AlexCZR Let's think about this,we meet up and have a great time,we date for a year then get married, we have 2 kids then 5 years later we start fighting,both turn to alcohol,get a divorce and the kids will be unhappy.OR we meet up and have a great time, hook up, do the walk of shame and never see me again:)
alexandru1970 Un barbat care stie ce inseamna dragostea, care stie ca numitul Kafka nu e un fotbalist ceh si care stie ca viata e scurta, dar merita traita la intensitate maxima. Carpe diem!
stefan_stejar Simplu,normal ,obisnuit-un barbat ce isi doreste intemeierea unei familii.
alex552 sunt un tip destul de direct, prefer sa ma cunosti in privat. Nu am inhibitii. In rest..normal...1.88 etc
subtilist Sunt un om generos si apropiat de oameni....Intuitiv,direct,sentimental cand este cazul./
jerun I am a businessman from Holland, and my international job lets me travel all over the world. But: I miss my soulmate. Would you like to be her? Ps: nu raspund persoanelor fara poze.