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Mature Targu Frumos

Cele mai sexy femei mature din Targu Frumos care vor sex sunt aici pe site-ul de matrimoniale Intra si tu!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

sunto persoana spontana pasionala dar atentie,nu actionez pripit si bineinteles ma feresc de declaratii inflacarate.sinceritatea este ceea ce ma caracterizeaza iubesc adevarul si urasc minciuna,doar sinceritatea si forta interioara iti vor ingaduie sai cuceresti pe cei din jurul tau .
Destul de elegant parerea mea
Caut un iubit care vrea sa vorbim pe mess sa avem o relatie
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Valy evelina
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Sunt o fata timida,si cuminte si cu bun simt imi imi vor o relatie cu un om cuminte Doresc sa cunosc un domn , de virsta apropiata, din oras sau apropiere, cu inaltimea intrec1,80--1,90. pentru o relatie de perioada eventual casatorie. Cine este interesat , astept sa ne cunoastem. Aventurierii va rog sa va abtineti.
Am 30 de ani si sunt bruneta si am 1.62 inaltime imi place sa ma imbrac mereu elegant si sa fiu in centrul atentiei
Caut un baiat bun nu imi vor un barbat care consuma alcool permanent si care sa fie violent
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Femeie, 27, Casatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

tipa sexi din Targu Frumos, Iasi I am caring, honest and sincere woman. i have nice body, long hair. I enjoy reading, walking on the mountains and enjoy meeting friends. I am here for a serious relationship that will lead to marriage and not here for games or for any online FUN. Are you serious in meeting your soul mate then let meet now and see where this will take us to.
partener de joaca
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

I am 34 years old, live and work in a small town, and I very rarely get out enough to meet anyone. I have been told that I am very unique, unlike anyone you\'ll ever meet. I have never had a drink and don\'t intend to, never had a smoke and don\'t intend to...I believe in doing things God\'s way. I\'m not ideal by any means, but I try to do my best. I am looking for a real man who desires to do the same in his life. For anyone who is reading this, I must tell you...having not ever had a drink in my life, I tend to be a little uncomfortable with those who do at first, but please don\'t hold that against me. I just want that to be known up front. I\'m also looking for someone who values family and wouldn\'t mind me taking care of my mother...because that\'s what I do for the most part. She has Alzheimer\'s and pretty much depends on me for...a whole lot. I am looking for someone who will understand that, respect that...and like me anyway. Bottom line is this...I\'m truly looking for God\'s best in my life. I\'ve been yanked around by losers for far too long. I\'m tired of playing games. I want someone who is honest, dependable, trustworthy, loyal, ...a man dedicated to doing it God\'s way. That would be wonderful! Not limited or rationed based on rules, conditions, requirements or criteria. Those things hinder our ability to Love beyond short comings, having vision to see beyond where a person is but where they\'re going; not what they are today; but what they will become tomorrow. Before our conception, Jesus already knew we were going to break His heart yet He still Loved Us, Unconditionally! His Love allowed Him to bear our afflictions, the weight of the cross He would be nailed to & left hanging then Giving His Life that we may Have Life, that\'s real Love.(You feel me)I\'m looking for a God fearing Christian man that lives to worship his Father in heaven... If you can relate and have a true relationship with God please feel free to contact me. Have a Blessed day.
Imi caut jumatatea, care sigur este undeva acolo!
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Nu accept jigniri. Si imi doresc sa discutam lucruri decente si sa petrecem timp laolalta constructiv. \"imi place sa fiu eu,sa fiu iubita,imi place ciocolata,soarele,prietenii,imi place sa rad,imi place sa traiesc,sa dansez,sa ma bucur de fiecare moment de fericire,imi place sa-l astept pe Mos Craciun,imi place sa admir cum doarme,imi place viata cu tot ce e in ea,,imi place sa ma trezesc cu razele soarelui pe gene,imi place sa am suflet de copil.8-asa sunt eu
Satisfacator si decent
O persoana simpatica si sincera
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Sunt o fata OK! Am inceput sa-i inteleg pe barbati, in sensul ca nu le cer ceea ce nu pot sa dea (..renuntare la prieteni, fotbal, masini, flirt in cluburi, etc.). Mai stiu ca nu esti ceea ce crezi tu ca esti, ci ceea ce cred altii despre tine. Cunostintele mele zic ca-s o fata eleganta si in regula din toate punctele de vedere. Ma intereseaza si alte pareri!
Pe scurt,... frumoasa, ingrijita, bronzata, frecventez sala de fitnes de 5 ori pe saptamana,...!
Relatii de prietenie cu masculi care au si altceva decat instincte!
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Femeie, 37, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

cred ca foto spune mai numeroase My principles of life is a family, home comfort and the attention of my loved ones. I like taking care of my loved ones and give them warmth. I love children and when I am surrounded by childrena€™s laughter. I like to work a lot then it seems the most enjoyable vacation. I am cheerful, kind and sympathetic. I love to communicate with people a lot. I really like my job! I have been working for many years in the restaurant business.
sunt ok
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Serioasa Iubitoare Gingasha Sentimentala Vesela Punktuala Prietenoasa Komunikabila Deshteapta Sincera I am a woman with a big heart. But I will open my heart for one man who will find sparkle in it. I want to live a happy life with our family and make each other happy. I dream to have a good and friendly family. I have calm character and I will always care for my man. I will support and live soul-in-soul with my soul mate. I want to be married with my man whom I will give my heart. I have many interests and I like to be developed in many spheres and I am interested in everything. I want to achieve life goals together with my man.
Parul negru si lung...pielea alba si catifelata...curata cu mireasma gustos.
Caut un om de incredere
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

va las pe voi sa decideti daca sunt interesanta sau nu.. Ia€™m quiet, happy, tender and affectionate. Ia€™m easy-going and I always try to be in a good mood. Ia€™m persistent and purposeful. Ia€™m quite compassionate and I enjoy helping people when I have an opportunity. I like talking on different subjects and having only positive emotions. I'm simple easy going, one man woman, honest, genuine, trustworthy, reliable. I am very understanding and have much respect for other people.
un suflet jucaush:)
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Sunt o persoana sociabila... imi place sa ma distrez sa calatoresc citesc si sa imi gasesc pe cineva care isi doreste o relatie de durata I'm passionate, cheerful, ambitious and animated. I love being goofy, laughing and being active (down time is not my best friend, although I do enjoy lounging and watching movies or reading), but I also can be serious when needed. I'm looking for someone who can compliment my personality, who has goals and is driven, but also enjoys having fun, can make me laugh and enjoys sports. Having a positive attitude is key -- it just makes the world a better place for everyone.
O relatie serioasa
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Poze verificate
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Sunt sociabila,intelegatoare si am un suflet bun... I'm not pretending to be corect but I'm trying to be the best possible version of myself during every single day. I'm not one of these women who are getting lazy as I'm always moving, working hard on self development and want to be the best for my future man! i'm not a materialistic person as I'm a lot more interested in inner qualities. so I won't be impressed with some material values. but if you have a big and passionate heart this would be definitely noticed.
Sunt draguta...cred.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Ich bin eine Nette, ehrliche, aufrichtige, aufmerksame, treue Frau, ich möchte echte Gefühle teilen, Wende mich positiv, gute Laune und empathie an. Mit Werten des Respekts, der Gerechten Aufteilung und der menschlichen Wärme. Ich möchte Menschen treffen, die die gleichen Qualitäten haben, nicht egoistisch oder launisch, die Ihre Vergangenheit verdauen und bereit sind, mit der Zukunft zu beginnen. Gibt es noch die große Liebe? ich Suche noch nach der Antwort auf diese Frage, die sich alle stellen, aber ich fange leider an, daran zu zweifeln. Wie Sie vielleicht verstanden haben, Suche ich nach einer ernsthaften und vor allem stabilen Beziehung... Wenn Frauen für Sie Sammlerstücke sind, bitte unterlassen Sie es, wie jeder andere auch.
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

if you have eyes........? ;-) I am a very cheerful lady with a great sense of humor. I have a warm, calm and kind soul. I am a great companion who is easy to spend time with and to rely on. I am understanding, caring and loving. My good attitude towards people helps me make new friends and maintain relationships with good friends. I believe that love conquers all: differences, distances and barriers. All I can offer to you are love, respect, loyalty as well as tenderness, all my affection and passion. I believe that I can keep my man happy in many ways. A lady with a spark in her eyes and a big loving heart.
ask me
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Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Cea mai prietenoasaaaa! Cauta in sufletul meu pacea, cauta iubirea, pasiunea, tandretea, cauta implinireaa€¦ Cauta si te vei regasi gasi acolo, destul de aproximativ de inima meaa€¦ a€ť NU RASPUND LA PERSOANILE FARA FOTO< BUNA < CE FACI,E.T.
Bruneta, ochi caprui!
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

O PRIETENA NORMALA,PUTIN PRETENTIOASA,IMI PLAC PERSOANELE CU CARE POT COMUNICA,SI IMI PLACE TOT CEEA CE INSPIRA FRUMUSETE,ATAT INTERIOARA CAT SI EXTERIOARA. I am theodora by name i am 31 female with no kids ...never been married...5'7 feet tall and athletic and I was born in colorado and raised in Ghana and my race is colorado My heritage is English,may be u may ask what i mean by my heritage is English is all cuss our Colonial masters was the British and my dad is a British man, my religion is a Christian,never mind about me been a Christian so let us see what the future would hold for me and u. Am student i study accounting and i just completed my education and had master degree in accounting. Talking about who i am;am that easy going type, adventurous, romantic, ambitious and have a very good sense of humor.. My hobbies are too many but to mentioned a few; sports,watching movies, going for walks, listening to music (almost all types of music), love on the beach, dancing in the dark
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Natasha alena1
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Tanara,frumoasa si educata Zambeste celor care te urasc sa simta ura ta.Zambeste celor care te iubesc sa simta dragostea ta.Iar daca cei care te iubesc te vor trada,zambeste le sa simta indiferenta ta .No busco relaciones, no soy medio corazĂłn, lo tengo bien ocupado. Solo busco amistades. Unos quieren el mundo, otros quieren el sol, pero yo solo quiero a mi corazĂłn.
Vor sa cunosc un barbat care sa imi pune la dispozitie tot ceea ce imi doresc .imi doresc o relatie frumoasa bazata in initialul pe respect si tot ce este mai elegant
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

sunt o fata obisnuita,imi plac plimbarile in aer liber,imi place muzica foarte mult si sa ma distrez de asemenea,sunt foarte linistita in general,imi place sa gasesc tot felul de subiecte despre care putem sa vb...daca vreti sa aflati mai multe contactati-ma si putem purta o conversatie
prieteni si distractie
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Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

sunt o fata simpla sincera intelegatoare cu simtul umorului restul te las pe tine sa descoperi "Viata este scurta, asa ca iubeste viata. Fii fericit si zambeste intotdeauna. Traieste gratios si aminteste-ti: Candva sa vorbesti, asculta! Inainte sa scrii, gandeste! Inainte sa ranesti, simte! Inainte sa urasti, iubeste! Inainte sa renunti, incearca! Inainte sa mori, traieste!a€ť - (William Shakespeare ....Dragostea e ca un joc de joaca cu mintea se castiga cu uneori te obliga la sacrificii...Dar intotdeauna trebuie sa protejezi sa nu lasi Regele in sah....pentru ca-n viata sunt mai multi Nebuni ca pe ar fi pacat, ca partida sa devina doar...Remiza...
nu sunt un fotomodel dar nici ultima urata din lume simpatica e tot ce pot spune
un baiat care sa stie ce vrea de la viata cu simtul umorului sincer
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Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Caut prieteni. Oameni de treaba, cu multa scoala si buna crestere, iubitori de Dumnezeu. Sunt o fire extrem activa, hotarata, filantropica, nu am timp de povesti cu pesti cu oameni lipsiti de integritate.
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Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

imi place distractia sunt libertina, sunt genul de persoana care se implica in relatii de lunga durata... Disabled with one traffic accident when 16 years old. Cane in my hand has been along with me from Winter to Summer; from Autumn to Spring, for studying in the university; for working in the indifferent society. When you are not sure for relationship, don't atingere me. And don't exagurate your desire with so called priority, don't indulge yourself too much with others caring. Be responsible, be warm-hearted, be smart, then be cherished, be thankful, please!
caut barbat care stie sa se distreze si sa fie deschis spre nou;dpdv fizic sa fie atletic si cu o inaltime cuprinsa intre 175cm si 187cm
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Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Sun glumetata, frumusoasa , Utilizatoare inversunata de cratima si virgula cu IQ de ceapa degerata cauta dialog spumos pentru practica ludica pe durata nedeterminata. Sau manechin intelectual pentru fineturi si voluptati sufletesti. Pastrati cea mai tare intrebare ("Deranjez ?") pentru Ileana Cosanzeana.
Sexy..slabuta brunetica
Caut un partener de viata sa ma intelega si sa ma sustina in toate ma iubesca si sa ma aprecieze.
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

cu simtul umorului...(nu al omorului)...asta ca sa se inteleaga bine...:) Ich möchte, dass Sie wissen, dass ich mich auf dieser Seite getroffen habe, um meinen Seelenverwandten zu finden, und ich möchte einen Mann, der bereit für eine ernsthafte Beziehung ist, einen Mann, der bereit ist, einen Mann niederzulassen, der sich um seine Frau kümmern und gut aufpassen kann von ist Frau, ich möchte, dass Sie auch wissen, dass ich nicht online bin, um schmutzig zu reden oder Spiele zu spielen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Kontaktadresse hinterlassen
daca ai putina imaginatie...atletica!
nici macar nu stiu..dar poate aflu!
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Femeie, 22, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

am o inima mare si pot fi prietena cea mai buna;) Je suis une femme simple , aimable , sincère , je suis divorcé cela fait 3 ans et j'ai une fille de 12 ans , je suis ici pour amitié et voir plis si affinité I am a simple woman, kind, sincere, I am divorced it is 3 years old and I have a girl of 12 years, I am here for friendship and see folds if affinity
inaltuta,dragutza...:Dsi de aici nu mai continui:D
un prieten adevarat si de incredere
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Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

lm and honest.always straightforward,discipline and honest.many who know me say lm God fearing and humble.very sociable and can accomodate,fit every situation,like to be full of smiles and hate to sit idle doing nothing.lm hard working type,supportive and cooking and trying out new dishes.lm open and easy to handle,also romantic and look fit,sexy,always exercise to keep my body in shape.
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

cum ma vedeti , restul vorbim am Willams 46yrs old from Texas being married before but dicvored with one kid....i am here new to this dating Site and i am here Looking for someone that i can trust and Love for the rest of my heart and Life..i need a woman that will be honest and caring bcos i am here looking someone that will give me happy Family
un barbat de calitate
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Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

draguta..senzuala..:D I dona€™t mind when people tell me that my relationship ideals are a fairytale. If it is a fairytale to be loved, to be respected, to have passion, a moving and active love a€” if that is fairytale, then yes. If mutual respect, love, lust and friendship is a fairytale, then of course! I want to be in love with you, in lust with you, in like with you... ita€™s a multidimensional world why would I want a one-dimensional relationship? I want love, passion, honesty and companionship... s e x that drives me crazy and conversation that drives me sane. Thata€™s the standard Ia€™m setting. What standard are you setting?
un mascul
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Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

i am a funny person,very friendly,comunicative... with a nice character , honest. even sometime this can hurt ...and why not, i can call me a responsable woman! i am complex! about my phisic u can see in pictures:D
slim, athletic body, long hair, brunet... 172 cm , green eyes.. :) u can see in photos more
hmm but ideal person doesn t exist..i don t have a tipical man, but i can confirm i like inteligent mans, with i can also joke, but also talk serious..and to can understand one each other,..and not at least he show me respect!
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Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Sociabila, bun simt si bun gust, putin cam indrazneata... vrei mai numeroase detalli? Incearca sa ma cunosti ;) Locuiesc in Judetul Targu Frumos, Iasi, Comuna Cucuteni. I am very kind and honest girl. I have a great sense of humor. I am very purposeful and always going to the end. I love the spring and summer. I love to relax in nature and swim in the river or in the sea.
Aspect fizic... Agreabil :)
Caut o relatie de prietenie, imi place sa socializez... si de ce nu si un partener de viata :)
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Alina nastas
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

O fire simpatica I'm a very respectful woman and believe every man is best to make a woman complete, so respect is important. I need someone who will always make me laugh and put the smiles on my face most of the time.
O persoana de incredere pentru relatii serioase..
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Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

extra de traba Ori de cate ori iubirea se apropie bataile inimii se opresc Ori de cate ori iubirera se apropie viata devine mai uimitoare . Fara sa iubesti viata este incompleta si in aceasta lume fara iubire nu merita sa traiesti. Iubirea este cea mai mare tarie din aceasta lume si fara iubire nu suntem nimmic.
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Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

sexy si focoasa.... I am a very kind and intelligent lady. I can say that I am talented and a lady who is self-confident and knows what she wants in her life! I am loving and caring. My heart is open for serious relationships filled with big and sincere love! My dreams are all about being happy and making happy my only one man!
bunaciune...vezi pozele mele si clateste-ti bine privirea
partener pentru discutii diverse...mai departe vedem noi.
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Femeie, 27, Casatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

caut ce.mi place... Vreau un baiat care sa ma iubeasca tinand cont si de defectele mele, un baiat care sa nu-mi spuna "Te iubesc" daca inca nu simte asta...vreau un baiat care sa-mi dedice melodiile care-l duc cu gandul la mine, un baiat care sa-mi readuca zambetul cand ceilalti mi l-au furat... vreau un baiat care sa imi suporte crizele si sa rada pe seama lor, un baiat care sa ma faca geloasa, care sa imi arate ca ma iubeste fara sa mi-o spuna intotdeauna, un baiat care sa danseze in ploaie cu mine, vreau un baiat care sa ma contrazica, un baiat care sa ma tachineze, un baiat care sa reuseasca sa vada totul in ochii mei, vreau un baiat caruia sa-i placa filmele horror, un baiat cu care sa fac cartofi prajiti, vreau un baiat cu care sa nu-mi fie rusine sa ies pe strada, un baiat care sa nu tina cont de aparente, pentru ca ele deseori sunt inselatoare...vreau un baiat cu care sa privesc apusul seara, si dimineata rasaritul, vreau un baiat care sa ma muste, care sa imi sopteasca la ureche ca ma iubeste, un baiat care sa ma imbratiseze cand nu mai are cuvinte...vreau un baiat care sa stea pe pieptul meu si sa auda cat de tare imi bate inima...vreau un baiat care sa ma prezinte prietenilor lui, un baiat care sa-si faca timp de mine, un baiat cu care sa ma bat cu pufuleti, cu care sa stau in pat pur si rudimentar si sa ascult muzica...vreau un baiat care sa nu ia totul in serios, un baiat cu care sa merg la iarba-verde si cu care sa privesc nori ziua, iar stelele noaptea...vreau un baiat care sa se bucure de nimicurile sa se uite cu mine la desene, vreau un baiat amuzant, care sa ma faca sa rad, vreau un baiat care sa nu ceara iubirea, care stie sa o astepte, un baiat care sa nu ma lase sa pasesc singura, care sa ma ajute in orice timp am nevoie, un baiat pe care sa-l pot suna doar pentru ca imi e dor de vocea lui, vreau un baiat pe care sa-l vor din tot sufletul, vreau un baiat cu care sa ma bat cu perne, un baiat care sa ma impinga jos de pe pat doar ca sa rada un pic de mine...vreau un baiat care sa imi spuna cand gresesc, un baiat care sa nu ma minta, oricat de mare ar fi prostia pe care a facut-o, vreau un baiat care sa-mi ierte micile greseli, care sa imi spuna ca sunt frumoasa, desi sunt in pijamale si ciufulita...un baiat care sa se uite la mine cand dorm, un baiat care sa imparta cu mine ultima bucatica de ciocolata... ...vreau un care inca nu l-am gasit... P.S: Dar mi-am dat seama ca "a vrea" este un cuvant prea mare...asa ca de acum...imi doresc...atat.
just me
ce.mi face placere..
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Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

persista la aprecierea fiecaruia... je recherche une personne sincère qui a vraiment envie d'une vie à deux, je ne supporte pas le mensonge et l'hypocrisie, j'apprécie que l'on me dise les choses directement sans tourner autour du pot, J'aime les thrillers, les sorties restos ou autres et les balades.Je suis féminine et apprécie les hommes qui prennent soins d'eux.
inalta 170, 24 ani,corp atletic
relatie de lunga durata... ...
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Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

daca ma placi nu ezita sa-mi lasi un mesaj. te pup I am a single lady with a good sense of humor, loving, honest and very down to earth, i am easygoing who enjoys all the simple things in life cause i really love to live a simple lifestyle. I am outdoor person and i enjoy all the things outside, talk about, beaching, gardening, shopping,camping,fishing,jogging and biking. I am honest and sincere and i always have a smile on my face which keeps me going and really helps me meet nice and lovely people daily. Cooking,house work,reading and laundry are my hobbies and i really enjoy doing my hobbies anytime.I am Deborah and i look forward to meeting that rarisim man for an everlasting commitment.
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Valy Valy
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Targu Frumos, Iasi Romania

Sunt o fata intelegatoare,harnica,curata si imi place sa fiu ascultata de persoana de langa mine I\'m full of life and passion. I\'m down to earth, respectful , confident and very positive. I\'m very passionate in giving and receiving back as well. I live life with a lot of joy. I appreciate the simple things in life, I believe that the little things in life are worth more then anything. I keep away from drama as much as possible. I\'m a person who doesn\'t like to plays games, so, therefore I don\'t like people who play games. I\'m very affectionate, loving, playful but very sharp. I\'m open to trying new things at anytime. I would like someone with their on interests and beliefs and that will pull me into their world and teach me what they are all about. I\'m known to be a sweet person but I do have a temper when I need to stand my ground. I believe strongly in communication so, therefore, I\'m not afraid to speak my mind but always with the respect that the person deserves. I\'m serious here I\'m looking for my best friend and my mate, please don\'t get any ideas that I\'m looking for a sugar daddy. I enjoy Psychology, dancing and photography. I\'m not religious but i do consider myself spiritual.I enjoy Foreign movies too. I\'m also into learning new languages and learning other type of cultures. There is so much i can say about myself about I\'m pretty much an open book and have no secrets.
Imi vor sa fiu curata tot timpul aranjata si sa fiu iubita la fel cum iubesc si eu
Caut un baiat cuminte nu conteaza bani la mine doar sufletul sa fie curat si sa fie intekegator
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