Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
caut jumatatea!! I am a positive, cheerful person who likes to smile, laugh, and make happy everyone around. I am hard-working and very active. I am an honest, open-minded person. I love trying everything new. It is senseless to write a lot here, because the best way to learn a person is to meet him in reality. If you are looking for a woman for a relationship, and you are here not for games, your question should be "When is it possible to have a date?" If you start from this questions, I will be happy to tell you everything about myself and try to plan a date, because this is the only way to start our relationship. I want to meet a Man, who is the best person for me, and whom I will love with all my heart. A Man with whom I want to spend my life and who wants to be with me and trust me. I want to meet a man who will share my life and hobbies with me. And who understands me. I think it is not so much, isn't it? placuuuuuut seriozitate
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Draguta I am clever, kind, educated, tender, tactful, well-mannered lady. I want to love and to be loved. I would like to have a happy family. I like to travel, I like music, opera theatre, history books, animals, nature. I adore picnics and chilling out on the beach. I am intelligent and pretty, and can be the great wife and the best friend for you. MARRIAGE ONLY! Elegant Iubitor,intelegator
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sa nu cumva sa-mi confunzi personalitatea cu atitudinea.! ...Personalitatea e cine sunt ! Atitudinea mea depinde de cine esti tu ! a€śViata nu iarta slabiciuneaa€ť a€“ cred ca am ajuns sa cred ca nu ma potrivesc in vremurile in care traim. Valori ca de pilda sinceritatea, respectul, adevarul a€“ sunt lasate la o parte ca sa facem loc pentru lacomie, abuz, putere. Sa fiu eu insumi sau sa fiu ceea ce societatea doreste sa fiu? Om slab sau om puternic? Ce poate fi mai pl?cut ?i mai necomplicat decat s? fii sincer, totdeauna lini?tit, imp?cat cu tine insu?i, neavand nici de ce te teme, nici ce inventa?... Dragostea nu poate dura ?i nici tr?i, dac? nu se afl? intr-o inim? sincer? ?i deschis?...cand inimile sunt sincere, nu trebuie multe cuvinte...
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
doi ochi tristi si mereu visatori... nu ma descriu cine vrea sa ma cunoasca ma va descrie , eu nu pot sa ma laud, cu calitatile mele. dar sunt o fire vesela, sociabila , sincera, singura ,gospodina imi place mult sa gatesc , sa calatoresc, sa vizitez, tot ce este interesant nu fii curios... nimic deosebit
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o fata....cuminte intelegatoare sincera. My name is Anna. I live in small city, which name Zvenigovo. I love walks at the moon. I very much like swimming. I well prepare for food and very much I like it to do. I very much love children. It is very interesting to observe as they grow also each day make new opening. I think, that my life is boring also I very much would want to find the man which would love me, respected, and with which I might test even a few adventures. In Russia I have not found such person. To me and life I flies by 29 years past, and I do not have neither the loved person, nor children. And I very much would want it. Therefore I ask. Respond my love!!!!!!! I wait foryou!!!!! Sunt bruneta,ochii caprui,restul las la aprecierea voastra Un baiat/Barbat,intelegator sa ma respecte si ascultator si sincer.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Simpatica,comunicativa,cu simtul umorului iubitoare de calatorii si tot ce este frumos. I am optimistic and active, kind and honest person with good sense of humor. I live with smile. Somebody told me that a smile cost nothing but gives a lot. I think that life is cool stuff and I prefer to enjoy each day of my life. Usor Mascul simpatic,hotarat,aspect fizic placut,stare finaciara buna,cu simtul umorului dornic sa iubeasca si sa se lase iubit.
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
numi place sa ma descriu Mi-as dori sa-l gasesc pe acel care vrea sa se uite in ochii mei cu dragoste , zilnic, sa vorbim, sa ridem sa fim sinceri unul fata de celalat ,iar atunci cind nu suntem laolalta sa sintim ca ne lipseste ...aerul pe care il respiram.. Sa ne bucuram de natura,de liniste ,de serile petrecute in familie. Micile gesturi pentru mine constituie mult. Un zambet, o imbratisare, o amintire de care sa ma bucur mereu. Nu vreau sa spun ca e prea tarziu. o relatie serioasa
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
ce pot spune despre mine , nimic neobisnuit sunt o fiere vesela , deschisa provocarilor, sociabila , umpluta de umor, detest minciuna si perversitatea a nice man for a good stay . I am honest, good looking, very respectful, forgiving, shot to be process I do like going to the sea side likes movies. I am a very happy person and all that I want is to have a good relationship with any good man who loves me for who I am but not what I am and also to make my man happy and if possible meet to marriage and I dona€™t care if you we dona€™t have anything in common all that I need is love nothing else. hm.... asta nu il pot defini eu , las la aprecierea altora pe cineva cu care sa ma pot distra , simnti bine , relaxa
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o fata pregatita d (aproape) orice, vesela, optimista, si.......dk vrei mai mult..incearca sa ma cunosti :D sunt o persoana energica,activa,nu imi place sa ma plictisesc si sa fiu plictisita,si mai mult....ik ben een gezellige meid, die houd van feesten, stappen en gekke dingen doen ;). momenteel ben ik vrijgezel en op zoek naar wat avontuur... zowel een lekker vrouwe lichaam kan mij vreselijk opwinden. momenteel ben ik alleen opzoek naar vrouwelijk contact. zijn er vrouwen die meer willen weten, stuur me een berichtje inalta, satena, ochii verzi, zambet irezistibil , 81-55-87..... un prieten adevarat, sincer, dar totul trebuie sa fie o distractie fara obligatie....deci..cn incearka??
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Eu ce pot sa spun despre mine...Te las pe tine sa ma descoperi,asa cum sunt Sunt o persoana simpla si extrem prietenoasa . Iubesc sa depind de mine . Timpul meu liber il petrec in bucatarie si in munca . Ador distractiile insa toate cu limite. Caut un baiat care intr-adevar e demn de o relatie serioasa .. Nu am de necesitate de averile lui cum ar fi banii sau masina sunt doar obiecte. Insa averea sa o gasesc in el ca sa faca fericita o prietena !!! cred ca putzin conteaza aspectul fizic,da promit ca n-o sa fi dezamagit:)) Un suflet pereche...
Daca e putin prea mult spus,atunci caut pe cineva care sa ma inteleaga,sa ma iubeasca,si sa aiba nevoie de dragoste sincera,oferindu-mi in acelasi timp certitudinea ca e numai al meu
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o fata draguta iubitoare vreau sa cunosc masculi satisfacatori si iubareti Sunt o BALANTA veritabila, sociabila, sentimentala, optimista si sensibila. Imi organizez viata punand accent pe tot ce e frumos, elegant, ordonat si imi plac extremele dar prefer sa urmez o linie de mijloc. Sunt cat pot de diplomata, idealista si impaciuitoare. Imi place luxul si frumosul. Sunt destul de schimbatoare si tolerez greu rutina. Viata este plina de neprevazuta€¦nu-i asa? Sunt o prietena care stie sa faca afaceri si isi face loc a€śpe tocuria€ť cu mult tact in multimea barbatilor de afaceri. :) Caut un partener ... asemanator. :) Nota: Rog ca masculii casatoriti sau cei aflati intr-o relatie sa NU ma contacteze! Ar fi pierdere de timp. Multumesc. Sunt asa si asa bar Brunet ochii caprui sunt de 1,60 si iubesc barbatii Caut barbati cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
S s. S If it is possible to combine passion and tenderness in one person, it is about me! At this moment of my life I feel like a tender and refined flower in a large field. I feel lonely and unprotected, but I believe there is someone who can find me in this large field, between the same beautiful flowers around. I am a very serious and responsible lady who values family values. I like active rest and keeping fit. People say that I am punctual and reliable. I like to take care of my appearance. I am a strong woman with a sensitive soul. Enenen Nenene
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
o fata plina de viata,fara fite si figuri,o prietena pa care te poti baza mereu,o fire glumeata rau de tot,dar uneori foarte serioasa.
ma atasez foarte repede de oameni,e de ajuns sa privesc o persoana in ochi,ca sa stiu ce fel de om este.........cam atat
va las pe voi sa decideti.......... aaaaaaaa ce pot spune arat binisor,.sunt o zeita:):):) si cam atat......... o persoana draguta,fara fite,si care sa stie cat de cat pe ce lume se afla:)
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o scumpica dak n ma minti Sunt romanca,stabilita in Statele Unite Ale Americi.Sunt considerata o prietena luminoasa si charismatica. Sunt spirituala, independenta, iubitoare de frumos, nonconformista, imaginativa, puternica, generoasa, empatica, sincera. Am simtul umorului, dar si simtul propriei valori ca nevasta . Am un caracter integru si valori traditionale in ceea ce priveste bunele maniere sau relatiile romantice. Imi tin intotdeauna promisiunile. Iubesc confortul, provocarile si las mereu loc pentru schimbare. Sunt pregatita sa explorez in tandem, impreuna de barbatul potrivit, formele profunde de manifestare a dragostei, intr-o uniune de cat mai indelunga durata.Imi doresc o relatie in care libertatea individuala sa potenteze comuniunea in cuplu, bazata pe cat mai multe afinitati, pe respect, placere impartasita,stabilitate afectiva, spontaneitate, comunicare pe toate planurile. As vrea sa cred ca mai se afla un mascul bun, cu sufletul deschis spre iubire, creativ, prezentabil, matur, cult, rafinat, cu un simt al umorului,un OM de la care sa am ce invata,sa ne respectam si sa ne oferim tot ceea ce putem mai frumos si bun. I'm Romanian, established in the United States of America. frumoasa foc un baiat sincer care sa ma iubeasca,s fie d treaba s elegant bineinteles
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Love is a nutrient that can never be lost in life. Life is because of love, it becomes colorful; in the family, it is because of love, it becomes happy; in school, because of love, it becomes full of laughter and laughter of children; my life, it will become more exciting because of you. I look for a good man who loves children and wants a family.
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
cea mai periculoasa posibila:))))) I am a very affectionate person and I love to cuddle, I like to show somebody how I feel not just telling them. I love to be close to somebody whether it is in the bed on the couch or wherever.There are a lot of things I like doing as in boating, riding motorcycles, camping, etc. My ultimate goal and what I think would make me happy is to have a man by my side that I love and loves me, and children that I can raise and have fun with. I guess it is the typical individual dream.I am looking for something long term, but I do know that it takes time and effort to build a solid relationship. I have been single for about a year and few months I guess because I am scared of suffering another heartbreak and the games. just got out of a bad relationship.Ask more about me and i will tell you all that you need to know. placut:P un barbat adevarat nu fraieri
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
O iubita eleganta si inteligenta, fara vicii. Fumatul este un Sida - Spiritual si nu doresc sa am in preajma mea un mascul care sa miroasa ca o scrumiera. Rog ca masculii insurati, fara poza care isi ascund identitatea de nevestele de acasa, nu include interes si se vor afla pe lista ignorantilor ( este valabil si pentru pensionari ) !
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am very lovely and active. I love my life and enjoy every moment of it. I am who I am, I belive that there are no grozav people, we should take everyone for who they are. everyone deserves his piece of happiness and I am not at exception. I hope to meet my second half here and finally be bale to say that wonderful words: I love you.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
descopera-ma Urata, proasta, cu fata slinoasa de purcea, adesea isterica, somera cu cinci copii (varste intre zero-sase ani)si posesoare de trabant. Ptr ca da bine clona mea in pozele alea toti vor sa mi-o ***** fara sa-mi stie numele sau sa-i intereseze daca a doua zi ma calca tramvaiul. Dar eu il caut pe Fat-Frumos cu creierul gros, cu umorul haios, posesor de Q sapte, cu vila, piscina si contul mare(doar are cinci copii de crescut si casa de intretinut). Daca iti place concediul la mare trandavind la soare, sau toate serile la "o bere cu baietii" sau weekend-ul acasa in varful patului la televizor, atunci...RUN ! FRUMOSULE mai sunt numeroase profiluri de vizitat. Nu iti place natura si urci muntele de la volanul masinii, nici plimbarile in parc?...RUN Iarna tragi cate o dusca la fiecare sfert de ora de frica gerului ? RUN...Te deranjeaza ca nu am nouazeci-saizeci-nouazeci? GO GO GO I am not looking for a S_x budy. Am la mine in cartierul rau famat de unde alege destui boschetari neinsurati (carora le plac manelele)cu lanturi de aur groase la gat si limuzine, asa ca nu ma mai numiti c....a de ciuda ca nu fac web s_ apropo ..sunt prea saraca sa-mi cumpar unul..) La initialul mesaj in care nu ma intrebi de ce sunt vaduva si singura cu asa ochi frumosi,te pot premia cu id-ul meu. Mai faceti un review la descrierea cu ceea ce caut + ce mai intelegi din descrierea mea. Daca este greu de inteles ptr unii, fac mai jos un rezumat. Cine ar necesita sa NU ma contacteze? * Aia de vor sa-mi comunice ca am ochi frumosi si sunt super draguta ,dar pacat ca sunt grasa,proasta ,etc. STIU DEJA... *Fanii de aventuri cu femei mai mature (adica cei pana in treizeci de ani) *Inaltimea...port tocuri si trec de un m si saptezeci cm n-as vrea sa-ti scuip seminte in cap...iar daca mai ai si sub saptezeci si cinci kg ...chiar imi ajung cei cinci copii...nu mai am necesitate de altii...Si inca ceva...cei care au nevoie de cafenea, ceainerie,restaurant, etc in toiul noptii...abtineti-va...inca nu mi-am deschis acasa asa ceva... Deci...TARZAN, ai la dispozitie doar un mesaj care sa imi capteze atentia Gandeste-te de doua ori pana il scrii, fie el si pe chat.Daca nu imi place, te blochez neintarziat si forever ! satisfacator prietenie
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
am a nice,kind,sweet and loving person and I care a lot about people and am funny and I like to have fun and am fun to be around with u or hangout with at first am shy but once u get to know me am very talked
Femeie, 30, Casatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
buna Sint o prietena fireasca si duc o viata la fel de normala. Dupa patru ani de la divort cred totusi ca merita sa mai incerc inca o data. Aventurile de o seara nu sint ceea ce caut asa ca nu-mi solicitati ID ul de la Yahoo sau telefonul daca asta cautati. Ce fara imagine sa nu-mi scrie caci nu vor primi raspuns. placut prieten
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
prietenii imi spun vrajitoaredar in sensul bun fiindca zic ca simpatia mea se lipeste de oricine ·adevarul ca sunt placuta si nu ma uit la persoane pentru interes sau alte porcarii ci ma uita dupa felul de a fi dupa bunatate sinceritate ce poate avea o persoana nu sunt nici slaba nici garasa sunt cum zic eu bine creata ( ha ha)din cate stiu eu nu imi lipseste nimic caut persoane care stie ce reprezinta prieteni si ce valoare are ea ;sa stie sa se distreze caci viata e scura si cel mai important sa fie persoane sincere
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunjt o persoana cu capul pe umeri si puternica in orice momente Hello my dear,my name is Patricia and I will write something about me,with hope that you will reply me.I have been thinking about this site,and about whether I should do my profile here,and finally I decided to do that.Now,I am here and I will try to find a real man to start a good communication.I am placid woman,loyal and serious,divorced and for that I wish I can find real man to atingere him.I am looking for love here and looking for a man who will accept me and love me as I am.If you are the one,please write to me,I will respond you for sure.I hope you will look at my profile and write to me,dear. I really hope to know you better!! What are you looking for here dear? What are your goals? Are you happy person?See you soon,Your Patricia dragutzaaa
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
deschisa I am a dreamer and I have a sense of humor. I think it also shows that I am open minded, opportunities come from all directions and you never know where you might meet your next best friend or lover.Life is rarisim and I like to wake up feeling excited of what the new day brings, even if that means bouncing off the planets. Fotografie opening your eyes each and every morning and smiling at the thought that this new day is completely different and brings new excitement, and that the person you're with feels exactly the same way. I'm fairly normal and like to be considerate, respectful and caring but you never know if you get me on a bad day placut doar si eu sa ma aflu in treaba
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Socializare I am looking for the Right Person, a relationship that leads to marriage. My parents had a great marriage. Someone that will take your breath away by a touch or a glance. The person that can knock your socks off that knows you inside is called falling in love am not here to play games or send nude pictures am here to find loved life is to shot. Draguta Chat
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt prietenoasa....nu-mi plac barfele.... I can say that I am very tender and cheerful person. I am very kind and soft person, friendly and easy-going. I take my life positively, everything is working only for my best! I definitely know what I want and I always do what I say. Look at me. You will notice that I am very shy and sometimes I am very embarrassed when people pay me compliments I try to find happiness around me. I like to be in the circle of my friends, I hate loneliness, I adore ice cream and chocolate. I am trying to stay fit all the time, that's why I do sport a lot. I try to find a happiness around me. You should try to know me better. draguta.... vreau sa-mi fac ca-ti mai multi prieteni....
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am here looking to find someone for a mutually enriching relationship in which we can enjoy life together and bring more to each other than we have alone. I want to co-create a relationship in which we both feel inspired, supported and enriched. Creating an environment that allows us to share our passions, stimulate each others brains and allows us to be there to support each othera€™s growth.
Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
o femeie placuta,manierata....... Nimic din ceas spyne nu este asa de frumos ca descoperirea ta.....cucereste...descopera si vei trage solitar concluzia Vor sa intalnesc un om deosebit din toate punctele de vedere....intre 40-50 ani!Multumesc cu bun gust placut,ingrijit... o prsoana serioasa asemeni mie
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
simpatica...si d treaba...;) Simpatica, comunicativa,sincera.Imi place sa fac sport si sa imi petrec timpul liber in natura. Iubesc marea si tot ce este frumos. Nu sunt o fire complicata si nu cer mai mult decat pot sa ofer! Imi vor un partener cu calitati cam similare ptr o viata implinita si placuta! Cauta-ma! las pozele sa vb un barbat cu extrem multi bani si cu aspect fizic foarte placut,,...;)) glumeam...dar cine stie...
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sipatica si cu simtul umorului Muncesc mult in momentul saptamanii dar weekendul e rezervat insilor dragi. Ma relaxez la palavre cu prietenii impreuna de un vin bun. Sunt o fire independenta in cautarea cuiva in fata caruia sa imi incuviinteaza sa fiu vulnerabila. satisfacator masculi care sunt dispusi si stiu sa mentina o conversatie
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I am sensitive individual, who is caring and honest. I like to treat people with respect and I value friendship greatly. I live by my impulsiveness and can be quite random at times because I like to live by the moment, because every moment is precious.I believe that I will meet in my life a serious man, who would like to make a strong and friendly family. My dream is a strong, tender, kind and problem-solving man.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
pai nu prea stiu sa ma descriu asa ca va las pe voi sa ma descrieti I am a simple and caring girl with a good manners and good sense of humor and I like to share time with the person that I love.I would like to meet a man who is caring, honest, sincere, thoughtful, somebody who wants to build a family and spend time with me. vedeti voi
Femeie, 33, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
I do my best to keep it real. People are people .we all have flaws. I am strong and independent. I am not materialistic, but I will work hard to get something that I really want. I have a strong family bond and think that family is very important. I also think that friendship is very important. Honesty is a MUST in all relationships. Without honesty and trust, you have nothing. I like to talk, but not too much on the phone. Communicaiton is important, but silence can be good sometimes. I am a thinker. I am laid back, but don't like to be bored. Most people are immediately comfortable with me (if not immediately, then usually never). I am honest, trustworthy, caring and giving. I don't put myself in the category of "most women" as I feel I don't always think like most women If you want to know more (there's lots more to learn about) all you have to do is ask. I AM NOT FULL MEMEBER YET, JUST TRYING IF IT YIELD B4 I WILL REGISTER SO WHEN CONTACTIN ME PLEASE ADD UR EMAIL
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
sunt o tipa sociabila si de distractie. I am a beautiful woman who has made her Mark in this world and now I'm only after finding my true love to spend the rest of my life with someone special. Looking for a stable man that means you are not homeless you pay your bills you don't care about drama you are caring an nice to others. Preferably you have.to live here in USA.
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
Sunt o iubita normala, desteapta, frumoasa. Desi mi-e greu sa cred ca in acest fel nu voi mai fi singura, am decis ca merita incercat. In fond nu e nimic de pierdut, nu? Decat vremea... Rog ca cei ce nu-si vor o relatie normala, frumoasa, bazata pe sentimente adevarate si valori morale sa nu-si piarda vremea cu mine. Astept aproape mine barbatul de care pana acum n-am avut parte, pentru ca n-a fost sa fie. Din februarie 2011 locuiesc si muncesc in Dorking, Surrey, UK.
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
,,Caut pe cineva pe care sa il respect ca sa pot sa fiu a€śascultatoarea€ť. Nu pot sa fiu asa cu cineva care nu poate sa isi rezolve solitar problemele. Eu caut un barbat care se poate sustine pe sine insusi pentru a ne faciliteaza reciproc. Caut un barbat care sa inteleaga ca s*xul are importanta lui intr-un cuplu dar ca nu determina existenta cuplului care se vrea cu adevarat fericit. Si o prietena originala nu va accepta nicicand aproape ea un mascul care este extraordinara€¦dar numai o ora! Pentru simplul ratiune ca ziua are 24 de ore !"
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Nasaud, Bistrita Nasaud Romania
frumoasa ,feminina,intelectualasi cu o senzualitatede zeita.Imi place subtilitatea si intr-o discutie apreciez siceritatea si marturisirile care vin de la inima.Ma astept sa primesc de la oamani tot ceeace eu ofer si nu mi-am pierdut inca increderea,desi am intimpinat dezamagiri.Daca nu mai am incredere in oameni mi-am pierdut increderea in mine.Sper sa intilnesc oameni in acest sait, si sunt sigura ca sut. VA astept cu bratele deschise.