of all to cuddle..Am Looking to meet that caring and Loyal Man.someone who is going to love me forever and ever.I dont care about age nor distance.I have alot to share with you about me.cause am a great and Romantic lady Sani mari,fund mare
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Sunt o persoana care incredere in sine, dar foarte putin in barbati. sunt o doamna f serioasa si mi vor deasemeni sa fie la fel persoana respectivafara minciuni alcool si dezamagiri doresc ceva real si concret multumesc de antelegere as mai putea integrala sa stie limba engleza minim dc nu mare sa poata lucra an uk,sa avem vigilenta reciproca MULTAM ! Supla. Caut masculi inteligenti, inalti si frumosi.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Sunt o persoana normala I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way I view life. I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows cred ca placut diversitate
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
un om cu cate putin din toate Sunt o persoana placuta ,familista.nu mi plac aventurile zic eu o buna gospodina.am un suflet mare pt a darui toata dragostea celui care o merita.Am luptat mult ca sa-mi pastrez familia dar am obosit.sunt fidela imi place stabilitatea sunt o fire romantica.iubesc natura si tot ce ne inconjoara ofer ce primesc.sunt mereu zambitosre. urasc cearta.Prefer un adevar amar decat o minciuns dulce.Mi e dor sa merg cu cinevs de mana sa ma plimb. de o imbratisare si sa am cui sa i spun Buna dimineata sau bine ai venit. placut,sexy de toate
Femeie, 28, Casatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Destul de ambitoasa si incapatanta .Ce doresc obtin Sunt gospodina imi plac plimbarile in aer liber, citesc mult si am inclinatii romantice. Locuiesc de cativa ani in Ecuador dar vor sa ma mut in Malmo, Suedia sau eventual in Spania. Hablo perfecto espaniol! TIP partenerul care sa-mi indeplineasca dorintele ;) si am primit un comentariu anonim din
partea unei sotii sau a unui mascul extrem interesant ca eu vreau pestisorul de aur si nu
un barbat . ce chiar nu mai se afla masculi ca pestisorul de aur????
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
sunt o persoana simpla...nimic important.... To describe myself I can use thousand of definitions, as I can be bright and shy person at the same time. I have very good sense of humor and now I need someone to share my life with all its pleasant moments with. I believe in real feelings and sure that they can overcome even through big distance. voi decideti... nimic...prieteni
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
o relatie de intinsa durata....sau un schimb de experiente...:)ma integrez usor in societate....imi place distractia...la maxim...am numeroase hobiuri....dar imi place sa si invat...sunt ft romantica.si grozav de iubareata...ce zici vrei sa fii prietnul meu....vrei sa ma cunosti??? sunt inalta slabuta....am un corp atletic cred io....sunt bruneta cu ochii caprui...:) imi vor sa am prieteni in toata lumea....deasemenea mi-as dori sa am o relatie de lunga durata.....
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Buna!!!! .Cei care urmariti flirt si aventura.... slabe sperante....!!! As vrea sa cred ca mai se afla si barbati care stiu ce vor cu adevarat... o familie!! Sunt o femeie simpla, modesta, gratioasa si fara interes. Nu mi place ca sunt pe aici, dar uneori soarta e nedreapta.Conversatiile fara rost, dar cu alt interes, ma obosesc si nu le accept!!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Ce spun ceilalti despre mine...ca sunt sociabila, ambitioasa, dulce si de incredere. Ce spun eu...ca sunt de acord cu ei Im just a girl, nothing more, but nothing less. And like any other girl Im looking for love. But my love should be not as anybody has. Ia€™m looking for the Real, the Eternal Love. Actually Ia€™m looking for a man, who can lead me to this Love holding my hand in his, for the man who will wake the most tender, the most genuine feelings in the depth of my heart, and with the kiss of this real man Ill turn to the loving woman, who needs nothing but to love and to be loved, and always be with my beloved. "frumusetea e in ochii celui care priveste", nu? cineva ca mine
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
mmm este destul de dificil sa vorbesc despre mine Sunt o persoan? agreabil?,spontan?,vesel? cu sim?ul umorului,sentimental?,imi place s? c?l?toresc. Sunt singur? de mai mul?i ani,nu am copii, sunt bogat? in idei dar nu am bani, am apartament,cas?,ma?in?,?.a. Locuiesc in Zal?u. cred ca draguta am intrat din curiozitate
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Gandire pozitiva, optimista, rafinata, cu bun simt, sportiva, sensibila...etc. Pe scurt:sunt multumita asa cum sunt...dar las si pe cei din jur sa-si spuna parerea... Rog insistent cei care sunteti aici pt pierdere de timp sau aventuri sa nu ma apelati. Nu scrieti ca nu vi se Raspunde celor fara fotografii si profil complet. Multumesc pentru intelegere ! Varsta gresita ( eroare de tastare) ! Placut. Barbat tandru, cu bun simt, sincer, corect, cu simtul umorului, care sa ma bine-dispuna si daca e capabil, sa-mi aduca si un strop de iubire.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Sociabila, curioasa, energica , glumeata . Doresc sprijin financiar . Barbati cu bani. I am independent woman. I am a very friendly person and neat. I am multitasking and I like discipline and order in everything. I have my own business, that means that I can easily manage my schedule to do anything that I want to do. I enjoy my spare time visiting new places. I have been in other countries; since I have the access and the visas to visit any place, I have decided to make the effort to go look for the right man for me.. is it You? Bruneta , ochi albastri, sunt slabuta , Masculi cu bani . Frumosi si maturi
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
If you need someone, with whom you can discus any topics, who will be with you in happiness and in ailment, who won't tell a lie to you and will be honest with you, who will support you in any difficult situation, who won't leave you whatever will happened with you...... so, I can be this someone for you.
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
simpatik,intelegatoare I am well-educated and intelligent woman. I am sincere, kind, open-minded with great sense of humor. In my free time I like to go in city park, resting. For me, my family is important. Happiness, health and welfare of my family. Find a simple woman's happiness - to love and be loved, to understand and respect each other. To me it is important that I can help people and that I like my job. I would like to meet a tender and kind-hearted man if you interested let me know so that i can add you to my list and we can know more about each Other. ok
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
simpla,iubitoare,calma. i am looking for a real perason who is interested in going out and love to have some who know how love and to treat a man i wish i wish you all the best and ..... to you all ... ask me what everthing you want to know and dont mangaiere me if you know you are not serious byeee placut..cred un brabat pentru o relatie serioasa si chiar casatorie.nimic altceva
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
o persoana modesta sincera cu chef de viata Io sunt ceea ce sunt, ceea ce ALEG sa fiu, ceea ce ALEG sa manifest din mine, LUMINA sau Umbra.... dar intotdeauna , atunci cand interactionezi cu mine, prin gand, privire, fapta, gasesti RASPUNSUL. Ma numesc Thalia.Am in prezent 55 de ani.Din fericire,sunt o fiinta draguta, cum spune lumea,o fiinta sensibila, nu prea stiu sa mint, dar imi place sa tachinez anumite persoane la care tin. Toata lumea cand ma vede imi spune: a€žCe ochi frumosi ai!...si sincer ma uit mereu in oglinda in speranta ca o sa descopar ce e asa deosebit la ei. Am multiple pasiuni...imi depasesc limitele, sa am mai mult curaj si incredere in mine.a€žCe e mai greu, e mai usor dupaa€ť.Nu am reusit sa termin o facultate nu pentru ca nu am vrut ...pentru ca am avut o responsabilitate mult mai mare de dus pana la capat. Lucrez in mai multe domenii ...nu pentru ca nu am o ordine in idei..pentru singurul ratiune ca o pot face. Alte pasiuni pe care le mai am sunt...dansul , patinajul,plimbatul in natura,pictura , sculptura,styling hair, gatit,pescuit , fac multa miscare si nu sunt pretentioasa.Sunt o indragostita, o fire sensibila, iubesc oamenii.... animalele, am un motan nazdravan de care am grija si cu care ma joc mereu... O catelusa si doi perusi.Am o situatie usoara caci tatal meu este imobilizat la pat si nu o sa il ABANDONEZ NICICAND PENTRU DOMNUL CARE VA FACE PARTE DIN VIATA MEA. o imagine de model un mascul solo sincer fara obligatii
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
sunt de gasca,bruneta,ochii verzi,dragutza,etc las ca o sa ma cun voi mai bine....ok??????? a te indragostii e cand ea adoarme in bratele tale si se trezeste in visele tale!! Cand vezi c-apare luna si stelele lucesc... sa stii ca-ntotdeauna eu am sa te iubesc... iar daca noaptea-i aspra si nu e nici o stea... n-ai sa stii nicicand ca esti dragostea mea... tu pt mine esti viata, chiar de suntem departe.. As frange timpul, spatiul si tot ce ne desparte.. Dar asteptand lumina in seara ma scufund.. si ma ridic iar ziua doar cu tine-n gand!!! Life is greater than death.. but love is bigger than both!!!! arat bine
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Buna , ma numesc Alina si sunt din Targu Ocna, Bacau , imi place extrem mult sa ma distrez , sa ies cu prietenii prin oras , sa imi fac cati mai multi prieteni . Sunt o fire sociabila , ma integrez repede intr`n un grup nou , nu stiu ce sa mai zic , restu descoperiti`l singuri , va astept.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
eu zic ca sunt naturala I'm a sweet, loyal, God fearing woman easy to talk to, friendly and kind nature. I am a quiet thinker but can be vivacious at times. I have a live and let live lifestyle { ( I do not take life too seriously, we all have a limited time on earth. However, most people would describe me as highly responsible. nici prea prea nici foarte extrem chiar oare ce caut?
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
o fata cu bun simt I am a kind of woman who is very honest,faithful,good looking.easy going,open minded,caring,loving and a very hard working woman...I love to laugh and and give a very nice smile on my face...any one after can catch me up and hook me well eu si nu alta un barbat decis hotarat pentru o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Mi'e cam lene sa scriu ..Alta data i have been waiting all my Life for the man who will admire my god given Beauty instead of hurting my Feelings , who will console me when nature treat me bad , who will stay awake just to watch me sleep, who will show me off to all his friends because he doesn't care, who will hold my hands in front of his friends, who is constantly reminding me how much he cares for me if you are that you Special one please inbox me here Thanks ....Uitate pe poze si ai sa vezi ..:)) Nu caut nimik special ...Distractie si Prietenie ..
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Orice fata se poate face eleganta :) Si eu pot fi :) In rest, apreciez sinceritatea, in primul rand, si deschiderea persoanei de alaturi mine. Imi place sa spun ca am simtul umorului, iar daca iti pasa de cel de langa tine, totul vine de la sine. Placut Un mascul sincer si deschis. Daca e si placut si cu simtul umorului, e si mai bine. Si daca ii place si linistea in natura si diminetile cu soare, e impecabil :)
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Imi doresc o relatie serioasa sper sa imi gasesc un baiat care isi doreste la fel I am single lady with full of surprise to give. I want to reach the world to share ideas and views with other people with love and the future dreams . u are all welcome to my world..Am kinda God fearing,honest,open minded,gud sense of humor,down to earth... Am 1.70 .58 kg sunt blonda ochii albastri parul lung Imi doresc o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
tipa sinpatica si comunicativa plina de viata... Sunt o pers sensibila, si caut pe cineva serios, Sunt pers care zic lucrilor pe nume. Numi plac pers care zic una si fac cu totul alceva. Daca esti o persoana serioasa si gindesti la fel da scriemi. Uras minciuna si numeroase alte chesti mai ales aroganta, si cei care se Fred mai destepti decit sunt.ať¤ď¸Źať¤ď¸Ź hahaha....aspect fizic? asta ar trebuie sami ziceti voi.... norma o relatie dar nu cu orcine....
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
O FATA ORGOLIOASA ,DEPENDENTA,FARA FRICA,IMI PLACE RISCUL,IN IUBIRE OFER TOTUL SI IMI PLACE SA MI SE PUNE LA DISPOZITIE TOTUL SAU NIMIC About me: I guess I am best described as contradictory and diverse. Adventurous yet stable. Fun yet reliable. Hard worker yet not a workaholic. Funny with a serious side. Active yet relaxed. In shape, but up for staying in. Communicative yet thoughtful. And chivalry is not dead.And of course romantic! I am comfortable with who I am and am established in a good career.I like to stay reasonably active by going to the gym, swimming, tennis, basketball, hiking, walking, or bicycling. 1,70,53 KG,ATLETICA UN MASCUL SIMPATIC ,CAT DE CAT SINCER DACA SE POATE POATE FI PUTIN FIGURANT CA-MI PLACE,DULCE,IUBARET,PUPACIOS,SI DE VREME ACASA
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Ma numesc petronela,am 21 de ani si sunt o fire foarte energica Imi plac barbatii isteti mai mult decat cei frumosi, ceva mai inalti decat mine si musai single. Nu cred in distanta, nu sunt interesata de prietenii "cu beneficii". Nu sunt contra sexului, dar nu fac troc :) . Fair-play ar fi sa ai mai mult de o poza actuala si macar una fara ochelari de soare, se spune ca ochii sunt oglinda sufletului. Gramatica este esentiala si varsta conteaza. (38 - 45) Mare sau munte? Munte. Genul caine sau pisica? Pisica (nu matĂŁ) ;) Club sau biserica? Acasa :) Cei cu profi anonim keep walking. Roscata,parul cret, corp atletic,1.69cm Un mascul care stie ce vrea de la o femeie.caruia sa ii placa calatoriile,timpul petrecut in doi si amuzant.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Sunt o fata sociabila , vesela , iubitoare . I am an optimist and really love life and people. I am romantic in my heart and I like to feel inner comfort. I dream about a happy relationship and true love, which will change my life forever. I always try to develop, to become better and never stop. I like to try something new, get new experience and new emotions. Se vede din poze. Depinde ce imi oferi.
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Buna,sunt o fata sociabila imi place sa cunosc cat mai numeroase pers ok. I would say I am passionate, caring easy to get along with (at least most of the time), optimist, and a goal setter. I am not sublim but Iaa‚¬a„˘m always looking to improve my self. The glass is always half full with me, if I get lemons I will turn them into lemonade. I wear my personality; I have nothing to hide so what you see is who I am. I consider my self to be a well balance and spiritual person that knows what I want. I'm honest, trust worthy, responsible, dependable, intelligent, intellectual, friendly, family oriented, romantic, fun loving person. I would best describe my lifestyle as conservative, very involved in my church and with a stable job. I travel a lot and enjoy doing community voluntary service. Family are a very important part of my life; I look forward to build a happy family with a man of my dream and enjoy spending time together for eternity. My friends describe me as an honest, responsible and sincere person who they can rely on. I am very open, hard working person and very sensitive to other peopleaa‚¬a„˘s needs. I enjoy life's simple pleasures as well as a little excitement. Nobila,modesta,inteligenta. La gesturi nimica atenta. Cuvinte dulci cu reverenta,Doamne frumoase aparente" O per pentru a comunica o prietenie toate astea cu bun simt si respect.
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Sunt o fata frumoasa Vor sa fac cunostinsa cu un barbat destul de serios si stabilit in viata, fara obligatii ca si mine, cu infatisare agreabil si linistit pentru o relatie indelungata si un viitor elegant laolalta si numai un barbat pentru casatorie. Barbati neseriosi va rog sa nu ma deranjati.. Iti dau in privat Un barbat cu un caracter frumos
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Sunt placuta.... Caut sufletul pereche.. New late beginning in life Confident , full of life ready for whatever the life brings... loves spending time with family and friends. I am what I am ... not looking to impress anyone. I am widowed and looking for a companion to enjoy life, some one to cuddle up with in front of the fire place on cold winter nights, some one who knows what he wants from life... no bumms please... I'm looking for a man to start a new late beginning in life . I'm looking for a relationship , one that is based on friendship ,honesty, trust , family, and most importantly love... I'm interested in a man who is independent but also needs and wants to fell LOVE Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take...,but by the moments that take our breath away On and relationship need to have a balance of give and take to have a chance. There "is" someone for everyone....go where your hart leads you no matter the distance ,culture, state or country. The only things in life you regret are the risks that you didn't take. Placut.. Iubitor.. Calm.. Iubitor.. Sincer.. Suflet pereche..
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Imi place sa ma distrez,sa fiu pe cont propiu,imi place sinceritatea,imi place sa vizitez cat mai multe tari si nu in ultimul rand imi plac sporturile extreme... License to kill :)) I am very understanding person and I can easily forgive other people even if they offended me. I am very kind and tender woman. And I usually treat other people in the same way as I want them to treat me. I am purposeful woman and try to achieve those things I wish. I am also very open. So, you can read me like an open book. Sometimes it is hard to talk about those things I like. I cannot say that I have many interests. I just lead rather simple life and of course I like having my free time and enjoying it. I spend time with my family, my friends. And we like to do just usual activities people do, talk, walk, sit in the cafe and so on. So, I am looking for man who is like me. I want him to be kind and tender with me. I want him to achieve his aims and be strong. I want a man who knows what he wants from this life. I like when he is responsible for things he does. normal cel putin asa cred :)) distractie, prietenie si mai incolo cine stie :)
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
calma I am a woman who enjoys the simple things of life and does not like to show off no matter how much success I make. If I have to show off, then it would be showing off with my man. I take my time to get involved in a relationship and when I finally do, I love with my all never to say goodbye. I am healthy, caring, honest, loyal, energetic and most of all trustworthy and I seek a man who would love me for who I am and not what I am. A man that put the lord first , who would correct me when I go wrong. Someone to be my equal in all things. Someone I can easily communicate with .. ...firava sa omot timpul ca sa nu il pierd
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
I am naturally an easygoing,calm,transparent and cheerful Type. I am Single,Black with Long Negru hair,average and healthy Lady. I am a Christian By religion,Non smoker and non drinker.I like gentle and quite lifestyle full of peace and favorable environment. I like gardening,exercising,watching good movies,art works,cooking,traveling and horse back riding. I am Generally a simple type of woman,I adore to meet new people, to discover in each of them something new, particular. I live with the present and try to catch it\'s magic )) For all that, people who enter my life usually remain there for a long time
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
o fire deschisa si prietenoasa,draguta Sunt o fire romantica, sincera, tandra, sensibila, timida dar si hotarata cand este cazul si am simtul umorului. Imi plac plimbarile, dansul si calatoriile. Vor o relatie serioasa, bazata pe sentimente, respect reciproc, sinceritate si comunicare. Sunt convinsa ca o relatie nu poate rezista in timp fara o "chimie" intre cei doi parteneri. mikuta relatii de prietenie
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Mi piace avere un uomo sincero che mi sta vicino sempre e mi aiuta e mi capisci.....mi piace avere un po di tutto della vita!!!!! CAUT UN MASCUL DE IDENTICA VIRSTA SI CONDITIE SOCIO ECONOMICA, DAR MAI ALES SA FIE DIN ZONA MEA.NU AM ABONAMENT..........DECI NU POT CHATA DECIT CU CEI CARE AU EI ABONAMENT.II ROG PE CEI CARE NU AU..........SA NU INSISTE PT CA NU AM CUM SA I CONTACTEZ.ID UL MEU DE MES ESTE:pelegrinul65.VA MULTUMESC.P.S. NU CAUT AVENTURI SI NU RASPUND CELOR FARA POZE. sono ok voglio un uomo che mi ama e mi vuole bene
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
sunt o tipa sociabila,deschisa si increzatoare in destin...caut prieteni pt a purta
discutii deschise pt absolut orice tip de tema si poate pt o rel eleganta I am Ann ,single looking without children, 5-7 ft tall, 133 lbs., negru hair....I am an honest and good christian who loves being surrounded by family, friends and holidays. I am ready for a serious relationship and I really look forward to starting that with the right person. I am an honest,loyal, passionate, generous, giving, affectionate, sexual, supportive, sensitive, and a good listener who is easy to get along with. I am not that too outgoing type but love to have fun with my love one. I am someone who is comfortable in a pair of jeans, sipping a glass of wine. I like the outdoors as I like to just stay at home. Hang around the house getting my hands dirty in the yard. Love to entertain.. I generally try to live a somewhere healthy lifestyle, exercising and some sort of joggings, 3-4 days a week and eating healthy, trust me, I love sweets and pastries but try not to over do it .... and i do not smoke or do any drugs of any sort.... I would also like to find an honest and good christian who we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue our interests as well. I have several hobbies (and wish I could find more time to pursue those) such as cooking ,swimming,dancing, and reading, and more,and would like someone to share that with, as well as sharing his...alright i will stop here thats as much as i can say for now lol so free free to say hello sunt asa cum m-a facut mamica vreau linste sufleteasca,iubire,un mascul demn de mine,urasc minciuna,detest oameni
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
I am a very shy and gentle woman, but as regards feelings and love, I am very open and always ready to take steps towards my destiny. Therefore, I am here. I'm very self-sufficient and I'm not used to depending on anyone, but still I want to be near a strong man whom I could lean on.
Femeie, 36, Casatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
o fata o.k. Optimist ambi?ios nu-i place plictiseala;) ?i a?a a creste aceasta trebuie s? spun c? ader? la un principiu de baz? care corpul, mintea ?i sufletul activitatea in tandem, fie in "corp frumos, minte frumos". Prin urmare, cred, c? trebuie s? aib? grij? de fiecare dintre aceste lucruri;-) Nu-mi place s? stea in locul ?i intotdeauna am stabilit obiective pentru care o uluire, ?i ceea ce am pun inima noastr?. se vede in poze ceva atractiv si sexi
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
dragutza......detest sa ma plictisec........iubesc calatoriile...... I the cheerful romantic girl, search for serious relations for creation of family. I like to walk on city parks with girlfriends. Go in for sports, I go to fitness club, skate. I the sociable and interesting girl. Very much I love children. eee asa si asa nimic interesant..doar distractie si prietenie
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Eu sunt Ame... I am honest, smart girl, I am loving and caring, intelligent and friendly. I hate being in bad mood and always try to keep smile and happy in my heart and face. I am a good mother and family oriented person with strong personality and human. I am looking for caring, loving man who can appreciate woman and has generous heart. I would like to feel myself with my man the happiest woman in the world everyday. sunt inalta,60 kg...insipida, inodora, incolora!
Dar de aspectul pshicului..de ce nu zice nimeni nimic? mda..as prefera sa nu caut..ci sa ma gaseasca un tip: in zodia varsator, balanta,gemeni, inalt ~1.87, brunet, constitutie atletica, cu simtul umorului dezvoltat, "nebun" si romantic in acelasi timp..
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Ocna, Bacau Romania
Sunt foarte exigenta , eleganta , glumeata si restul va voi spune in particular down to earth person, have sence of humor and caring. i love to cook and gardening. i hate lies and games. i live alone and tired living alone. im ready to settle down and willing to relocate. as im tired living alone as i lost my family in typhoon last 2013. satisfacator un barbat cu suflet bun