Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Pozele sunt recent facute. Sunt m-ai plinuta .Numele meu este AnyTase daca doresti sa fim prieteni poti sa ma cauti . Imi vor o relatie serioasa ,nu o aventura, un mascul serios,romantic, cu varsta intre 50 anisi 60ani. Sunt o iubita cu suflet bun, simpla fara fite,nu ma incanta bogatia, doar ,intelegere, dragoste ,respect. Placut
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
sunt o fire distractiva,zambareata si iubareata. Sunt o sotie naturala, ce imi doresc Sa fiu iubita asa cum sunt eu, sunt o nevasta iubitoare, imi place Sa glumesc, si imi iubesc Familia.. Sunt inalta, dar Nu grasa, imi place SA fac sport, Sa gatesc. Traiesc singura, copii sunt casatoriti, servici am, Masina la fel.. Deci sunt bine. ramane sa ne cunoastem ca sa vezi cum arat caut distractie si prietenie
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o persoana normala,romantica si corecta;imi place arta, natura, muzica, dansul, calatoriile si citesc extrem mult (acum ca sunt pensionara)..am simtul umorului si imi place sa rad . Hello ,welcome all subscribers to the site !
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
I'm a humble person with good sense of humour. I do everything in moderation. I'm not perfect and I'm not looking for a sublim person but hoping to find someone TRUTHFUL that I can love with no limitations.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
timida si rasfatata EU....CINE SUNT EU??Un punct minuscul in aceasta lume, o fiinta cu sentimente,un om care incearca sa-i dea vietii un rost,un suflet printre milioane de alte suflete.Imi place sinceritatea,romantismul,tot ce e frumos si pur in societatea asta!Cred ca viata reprezinta sa privesti si sa culegi florile prieteniei,atunci cand ele iti apar in cale.ALEGE SA IUBESTI SI NU SA URASTI,sa zidesti si nu sa darami,sa perseverezi si nu sa renunti,sa lauzi si sa nu barfesti,sa vindeci si nu sa ranesti,sa oferi si nu sa iei,sa actionezi si nu sa amani,SA IERTI SI NU SA TE RAZBUNI!sa te rogi si nu sa disperi,ALEGE SA-TI FOLOSESTI PUTEREA DE A ALEGE!ADEVARATA BOGATIE A UNUI OM ESTE SUFLETUL SAU!!SA nu legi nicicand prietenie cu omul pe care nu-l poti respecta!Esenta prieteniei este INTEGRITATEA,GENEROZITATEA SI INCREDERA DEPLINA.FERICIREA ESTE o SITUATIE DE SPIRIT AUTOCASTIGATA DE ALEGEREA FACUTA!LA VISUL CARE IL DORESTI,E O CALE ATAT DE LUNGA,CACI VIATA TOATA DE-O TRAIESTI,TE-NTREBI DE-O SA-TI AJUNGA!!!!!!!!!!!! las la aprecierea voastra un tip destept, cu simtul umorului , manierat, respectos.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
i have been waiting all my Life for the man who will admire my god given Beauty instead of hurting my Feelings , who will console me when nature treat me bad , who will stay awake just to watch me sleep, who will show me off to all his friends because he doesn't care, who will hold my hands in front of his friends, who is constantly reminding me how much he cares for me if you are that you Singular one please inbox me here Thanks nush deocamdata .... vedem pe parcurs...... poate pe tine....
Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
s o fata sincera s sociabila urask minciuna I am a lady that have seen enough of deceits and now wants something real with someone honest.I am not here for Jokes and Games on here.And plz don't atingere me when you are not serious about a relationship. arat bine parerea voastra cont pt mn prieteni s socializam s ne relaxam
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
o sa va convingeti singuri daca imi scrieti!!! I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, intelligent, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry person, and I am not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders is not the way i view life. I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I would do the best with someone that isn't extremely uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to let things go! veryyy sexy!! un mascul bunut,dragut si sa stie sa asculte!!!
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
nu va spun nimic.. fire vesela,zambitoare,nu fumez,sincera ,onestaiubesc adevarul urasc minciuna,romantica iubesc calatoriile,nu sunt bogat a in banii ci doar in un suflet bun si curat sa stiti ca nu am abonament,deci nu pot conversa cu toti favoriti multumesc pt.intelegere fire vesela zambitoare,vaduva.cu un baiat de 32ani iubesc frumosul si calatoriile urasc minciuna respect si vreau respect,nu fumez,romantica,bogata in un suflet bun nu in banii restul mai vedem....... sa stiti ca nu am abonament deci nu pot conversa cu toti favoriti,multumesc pt.intelegere. t, sunt foarte buna...la tot ce se afla un barbat nici prost dar nici rau...daca se poate putin cu tupeu
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
simpaticuta si cu simtul umorului I am good looking young girl, full of romantic dreams and thoughts, passion and ready for everlasting love. I believe in god and in good people. I am quite optimistic and enjoy good people around me and merry companies. I donaa‚¬a„˘t like noisy parties and prefer to stay with my friends at home and to cook something special and tasty for them. Yes, I like cooking very much especially for the people I care. I work as a teacher of dances, but I donaa‚¬a„˘t dream about career, but for the happy friendly family and cosy house. ochi caprui, par castaniu, 162 cm, slabuta barbat intre 22-30 ani simpaticut si cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 39, Casatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
o sa va las pe voi.....care vreti? My name is Tracy 43 years, single with son. I'm someone who always try to live a simple life and enjoy life's simple pleasures. I like coming home from work to get myself refreshed and my sanity back after a long 10 hours at work. I like outdoors, walking in the park and along the beach barefooted in the wet sand to feel the sea breeze, traveling etc. and sometimes staying at home and cooking something new. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people. I hate disrespect, unfaithfulness, dishonest, cheating, unfairness, injustice, selfishness etc. I had a wonderful life but I think there is somebody in the world to discover a new wonderful life with. People can say many good things about themselves so I think if you are real and serious then we should get in touch, talk and know each other, take it from there and see how it goes. I hope to have a serious relationship with a real man who is drama free, not into games and knows what he need. Not anyone with false pretense, games, lies ...... No SCAMMER please. eu cred ca placut......voi ce parere aveti? caut baieti/fete pentru discutii/prietenii.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o secunda pe care o pierzi fara sa sti,sunt persoana ce stie sa iubeasca,sa inteleaga,sa asculte,sa respecte,sa planga si sa zambeasca chiar daca sufletul ii plange...
Sunt simpatica,intuitiva...cu toate ca nu am o varsta foarte mare fac fata cu succes obstacolelor ce imi ies in cale... "Viata nu reprezinta sa supravietuiesti unei furtuni ci sa sti sa dansezi in ploaie" Noi prieteni!
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
... I am a very fun, romantic, kind, loyal, caring, affectionate and bright lady. A woman that doesn t care about what you have, but who you are. I am easy going and get along very well with people. I am easy to get to know and enjoy people very much. Bruneta ochii verzi inaltime 1:70 O persoana cu o inima buna si iubitoare
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
pai ...............cum pot sa ma descriu, eu as zice numai lucruri bune despre mine ...............sunt simpatica,glumeata....si vreu sa fiu alintata. daca persoana care e cu mine merita, sunt foarete romantica dar am si eu caracteru meu.......va astept pai........uitativa in poza.dar acum sunt blonda nu roscata. caut multi prieteni
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
hmm as putea sp ca sunt o fire cu bun simt imi place sa respect si sa fiu respectata,imi place sa dansez de fapt imi place exrem de mult:p:* To begin with I wish to welcome. :) I wish all good mood. I the lonely woman. I quiet, resolute. I do not play. And I do not wish to be a toy. And I search for long-term relations. I the usual girl. There are inchis la culoare strips in a life, and happen white. But the most part of a life I stay in good mood. Always I try to optimise the work. I do not drink and I do not smoke. I choose a healthy way of life. If I speak something or I do, I can usually explain why so, instead of in another way. (Actually it is possible not always, sometimes the choice becomes on the basis of an internal voice, sometimes it appears erroneous.) I cannot long be angry with something or someone. I very seldom take offence. Very much I love the nature and animals. I like to walk on the nature. I do not understand, how people can lay all the day on a sofa and watch TV. I am always ready to listen to opinion of any person, but I agree with it only well having thought. I seldom hide from people the to them the relation. un barbat cuminte:p
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
sunt simpatica foc si restu te las pe tine sa ma descoperi So often when we realize that all of our existence is longing to be in a couple, to meet the right person and just enjoy the happiness we all long for, i realize that we often think of what this relationship or this person will bring into our life- passion, tenderness, a reason to wake up, yet now i believe that first you have to feel the need not to take but to give, and only now i came to the stateb in my life when i know for sure what i have to offer, i am not searching anyone to complete me, to make my life fuller, I am not looking for my other half, as i believe we all separately already whole, already complete, and relationship is a solid U of two worlds that cherish the power of interaction bomba un mascul sa stie sa iubeasca si sa stie sa aprecieze ce are alaturi
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
pot spune decat atat simpatica Sorry guys, this is me now, and I only respond if you are familiar with the German or English language!!! I have been testing someone and now I guess it's not worth the GAME anymore!! However, if you have a PIC' and you do not look like a PIG, then I might respond to you... Sure, it's the INSIDE of you which counts, but my eyes love beauty, so please respect that and don't waste my time! I know what I want, and it is "ALL or NOTHING!" I do not walk this Earth for the first time neither am I unconscious of the infinite Universe... LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT...You are about to meet a true HUMAN BEING and I came with the OLD CODE!!! Life is not a coincidence, it has a PAST and a FUTURE, and you are the WRITER of your own SCRIPT! Walk in PEACE and embrace the LIGHT!!! NAMASTE usor prietenii
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
ce nu ma omoara ma face mai putermica M-am nascut in Arad. Sint in Statele Unite de foarte mult timp si pot sa spun ca am tot ce imi doresc cu exceptia unui partener de viata. Am doi copi casatoriti care au familia lor si nu locuiesc cu mine. Sint alergica la animale si nu am fumat nici odata deci nu pot sa fiu cu nimeni care are animale acasa sau cu cineva care fumeaza. Iubesc viata si imi place sa o traiesc din plin. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa dansez, sa merg la restaurant si sa incerc tot felul de mincaruri. Nu sint intersata sa gasesc pe cinva pentru distractie, delectare sau pentru o noapte. Vreao sa gasesc un om serios de familie, o persoana inteligenta cu intenti cinstite si serioase. Ma intereseaza sa gasesc un mascul care apreciaza si respecta femeia. Sint o "optimista" si imi vor sa gasesc un "optimist" nu un "realist" care sa insiste in a-mi spune ce este rau cu mine pentruca nu poate minti. Eu prefer sa aud si sa vad lucrurile bune si sa incerc sa uit de realitati. placut sotul desavarsit
Femeie, 40, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
sant o fata draguta cu suflet mare
urasc minciuna foarte mult Candva ca altii sa-mi fie vinovati, sunt vinovata eu, fata de mine. Noi, cei care vrem altceva de la viata, suntem obligati de toate legile sperantei sa marturisim propriile noastre adevaruri.Altfel, tribunalele dragostei ne vor declara complici la inalta tradare de sine. Vom fi condamnati pe vecie la irevocabile tristeti, la insingurari fara drept de apel.DRAGOSTEA e o mare nebunie si trebuie luata in serios. Iar romanele indragostitilor si cantecele de amor arata ca iubirea e un fapt rar, extraordinar, nu-i pe toate drumurile! Dar noi, nu stiu de ce, suntem educati sa credem ca e la-ndemana oricui... Cine sunt eu? Vibrez la frumusete, caut perfectiunea in tot ceea ce fac si sunt, poate, cam prea sensibila pentru vremurile acestea. Si aleg sa ma bucur de tot ce-mi acorda viata, in fiecare zi. Pentru ca frumusetea e peste tot. Ma simt eleganta cand ma simt impacata cu mine. Mi se pare obositor si plictisitor sa tii cont mereu de regulile unui cod social. E important sa poti sa provoci socialul cu imaginea individualitatii tale asumate, relaxate. E ca un joc. " Eu ma accept.Voi?" cred ca placuta caut un mascul respectuos si tare iubitor
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Rock-erita cu chief de viata Fotograf. Zodia Taur. Sunt o sotie cu abilitati creativ-constructive, utile pentru a face viata de zi cu zi interesanta si placuta! Caut un mascul normal, cu gandirea limpede, care sa stie ce vrea si ce nu vrea si pe care sa nu-l intereseze DOAR sexul! asa cum ma vezi rock-eri
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
The very thought of you And I forget to do The little ordinary things that everyone ought to do I'm living in a kind of daydream I'm happy as a queen And foolish though it may seem to me that's everything The mere idea of you The longing here for you You never know how slow the moments go Till I'm near to you I see your face in every flower Your eyes in stars above It's just the thought of you The very thought of you My love
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
I am a fun-loving, happy and positive person. I cana€™t stand to see someone be sad, or be sad myself. I think we should try to be happy, literally, all the time. Why not? Life is too short! Ia€™m an intelligent girl who thinks through decisions thoroughly (sometimes, I might overthink a little). Ia€™m romantic a€“ I am the type of person who will send you roses at work just because I cana€™t wait to see you come home with a smile on your face. I treat my partner like hea€™s the last man on earth! Ia€™m looking for someone with whom I have physical chemistry. For me thata€™s where interest starts, but of course it doesna€™t end there. My grozav man is intelligent but not competitive about it, caring and warm. hea€™s sexy and knows it. hea€™s friendly, outgoing, and has a happy outlook on life. I want to find someone who I love for who he is, without wanting him to change in any way. I expect my match to feel the same way about me. I want to find the person I will spend the rest of my life with. Nimic in mod special.Just looking
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Blonda cu ochi caprui, putin cam melancolici dar care pot fi si veseli sau sagalnici,romantica dar si practica,iubitoare de muzica si nu de zgomot, eleganta dar si uneori sportiva,nascuta in Romania dar acum locuiesc in Olanda,vorbitoare de limbi straine, cu alte cuvinte \"een wereldvrouw=eine Weltfrau=o nevasta internationala\" (Ik ben blond met reebruineogen-zeggen de mensen rond mijn omgeving-maar deze ogen kunnen ook vrolijk of grappig zijn,ik ben romantisch maar ook praktisch, ik hou van de muziek en niet van het geluid,ik spreek 3 int. talen,ik ben Roemeense van afkomst en ik woon nu in Nederland )
Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
simpa,cred ca simplitatea este ce-a mai de pret comoara a omului..degeaba esti frumos,bogat ,bine imbracat daca nu esti tu ca om si esti doar o carcasa!! sunt o doamna f serioasa si mi doresc deasemeni sa fie la fel persoana respectivafara minciuni alcool si dezamagiri vor ceva real si concret multumesc de antelegere as mai putea completa sa stie limba engleza minim dc nu mare sa poata lucra an uk,sa avem vigilenta reciproca MULTAM ! placuta!!nici urata nici frumoasa,intre ele prietenii,socializare si distractie si daca iese si ceva elegant cu atat mai bine..
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
veti vedea...:P M-am nascut in Arad. Sint in Statele Unite de teribil mult timp si pot sa spun ca am tot ce imi vor cu exceptia unui partener de viata. Am doi copi casatoriti care au familia lor si nu locuiesc cu mine. Sint alergica la animale si nu am fumat nici odata deci nu pot sa fiu cu nimeni care are animale acasa sau cu cineva care fumeaza. Iubesc viata si imi place sa o traiesc din plin. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa dansez, sa merg la restaurant si sa incerc tot felul de mincaruri. Nu sint intersata sa gasesc pe cinva pentru distractie, placere sau pentru o noapte. Vreao sa gasesc un om serios de familie, o persoana inteligenta cu intenti cinstite si serioase. Ma intereseaza sa gasesc un mascul care apreciaza si respecta femeia. Sint o "optimista" si imi doresc sa gasesc un "optimist" nu un "realist" care sa insiste in a-mi spune ce este rau cu mine pentruca nu poate minti. Eu prefer sa aud si sa vad lucrurile bune si sa incerc sa uit de realitati. placut..zic eu prietenii..
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
nu-mi place sa vb despre mine... E foarte greu sa te descri singura ,sint o iubita educata, agreabila imi place sa calatoresc .imi `place sportul sa conduc ma relaxeaza acum locuiesc in spania de 19 ani si imi caut jumatate crezi ca esti tu ????????? prefer sa raman modesta... nu sunt in cautarea lui fat-frumos...
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
fire energica Sint zodia Sagetator. O doamna obisnuita si ingrijita , modesta, placuta,fara fite , multimea se simnte bine in prezenta mea si vor sa gasesc pe cineva care sa-mi aprecieze calitatile, sa putem avea puncte comune in existenta noastra . agreabil o prsoana sincera cu care sa pot discuta orice.
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
va las pe voi sa ma cunoasteti:-* Sunt sincera si apreciez sinceritatea si la cei din jurul meu. Imi place sa imi petrec momentul liber in natura, fie ca constituie drumetie, o plimbare cu bicicleta sau pur si rudimentar in parc sau in gradina. Nu ma intereseaza o aventura deci economisiti-va timpul si energia cei care cautati asa ceva. Sa gasesti o persoana compatibila este greu, mai ales dupa o anumita varsta, dar cine stie. poi am ochii verzi sunt roscat 1,73 inaltimea 63 kg etc
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
sunt o tipa ok Sunt o persoana sociabila , loiala din punctul meu De vedere , cu simtul umorului, Ambitioasa , muncitoare ( nu mi place sa stau degeaba trebuie sa fac ceva mereu ) in cautarea unei relatii serioase De indelunga durata , nu conteaza aspectul fizic cat interiorul persoanei de alaturi mine ! ok un baiat sincer,cuminte elegant si sa nu fie plictisitor:D
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
f sociabila,deschisa inspre nou,distractiva,vorbareata,vesela...:) I'm single and have been divorced for the past 3 years now, not been easy living without a soulmate . I'm a very generous person , sincere calm , hard-working , lovable , Intelligent , kind and caring . I enjoy traveling with family mostly on vacation or go to a near by beach where we could have time to hangout and express what love is .I like to swim ,cooking ,reading , watch movies eg romantic , comedy , adventure , actions . i like drawing , panting , landscape photography .I am very simple that i don't mind dating a woman who is either below or above my level. I'm 31 yrs old, born in Bejing, China. Moved to the United state 16 years ago. I am a citizen. I work as an event planner. I am willing to relocate to get the right person, who is worth owning me as his full time and long term life partner. I don't like liars, deceiver or men looking for a one night stand. I am way over that. Here for a serious business and if you know you're that unic man kindly write. nu imi place sa-mi spun parerea despre profilul fizic,pt k nu asta conteaza,dar nici nu cred k arat chiar asa rau:)
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Sunt o fata simpatica,placuta,comunicativa,isteata... Peaceful yet playful. Good sense of humor. I am creative and I enjoy learning for a better balance in life. I appreciate giving and receiving without keeping scores. Honesty is a must. Like beauty in life and people. Like my life full of "spices". Like people who know to listen. Like meaningful content. Spontaneity and being genuine. More at a different time and place. Miniona Un barbat care sa aibe facultate terminata,serviciu,sa fie serios,care sa ma faca sa rad,grijuliu,responsabil...
Femeie, 41, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
pai sunt ......... Self Description:I consider myself to be an honest and kind person who is also friendly and warm-hearted. I have a very tender nature. I accept people in a way they are without trying to change them. I am a very romantic lady who appreciates calm moments with a beloved person. I am open and communicative and believe that sincerity in friendship and relations is vital.i am truthful and i don't lie and I hate liars Comments: My ideal man should keep healthy way of life, be attentive to me, kind,, be intelligent and educated and respectful to the other countries cultures. mica, grasa si urata sau ... uita-te in poze si fiecare cu a lui parere Nimic rarisim
Femeie, 36, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
romantica, sociabila, placuta, comunicativa... rog persoanele tinere sa se abtina de la a ma contacta! Imi vor o persoana matura, sensibila, independenta financiar, cu studii pentru o prietenie ingrijita si adevarata!
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
sunt o fire vesela,comunicativa si destul de sociabila.imi place sa ma distrez dar cu limite.nu imi place minciuna! Sunt o fire calda si iubitoare,sensibila, tandra si romantica, gospodina imi plac florile si animalele de companie....imi vor un suflet asemanator mie ...sa ma iubeasca si sa ma respecte ca prietena sa-mi fie aproximativ la bine si la greu sa impartim viata la doi....urasc violenta atit verbala cit si fizica...daca iti poftesti o viata armonioasa bazata pe iubire respect intelegere si loialitate. ..abia astept sa te cunosc. contacteaza-ma si poate vei afla:) un barbat sincer care sa ma accepte si cu defecte si cu calitati. nu imi plac aventurierii!!!!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Tanara frumoasa . caut pe cineva sa imi inteleaga problemele si sa ma ajute sa trec peste ele I am an easy-going and communicative lady. I am also confident, artistic and not shy. I am always positive and surround myself with the same kind of people. I love to laugh and smile as much as possible. I am active, talkative and joyful. I have a lot of friends with whom I am in good relationships. I know how to listen, give advice and support. I am goal-oriented, confident and I know what I want from life! Extrem placut Mascul
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Pucioasa, Dambovita Romania
Mi-as dori sa-l gasesc pe acel care vrea sa se uite in ochii mei cu dragoste , zilnic, sa vorbim, sa ridem sa fim sinceri unul fata de celalat ,iar atunci cind nu suntem laolalta sa sintim ca ne lipseste ...aerul pe care il respiram.. Sa ne bucuram de natura,de liniste ,de serile petrecute in familie. Micile gesturi pentru mine inseamna mult. Un zambet, o imbratisare, o amintire de care sa ma bucur mereu. Nu vreau sa spun ca e prea tarziu.