sunt o fire destul de deschisa si imi place tot ce e elegant I am pretty simple, nice, respectful ... Always treat others the way I wish to be treated. I love feeling healthy and balance, so I do my best to keep it up through a good lifestyle. I love anything that makes me happy: watching movies, laughing, dancing, shopping, fixing problems, traveling, reading, exercises, learning new things or anything that can bring us an excitement and enjoyable time in two. Thank you for stopping by. numai buna de toate
I am just a simple girl from small country who is tired of being lonely. I like people with a good sense of humor and kind heart. I still believe in pure feelings and honest love. And that\'s why I am here.
simpatica...cred :) Sunt o iubita matura si rationala..vaduva..imi vor o relatie stabila..o relatie care se ajuta pe reciprocitate..un mascul puternic care sa imi asigure stabilitate,nume,confort decent,respect si mai ales iubire.Nu il voi dori pe cel mai bogat barbat...dar nu voi accepta nici un pierde-vara,care nu este capabil sa se intretina pe sine...Apreciez in mod deosebit seriozitatea si implicarea..corectitudinea si comunicarea.Sunt genul de persoana care incearca sa nu nu supere..asa ma simt bine...imi place sa traiesc in armonie cu ceilalti..dar nu imi plac provocarile copilaresti.. glumele de prost gust...virtualul..prefacatoria si abuzul...atunci pun piciorul in ripostez.Sunt o persoana statornica si sensibila dominata de latura afectiva...cand ma implic intr-o daruiesc pentru a o face viabila..totusi nu ma agat cu disperare de relatia care nu are sens..sau sanse de supravetuire reala...sunt capabila sa renunt fara bazez pe ratiune.Sunt o companie atragatoare si reconfortanta..dispun de o gama diversa de resurse care le folosesc adecvat echilibru..pentru a creste savuoarea..putin retinuta pentru a nu depasi limitele.Sunt o luptatoare care nu se lasa doborata de incercarile vieti..Dzeu ma ma eu ma iubesc aceia acelui barbat care va reusi sa imi intre pe sub piele...ii voi fi precisa , cinstita,si apropiata...ceia ce ii va aduce certitudine si va gasi cu simplitatea echilibrul natural. normal nimik special...doar distractie
nu-mi place sa ma descriu I am a serious woman and i need a serious man close to me I want to have a family..this is my only one dream..just be happy,true love,true feelings i like honest people,i hate lie.. its very hard to get a serious man this i looking for something unic and for all my life
vedeti voi Il caut pe EL: -cel care nu se teme sa iubeasca - cel care vrea sa se implice,sa investeasca emotional,sa planuiasca, sa construiasca o relatie sanatoasa si frumoasa. - cel care vrea sa-mi fie impreuna cind gresesc,cind ratacesc drumul , care ma invata, ma sfatuieste si intreaba pentru ca tine cont de parerea mea. Cel care viata nu l- a plictisit care mai gaseste placere in lucrurile fara valoare care nu se pot cumpara cu bani: iubire,tandrete,sinceritate,respect. Sunt interesata de masculi care au un profil impecabil inclusiv o foto recenta. Fotografia mea este recenta, luna Mai 2018 Looking for Romanians only!! sport distracie prietenie inalt si placut
sunt o persoana normala care invata din greselile proprii dar si din greselile altora , traiesc prezentul,trecutul este istorie iar viitorul mister,,,,, barbatii casatoriti nu sunt bineveniti in viata mea
imi place f mult sa ma traies viata la maxim,...imi place sa fac lumea sa se simta bine...restu..aflati voi pai despre mn ce pot sa zic,in 2 cuvinte nu reusesc sa ma fraza e prea mult....scurt si la obiect poate reusesc:vorbareata,vesela , optimista;cuvinte cheie care deschid o parere. asa sunt eu!nu ma pot nici nu as face-o! vrei sa te respect?respecta-ma pt ceea ce sunt nu pt ceea ce ai vrea sa fiu... eu zic ca sunt ok...acum depinde ce parere stapaniti si voi...imi place sa merg la sala
pisiii labute moi I am really a sincere and honest person am caring, kind, friendlily very easy to get along with i am social, romantic, passionate, smart, intelligent, cool headed, adaptive, have a big heart and i do believe in the truth and honesty..cause honesty is the only key to human success ..well not much about me to enjoy life to the fullest. I enjoy traveling, music, the beach, movies, books, and much, much more. I want to experience as much of the world as possible. I love cars, planes, and automobiles. I love blues[music]. I am one of those annoying optimistic people, but I love breaks from reality. Super extra mega ultra smekera de smekera motanei sexy si rai
o fire f sociabila ma acomodez rapid in orice grup de prieteni de obicei vorbareatza cu simtzul umorului Sint o persoana foarte simpla si plina de viata romantica grijulie imi place viata necomplicata , viata in suburbie place cluburile bautura sau fumatul .Apreciezi natura si ce are de oferit imi petrec momentul la piscina la un tenis la gradini botanice si zoologice in gradinuta la picnic sau la o plimbare cu catelusul meu ......imi caut jumatatea... pina in prezent nu am gasit o persoana sa aibe aceleasi desfatari de la viata ca mine ma intereseaza persoanele din alte tarii eu locuiesc aici si de accea asi dori o persoana din aceasi zona sunt interesata in persoane care nu au statutul legal in aceasta tara daca ravnesti alte informati ma poti contacta ......iar daca dupa ce ai citit scurta mea descriere si crezi ca nu avem nimic in comun sau nu esti mai inalt ca mine te rog sa treci cu vedere profileul meu nu are rost sa ne pierdem timpul satisfacator un mascul sincer respectos si sa fie el insusi
I am theodora by name i am 31 female with no kids ...never been married...5'7 feet tall and athletic and I was born in colorado and raised in Ghana and my race is colorado My heritage is English,may be u may ask what i mean by my heritage is English is all cuss our Colonial masters was the British and my dad is a British man, my religion is a Christian,never mind about me been a Christian so let us see what the future would hold for me and u. Am student i study accounting and i just completed my education and had master degree in accounting. Talking about who i am;am that easy going type, adventurous, romantic, ambitious and have a very good sense of humor.. My hobbies are too many but to mentioned a few; sports,watching movies, going for walks, listening to music (almost all types of music), love on the beach, dancing in the dark
Zambeste celor care te urasc sa simta ura ta.Zambeste celor care te iubesc sa simta dragostea ta.Iar daca cei care te iubesc te vor trada,zambeste le sa simta indiferenta ta .No busco relaciones, no soy medio corazón, lo tengo bien ocupado. Solo busco amistades. Unos quieren el mundo, otros quieren el sol, pero yo solo quiero a mi corazón.
Ai gasit persoana potrivita? Toata societatea se confrunta cu urmatoarea intrebare: cum imi dau seama ca am gasit persoana potrivita impreuna de care sa imi pot petrece restul vietii? Haideti sa incercam sa gasim laolalta un raspuns. In loc sa te intrebi "Este el/ea persoana potrivita?" When you love someone you will feel it deep inside. And nothing else can ever change your mind... La Vie Est Pleine De Surprises!!!
poate descoperi singur:)) I'm a woman who is gentle, sweet, elegant and devoted to my future life partner. Believe passion, sex, commitment, trust, mutual understanding, loyalty would be the cornerstone of a marriage. I am passionately looking to building a loving relationship with a special guy. elegant cred eu
I am a kind, honest, calm, faithful, purposeful, tender, caring and thoughtful woman. My fiends say that I am a person with a good sense of humor, I am very patient and do not like to argue and make conflicts. I want to find my love through this agency. frumos si cu bani restul...neinteresant
nu cred ca mai e nimic de spus Prietenia si respectul stau la baza unei relatii durabile si trainice. Esti tu schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in jurul tau sau o astepti doar de la ceilalti? Teme de interes-implicare: educatia, justitia sociala, antreprenoriatul social, participarea civica, mediul si dezvoltarea durabila, frumosul din natura si cel din creatia omului..Imi place lemnul, nu plasticul. Imi plac copacii vii, cele mai minunate si valoroase creaturi vegetale. Si Diana Krall.. raman la similara parere uita-te mai sus
.crek' as putea spune despre mine orice..absolut orice as vrea eu..tu n-ai de unde stii
daca mint sau nu...pot sa pretind ca sunt perfecta..dar nu ca nimeni nu
este...ideea e ca mai bine e sa ma cunosti...:-J.. persoane...fiintze..asta suntem caut in mod special..dar as vrea ca cei de care
dau sa fie "oameni" sa para "oameni"...
o persoana simpla asa cum e fara modificari...... AR FII AIUREA...SI ASA GUSTURILE DIFERA IMPORTANT SA MA SIMT BINE IN PIELEA MEA CUM SUNT ..RESTUL CONTEAZA MAI PUTIN ......(situatiile complicate, casatoriti, aventuri .exclus..) cred k destul de ok nu stiu ce caut,dar sunt curioasa ce anume am sa gasesc
Buna sunt o fata destul de draguta I hope you're here to find your one and only. Your kind, intelligent, gentle, romantic, tender, sexy, well-balanced and, to be frank, very hardworking and creative woman is here. Well, I really love my job, candle lit dinners, sandy beaches and with all my heart I dream of romantic nights in front of a fireplace with singular someone! caut o relatie de intinsa perioada sincer direct
Caut prieteni. Oameni de treaba, cu multa scoala si buna crestere, iubitori de Dumnezeu. Sunt o fire destul de activa, hotarata, filantropica, nu am timp de povesti cu pesti cu oameni lipsiti de integritate.
dragutza.. Buna dragilor sunt o persoana sincera onesta corecta detesto minciuna si falsitatea nu ma cred a fi perfectiunea intruchipata sunt o peroana cu calitati si defecte mio place musica distractiile plimbarile natura comunicarea si respectul primeaza pentru mine intr-o relatie nrcunoastema si te cel convinta cum ma vedeti in poze..... uit si eu pe aici...
All I need is love...!!! :) Nu va mai deranjati sa ma abordati pentru dialoguri de complezenta!Timpul este prea pretios! Celor care ma abordeaza, le voi raspunde doar daca voi considera ca este necesar! NU CRED IN DISTANTE! Va rog, nu va obositi sa ma convingeti ca e altfel! Si inca un amanunt destul de important, din motive de sanatate, nu agreez fumatul, pentru ca sunt astmatica, deci antifumat.... Multumesc pentru intelegere! "Toate visele noastre pot deveni realitate, daca avem curajul de a le urma." Walter Disney "Iubirea este cea mai inalta fericire la care poate ajunge omul, caci numai prin ea cunoaste ca el e mai mult decat el insusi, ca e una cu totul." Rabindranath Tagore "Increderea este cea mai mare si cea mai perfecta calitate, dar sa stii cui s-o dai si cui sa o acorzi" G. Ibraileanu
Sunt o persoana intelegatoare,iubitoare,respectabila Miniona, aproximativ comprehensiva, corp si suflet slefuite, pasionata de calatorii, sofat, flori, animalute si imagine caut partener pentru totdeauna, care sa aiba mai mult decat instincte...Pe-acest site nu caut "ceva" anume ci pe cineva care sa se potriveasca "stilului" meu si daca e prea mult, atunci nici eu si nici "el" nu avem nimic de pierdut si asta pentru ca suntem mult prea diferiti. Nu sunt aici pentru aventuri sau pentru a-mi pierde timpul scriind/citind/raspunzand la mesaje inutile. Rog domnii casatoriti, pe cei care se afla intr-o relatie (fie ea si deschisa), pe cei cu "open mind", pe cei fara poza la profil, cu poze vechi sau neconforme cu realitatea, pe misteriosii care au ales optiunea "spun mai tarziu", cum ar fi si pe cei care nu se incadreaza in intervalul de varsta agreat de mine (43-50), sa nu ma inoportuneze. La fel ii rog si pe cei certati cu gramatica limbii romane, romani fiind. Mentionez ca acestea nu sunt pretentii, aviz malitiosilor care au o satisfactie speciala sa jigneasca in mod gratuit! Sunt simpatica Caut o persoana respectabila si intelegatoare
Satena ochi caprui slaba 164, intelegatoare linistita calma nu beau alcool nu fumez i don't like speak about myself because usually there are so many emotions, memories and thoughts that i have in my mind that it's so hard to chose only a few words to describe this. And i would prefer much more if there was a chance to look into my eyes because the whole world is reflected into them. what exactly? there is happiness because i am surrounded by marvelous people who i love and who loves me. there is excitement because waking up every day, there was no a day when i wasn't surprised with the clouds on the sky, with the tree that changes its colors every day, with passers-by who i meet on my way somewhere. there is love not only to people but also to things, to nature, to life. There is joy because i know that each situation in my life both pleasant or not really is teaching me something and i am trying to learn. but there is also some sadness sometimes because i miss one very important person in my life whom i can wait as long as it is necessary but i will better go towards him. maybe here i'll meet who I need and who needs me... Spun mai tarziu Un baiat linistit serios cu bun simt si cu cei 7 de acasa fidel sa nu fumeaza Sa nu consume alcool
las la aprecierea voastra dupa ce o sa ma cunoasteti......:) Imi place viata traita decent, imi plac animalele, imi place natura, imi plac calatoriile, imi place sportul sa-l practic chiar si acum: inot, ski, patinaj, ciclism, tenis de camp si imi plac oamenii sinceri si deschisi. prieteni noi si de gasca
ccred k st cool..dar fara prietene si prieteni buni:(( Soy morena, ojos verdess, remántica, respetuosa, risueña, culta,sociable, solidaria, alegre, me gusta viajar,caminar por el lcampo, el contacto con la naturaleza. No me gusta la soledad, por eso busco un compañero para compartir lo bueno y malo de la vida. prietenoasa prieteni sooooper buni
imi place viatza, sa ma distrez la maxim,sa profit de orice clipaaa,deoarece viatza este f scurta.o tipa simpatica, careia ii lac f mult animalele cat si calatoriile,unul dintre visele mele pe care as vrea sa il indeplinesc cat mai rapid bruneta,ochi caprui,costitutie:normala(adica:nici grasa, nici slaba) un barbat dragut cu care sa ma inteleg bine si pe care sa pot conta.un barbat cu care pot lega o prietenie indelungata si de ce nu poate ceva mai mult decat atat
o fata atragatoare I am a positive, cheerful person who likes to smile, laugh, and make happy everyone around. I am hard-working and very active. I am an honest, open-minded person. I love trying everything new. It is senseless to write a lot here, because the best way to learn a person is to meet him in reality. If you are looking for a woman for a relationship, and you are here not for games, your question should be "When is it possible to have a date?" If you start from this questions, I will be happy to tell you everything about myself and try to plan a date, because this is the only way to start our relationship. I want to meet a Man, who is the best person for me, and whom I will love with all my heart. A Man with whom I want to spend my life and who wants to be with me and trust me. I want to meet a man who will share my life and hobbies with me. And who understands me. I think it is not so much, isn't it? nici urata, nici eleganta mmmm oare ce caut?
Iubitoare intelegatoare sincera I'm sociable and kind by nature, it is very important for me to be surrounded by people who will support and develop my worldview. My profession helps me to make women beautiful, but I think that a woman becomes beautiful when she is loved. I hope that on this site I can find a man who will make me beautiful! I dream to fabricate strong relationship with deep family values. Eleganta Un baiat sincer intelegatoare fidel bine crescut cumsecade sa nu bea si sa nu fumeze
putea potrivi, poza mea iti 'spune' ceva, atunci sa nu ai retineri, doar stii si tu ca din nimic nu iese nimic si, prin urmare, eu am facut primul pas - acum este randul tau. Am intentii extrem serioase, viata este scurta" o relatie serioasa chiar o casatorie ! perfecta cea mai buna
entuziasta, spirit de echipa, spontana, imi place sa vorbesc cu oamenii, stiu sa ascult, doresc sa cunosc oameni noi si sa impartasim experiente Sunt o fiinta normala, placuta cand e posibil, antipatica cand e necesar. Cred ca pacea in sufletul fiecaruia, ceea ce reprezinta sa nu porti ranchiuna nimanui, sa ierti si sa accepti defectele cum ar fi calitatile la o alta persoana, este cea mai importanta pentru viata de zi cu zi. Salutari la toata lumea atletica, par lung, roscat, ochi verzi, ten masliniu, prietenie, noi cunostinte, schimb de idei..
SUNT O FIRE DESCHISA,SPONTANA Persoana extraordinar sociabila. Sunt aici pentru cunostinte agreabile si interesante. Sunt maritata si nu vreau sa mi se reproseze (cum se intampla uneori), pagina aceasta trebuie sa fie pentru toata lumea, fara discriminare. FOTOMODEL MARIMILE 60 90 60
im ok looking and i am on here looking for my dream partner who will care for me and treat me like a woman who won't cause me shit in our relationship and won't cheat on me because i have been cheated on lots of time
fata cuminte si iubitoare I am grown up girl who wants to fabricate right life with right man. I already understand this despite my age. Time of thoughtless actions has passed, and that is time to make serious step in this life. That is why I am here
draguta si sincera I cana€™t respond to email or flirt but i would like talk with you.i want a man that is not too hurt and not too hard to trust again and can give himself to a woman and to be loved 813times and taken care of430moment in a day in a way that will bring joy of life and an appreciation he will look forward to every day of 4411years that we will live to love each other. There is a lifestyle of marriage in the Lord that gives life and purpose to being married and can really be enjoyed. I am looking for that quality of marriage and ready for commitment and everlasting relationship.A wise,intelligent and serious man will put the numbers together and atingere me, and i will also see this as a good woman that is interested in serious relationship eu sunt inacanata de corpul meu prieteni
Sunt o femeie careia ii plac noile cunostinte, distractia, flirtul si de ce nu o relatie bazata pe prietenie, sunt o persoana intelegatoare,toleranta,dornica si inovatoare.sunt idealista si in acelasi timp dezamagita de lipsa de perfectiune din lume.sunt destul de constienta de propriile sentimente cum ar fi si a celor din jurul meu.prietenia, afectiunea si dragostea sunt teribil importante pentru mine.raceala si lipsa de implicare a sensibilitatii ma marcheaza mult. Satisfacator Nu caut barbati neseriosi caut masculi carora le place a faca dragoste cu ar vrea o relatie
affectionate and sometimes gullible girl. I love animals. I like to read books and take care of flowers. I am kind and gentle person. I like to help others, but I don`t forget about myself. I am honest and I don`t like when other people lie to me. I am sociable and funny; I like to spend my time with my friends or meeting new people. But I am not all about fun. I enjoy simple things in my life, like watching good movie, reading a book, spending time with my friends. I like nature, animals, hiking and all kinds of sport. When I was young I played volleyball for sometime, right now I mostly do some cardio and running.... veri nice I am looking for a caring and sympathetic man. Who will understand me and with whom I will be comfortable.
I'm a woman who is gentle, sweet, elegant and devoted to my future life partner. Believe passion, sex, commitment, trust, mutual understanding, loyalty would be the cornerstone of a marriage. I am passionately looking to building a loving relationship with a singular guy.
las la aprecierea celor din jurul meu I can be an angel, a witch, a lady, a crazy girl, a child, a lady, in one word a€“ a WOMAN, this all is me. I dona€™t have much to add to this. I am here not for friends, and not to write mails to a mysterious stranger on another side of the world. Leta€™s leave this romantics to teenagers. I want to get acquainted with a man, and meet with him in real life to continue. If you are not ready for this, or if you want only a pen-pal, leta€™s not waste time. o persoana sincera sa stie ce este distractia,iubirea.Si cati mai multi prieteni
am 1 67m ochi caprui imi plac barbatii seriosi sunt draguta..... a€¦.un suflet batran, nascut odata cu facerea lumii sau poate in fascinanta Atlantidaa€¦un suflet care a strabatut veacurile, intrupandu-se in femei sau barbati, frumosi sau urati, isteti sau tampiti, norocosi sau urgisiti, sanatosi sau betegi, acumuland toata durerea si fericirea lumii, toata stiinta si culturaa€¦pacat ca de fiecare data, toate amintirile sunt impinse undeva in subconstientul colectiv, si nu pot profitaa€¦(daca nu accepti teoria reincarnarii, treci pestea€¦) potrivit.......... caut masculi sinceri si care stiu la gluma
I go through my life with a smile on my face, with desire to see and experience more. I am confident and reliable, I am all-sufficient person but my life is never full and my happiness in never complete while I have no a loving person by my side.
realistica My name is Celia Boateng,i am 33 years Old,I am Single,White,dark brown hair,blue eyes,5'8",152 lbs.Long Hair and a healthy Lady.I am self-sufficient,Beautiful,happy,secure,self-confident,psychologically aware,emotionally and financially secure. pt o relatie serioasa nu e asa important profilul fizic ...ceva ce cred ca nici nu mai exista ,poate doar in povesti...o relatie sincera si multa dragoste..
I am loyal to a fault and up for about anything...Good things happen to the people who wait and believe it comes thier way,i am sure real soon i will be the happiest person,i don't know about you.thank you for reading my profile.To know more about me then put this together, mansells94 add together w I am looking for a honest,careing,trustworthy and loving man...A man i can be happy with,All i am looking for is a happy home with a unic man in my life...someone i can be happy with for the rest of my life...Aint looking for a one night stand as i will never go to bed with any man i am not in lo I am not looking for perfection in my man cos i believe perfection is of God and not human..
pai nici nu stiu cum sa ma descriu....sincera vesela glumeata stiu nu ma subestimez si nici nu vreau sa fiu modesta Hi, I hope you have some time for me, even if you don't have much of it. I am here because I really believe that I will find my love here. I had a very hard history in the past and I will never be the same. I want to start my happy life with someone who can help me be happy with him and who is willing to take care of me. You should know that I am good at cooking doing sports and working Let me know if I am good for you. forma fizic usor eu asa zic destul de inalta.......pfff ce greu e va uitati la poze si imi spuneti voi profilul meu fizic ce caut?e greu ca mereu ce cauti nu gasesti.....caut pe cineva care sa ne potrivim si sa aibe jumate din caracterul meu....prin alte cuvinte caut ce cred ca nu se afla
:)vorbim si o sa ma cunosti :) Nimic nu are sa-ti multumeasca intr-atita sufletul dec?t o prietenie sincer? ?i credincioas? . E bine chind iti po?i gasi o inima sincera careia sa-i po?i incredin?a in liniste toate tainele tale, care sa fie mai ingaduitor cu tine decat tu insuti, care sa-ti aline grijile prin vorba placuta ,al caraui sfat sa te lamuriasca , a carui zimbet sa-ti alunge mihniria.