Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
las la apecierea ta :-*:-*:-*:-*:-* Te rog NU trimite measaj daca locuiesti in Romania sau esti in USA fara acte. Multumesc! Attractive, romantic, no kids, outgoing, honest, low maintenance looking for similar for dancing, fun walking, boating, movies and all life can offer. simpatic
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
I am very charming and cheerful person and I think that everything that is happening in this life is for the better because you never know where you can find something and where you will lose, do you agree with me? I am very calm and peaceful woman and I think that my heart is full of such big love which I want to share with my loving person and because of this I am also very kind and sweet lady. I don't give up in hard moments and I think that every day is full of different surprises and we need to be ready for them if we want to be happy and if someone calls me a lucky woman, I know that I am hardworking person and everything what I have I got it putting efforts and my desire in it!
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
ok... Sunt o poveste de viata a unui om obisnuit, dar care incearca sa faca din nimicurile vietii, ceva elegant Imi plac lucrurile simple si ma bucur de viata. Nu sunt impecabila si nici nu vreau! As vrea sa fiu inteleasa si acceptata asa cum sunt. Nu privesc in urma, nu visez viitorul....sunt atenta la prezent caci totul se afla mereu aici si acum. Nu exista viata perfecta, dar exista ocazii perfecte, si fiecare clipa are muzica ei, clipa care nu se mai intoarce z viitorul...traiesc in prezent, caci totul este aici si acum .Nu exista viata perfecta, dar exista clipe perfecte, care nu se mai intorc Nu imi sta in caracter sa ma laud ... anyway ... lumea spune ca arat bine!!!
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
sunt o fata de treaba .... I'm a sexy, charming, outgoing, lovely, sensitive, cheerful and caring lady. All my friends and families consider me a kind person. I believe you can feel the warm from my eyes. I try to live healthy and optimistic. I always dream to be with my prince live together,share our experience and daily news,we hand in hand,we laugh and we look at each other with deep love.I desire for that eyes.What a wonderful picture when the lovers stay together. I hope that day will come to me sooner. arat bine sunt deschisa la indiferent ce fel de provocare....
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
Greetings from me. I am Juvita by name, and I'm here to look for friends with the aim of finding a good man.I hope you are nice and potential ... well If you are interested , we can keep in touch and get to know each other better .
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
I would also like to find a like-minded male,open minded as well as down to earth who likes to enjoy life to the fullest,where we can participate in activities together and encourage each other to pursue their interests as well cine stie cunoaste ;)........ ...persoane cu care sa poti conversa...
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
Sunt sensibila dar in acelasi timp si foarte dura.
In rest mai vorbim si ne cunoastem.Nu? Well what can I say, I\'m just a woman who loves to just relax and enjoy life. I love to laugh and just enjoy goodtimes.I don\'t do drama or negativity. Living life to the fullest is a new habit that I\'m trying to develope and continue to maintain. Life is to short to think about what you should\'ve done in the past.It\'s all about focusing on your future and letting go of your past!! I am an ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Sorority Woman My favorite music:Smooth, romantic R&B, Soul music Heather Headley, Tamia, Jennifer Hudson, Vivian Green, Chrisette Michele, Angie Stone, Anthony Hamilton, and Sunshine Anderson. Favorite TV shows:Cold Case Files, Exceptional Victim Unit, Sex in the City, People\'s Court, Judge Mathis, and 48 Hours Mystery My favorite movies:Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Waiting to Exhale (greatest movie) Este suficient sa spun SEXY
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
Simpla...asta sunt eu cu calitati si defecte... Sunt o femeie intensa Èai am trei copii care este totul pt mine ei à mi sunt bogăÈaia pe aceasta lume . Eu sunt o prietena familista Èai iubitoare sunt alături de pers pe care o iubesc la bine Èai rău chiar de circumstanÈae nu renunÈa cind aproapele meu este intro situaÈaie grea sunt o luptătoare Èai à i sunt alături indiferent de cauza. Și aÈaa à mi doresc un mascul dominant nu neapărat fizic ci moral sa à mi fie aproape indiferent de problemele care near à nconjura Èai la bn Èai la greu atunci eÈati o fam à ngheaÈaă la bine Èai rău Èai sa mă protejeze sa mă iubească Èai pe mine Èai copii mei sa ne fie alături . las la apreciare...nu este frumos ce e frumos...este frumos ceea ce iti place... Comunicare,prietenie poate ceva mai mult cine stie?
Femeie, 25, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
deschisa si atenta la detalii, stiu sa ma distrez si nu pierd prea mult timp:d Sunt o femeie normala, locuiesc in Spania de 22 de ani, destul de serioasa, sincera, fidela, generoasa, romantica, muncitoare . Restul te las pe tine sa descoperi, daca esti interesat sa ma cunosti. Caut un barbat serios, fidel, vesel, care stie ce vrea de la viata, romantic, sa-i placa sa calatoreasca. Trebuie numai sa vrei sa iubesti si sa fi iubit. nu sunt inalta dar pentru inaltimea mea arat bine
Femeie, 24, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
cum ma vedetzi... I\'m a caring, fun loving young woman who is looking for a diplomatic, handsome and loving man. I have a lot to offer in a relationship. I am very laid back, down to earth and easy going person, understanding, loving, caring , honest and kind.I am simple and I don\'t mind if my match is desavarsit or not. i like nature, swimming and also listen to music., I like traveling. vedem noi
Femeie, 25, Casatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
O PERSOANA FOARTE NORMALA,CU BUN SIMT,EDUCATA Sunt o doamna destul de simpatica, fidela, de incredere, cinstita si comunicativa, sunt o persoana ambitioasa si uimitoare care poate fi descrisa ca perfectionista .. Sunt extraordinar optimista cu un simt al umorului. PLACUT COMUNICARE,PRIETENIE,SOCIALIZARE.CEI CARE NU-SI VOR ASTA SA SE ABTINA,VA ROG!GANDITI!
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
I am independent woman. I am a very friendly person and neat. I am multitasking and I like discipline and order in everything. I have my own business, that means that I can easily manage my schedule to do anything that I want to do. I enjoy my spare time visiting new places. I have been in other countries; since I have the access and the visas to visit any place, I have decided to make the effort to go look for the right man for me.. is it You?
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
Sunt o persoana educata discreta si dornica de a cunoaste marea iubire Sunt o fata simpla si sincera si imi plac lucrurile mai simple mai modeste. Sunt serioasa si de casa rar cand mai caut si eu o escapada ca sa uit de complicatii de munca si sa ma relaxez fiind ca fac si studii in acelasi timp. De fumat fumez zilnic dar de baut pot sa zic ca beau doar ocazional asta nu insemna ca sunt bautoare inraita. Caut pe cineva serios de casa si sa fie in Franta. Rog persoanele care cauta aventuri sa se abtina. Placut un mascul educat si asumat
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
Ambitioasa,incapatanata,ador surprizele si tot odata sa le ofer...imi plac riscurile ...imi plac ranile provocate de altiii..pt ca ma fac nebuna si indiferenta....si simultan ma maturiseaza. Printre atatea zine de pe site, eu sunt o scorpie..rea,urata,lenesa...ma si intreb ce caut aici...sa stric ambientul.Daca nu ai simtul umorului,nu-ti pierde timpul cu mine. Am inteles ca Fat-Frumos e luat,dar Zmeul...Zmeul unde e? complicat de simpla,copilaros de matura, amuzant de serioasa, reflexiva si cu o personalitate destul de puternica...ce caut? sa fac prostii si sa scap neprinsa...intr-un cuvint "o caut"...uneori chiar si cu luminarea...problema e ca intatdeauna trebuie sa explice. caut persoana potrivita si compatibila ,caut iubire si afectiune as dori ca persoana gasita sa fie nebuna,rebela ,zapacita ,imprevizibila..... sa ma surprinda in fiecare clipa cu ceva nou.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
ca sa ma cunoastetzi tre sa treceti "vama"...:P:P I like fishing and camping watching movies and sport's go out for walks in the woods or park an if we had Beach's around here i love to watch the sun go down with my partner besides me hugging and holding each other in our arms
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
poi va las pe voi sa ma cunosteti mai bne:P Ai incredere ca esti acolo unde e locul tau, unde e necesitate de tine. Nu uita de posibilitatile infinite care se nasc din credinta in tine si in ceilalti. Te-ai saturat de lipsa banilor? Inca mai platesti datorii si rate? Acum poti sa sacapi iute de toate problemele cu banii si sa-ti asiguri cu adevarat stabilitate financiara. E adevarat,nu peste noapte,caci asta e posibil doar daca jefuiesti vre-o banca,ceea ce nu-ti recomand,ci prin munca cinstita de promovare,comform planului de marketing. In cazul in care mai ai neclaritati sau intrebari ce nu le-ai gasit raspuns aici ori in site,astept mesajul .... Nimik distinct
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
o sa descoperiti voi Sunt o persoana singura ( vaduva) linistita ,imi place sa ma ocup de gradina mea ,sa privesc la TV sa merg la cumparaturi .Imi ocup momentul cu confectionarea de obiecte din materiale reciclabile. placut,foarte satisfacator un mascul frumos,cu bani si care stie sa se poarte cu femeile
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
"mandra care-i faina tare t inseala pana moare..."si unde mai punem ca am ochii verzi..."p mandra cu ochii verzi niciodata s nu o crezi..."....sunt asa cum sunt... eu sa vorbesc despre mine insami?glumiti..stiu ca noi muritorii ne pierdem deseori in propria reflexie si uitam deseori de spirit,deci.;nu ma contactati scriind tot felul de banalitati;totusi ,accept un dialog decent! nu ma consider o persoana frumoasa,nici nu sunt!!sunt asa cum trebuie....uneori urata,alteori frumoasa...!!ok.....cum arat??chiar conteaza???ma rog...pai sunt brunete,ochii verzi,1,70......si simpatika,asa mi s-a spus...... caut un mascul care s nu fie nesimtit,pervers,ipocrit,infidel.....adik s nu
aiba "calitatile"barbatului "modern" din ziua d azi...cine nu s indentifica s nu ma contacteze...
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
dragutza....doar u potzi decide daca e asa cum spun eu First,I do not smoke,nor drink,never taken drugs in my life.I am very easy going.I have no kids.I like to do just about any thing that makes me happy.I am the kind of girl that is 100% real on all levels.I do not have time for games in the honor of love,feeling good and being happy.I have a college Degree,I do not stress nor argue with a man.I have very strong passion for a man and a lover to the bone of my soul.I believe in our GOD.I do not pass judgement on any body nor do i live in the pass that is not good in a relationship.I keep a clean house,I cook,hunt,fish,dance and enjoy happiness.I am seeking a man that is 100% honest,don't lie,.I do not cheat I am a one woman man to the end. cat de cat am sa imi fac prietenii si cine stie....
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
nebunica,cu simtu umorului,in cautare de nou. I am down to earth and easy going. I know and believe that a relationship is a work in progress with constant feeding of love and care to keep it alive. I am good looking passionate lady exciting bubbly energetic playful and very youthful. Love to cuddle and watch a movie watching sunsets. I love music from classical instrumental classic rock I like reading playing gospel and fishing. I love to bike work out at the gym not a fitness buff but I make an effort to keep fit on line dating has brought forth all kinds of people for different reasons and mine is solely to find a partner in life. I don't look at past mistakes as failures they are experiences in life that made me the woman I am today. Strong and confident. Laughter and smiles are a great remedy in life. Great outlook on life positive attitude and a great sense of humor goes far. I'm looking for... Someone particular who will make my heart pity patter to build something beautiful and everlasting. Someone to share interests and that is pleasing to talk to either deep or casual. Someone who has a great sense of humor playful can let their hair down once in a while and productive in life. All in all someone who has his head on straight and knows how to treat a lady like a lady. cred k placut... un barbat dragut cu ochi albastri si brunet...
Femeie, 32, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
cum ma vezi....!!! Sant o persoana cu bun simt si respect si foarte romantica . Fiintele fara foto si care vor aventuri exclus. Ador natura.,excursile....drumetiile ... Sa cunosc locuri noi.... Sunt usor de gasit..... in alta parte.... acelasi nume..... foarte satisfacator sa imi fac prietenii
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
Sunt buna, prietenoasa. nU sunt egoista si suparacioasa Soy Divorciada, tengo 1 hijo, me gusta hacer amistades y con el tiempo lo que surja, No me gusta que me contacten si solo es por tener sexo...o relación de un ratito ..Si esta es su intención le pido por favor NO me contacté Gracias.... Sunt sexy, dragutza si numeroase ale calitati caut un baiat dragutz bun si prietenos cu care sa nu ma plictisesc
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
noncomformista...imi place sa traiesc viata la mare romantica, sociabila, placuta, comunicativa... rog fiintele tinere sa se abtina de la a ma contacta! Imi vor o persoana matura, sensibila, independenta financiar, cu studii pentru o prietenie eleganta si adevarata! Buna rau....asa zic majoritatea caut un mascul sa ma satisfaca,sa imi acorde toata atentia cuvenita!
Femeie, 35, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
ma descoperi I am Ruth by name, I am easy going lady never been married, Am very humble, trustworthy faithful and honest looking for the right man of my life in which we are going to spend all the rest of our life together in peace.. I hope to find the right one on here buna si mai buna mai vedem dupa o discutie
Femeie, 29, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
eu sunt eu,o fire deschisa,nonconformista I love life, and I love every ocazie of my existence! There are lots of wonderful things to enjoy, but the main of them is of course love! I adore sports, dancing, music, I am creative and active in everything I do, and I want everything or nothing! I am also an incurable optimist. ;-))))))))))))))))))))) I like to look attractive, and appreciate this in other people, it has nothing to do with dressing fashionably a sensual and attractive looks comes from inside. It is sparkle in the eyes, smile on lips, and many other thingsa. nu zic nimic
Femeie, 23, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
sunt o persoana dinamica,incapatanata,intelegatoare,iubitoare...........foarte dificila Coucou, je suis Maria 30 ans de Comines, en France, je suis une femme simple sympas, et cool, je suis aussi prévoyante et sure de moi, je suis dans la solitude depuis maintenant 3 ans, veuve, je suis seule et malgré toutes mes tentatives de trouvé un homme bien pour une vie deux mais hélas, jaespère de tous cœur qu'ici je trouvais un homme sincère, honnête, simple ... Merci placut;) caut baietii pt prietenie.......
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
placuta Nu o sa ma descriu pe mine...o sa spun ce imi doresc... Un om deosebit, simplu. Nu modestia il aseamana mereu, ci simplitatea de a fi diferit: de a sari mereu in ajutorul altora mai nefericiti decat el, de a avea o educatie aleasa si a respecta pe ceilalti in orisice conditii, de a straluci intelectual, de a dovedi caracter si, nu in ultimul rand, de a fi om. Cam la asta se rezuma simplitatea astazi: omenie. Si, pentru ca este din ce in ce mai rara, a ajuns deosebita. Multiple fiinte, putini oameni.. satisfacator distractie
Femeie, 31, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
Iam a beloved, careful, loving woman. My man can always lean on me and my support as in sad as in joyful minute.I am very communicative, easy-going, optimistic woman who likes this life. I am active person, I lead healthy life style, I think I am kind, honest, sincere, tender and caring. I value friendship, love and mutual trust.
Femeie, 34, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
sociabila...comunicativa sunt o persoana naturala care invata din greselile proprii dar si din greselile altora , traiesc prezentul,trecutul este istorie iar viitorul mister,,,,, barbatii casatoriti nu sunt bineveniti in viata mea
Femeie, 28, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
Sunt o iubita care cauta casatorie .imi place distractia si munca aCu cat oamenii imbatranesc, cu atat spiritul lor devine mai suplu, mai cald, dobandind o silueta mai organica. S-ar zice aproape ca pentru spirit, timpul este o marime a intineririi.a Lucian Blaga Sunt inalta si,frumoasa Un mascul muncitor,cu o situatie financiara buna cu masina si cu simtul umorului
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
...pietenie.. Everything in life is temporary. So if things are going good, enjoy it because it wonat last forever. And if things are going bad, donat worry. It canat last forever either. ...cei fara chip care va ascundeti de voi insiva...nici la dialog nu ma apelati...e pierdere de vreme...
Femeie, 27, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
I am a good,honest and loyal trustworthy woman,seeking some who is not afraid to express his feelings and still believe that promises are made to be kept.. I'm looking for someone who feels the same way I do, and I believes that a man should only be as good as his word.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
It is better to meet me one time, than to read about me thousands times! You will understand it when we meet, but for now I must say something about me. So, I am a friendly, cheerful, purposeful girl, who always tries to move ahead and become better. I always help people and never hurt them. I like to set goals and reach them. I am fond of music very much. Also I like to attract attention of my beloved man and I am looking for this man so desperately. Are you the one I need?
Femeie, 26, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
sunt de nedescris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im a Mexican girl living in Romania. Im an Spanish an English teacher and I love to meet new people. If you want to contact me, you have to do it in English or Spanish... (sorry)... Im not looking for someone by "money" interest, but with a medium-high cultural level ;) Thank you!
Femeie, 38, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
I'm an honest down to earth type of girl who will do anything for my family and friends. I enjoy traveling and meeting new people. I love going home to my family's farm and enjoy spending quality time with them. I work in the health care industry so that means working crazy hours, I love my job. Not sure what else to put here so feel free to ask me anything.
Femeie, 30, Necasatorit(a)
Baia de Arama, Mehedinti Romania
Placuta, linistita, umpluta de viata, pasionala. Imi place sa calatoresc, sa merg la spectacole si concerte, sa dansez, sa ma plimb in aer liber(parc, plaja... etc) Imi place sa rasfat omul de alaturi mine, iubitului corespunzator nu i-ar lipsi curatenia, mancarea buna, atentia mea. Imi place linistea si intelegerea, urasc certurile si agitatia.